The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 749
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Kemp, C. I. (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Depths, (ss) Kzine #3, May 2012
- The Floor Below, (ss) Cover of Darkness #12, September 2012
- The Cleansing, (ss) Encounters Magazine #9, November/December 2013
- Pickman’s Motel, (ss) Kzine #8, January 2014
- The Fire Walkers, (ss) Bards and Sages Quarterly April 2014
- Gator Girl, (ss) Kzine #12, May 2015
- She Who Gives Life, (vi) Weirdbook #38, 2018
- The Aqueduct Horror, (ss) Space and Time #132, Fall 2018
- For Love of Lythea, (ss) Weirdbook #41, 2019
Kemp, Chaz (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (items)
- [illustration(s)], (il) SteamPunk Magazine #9, 2013
- [front cover], (cv) DreamForge #5, March 2020
- [illustration(s)], (il) DreamForge #5, March 2020
- [illustration(s)], (il) DreamForge #6, July 2020
- [front cover], (cv) DreamForge Anvil #10, What We Give 2022
Kemp, Helen (fl. 2010s-2020s) (items)
- Haunted Studies: The Ghost Stories of M.R. James: A Conference Report, (ar) A Ghostly Company Newsletter Spring 2016 [Ref. M. R. James]
- Oh Whistle and I’ll Come to You adapted by David Rudkin, (th) The Ghosts & Scholars M.R. James Newsletter #31, April 2017
- The Dark and What It Said, (br) Ghosts & Scholars #39, 2020 [Ref. Rick Kennett]
- In Quinn’s Paddock, (br) Ghosts & Scholars #39, 2020 [Ref. Rick Kennett]
- Editorial, (ed) Ghosts & Scholars #40, 2021, etc.
- Jamesian News, (cl) Ghosts & Scholars #40, 2021
Kemp, Juliet (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Skitterings in Corners, (ss) The Journal of Unlikely Entomology #3, May 2012
- The Loyal Dragon, (ss) FrostFire Worlds #4, May 2014
- Breaking Free, (ss) Outposts of Beyond #5, July 2014
- Halfway Up and Halfway Down and Nowhere at All, (nv) Luna Station Quarterly #25, March 2016
- Dropping In, (ss) FrostFire Worlds #15, February 2017
- Scraps, (ss) Metaphorosis April 2017
- I Thought of You, (ss) The Future Fire #48, 2019
- Growing Resistance, (ss) Translunar Travelers Lounge #1, August 2019
- Dragon Years, (vi) The Future Fire #54, 2020
- Small Magics, (ss) Flash Fiction Online #84, September 2020
- Seed Bombs, (vi) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 2021
- Opening Doors, (ss) Cossmass Infinities #7, January 2022
- At the Lighthouse Out by the Othersea, (ss) Uncanny Magazine #47, July/August 2022
- Breaking Out of Capitalist Realism, (ar) Uncanny Magazine #48, September/October 2022
- Just as You Are, (ss) The Future Fire #67, 2023
Kemp, Liam (fl. 1990s) (items)
- [illustration(s)], (il) Black Tears #6, 1994
- [front cover], (cv) Black Tears #4, 1994
- [front cover], (cv) Black Tears #8, 1995
- [front cover], (cv) The Third Alternative #10, Spring 1996
- [front cover], (cv) The Third Alternative #18, 1999
