The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 821
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LeDue, Richard (fl. 2020s) (items)
- Passage, (pm) Tigershark Magazine #27, Autumn 2020
- How Longing Falls Short, (pm) Tigershark Magazine #32, Autumn/Winter 2022
- My Dream About Being a Tree, (pm) Tigershark Magazine #32, Autumn/Winter 2022
- A Nuclear Wasteland in 2023, (pm) Tigershark Magazine #34, Autumn/Winter 2023
- Reality, (pm) Tigershark Magazine #34, Autumn/Winter 2023
- Ruins of Mars, (pm) Leading Edge #83, January 2024
Lee, Alixandra (fl. 1970s) (items)
- Clover and Mushrooms, (pm) Toadstool Wine ed. W. Paul Ganley, A.S.P., 1975
- The Monhegan Gods, (pm) Weirdbook #9, 1975
- Nightly, (pm) Eerie Country #1, 1976
- Midnight in Atlantis, (pm) Weirdbook #12, 1977
- The Mask, (pm) Weirdbook #13, 1978
Lee, B. J. (fl. 2010s) (about) (items)
- The Tortoise’s Encounter, (pm) Beyond Centauri January 2011
- Dream Train, (pm) Beyond Centauri April 2012
- Magical Chance, (pm) Spellbound Winter 2012
- Don’t Call Me a Fairy, (pm) Spellbound Spring 2013
- Late at Night, (pm) Spellbound Fall 2013
- The Beast of Shandore, (pm) Spellbound Summer 2014
- The Dreaded Dreadnoughtus, (pm) FrostFire Worlds #10, November 2015
- Riding the Dark, (pm) FrostFire Worlds #11, February 2016
Lee, Charlotte H. (fl. 2010s-2020s) (items)
- Honour Thy Father, (ss) Kzine #18, May 2017
- Stars, Moons and Gods, (ss) Alien Dimensions #8, 2017
- HOPper, (ss) Metaphorosis July 2017
- Everything for Beth, (ss) The Colored Lens #29, Autumn 2018
- Marciano, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #28, Winter 2021
- Guardian of the Lost, (ss) Bards and Sages Quarterly July 2022
- Keeping the Lights On, (ss) The Colored Lens #49, Autumn 2023
Lee, Don (fl. 1990s-2010s) (items)
- Gene Wolfe—The Legend, the Man, (iv) Amazing Experiences November/December 1990 [Ref. Gene Wolfe]
- Reel Reviews, (mr) Amazing Experiences November/December 1990
- Jules Verne of Orange County: A Look at James P. Blaylock, (ar) Midnight Zoo v1 #3, 1991 [Ref. James P. Blaylock]
- The Adventures of Dr. Dragonet: A Brief Look at Fritz Leiber’s Shortest-Ever Series, (ar) Fantasy Commentator Summer 2004 [Ref. Fritz Leiber]
- The Curse of the Crimson Djinn, (ss) Startling Stories #5, January 2008
- The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Zombie Jim, (br) Black Gate #15, Spring 2011 [Ref. Mark Twain, W. Bill Czolgosz & Don Borchert]
Lee, Edward (Seymour); pseudonym of Lee Edward Seymour (1957- ) (about) (items)
- [letter from Radford, VA], (lt) Weird Tales Winter 1989/1990
- Doug Clegg: An Appreciation, (ar) Tekeli-li! #2, Summer 1991 [Ref. Douglas Clegg]
- Almost Never, (ss) Cemetery Dance #10, Fall 1991
- The Man Who Loved Cliches, (ss) Bizarre Bazaar #1, June 1992
- The Inn (Excerpts from the novel), (ex) Bizarre Sex and Other Crimes of Passion #1, 1992
- The Head, (pm) Cyber-Psychos AOD #3, February 1993
- Death, She Said, (ss) Bizarre Bazaar #2, March 1993
- The Horror: A Look at the 1993 World Horror Convention, (ar) Deathrealm #18, Summer 1993
- The Wrong Guy, (ss) Cyber-Psychos AOD #4, 1993
- The Horror!/HWA Meeting ’93 Report, (ar) Deathrealm #19, Fall 1993
- Portrait of the Psychopath as a Young Woman (with Elizabeth Steffen), (ss) Palace Corbie v2 #2, 1993
- Equal Opportunity, (ss) Bizarre Bazaar #3, March 1994
- The Horror: Report on the 1994 World Horror Convention, (ar) Deathrealm #22, Summer 1994
- Succubi: Prologue, (ex) Bloodsongs #2, June 1994
- Murderer, (pm) Thin Ice #16, 1994
