The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 1287
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Sherman, Joel Henry (1957- ) (about) (items)
- The Focus, (vi) Space and Time #56, July 1980
- The Growth of Harold J. Upton, (ss) Space and Time #57, October 1980
- King’s X, (vi) Space and Time #59, April 1981
- Grave Matters, (vi) Space and Time #62, Summer 1982
- Parallel Designs, (ss) Space and Time #63, Winter 1982/1983
- Medium, (ss) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic November 1984
- The Song of the Churchbell Hounds, (ss) SPWAO Showcase #4, 1984
- Offerings at Medusa, (ss) Amazing Science Fiction Stories May 1985
- Dellaby Hollow, (ss) Infinity Cubed #10, 1985
- King of Hearts, (ss) Infinity Cubed #10, 1985
- Finder’s Fee, (ss) Aboriginal SF December 1986
- The Bringing of Miriam, (ss) Amazing Stories January 1988
- Little Sharks, (ss) Space & Time #74, Summer 1988
- The Bogart Revival, (ss) Aboriginal Science Fiction July/August 1990
Sherman, Josepha (1946-2012) (items)
- The Shrouded Sorceress, (ss) Space and Time #59, April 1981
- The Talisman of Aikroona, (ss) Oracle v1 #3, 1984
- Eira [Derwen], (ss) Dragon January 1985
- Changes, (nv) Fantasy Book September 1985
- The Grey Stones [Derwen], (ss) Dragon April 1986
- Zerail, (ss) Fantasy Tales #16, Winter 1986
- Vol’ka, (ss) Space & Time #71, Winter 1987
- Danar’s Hawk, (ss) Fantasy Book March 1987
- Heart of Ice, (vi) Eldritch Tales #17, 1988
- Ixtabay: A Mayan Myth, (pm) Star*Line March/April 1989
- City of the Singing Chimes, (ss) Midnight Zoo v1 #3, 1991
- River’s Friend, (ss) Dragon February 1992
- Castle of Deception, Baen Jul ’92 (with Mercedes R. Lackey), (ex) Amazing Stories June 1992
- The Name-Quest, (ss) 2AM Fall 1992
- Shani, (ss) Pirate Writings #5, Fall 1994
- Macha, (vi) Pulphouse: A Fiction Magazine #19, 1995
- When Push Comes to Shove [Star Trek: Voyager] (with Susan M. Shwartz), (nv) Amazing Stories Winter 1999
- A Dance with Darkness, (ss) Dreams of Decadence #11, Summer 2000
- Birdie, (ss) Space and Time #103, Spring 2008
- Spacer’s Gamble, (ss) Space and Time #110, Spring 2010
- The Murdered Agent, (ss) Space and Time #114, Summer 2011
- The Little Horrors, (ss) Space and Time #118, Spring 2013
Sherwood, Nelson; pseudonym of Kenneth Bulmer (1921-2005) (items)
- Galactic Galapagos, (nv) Science Fiction Adventures (UK) #6, 1959
- The Sun Creator, (nv) Science Fiction Adventures (UK) #7, 1959
- The Dedicated Ones, (nv) Science Fiction Adventures (UK) #15, 1960
- Design Dilemma, (na) Science Fiction Adventures (UK) #19, 1961
- Trial, (na) Science Fiction Adventures (UK) #23, 1961
- Scarlet Denial [Sandoz], (na) Science Fiction Adventures (UK) #26, 1962
- Scarlet Dawn [Sandoz], (na) Science Fiction Adventures (UK) #28, 1962
Sheskin, David J. (fl. 1980s-2020s) (items)
- Hard Times, (vi) Potboiler Spring/Summer 1983
- Beezball—2082, (ss) Space and Time #65, Winter 1983/1984
- Sultan of Swat, (ss) Potboiler Spring/Summer 1984
- Bagged by the Dead Brigade, (ss) Last Wave v1 #3, 1984
- The Random and Assorted Thoughts of an American Ballroom Dancer, (ss) Potboiler Spring/Summer 1985
