The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 707
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Jerée, Tamara (fl. 2010s-2020s) (items)
- In the Cult of Nearly-Lost Dreams, (pm) Strange Horizons December 31 2018
- When You Find a Dragon, Name Them for Me, (ss) Fiyah #11, Summer 2019
- goddess in forced repose, (pm) Uncanny Magazine #30, September/October 2019
- Self-Care for Villains, (pm) Liminality #21, Autumn 2019
- How to Make a Family: Queer Blood Bonds in Black Feminist Vampire Novels, (ar) Strange Horizons January 27 2020
- if Saturn, (pm) Arsenika #6, Spring 2020
- Our Souls to the Moon, (ss) Strange Horizons April 20 2020
- The Future in Saltwater, (ss) Anathema: Spec from the Margins #10, April 2020
- On Lore, (ss) Fireside Quarterly Spring 2020
- A Serpent for Each Year, (ss) Strange Horizons February 1 2021
- the most humane methods could involve a knife, (pm) Uncanny Magazine #39, March/April 2021
- At the Mouth of the Sea, (ss) Mermaids Monthly #6, June 2021
- In Case You’re the One to Devour a Star, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #339, September 23 2021
- Despair, Divided, (vi) Baffling Magazine #9, October 2022
Jernigan, Zachary (fl. 2000s-2010s) (items)
- All My Ghosts, (ss) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #31, Winter 2009
- Map Ref.—4.296° N 239.193° E, (ss) M-Brane SF #13, February 2010
- Resistance: a Love Story, (ss) Dark Horizons #57, September 2010
- Pairs, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction August 2011
- Mexico Needs You, (ss) Murky Depths #17, September 2011
- Young Lions, (ss) Crossed Genres Magazine #36, December 2011
- The War Is Over and Everyone Wins, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction January 2012
Jerome, Jennifer (fl. 2000s-2010s) (items)
- Fairest One of All, (pm) Aoife’s Kiss September 2004
- For Your Sisters, (pm) Aoife’s Kiss December 2004
- Tender, (pm) ChiZine #23, January/March 2005
- Scheherezade’s Tale, (pm) Aoife’s Kiss June 2006
- Pandora, Opening, (pm) Aoife’s Kiss December 2007
- Expecting, (pm) Ideomancer March 2008
- Telling, (pm) Aoife’s Kiss March 2008
- Muzzled, (pm) ChiZine #41, July/September 2009
- Nettled, (pm) Ideomancer December 2009
- Fire at the Time Factory, (pm) Greatest Uncommon Denominator Magazine #6, Summer 2010
- After Pompeii, (pm) ChiZine #47, April/June 2011
Jeschonek, Robert T. (1965- ) (about) (items)
- Vincent’s Secret Students, (vi) Abyss & Apex #9, May/June 2004
- Fear of Rain, (ss) Postscripts #8, Autumn 2006
- Zinzi-zinzi-zinzic, (ss) Darker Matter #3, May 2007
- The Greatest Serial Killer in the Universe, (ss) Postscripts #12, Autumn 2007
- Snakeskin, (ss) Postscripts #13, Winter 2007
- Why the Cop with a Rose for a Head Wears a Rose Head Mask, (nv) Helix #8, Spring 2008
- The Love Quest of Smidgen the Snack Cake, (ss) Space and Time #108, Fall 2009
- Snowman’s Chance in Hell, (ss) Edison’s Frankenstein ed. Peter Crowther & Nick Gevers, PS Publishing, 2009
- The Secret of the Ultimate Male Enhancement, (ss) Space and Time #115, Fall 2011
- Warning! Do Not Read This Story!, (nv) Unfit for Eden ed. Peter Crowther & Nick Gevers, PS Publishing, 2012
- Blackbeard’s Aliens, (ss) Pie Press, 2012
- The Spinach Can’s Son, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #1, March 2013
- Time, Expressed as an Entrée, (nv) Fiction River #3, Time Streams, August 2013
