The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Magazine Issue: Page 140
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Wonder Story Annual (about)
(Pub. Info.)- ___ v1 #1, 1950 (25¢, 196pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #2, 1951 (25¢, 164pp, pulp, cover by Rudolph Belarski) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #3, 1952 (25¢, 164pp, pulp, cover by Alex Schomburg) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #1, 1953 (25¢, 164pp, pulp, cover by Emsh) (Contents)
Wonders of the Spaceways (about)
(Pub. Info.)- ___ (#1) (1951) (1/6d, 128pp+, pb, cover by Gerald Facey) (Contents)
- ___ #2 (1952) (1/6d, 96pp+, pb, cover by Gerald Facey) (Contents)
- ___ #3 (1952) (1/6d, 112pp+, pb, cover by Ron Turner) (Contents)
- ___ #4 (1952) (1/6d, 118pp, pb, cover by Gordon C. Davies) (Contents)
- ___ #5 (1952) (1/6d, 112pp+, pb, cover by Gordon C. Davies) (Contents)
- ___ #6 (1953) (1/6d, 112pp+, pb, cover by Norman Light) (Contents)
- ___ #7 (1953) (1/6d, 134pp, pb, cover by Norman Light) (Contents)
- ___ #8 (1953) (1/6d, 134pp, pb, cover by Ray Theobald) (Contents)
- ___ #9 (1954) (1/6d, 134pp, pb, cover by Ray Theobald) (Contents)
- ___ #10 (1954) (1/6d, 134pp, pb, cover by Ray Theobald) (Contents)
Works (about)
Small press speculative fiction magazine.
(Pub. Info.)- ___ #1, Summer 1988 (£1.25, 52pp, A5) (Contents)
- ___ #2, Autumn 1988 (£1.25, 52pp, A5, cover by C. Lipart) (Contents)
- ___ #3, Winter 1988 (£1.25, 52pp, A5, cover by Steve Walker) (Contents)
- ___ #4, Summer 1989 (£1.25, 52pp, A5) (Contents)
- ___ #5, 1989 (£1.25, 52pp, A5, cover by Andy Watkins) (Contents)
- ___ #6, 1989 (£1.25, 52pp, A5, cover by Alan Hunter) (Contents)
- ___ #7, 1990 (£1.60, 52pp, A5, cover by Kevin Cullen) (Contents)
- ___ #8, 1992 (Dave W. Hughes, £1.60, 52pp, A5, cover by Kevin Cullen) (Contents)
- ___ #9, 1993 (Dave W. Hughes, £2.00, 38pp, A4, cover by Kev Cullen) (Contents)
- ___ #10, 1995 (Dave W. Hughes, £2.00, 39pp, A4, cover by Jay Hurst) (Contents)
World of Horror (about)
World of Horror was a British horror magazine, mostly concerned with horror films but occasionally dipping into horror fiction. They ran a couple of stories per issue and, for a couple of issues, also ran true-life adventures (reprinted from elsewhere, I suspect).
The first issue had “bimonthly” emblazoned on the cover but was undated; from issue 2 it was “monthly”, although the editorial indicated that there was a gap in the run between issues 3 and 4 due to industrial action. I’ve tried to nail down dates based on adverts but the issue could have come out one month either way, so treat with caution.
The listed publisher was Gresham Publishing Group, 344/360 South Lambeth Road, London S.W.8; from issue 2 this became Dallruth Publishing Group, 344 South Lambeth Road, Stockwell, London S.W.8.
No editorial staff were listed in the first issue, although I suspect the first was probably the same crew who were listed in issue 2 which informs us that Gent Shaw was editor and Lee Kennedy was associate editor. The editorial chair was taken over by Boadicea K. Bathory from issue 8. I’ve got a feeling that both Gent Shaw and Boadicea K. Bathory were pseudonyms.
A number of other magazines were advertised from the same stable: Issue 1 had an advert for New Occult, “the only monthly journal to deal seriously with all aspects of the occult,” which also “includes two gripping tales of the supernatural”. The second issue advertises two other magazines: Witchcraft and Mystic, both on sale monthly and both, possibly, also containing fiction.