- Shit-House, (ss) Palace Corbie #6, 1995
- Breeder’s Bosom (with S. Darnbrook Colson), (ss) The Universal Mind #1, 1997
- The Piano Player Has No Fingers [Micah Hayes] (with John C. Pelan), (ss) Palace Corbie #7, 1997
- Grub Girl in the Prison of Women [Grub Girl], (ss) Wetbones #2, Fall 1997
- Transcendence (with John C. Pelan), (ss) Brutarian #21, 1997
- Goddess of a New Dark Age, (ss) Midnight Hour #1, Spring 2000
- The Mother, (ss) Midnight Hour #1, Spring 2000
- The Decortication Technician, (ss) The Spook #6, January 2002
- Make a Wish, (ss) Horror Garage #5, 2002
- The Baby, (ss) Bloodletting Press 2003
- The McCrath Model SS40-C, Series S, (ss) Excitable Boys ed. Kelly Laymon, Night Shade Books, 2003
- Gast Excerpt, (ex) Wicked Karnival #7, 2006
- Introduction (with Gerard Daniel Houarner), (in) Beware the Dark #2, May 2014
- The Statement of Sgt Justin Jessup of the Innsmouth Police Department, (vi) Forbidden Futures #7, Spring 2020
- Something Like Doubt Tapping at the Door, (ss) The Chamber Magazine June 18 2021
- In the Garden of Past Tense, (il) Tree and Stone #3, July 2022
- The Table, (ss) Camelot Books,
Lee, Emma (fl. 1990s-2010s) (items)
- Shadowed, (vi) Sci-Fright #5, 1999
- Imprints, (ss) Roadworks #10, Autumn 2000
- Loved, (pm) Roadworks #15, Winter/Spring 2003
- Becoming Phoenix, (pm) Whispers of Wickedness #14, Winter 2006/2007
- Dead Love Is Jazz, (pm) Whispers of Wickedness #14, Winter 2006/2007
- The Room of Dolls, (pm) Whispers of Wickedness #16, 2009
- Football and Flames, (ss) Terror Tales #3, August 2014
Lee, Ian (fl. 1980s-1990s) (items)
- Driving Through Korea, (ss) Interzone #27, January/February 1989
- Once Upon a Time in the Park, (ss) Interzone #30, July/August 1989
- A Lot of Mackerel, a Lot of Satellites, (ss) Interzone #37, July 1990
- Pigs Mostly, (ss) Interzone #50, August 1991
- The Analogical Imago, (ss) Interzone #52, October 1991
- No Sense of Humour, (ss) Interzone #61, July 1992
- The Accepted Conventions of Space, Time and Reality, (ss) Interzone #69, March 1993
- The End of the World Is Nice, (ss) Interzone #102, December 1995
Lee, J. B. (fl. 1990s-2000s) (items)
- Not One the Same, (ss) Nightscapes #6, January 1998
- Genuine Article, (ss) Nightscapes #7, April 1998
- His Hour Upon the Stage, (ss) Nightscapes #9, September 1998
- Dies Irae, (vi) Cthulhu Cultus #12, 1998
- Nemesis, (ss) Dark Legacy #5, May 1999
- With Eyes That See, (ss) Nightscapes #11, August 1999
- “…For Here Shall They Reign Again”, (ss) Imelod #17, Autumn/October 2000
Lee, James A. (fl. 1980s-2020s) (items)
- The 1984 Annual World’s Best SF, (br) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1985 [Ref. Donald A. Wollheim]
- Eternity, (br) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1985 [Ref. Mack Reynolds & Dean Ing]
- Anniversary, (vi) Fantasy and Terror #6, 1985
- Kind Eyes, (ss) Beyond #3, January 1986
- Double-Edged Enchantment, (ss) Sorcerous June 1986
- War on Imagination, (ar) 2AM Winter 1986
- Beneath the Eyes of God, (pm) Beyond #6, January 1987
- Festival Moon, (br) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1987 [Ref. C. J. Cherryh]
- Reflections on Yarbro’s False Dawn, (br) 2AM Winter 1987
- Mercy Fuck, (ss) New Blood Fall 1988
- Acts of Love, (vi) Portents #6, 1988
- Fever Season, (br) Fantasy Commentator Summer 1989 [Ref. C. J. Cherryh]
- The Mercy in Your Eyes, (ss) Not One of Us #5, August 1989
- No Aftertaste, (ss) The Tome #2, 1989
- Pursuit of the Wolfchildren, (ss) Beyond #15, 1989