- In a Green Dress, Surrounded by Exploding Clowns, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #7, March 2014
- A Little Song, A Little Dance, A Little Apocalypse Down Your Pants, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #12, January 2015
- The Messiah Business, (nv) Fiction River #12, Risk Takers, March 2015
- In All Your Sparkling Raiment Soar, (ss) Breakout ed. Nick Gevers, PS Publishing, 2015
- The Little Robot’s Bedtime Prayer, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #18, January 2016
- As If My Every Word Had Turned to Glass, (ss) Pulp Literature Summer 2016
- The First Hollywood Cowboy of the Bropocalypse, (ss) Alephi January 7 2017
- In the Empire of Underpants, (nv) Fiction River #22, No Humans Allowed, April 2017
- The Breakout Story of Galaxy’s Edge Ten Million, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #28, September 2017
- Piggyback, (ss) Fiction River #25, Feel the Fear, September 2017
- Voyage of the Dog-Propelled Starship, (nv) The Expanding Universe Volume 3 ed. Craig Martelle, MBPN Publishing, 2017
- The Darks of Their Eyes, (ss) Fiction River #27, Justice, January 2018
- Where No Furry Has Gone Before, (nv) Boundary Shock Quarterly #1, 2018
- Dirty Dreams of a Dishwasher, (ss) Tales from the Canyons of the Damned #22, 2018
- The Stars So Black, the Space So White, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #31, March 2018
- Every Cloud Has a Silicon Lining, (nv) Boundary Shock Quarterly #2, 2018
- Identical, (ss) Pulphouse Fiction Magazine #2, April 2018
- Granted, (nv) Fiction River #28, Wishes 2018
- Robbing Them Double-Blind, (nv) Boundary Shock Quarterly #3, 2018
- Death-Blind, (ss) Fiction River #29, Pulse Pounders: Countdown 2018
- Bigger Than the Monkey, (ss) Pulphouse Fiction Magazine #4, Fall 2018
- Keeping Tomorrow Weird, (ar) Boundary Shock Quarterly #4, 2018
- The Men Without Heads Join a Health Club, (nv) Boundary Shock Quarterly #4, 2018
- Trick or Treat in Hell, (nv) Tales from the Canyons of the Damned #28, 2018
- Dreaming of a Carboniferous Christmas, (ss) Tales from the Canyons of the Damned #29, 2018
- Offensive in Every Possible Way, (ss) Pulphouse Fiction Magazine #5, Winter 2019
- Sympathy for the Metal, (nv) Boundary Shock Quarterly #5, 2019
- With Love in Their Hearts, (ss) Fiction River #31, Feel the Love 2019
- The Thousandth Atlas, (ss) Pulphouse Fiction Magazine #6, Spring 2019
- A Choose Your Own Fangle Adventure, (ss) Pulphouse Fiction Magazine #7, Summer 2019
- Bearers of Bad, Bad News, (nv) Boundary Shock Quarterly #7, 2019
- An Infinite Number of Idiots, (nv) Galaxy’s Edge #39, July 2019
- The Asteroid That Stays Crunchy in Milk, (ss) Boundary Shock Quarterly #8, 2019
- Show Me Yours, (nv) Boundary Shock Quarterly #10, 2020
- The Realm That Didn’t Suck, (nv) Fiction River #33, Doorways to Enchantment 2020
- A Murder of Clowns, (nv) Fiction River #34, Stolen 2020
- Would Sir Prefer the 1918 Influenza?, (ss) Pulphouse Fiction Magazine #10, 2021
- From the Journal of Traumatic Warfighter Mutation, (ss) Boundary Shock Quarterly #14, 2021
- And Miles to Go After I Sleep, (ss) Kaleidotrope Autumn 2021
- Dog and Pony Show, (nv) Clarkesworld #180, September 2021
- The 1970s Must Die!, (ss) Space: 1975, Pie Press, 2021
- Pictures at a Hidden Exhibition, (nv) Fiction River #37, Broken Dreams 2022
- Requiem for a Bird-Slinger, (vi) Kaleidotrope Autumn 2022
- Christmas at Glosser’s, (nv) Pulphouse Fiction Magazine #21, 2022