All the articles were anonymous. The following listing covers the fiction only (and the two “true” stories which were probably also fiction).
- ___ #1, nd (Aug 1974) (25p, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #2, nd (Oct 1974) (30p, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #3, nd (Nov 1974) (30p, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #4, nd (Feb 1975) (30p, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #5, nd (Mar 1975) (30p, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #6, nd (Apr 1975) (30p, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #7, nd (May 1975) (30p, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #8, nd (Jun 1975) (30p, 50pp) (Contents)
- ___ #9, nd (Jul 1975) (30p, 50pp) (Contents)
Worlds Beyond (about)
(Pub. Info.)- ___ v1 #1, December 1950 (25¢, 128pp+, digest, cover by Paul Callé) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #2, January 1951 (25¢, 128pp+, digest, cover by Van Dongen) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #3, February 1951 (25¢, 128pp+, digest, cover by Van Dongen) (Contents)
Worlds of Fantasy (1950) (about)
(Pub. Info.)- ___ #1 (1950) (1/6d, 128pp+, pb, cover by Facey) (Contents)
- ___ #2 (1950) (1/6d, 128pp+, pb, cover by Facey) (Contents)
- ___ #3 (1950) (1/6d, 128pp+, pb, cover by Facey) (Contents)
- ___ #4 (1951) (1/6d, 100pp, pb, cover by Facey) (Contents)
- ___ #5 (1952) (1/6d, 112pp+, pb, cover by Facey) (Contents)
- ___ #6 (1952) (1/6d, 112pp+, pb, cover by Norman Light) (Contents)
- ___ #7 (1952) (1/6d, 112pp+, pb, cover by Ron Turner) (Contents)
- ___ #8 (1953) (1/6d, 112pp+, pb, cover by Norman Light) (Contents)
- ___ #9, (April 1953) (1/6d, 116pp, pb, cover by Norman Light) (Contents)
- ___ #10 (1953) (1/6d, 116pp, pb, cover by Gordon C. Davies) (Contents)
- ___ #11 (1953) (1/6d, 116pp, pb, cover by Ray Theobald) (Contents)
- ___ #12 (1954) (1/6d, 132pp, pb, cover by Ron Embleton) (Contents)
- ___ #13 (1954) (1/6d, 132pp, pb, cover by Gordon C. Davies) (Contents)
- ___ #14 (1954) (1/6d, 132pp, pb, cover by Ray Theobald) (Contents)
Worlds of Fantasy (1968) (about)
(Pub. Info.)- ___ v1 #1, 1968 (60¢, 132pp, digest, cover by Jack Gaughan) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #2, 1970 (75¢, 192pp+, digest, cover by Gaughan) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #3, Winter 1970-1971 (75¢, 192pp+, digest, cover by Gaughan) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #4, Spring 1971 (75¢, 192pp+, digest, cover by Gaughan) (Contents)
Worlds of Strangeness (about)
- ___ #1, (November) 2016 (£5.00, 74pp, A5) (Contents)
- ___ #2, (October) 2017 (£5.00, 74pp, A5) (Contents)
- ___ #3, (April) 2019 (£5.00, 68pp, A5) (Contents)
- ___ #4, Spring/Summer 2021 ($6.87, 68pp, digest) (Contents)
Worlds of the Unknown (about)
- ___ #1, 2015 (Spectre Press, £10.00, 158pp, tp, cover by Jim Pitts) (Contents)
- ___ #2, 2015 (Spectre Press, £10.00, 154pp, tp, cover by Bob Covington) (Contents)
- ___ #3, 2016 (Spectre Press, 166pp, cover by Fergal T. Fitzpatrick) (Contents)
- ___ #4, 2016 (Spectre Press) (Contents) (Incomplete)
- ___ #5, 2017 (Spectre Press) (Contents) (Incomplete)
Worlds of Tomorrow (about)
Suspended from 1967 to 1970, during which time it was “incorporated” into If.