Kemper, Erinn L. (fl. 2010s) (about) (items)
- Symbiosis, (ss) Dark Discoveries #30, Winter 2015
- Gramma Tells a Story, (ss) Black Static #49, November/December 2015
- Seed, (ss) Cemetery Dance #74/75, 2016
- Where It Ends, Where It Begins, (ss) Black Static #69, May/June 2019
- The Garden, (ss) Nameless Magazine #4, December 2019
Kemp-Jones, Diana (fl. 1990s) (items)
- Eyes Like Limpid Pools, (ss) Dead of Night #6, Summer 1990
- Astroworld, (ss) Once Upon a World #3, 1990
- Bottle Blonde, (ss) Thin Ice #7, 1990
- Bus Stop, (ss) Champagne Horror #1, 1990
- Earth Day—2223, (vi) Vision #4, 1990
- Holding Tank, (vi) Vision #5, 1990
- Obsession, (ss) The Tome #4, 1990
- Omens, (vi) Atopos #1, Spring/Summer 1991
- Sibling Rivalry, (vi) Vision #7, 1991
- Fingers in the Mist, (ss) Thin Ice #12, 1992
Kempka, Harold (fl. 2000s-2010s) (items)
- Just Rewards, (vi) Black Petals (online) #47, Spring 2009
- Benevolent Big Brother, (ss) Black Petals (online) #52, Summer 2010
- The Killer, (vi) Black Petals (online) #54, Winter 2011
- Bad Things, (ss) Black Petals (online) #57, Fall 2011
- Easy Pickings, (ss) Black Petals (online) #62, Winter 2013
- The Fortune Teller, (ss) Black Petals (online) #64, Summer 2013
- Rusty Water, (ss) Black Petals (online) #66, Winter 2014
- A Needed Friend, (ss) Black Petals (online) #69, Fall 2014
- Catch of the Day, (ss) Black Petals (online) #71, Spring 2015
Kempke, Christopher (fl. 1980s-1990s) (items)
- Going Places [Teletrix], (nv) Quanta #1, October 1989
- The Rules of the Game, (ss) Quanta #2, December 1989
- Corporate Stress, (ss) Quanta #3, February 1990
- Being There [Teletrix], (ss) Quanta #4, April 1990
- The Milk of Human Kindness, (ss) Quanta #5, July 1990
- Shifting Sand, (ss) Quanta #6, October 1990
- The Names of the Stars, (ss) Quanta #7, December 1990
- Popping In [Teletrix], (ss) Quanta #8, February 1991
- Doorway from Darkness, (ss) Quanta October 1991
Kemske, Floyd (1947- ); used pseudonym A Crazy Alien (items)
- Beasts, (br) Galileo #2, 1976 [Ref. John Crowley]
- Cinnabar, (br) Galileo #2, 1976 [Ref. Edward Bryant]
- A Scanner Darkly, (br) Galileo #3, 1977 [Ref. Philip K. Dick]
- Turning Points: Essays on the Art of Science Fiction, (br) Galileo #3, 1977 [Ref. Damon Knight]
- Nebula Award Stories 11, (br) Galileo #4, 1977 [Ref. Ursula K. Le Guin]
- New Dimensions 7, (br) Galileo #4, 1977 [Ref. Robert Silverberg]
- Star Wars (Movie), George Lucas; 20th Century Fox, 1977., (mr) Galileo #4, 1977 [Ref. George Lucas]
- Universe 7, (br) Galileo #4, 1977 [Ref. Terry Carr]
- A Wreath of Stars, (br) Galileo #4, 1977 [Ref. Bob Shaw]
- The Ophiuchi Hotline, (br) Galileo #5, 1977 [Ref. John Varley]
- SF in Dimension: A Book of Explorations, (br) Galileo #5, 1977 [Ref. Alexei & Cory Panshin]
- In the Ocean of Night, (br) Galileo #6, 1978 [Ref. Gregory A. Benford]
- Reviews, (rc) Galileo #6, 1978, etc.