- Worth a Thousand Screams, (nv) Tales from the Canyons of the Damned #42, 2023
- Badass Candy, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Fall 2023
- Extinction Event Overdue, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Fall 2023
- It’s a Wonderful Death, (nv) Pulphouse Fiction Magazine #24, 2023
- A Perfect Spot for Eyes Fishing, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Monsters, Winter 2024
- Eggs of the Dog That Bit You, (ss) Pulphouse Fiction Magazine #26, 2024
- Garummy and the Queezle, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Folk Horror, Spring 2024
- Start Making Sense, (nv) Pulphouse Fiction Magazine #28, 2024
- Untrustworthy, (nv) Pulphouse Fiction Magazine #29, 2024
- Ode on a Grecian Burn, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Road Trip, Summer 2024
- Cock-a-Doodle-Die, (nv) Pulphouse Fiction Magazine #31, 2024
- Kitty on a Hot, Dying Star, (nv) Pulphouse Fiction Magazine #32, 2024
- I Wake After Seventy Years Instead of Seven, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Masquerade, Fall 2024
- Thanksgiving at Glosser’s, (na) Pulphouse Fiction Magazine #35, 2024
- The Snow Shoveler, (ss) Pulphouse Fiction Magazine #36, 2024
Jessup, Paul M(atthew) (1977- ) (about) (items)
- The Alchemy of War, (ss) Electric Velocipede #12, Spring 2007
- Apple Magick, (ss) Farrago’s Wainscot #2, April 2007
- Mud Skin, (ss) Postscripts #10, Spring 2007
- Ghost Technology from the Sun, (ss) Postscripts #12, Autumn 2007
- Mr. Waterbones and His Wife, (ss) Farrago’s Wainscot #5, January 2008
- The Ghosts We Have Become, (ss) Postscripts #14, Spring 2008
- PostFlesh, (ss) Apex Science Fiction & Horror Digest #12, 2008
- Light Like Knives Dragged Across the Skin, (ss) Apex Online April 27 2008
- A Word Without Ghosts, (ss) Fantasy Magazine (online) #13, April 2008
- The Rebirth of Grue, (ar) Strange Horizons May 26 2008
- The Secret in the House of Smiles, (ss) Clarkesworld #21, June 2008
- The Sea of Dead Around Her, (ss) Postscripts #16, Autumn 2008
- Confession of a Red Mage, (ar) Strange Horizons December 1 2008
- The Adventures of Petal, the Paperdoll Pirate, (ss) Fantasy Magazine (online) #23, February 2009
- Ekaterina Sedia, (iv) Apex Online April 7 2009 [Ref. Ekaterina Sedia]
- Heaven’s Fire, (ss) Sybil’s Garage #6, May 2009
- The House at the End of the World, (ss) Farrago’s Wainscot #12, October 2009
- The Last Stand of the Ant Maker, (ss) Apex Magazine #12, May 2010
- The Top 10 Experimental Genre Books You’ve Never Heard Of, (ar) Apex Magazine #26, July 2011
- all the houses on sesame street are haunted houses, (pm) Interfictions Online #1, May 2013
- The Days of Talking Mountains, (ss) Farrago’s Wainscot #14, April 2015
- Editorial, (ed) GrendelSong #1, Autumn 2015, etc.
- The Music of Ghosts, (ss) Interzone #272, September/October 2017
- Someone Changed the Bones in Our Homes, (ar) Nightmare #63, December 2017
- A Wave on the Sea: Ursula K. Le Guin, (ob) Apex Magazine #106, March 2018 [Ref. Ursula K. Le Guin]
- Close Your Eyes, (ex) Apex Magazine #109, June 2018
- Countdown to Close Your Eyes, (ar) Apex Magazine #109, June 2018
- Boy A, Girl A, Slender Man, (ar) Apex Magazine #114, November 2018
- So You Want to Build a Generation Ship?, (ar) Strange Horizons June 30 2019
- The Melancholy Beauty of Terror, (ar) Nightmare #90, March 2020
- The Skinless Man Counts to Five, (ss) Apex Magazine #133, 2022
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