The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 1089
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Peck, Brooks (fl. 1990s-2010s) (items)
- [letter], (lt) Science Fiction Review #5, December 1991, etc.
- Stealing a Zero-G Cow, (ss) Life Among the Asteroids ed. Jerry E. Pournelle & John F. Carr, Ace, 1992
- In Love with Multi-Woman, (ss) Aboriginal Science Fiction Spring 1993
- Eat to Win, (ss) Back Brain Recluse #22, 1994
- Personal Computing for the Disembodied, (ss) Tomorrow October 1994
- Cyberpunk Is Alive and Well and Living in—Where Else? Japan, (ar) Asimov’s Science Fiction February 2006
- With Folded RAM, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction October/November 2015
Peck, Claudia (1952-1996) (items)
- The Half-Unusual Rustic, (cl) Infinity Cubed #1, October 1979, etc.
- The Quadumverate, (ed) Infinity Cubed #3, February/March 1980
- The Thinking Circle, (vi) Infinity Cubed #3, February/March 1980
- Writer’s Workshops (with John Trieber), (ar) Infinity Cubed #3, February/March 1980
- The Clarion Article, (ar) Infinity Cubed #5, Fall 1980
- Editorial, (ed) Infinity Cubed #7, 1981
- An Interview with Kit Reed, (iv) Infinity Cubed #7, 1981 [Ref. Kit Reed]
- Mellow Night’s End, (ss) Infinity Cubed #6, 1981
- The Lingering Chill, (ss) Eldritch Tales #11, 1985
Peck, Garrett (fl. 2000s) (items)
- A Conversation with Don D’Auria, (iv) Cemetery Dance #33, 2000 [Ref. Don D’Auria]
- The Leisure Horror Line, (br) Cemetery Dance #33, 2000
- Tsunami Press, (ar) Cemetery Dance #52, 2005
- Casket for Sale (Used Only Once), (br) Cemetery Dance #53, 2005 [Ref. Jeff Strand]
- Newbies, (br) Cemetery Dance #53, 2005 [Ref. James A. Moore]
- Triads, (br) Cemetery Dance #53, 2005 [Ref. Poppy Z. Brite & Christa Faust]
- Legend, (cs) Grave Tales #4, 2005; adapted by Glenn Chadbourne
Peck, Steven L. (fl. 2000s-2010s) (items)
- The Five Known Sutras of Mechanical Man, (pm) Tales of the Talisman v6 #2, 2010
- Dragonfly Miscalculations, (vi) The Journal of Unlikely Entomology #3, May 2012
- Emergence, (ss) Encounters Magazine #6, February/March 2013
- The Steam Wolves Hunt, (pm) Abyss & Apex #46, 2nd Quarter 2013
- Démodé, (vi) Nature Physics January 2014
- Down Courthouse Wash, (ss) Perihelion January 12 2015
- Five Wagers on What Intelligent Life Elsewhere in the Universe Will Be Like, (ar) Analog Science Fiction and Fact March 2015
- Incomplete Slaughter, (ss) The Colored Lens #20, Summer 2016
- Eden’s Cur, (pm) New Myths #43, June 2018
Pedersen, Anette (fl. 2000s-2010s) (about) (items)
- A Question of Faith [1632], (ss) Grantville Gazette v8, 2006
- The Daily Beer [1632], (ar) Grantville Gazette v9, 2006
- The Feast [1632], (ar) Grantville Gazette v10, 2007
- Tell Me What You Eat, and I’ll Tell You Who You Are [1632], (ar) Grantville Gazette v16, 2008
- The Importance of Having a Pig: Food and Preservation in 1632 [1632], (ar) Grantville Gazette v17, 2008
- What’s for Dinner: Typical Dishes from 1632 [1632], (ar) Grantville Gazette v18, 2008
- Nobody Wants to Be a Pirate in the Baltic [1632] (with Kerryn Offord), (nv) Grantville Gazette v21, 2009
- Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme: Gardening and Growing Food in 1632 [1632], (ar) Grantville Gazette v22, 2009
Pederson, John, Jr. (fl. 1950s-1970s) (items)
- [front cover], (cv) Galaxy Science Fiction May 1957
- [front cover], (cv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1957
- [front cover], (cv) Galaxy Science Fiction (UK) #52, 1957
- [front cover], (cv) Galaxy Science Fiction November 1957
- [front cover], (cv) Galaxy Science Fiction (UK) #58, 1958
- [front cover], (cv) Galaxy Science Fiction February 1958
- [front cover], (cv) Galaxy Science Fiction (UK) #61, 1958
- [front cover], (cv) Galaxy Science Fiction May 1958
- [front cover], (cv) Galaxy Science Fiction June 1958
- [front cover], (cv) Galaxy Science Fiction (UK) #64, 1958
- [front cover], (cv) Galaxy Science Fiction (UK) #65, 1958
- [front cover], (cv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction November 1958
- [front cover], (cv) If July 1959
- [front cover], (cv) If September 1959
- [front cover], (cv) If November 1959
- [front cover], (cv) If July 1960
- [front cover], (cv) If September 1960
- [front cover], (cv) If March 1962
- [front cover], (cv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction February 1963
- [front cover], (cv) Worlds of Tomorrow April 1963
- [front cover], (cv) If May 1963
- [illustration(s)], (il) If May 1963
- [front cover], (cv) Galaxy Magazine August 1963
- [front cover], (cv) If May 1964
- [front cover], (cv) Galaxy Magazine August 1964
- [front cover], (cv) If June 1965
- [front cover], (cv) Worlds of Tomorrow July 1965
- [front cover], (cv) Galaxy Magazine October 1965
- [front cover], (cv) Galaxy Magazine December 1965
- [front cover], (cv) If February 1966
- [front cover], (cv) If January 1968
- [front cover], (cv) If May 1968
- [front cover], (cv) Galaxy Science Fiction December 1968
- [front cover], (cv) Galaxy Science Fiction February 1969
- [front cover], (cv) Galaxy Science Fiction August 1969
- [front cover], (cv) Amazing Stories May 1970
- [front cover], (cv) Amazing Stories July 1970
- [front cover], (cv) Amazing Science Fiction Stories March 1971
- [front cover], (cv) Amazing Science Fiction Stories January 1972
- [front cover], (cv) Fantastic Stories June 1972
- [front cover], (cv) Amazing Science Fiction Stories June 1973
Pederson, Michael D. (fl. 2000s-2010s) (items)
- Conventions, (ms) Nth Degree #2, Winter 2002, etc.