- Cosmic Encounter (game); Future Pastimes, Eon Products, $10.00, (rv) Galileo #7, 1978
- Galactic Dreamers: Science Fiction As Visionary Literature, (br) Galileo #7, 1978 [Ref. Robert Silverberg]
- Galactic Empires, Vol. 1, (br) Galileo #7, 1978 [Ref. Brian W. Aldiss]
- Time Storm, (br) Galileo #7, 1978 [Ref. Gordon R. Dickson]
- Trey of Swords, (br) Galileo #7, 1978 [Ref. Andre Norton]
- The Strayed Sheep of Charun, (br) Galileo #8, 1978 [Ref. John Maddox Roberts]
- Death in Florence, (br) Galileo #9, 1978 [Ref. George Alec Effinger]
- And Having Writ.., (br) Galileo #10, 1978 [Ref. Donald R. Bensen]
- Time-warps, (br) Galileo September 1979 [Ref. John Gribbin]
- The Fountains of Paradise, (br) Galileo November 1979 [Ref. Arthur C. Clarke]
- The Fountains of Paradise, Read by the Author, (br) Galileo November 1979 [Ref. Arthur C. Clarke]
- The Great Galileo Guide to Fantastic Gifts (with Letty Hummel & Andrew A. Whyte), (ar) Galileo January 1980
- In Search of the Car of Tomorrow, (ar) Galileo #17, 1980 (unpublished)
- Michael Kaluta: Storytelling Fantasy Artist, (bg) Galaxy Magazine July 1980 [Ref. Michael Kaluta]
- Oh, No! They’ve Changed It!, (ed) Galaxy Magazine July 1980
- Report from Our Alien Publisher, (ed) Aboriginal SF October 1986, as by A Crazy Alien
- A Peculiar Habit Called ‘Humor’, (ed) Aboriginal SF December 1986, as by A Crazy Alien
- Narrow Escape from a Sauna, (ed) Aboriginal SF February/March 1987, as by A Crazy Alien
- A Statistical Proposition, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction May/June 1987, as by A Crazy Alien
- The Drones Are Willing…, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction July/August 1987, as by A Crazy Alien
- Clean Up Your Own Mess, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction September/October 1987, as by A Crazy Alien
- A Matter of Trust, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction November/December 1987, as by A Crazy Alien
- Eh?, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction January/February 1988, as by A Crazy Alien
- The Wilkes-Barre Encounter, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction March/April 1988, as by A Crazy Alien
- The Selling My Good Name, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction May/June 1988, as by A Crazy Alien
- Our Illegal Alien, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction September/October 1988, as by A Crazy Alien
- Red or Gray?, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction November/December 1988, as by A Crazy Alien
- It’s Testable, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction January/February 1989, as by A Crazy Alien
- Derek Sean Patent-Pending Wilkerson, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction March/April 1989, as by A Crazy Alien
- To Serve Man?, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction May/June 1989, as by A Crazy Alien
- Our Publisher Goes Native, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction July/August 1989, as by A Crazy Alien
- You’ll Hear from My Lawyer, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction September/October 1989, as by A Crazy Alien
- This Old Den, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction November/December 1989, as by A Crazy Alien
- Arrival Delayed, Departure Delayed, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction January/February 1990, as by A Crazy Alien
- 1,318,416 Species to Go, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction March/April 1990, as by A Crazy Alien
- The Mass Transit Theory of Schizophrenia, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction May/June 1990, as by A Crazy Alien
- Human Beings Want to Be Free, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction July/August 1990, as by A Crazy Alien
- The Reversal of Planetary Cooling, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction September/October 1990, as by A Crazy Alien
- As Funny As a Dog in Shorts, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction November/December 1990, as by A Crazy Alien
- The Most Common Human Activity, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction January/February 1991, as by A Crazy Alien
- Guns or Butter, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction March/April 1991, as by A Crazy Alien
- A Matter of Faith, (ar) Aboriginal Science Fiction May/June 1991, as by A Crazy Alien
- Life in a Tree, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction December 1991, as by A Crazy Alien
- We Were Wrong About Congress, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction December 1991, as by A Crazy Alien
- Happy Days Are Here Again, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction Summer 1992, as by A Crazy Alien
- For the Good of the Children, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction Fall 1992, as by A Crazy Alien
- Omnivorous Believers, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction Winter 1992, as by A Crazy Alien
- To Be Drunk Is To Be Human, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction Spring 1993, as by A Crazy Alien
- Rejection As a Way of Life, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction Summer 1993, as by A Crazy Alien
- Rejection, Part 2, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction Fall 1993, as by A Crazy Alien
- Beyond Thunderdome, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction Winter 1993, as by A Crazy Alien
- Weight Loss Is the Whole Point, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction Spring 1994, as by A Crazy Alien
- Taking Life Four Years at a Time, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction Spring 1996, as by A Crazy Alien
- Life as a White Male, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction Summer 1996, as by A Crazy Alien
- Noise… lights… confusion…, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction Fall 1996, as by A Crazy Alien
- Our Alien Publisher, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction Winter 1997, etc., as by A Crazy Alien
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