- Poster Girl, (ss) 2AM Spring 1990
- Big Eyes, (ss) Space & Time #78, Summer 1990
- Rama II, by Arthur C. Clarke and Gentry Lee, (br) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1990
- My Birthday-Eve, (pm) The Tome #5, 1990
- Sharing, (pm) The Tome #5, 1990
- Upon Encountering Your Ghost, (pm) The Tome #5, 1990
- The Last Defender of Camelot, (br) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1991 [Ref. Roger Zelazny]
- Under the Wire, (ss) Aberations #2, 1992
- Refuse at Your Own Risk, (pm) Aberations #4, 1992
- Touch of the Innocent, (vi) Eldritch Tales #27, Summer 1992
- The Censor’s Sonograph, (pm) Xizquil #9, May 1993
- Children of Sacrifice, (ss) Fantastic Collectibles Magazine #116, May 1993
- The Very Last Battle of Calem Morse, (ss) Random Realities #3, Summer 1993
- Trickle, (ss) Crossroads July 1993
- Hard Knowledge, (ss) Fantastic Collectibles Magazine #119, November 1993
- A Father’s Blessing, (ss) Pandora #29, 1993
- Measured Response, (vi) Aberrations #19, April 1994
- Creative Consultants, (vi) Alternate Hilarities #6, 1994
- Sister Simone Fucks the Devil, (vi) Crossroads February 1995
- Essences, (ss) Aberrations #37, May 1996
- Punishment, (ss) Black October Magazine v1 #1, 1996
- Holding Action, (ss) Fortress #2, 1996
- Freshness Sealed for Your Protection, (vi) Pirate Writings #13, 1997
- A Top 10 Science Fiction Novels, (ar) The Zone and Premonitions #6, Winter 1997/1998
- The Motherfucker in Us All, (ss) Mindmares #2, Spring 1998
- Blood and Desire, (ss) Crossroads #21, June 1998
- In the Twilight of a Faithless Life, (vi) Nasty Piece of Work #11, March 1999
- Tonight, (ss) Peep Show #1, June 2001
- Sacrifices, (ss) Outer Darkness #30, 2004
- The Lovecraft Chronicles, (fr) Aoife’s Kiss June 2006
- Soul-Split, (ss) Tales of the Talisman v3 #4, 2008
- Book and Movie Reviews (with Edward Cox, Christine Norris, Shawn Oetzel & David Lee Summers), (rv) Tales of the Talisman v4 #1, 2008
- Pond Scum, (ss) Tales of the Talisman v4 #4, 2009
- Blood Relations, (pm) Tales of the Talisman v5 #1, 2009
- Soul Survivor, (ss) Tales of the Talisman v5 #3, 2009
- All or Nothing, (ss) Tales of the Talisman v6 #1, 2010
- Maiden Voyage, (pm) Aoife’s Kiss December 2010
- How the Possum Got Its Pouch, (vi) Beyond Centauri July 2011
- The Incus, (ss) Tales of the Talisman v7 #2, 2011
- Devil Woman, (pm) Tales of the Talisman v8 #2, 2012
- Flagman, (ss) SQ Mag #11, November 2013
- Internal Exile, (ss) SQ Mag #16, September 2014
- The Spellweaver & the Once-Proud Prince, (ss) Tales of the Talisman v10 #3, 2015
- Blood Feud, (ss) The Colored Lens #15, Spring 2015
- Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis, (br) Skelos Fall 2017 [Ref. Anne Rice]
- Book Reviews, (rc) Outposts of Beyond #19, January 2018, etc.
- The Seventh Morning, (vi) FrostFire Worlds May 2019
- Only Human, (br) Outposts of Beyond July 2019 [Ref. Sylvain Neuvel]
- Sarcophagus Birthdays, (ss) Outposts of Beyond July 2019
- The Wounded Nark, (ss) Outposts of Beyond July 2019
- Alien Mating Habits: A Brief Overview, (ss) Sci Phi Journal #4, 2019
- All Good Things [BattleTech], (ss) Shrapnel #4, 2021
- Orchids of Annihilation, (pm) Sci Phi Journal Winter 2021
- Ride the Divine Wind, (ss) The Martian Wave July 2022
- This Too Shall Pass [BattleTech], (ss) Shrapnel #10, 2022
- Visiting the Big Sandbox, (ss) Neo-Opsis Science Fiction Magazine #34, 2022
- Our Jack, Reconstituted, (vi) Troopers Quarterly #2, Winter 2023
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