- The Editor’s Rant, (ed) Nth Degree #3, September 2002, etc.
- Cloned for War, (pm) Nth Degree #6, June 2003
- Spine Bender, (rc) Nth Degree #6, June 2003, etc.
- Pro Files, (bg) Nth Degree #10, June 2004
- Arthur D. Hlavaty, Nice Distinctions #s 6 & 9, (fr) Nth Degree #14, September 2005
- Catherine Asaro, Schism (Part one of Triad), (Tor), (br) Nth Degree #14, September 2005 [Ref. Catherine Asaro]
- Christopher J. Garcia, Claims Department Issues 2 & 3, (fr) Nth Degree #14, September 2005
- Danielle Ackley-McPhail, L. Jagi Lamplighter, Lee Hillman, Jeff Lyman, eds., No Longer Dreams: An Anthology of Horror, Fantasy, and Science Fiction (Lite Circle Books), (br) Nth Degree #14, September 2005 [Ref. Danielle Ackley-McPhail, L. Jagi Lamplighter, Lee Hillman & Jeff Lyman]
- Eric Shapiro, It’s Only Temporary (Permuted Press), (br) Nth Degree #14, September 2005 [Ref. Eric Shapiro]
- Henry and Letha Welch, Knarley Knews Issues 111 & 112, (fr) Nth Degree #14, September 2005
- Keith & Rosemary Walker, Fanzine Fantastique W 2004/Sp 2005, (fr) Nth Degree #14, September 2005
- Lee Killough, Wilding Nights (Meisha Merlin), (br) Nth Degree #14, September 2005 [Ref. Lee Killough]
- Lisa & Joseph Major, Alexiad V.4 #s 2 and 3, (fr) Nth Degree #14, September 2005
- NESFA, Instant Message #s 750-756, (fr) Nth Degree #14, September 2005
- Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, Crystal Soldier (Meisha Merlin), (br) Nth Degree #14, September 2005 [Ref. Sharon Lee & Steve Miller]
- Tee Morris and Valerie Griswold-Ford, eds., The Fantasy Writer’s Companion (Dragon Moon Press), (br) Nth Degree #14, September 2005 [Ref. Tee Morris & Valerie Griswold-Ford]
- Yul Tolbert, Zine Solar System #s 7 & 8, (fr) Nth Degree #14, September 2005
- [illustration(s)], (il) Nth Degree #14, September 2005
- [illustration(s)], (il) Nth Degree #19, June/July 2010
- [illustration(s)], (il) Nth Degree #21, January/February 2012
- [illustration(s)], (il) Nth Degree #22, August/September 2013
- Poseurs (with James Hoge), (cs) Nth Degree #23, March/April 2014
- [illustration(s)], (il) Nth Degree #25, October/December 2014
Peek, Ben(jamin Michael) (1976- ) (about) (items)
- The Edge of the Universe, (ss) Under Magellanic Clouds #5, 1999
- With the Lights On, (ss) Under Magellanic Clouds #5, 1999
- An Examination Into the Chinese Made Roman Toga, (ss) Full Unit Hookup #7, Summer 2005
- The Night of the Dead King, (ss) Potato Monkey: Australian Fantasy and Science Fiction Autumn 2006
- Mono, (ss) Phantom Magazine #0, Fall 2006
- Under the Red Sun, (ss) Fantasy Magazine #4, Fall 2006
- John Wayne, (nv) Aurealis #37, March 2007
- Black Betty, (ss) Lone Star Stories #23, October 2007
- Possession, (ss) Fantasy Magazine (online) #8, November 2007
- Sirius, (ss) Clarkesworld #63, December 2011
- In the Broken City, (ss) Shimmer #18, February 2014
- Upon the Body, (ss) Nightmare #23, August 2014
- See You on a Dark Night, (ss) Nightmare #91, April 2020
- Refuge, (ss) Lightspeed #121, June 2020
- Andrei Tarkovsky, (ss) Dimension6 #20, 2020
- At the Periphery, (ss) Nightmare #106, July 2021
- The Ministry of Saturn [The Ministry of Saturn], (ss) Lightspeed #152, January 2023
- Shadow Films, (ss) Lightspeed #164, January 2024
- Exit Interview [The Ministry of Saturn], (ss) Lightspeed #168, May 2024
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