(Pub. Info.)- ___ v1 #1, April 1963 (50¢, 164pp, digest, cover by Pederson) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #2, June 1963 (50¢, 164pp, digest, cover by John Giunta) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #3, August 1963 (50¢, 164pp, digest, cover by Dember) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #4, October 1963 (50¢, 164pp, digest, cover by Virgil Finlay) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #5, December 1963 (50¢, 164pp, digest, cover by Bruno) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #6, February 1964 (50¢, 164pp, digest, cover by R. McKenna) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #1, April 1964 (50¢, 164pp, digest, cover by Wenzel) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #2, June 1964 (50¢, 164pp, digest, cover by Gray Morrow) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #3, August 1964 (50¢, 164pp, digest, cover by Gray Morrow) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #4, #10, November 1964 (50¢, 164pp, digest, cover by George Schelling) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #5, #11, January 1965 (50¢, 164pp, digest, cover by Schelling) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #6, #12, March 1965 (50¢, 162pp, digest, cover by George Schelling) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #1, #13, May 1965 (50¢, 164pp, digest, cover by Schelling) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #2, #14, July 1965 (50¢, 164pp, digest, cover by John Pederson, Jr.) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #3, #15, September 1965 (50¢, 164pp, digest, cover by George Schelling) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #4, #16, November 1965 (50¢, 164pp, digest, cover by Virgil Finlay) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #5, #17, January 1966 (50¢, 164pp, digest, cover by McLane) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #6, #18, March 1966 (50¢, 164pp, digest, cover by Gray Morrow) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #7, #19, May 1966 (50¢, 164pp, digest, cover by Gray Morrow) (Contents)
- ___ #20, v4 #1, August 1966 (50¢, 164pp, digest, cover by Wenzel) (Contents)
- ___ v4 #2, #21, November 1966 (50¢, 164pp, digest, cover by Dember) (Contents)
- ___ v4 #3, #22, February 1967 (50¢, 164pp, digest, cover by Gray Morrow) (Contents)
- ___ v4 #4, #23, May 1967 (50¢, 164pp, digest, cover by Douglas Chaffee) (Contents)
- ___ v5 #1, #24, 1970 (60¢, 160pp+, digest, cover by Gaughan) (Contents)
- ___ v5 #2, #25, Winter 1970 (75¢, 192pp+, digest, cover by Gaughan) (Contents)
- ___ v5 #3, #26, Spring 1971 (75¢, 192pp+, digest, cover by Gaughan) (Contents)
Worlds of Tomorrow (UK) (about)
British reprint edition of Worlds of Tomorrow.
- ___ v4 #1, #20, Spring 1967 (3/6d, 164pp, digest, cover by George Wenzel) (Contents)
- ___ v4 #2, #21, Summer 1967 (3/6d, 164pp, digest, cover by Dember) (Contents)
- ___ v4 #3, #22, Autumn 1967 (3/6d, 164pp, digest, cover by Gray Morrow) (Contents)
- ___ Winter 1967 (3/6d, 164pp, digest, cover by Douglas Chaffee) (Contents)