- Another Masterpiece, (vi) Space and Time #68, Summer 1985
- Supreme Court Decisions, (ss) Last Wave v1 #5, 1986
- Prehistoric Parable, (ss) Science Fiction Age September 1994
- The Lion and the Lamb, (ss) Journ-E #3, Vernal Equinox 2023
- The Wind Is Howling, The Seas Are Churning. The Earth Is Trembling, (ss) Black Sheep #12, June 2024
- Sign on the Dotted Line, (ss) Dark Horses #34, November 2024
- The Vanishing Diminutive Girl Trick, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #40, Winter 2024
Shevchenko, Max (1990- ); used pseudonym breakermaximus (about) (items)
- [front cover], (cv) Nightmare #50, November 2016
- [front cover], (cv) The Dark #22, March 2017, as by breakermaximus
- [front cover], (cv) The Dark #28, September 2017, as by breakermaximus
- [front cover], (cv) Nightmare #63, December 2017, as by breakermaximus
- [front cover], (cv) Pulphouse Fiction Magazine #3, July 2018, as by breakermaximus
- [front cover], (cv) The Dark #71, April 2021, as by breakermaximus
Shiel, Julie (fl. 2000s-2020s) (items)
- The Masked Ball, (pm) Wicked Hollow #3, July 2002
- Eyes in the Darkness, (ss) Aoife’s Kiss #2, September 2002
- Scarlet Letters, (pm) Aoife’s Kiss #2, September 2002
- Equinox, (pm) Lunatic Chameleon #1, October 2002
- The Sculptor, (pm) EOTU Ezine October 2002
- The Changling, (pm) Glyph #9, 2002
- Mermaid’s Song, (pm) Aoife’s Kiss #3, December 2002
- Possession, (pm) Cthulhu Sex v1 #25, 2002
- The Second Wake, (pm) Star*Line January/February 2003
- My Night Garden, (pm) Flesh & Blood #11, 2003
- The Laboratory, (pm) Whispers from the Shattered Forum #12, 2003
- Experiment, (pm) Flesh & Blood #12, 2003
- Sadhu, (pm) Dark Animus #3, May 2003
- Epiphany, (pm) Lullaby Hearse #2, 2003
- Obsession, (pm) Aoife’s Kiss #5, June 2003
- Victim #6, (pm) Bare Bone #4, 2003
- The Tea Party, (pm) Flesh & Blood #13, 2003
- Your Kiss, (pm) Aoife’s Kiss #6, September 2003
- The Oracle, (pm) Hadrosaur Tales Volume XVII ed. David Lee Summers, Hadrosaur Productions, 2003
- Understanding, (pm) Wicked Hollow #7, December 2003
- Voices, (pm) Aoife’s Kiss December 2003
- Fear as an Aphrodisiac, (pm) Cthulhu Sex v2 #14, 2003
- Labyrinth, (pm) Scared Naked Magazine #2, 2003
- The Morrigan, (pm) Aoife’s Kiss March 2004
- Tantric, (pm) Scared Naked Magazine March 2004
- Revival, (pm) Penumbric Speculative Fiction April 2004
- Broken, (pm) Aoife’s Kiss June 2004
- Crescendo, (pm) Scared Naked Magazine June 2004
- Bastet’s Temple, (pm) Lunatic Chameleon #4, July 2004
- The Snake Charmer, (pm) Hadrosaur Tales Volume XXI ed. David Lee Summers, Hadrosaur Productions, 2005
- Caress, (pm) Aoife’s Kiss December 2005
- Transformation, (pm) Mythic Delirium #15, Summer/Fall 2006
- The Mummy’s Wait, (pm) Aoife’s Kiss September 2006
- Visions, (pm) Aoife’s Kiss March 2008
- Coda, (pm) Space and Time #143, Spring/Summer 2023
- Cinderella, (pm) Strange Horizons May 1 2023
- The Scarecrow, (pm) The Sirens Call #63, Halloween 2023
- Side Show, (pm) The Sirens Call #63, Halloween 2023
- The Witch Awakens, (pm) Heroic Fantasy Quarterly #58, 2023
- The Call, (pm) Penumbric Speculative Fiction August 2024
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