Write Ahead the Future Looms (about)
- ___ v1, January/February 2019 (Write Ahead Ltd., £3.00, 48pp, ebook) (Contents)
- ___ v2, March/April 2019 (Write Ahead Ltd., £3.00, 42pp, ebook, cover by Ariel Zuckerbrull) (Contents)
- ___ v3, May/June 2019 (Write Ahead Ltd., £3.00, 48pp, ebook, cover by Tais Teng) (Contents)
- ___ v4, July/August 2019 (Write Ahead Ltd., £3.00, 48pp, ebook, cover by Sergio Seabra) (Contents)
- ___ v5, September/October 2019 (Write Ahead Ltd., £3.00, 48pp, ebook, cover by Tais Teng) (Contents)
- ___ v6, November/December 2019 (Write Ahead Ltd., £3.00, ebook, cover by Tais Teng) (Contents)
- ___ v7, January/February 2020 (Write Ahead Ltd., £3.00, ebook, cover by Tithi Luadthong) (Contents)
- ___ v8, March/April 2020 (Write Ahead Ltd., £3.00, ebook, cover by Michail Mamaschew) (Contents)
- ___ v9, May/June 2020 (Write Ahead Ltd., £3.00, ebook, cover by Hiro Hideki) (Contents)
- ___ v10, July/August 2020 (Write Ahead Ltd., £3.00, ebook, cover by Jukka Nieminen) (Contents)
- ___ v11, September/October 2020 (Write Ahead Ltd., £3.00, ebook, cover by Tithi Luadthong) (Contents)
- ___ v12, November/December 2020 (Write Ahead Ltd., £3.00, ebook, cover by Agustina Camilion) (Contents)
- ___ v13, January/February 2021 (Write Ahead Ltd., £3.00, ebook, cover by Tithi Luadthong) (Contents)
- ___ v14, March/April 2021 (Write Ahead Ltd., £3.00, 48pp, ebook, cover by Grandeduc) (Contents)
- ___ v15, May/June 2021 (Write Ahead Ltd., £3.00, 48pp, ebook, cover by Tithi Luadthong) (Contents)
- ___ v16, July/August 2021 (Write Ahead Ltd., £3.00, 48pp, ebook, cover by Tithi Luadthong) (Contents)
: The Future Looms 2019 ed. Henry Charles Gysin & Stanley Hendren, Write Ahead Ltd., 2020
Wyldblood Magazine (about)
- ___ #1, February/March 2021 (Wyldblood Press, £5.99, 84pp, 7″ x 10″) (Contents)
- ___ #2, April/May 2021 (Wyldblood Press, £5.99, 84pp, 7″ x 10″) (Contents)
- ___ #3, June/July 2021 (Wyldblood Press, £5.99, 84pp, 7″ x 10″) (Contents)
- ___ #4, August/September 2021 (Wyldblood Press, £5.99, 84pp, 7″ x 10″) (Contents)
- ___ #5, October/November 2021 (Wyldblood Press, £5.99, 84pp, 7″ x 10″) (Contents)
- ___ #6, December 2021/January 2022 (Wyldblood Press, £5.99, 83pp, 7″ x 10″) (Contents)
- ___ #7, Winter 2022 (Wyldblood Press, £6.99, 87pp, 7″ x 10″) (Contents)
- ___ #8, Spring 2022 (Wyldblood Press, £6.99, 83pp, 7″ x 10″) (Contents)
- ___ #9, Summer 2022 (Wyldblood Press, £7.00, 83pp, 7″ x 10″) (Contents)
- ___ #10, Autumn 2022 (Wyldblood Press, £7.00, 83pp, 7″ x 10″) (Contents)
- ___ #11, Winter 2023 (Wyldblood Press, £7.00, 87pp, 7″ x 10″) (Contents)
- ___ #12, Spring 2023 (Wyldblood Press, £7.50, 87pp, 7″ x 10″) (Contents)
- ___ #13, Summer 2023 (Wyldblood Press, £7.50, 83pp, 7″ x 10″) (Contents)
- ___ #14, Autumn 2023 (Wyldblood Press, £7.50, 83pp, 7″ x 10″) (Contents)
- ___ #15, Spring 2024 (Wyldblood Press, £7.50, 79pp, 7″ x 10″) (Contents)
- ___ #16, January 2025 (Wyldblood Press, £7.50, 79pp, 7″ x 10″) (Contents)
: Best of Wyldblood: Volume One ed. Mark Bilsborough, Wyldblood Press, 2022
Wyrd (about)
Fanzine. See also Toadstool Wine.
(Pub. Info.)- ___ #1, June 1973 (60¢, 32pp, quarto e/s, cover by Jim Erskine) (Contents)
- ___ #2, Fall 1973 (60¢, 44pp, 7″ x 8½″ s/s, cover by Jim Erskine) (Contents)
- ___ #3, Spring 1974 (7″ x 8½″ s/s, cover by Steve Swenston) (Contents)
- ___ (#4, 1975) (75¢, 40pp+, 7″ x 8½″ s/s, cover by Steve Oliff) (Contents)
- ___ #5, 1975 (75¢, 40pp+, large e/s, cover by Gene Day) (Contents)
- ___ #6, Winter 1976/77 ($2.50, 92pp+, 7″ x 8½″ s/s, cover by Tom Clark) (Contents)
- ___ #7, Fall 1977 ($2.50, 7″ x 8¼″ s/s, cover by Bremman Bach) (Contents)
- ___ #8, 1980 (cover by Duane Adams) (Contents)
Xizquil (about)
(Pub. Info.)- ___ #1, January 1990 ($3.50, 60pp, octavo, cover by Ron Leming) (Contents)
- ___ #2, June 1990 ($3.50, 60pp, octavo, cover by Ron Leming) (Contents)
- ___ #3, November 1990 ($3.50, 60pp, octavo, cover by Lone Wolf Circles) (Contents)
- ___ #4, April 1991 (Arenas Valley, NM, $3.50, 58pp+, octavo, cover by Marge Simon) (Contents)
- ___ #5, September 1991 (Reserve, NM, $3.50, 58pp+, octavo, cover by Marge Simon) (Contents)
- ___ #6, February 1992 (Reserve, NM, $3.50, 58pp+, octavo, cover by Debra Ostrokolowicz) (Contents)
- ___ #7, July 1992 (Reserve, NM, $3.50, 58pp+, octavo, cover by Marge Simon) (Contents)
- ___ #8, December 1992 (Reserve, NM, $3.50, 58pp+, octavo, cover by S. C. Virtes) (Contents)
- ___ #9, May 1993 (Reserve, NM, $3.50, 62pp+, octavo, cover by Summer Breeze) (Contents)
- ___ #10, October 1993 (Reserve, NM, $3.50, 58pp+, octavo, cover by Marge Simon) (Contents)
- ___ #11, March 1994 (Reserve, NM, $3.50, 58pp+, octavo, cover by Debra Ostrokolowicz) (Contents)
- ___ #12, August 1994 (Reserve, NM, $3.50, 58pp+, octavo, cover by Karen Christensen) (Contents)
- ___ #13, 1995 (Blue, AZ, $7.00, 128pp+, octavo, cover by Summer Breeze) (Contents)
- ___ #14, November 1995 (Blue, AZ, $3.50, 56pp+, octavo, cover by Kevin D. Duncan) (Contents)
- ___ #15, 1996 (Blue, AZ, $4.00, 64pp+, octavo, cover by Andy Tubbesing) (Contents)
- ___ #16, 1997 (Blue, AZ, $4.00, 64pp+, octavo, cover by Margaret B. Simon) (Contents)
Xnoybis (about)
- ___ #1, Summer 2015 (Dunhams Manor Press, $8.00, 140pp, cover by Jordan Krall) (Contents)
- ___ #2, Winter 2015 (Dunhams Manor Press, $8.00) (Contents)
- ___ #3, Spring 2017 (Dunhams Manor Press, $8.00, 50pp) (Contents)
- ___ #0, October 2017 (Dunhams Manor Press, $20.00, 58pp) (Contents)
XOddity (about)
(Pub. Info.)- ___ v1, #1, January 1998 (Scotsman Publishing, $3.00, 40pp+, octavo) (Contents)
- ___ v1, #2, March 1998 (Scotsman Publishing, $3.00, 48pp+, octavo) (Contents)
- ___ v1, #3, May 1998 (Scotsman Publishing, $3.00, 44pp+, octavo) (Contents)
- ___ v1, #4, July 1998 (Scotsman Publishing, $3.00, 56pp+, octavo) (Contents)
Yankee Shorts: (about)
The first series was published from 1940 to 1942, numbered sequentially, but with each individual issue carrying the name of an individual magazine. The series mixed reprints with original stories probably depending on how much space there was left in each issue.
The second series, published in 1943/1944, were digest-sized and were explicitly labelled Yankee Shorts as well as a separate title such as Romance Shorts and Western Shorts and a number. In this series, however, the issues were numbered as sequels to the equivalent title in the first series. whether these numbers represented a second generic series, or if each was numbered as a sequel to the first series.
Yankee Shorts (first series)
(Pub. Info.)- ___ #1, Yankee Romance Shorts (November 1940) (Gerald G. Swan, 10¢, 32pp, 6.75″ x 9.5″) (Contents)
- ___ #2, Yankee Mystery Shorts (November 1940) (10¢, 32pp+, 6.75″ x 9.5″) (Contents)
- ___ #3, Yankee Science Fiction (November 1940) (3d, 32pp+, 6.75″ x 9.5″) (Contents)
- ___ #4, Yankee Romance Shorts (November 1940) (Contents)
- ___ #5, Yankee Mystery Shorts (January 1941) (Gerald G. Swan, 10¢, 32pp, 6.75″ x 9.5″) (Contents)
- ___ #6, Yankee Weird Shorts (January 1941) (10¢, 32pp+, 6.75″ x 9.5″) (Contents)
- ___ #7, Yankee Western Shorts (January 1941) (Gerald G. Swan, 10¢, 32pp, 6.75″ x 9.5″) (Contents)
- ___ #8, Yankee Gang Shorts (January 1941) (Gerald G. Swan, 10¢, 32pp, 6.75″ x 9.5″) (Contents)
- ___ #9, Yankee Love Shorts (January 1941) (Gerald G. Swan, 10¢, 32pp, 6.75″ x 9.5″) (Contents)
- ___ #10, Yankee Air Action (April 1941) (Gerald G. Swan, 10¢, 32pp, 6.75″ x 9.5″) (Contents)
- ___ #11, Yankee Science Fiction (April 1941) (10¢, 32pp+, 6.75″ x 9.5″) (Contents)
- ___ #12, Yankee Romance Shorts (April 1941) (Gerald G. Swan, 10¢, 32pp, 6.75″ x 9.5″) (Contents)
- ___ #13, Yankee Gang Shorts (April 1941) (Gerald G. Swan, 10¢, 32pp, 6.75″ x 9.5″) (Contents)
- ___ #14, Yankee Weird Shorts (July 1941) (10¢, 32pp+, 6.75″ x 9.5″) (Contents)
- ___ #15, Yankee Romance Shorts (July 1941) (Gerald G. Swan, 10¢, 32pp, 6.75″ x 9.5″) (Contents)
- ___ #16, Yankee Air Action (July 1941) (Gerald G. Swan, 10¢, 32pp, 6.75″ x 9.5″) (Contents)
- ___ #17, Yankee Western Shorts (July 1941) (Gerald G. Swan, 10¢, 32pp, 6.75″ x 9.5″) (Contents)
- ___ #18, Yankee Romance Shorts (April 1942) (Gerald G. Swan, 10¢, 32pp, 6.75″ x 9.5″) (Contents)
- ___ #19, Yankee Weird Shorts (May 1942) (32pp+, 6.75″ x 9.5″) (Contents)
- ___ #20, Yankee Gang Shorts (June 1942) (Gerald G. Swan, 10¢, 32pp, 6.75″ x 9.5″) (Contents)
- ___ #21, Yankee Science Fiction (July 1942) (32pp+, 6.75″ x 9.5″) (Contents)
Yankee Gang Shorts
A single issue of Yankee Gang Shorts is known to exist in the second series, numbered #4 after the three issues in the first series.
- ___ #4 (ca. 1943) (Gerald G. Swan, 6d, 66pp, 4.75″ x 6.75″) (Contents)
Yankee Romance Shorts
Two issues of Yankee Romance Shorts are known to exist in the second series, numbered #7 & #8 after the six issues in the first series titled either Yankee Romance Shorts or Yankee Love Shorts.
- ___ #7, (ca. 1943) (Gerald G. Swan, 6d, 66pp, 4.75″ x 6.75″) (Contents)
- ___ #8, (ca. 1943) (Gerald G. Swan, 6d, 66pp, 4.75″ x 6.75″) (Contents)
Yankee Western Shorts
Two issues of Yankee Western Shorts are known to exist in the second series, numbered #3 & #4 after the two issues in the first series.
- ___ #3, (ca. 1943) (Gerald G. Swan, 6d, 68pp, 4.75″ x 6.75″) (Contents)
- ___ #4, (ca. 1943) (Gerald G. Swan, 6d, 68pp, 4.75″ x 6.75″) (Contents)
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