The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 378
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Dorman, Sonya; [i.e., Sonya Dorman Hess] (1924-2005) (about) (items)
- The Putnam Tradition, (ss) Amazing Stories January 1963
- Winged Victory, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction November 1963
- The Old Man Lay Down, (pm) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction April 1964
- The Deepest Blue in the World, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction September 1964
- When I Was Miss Dow, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction June 1966
- Lunatic Assignment, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1968
- Dance Music for a Gone Planet, (pm) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1968
- Bye, Bye, Banana Bird [Roxy Rimidon], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1969
- Nest Egg, (ss) New Worlds #199, March 1970
- Coordinates, (pm) Galaxy Science Fiction August/September 1970
- Alpha Bets [Roxy Rimidon], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction November 1970
- Me-Too, (vi) Worlds of Fantasy v1 #3, 1970/71
- Winter City, (pm) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1971
- The Marriage of Art and Science, (pm) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction September 1972
- Journey, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction November/December 1972
- The Bear Went Over the Mountain [Roxy Rimidon], (na) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction August 1973
- Forecast from an Orbiting Satellite, (pm) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1973
- The Sons of Bingaloo, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact November 1973
- Cool Affection, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction May 1974
- Building Block, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact March 1975
- Atlantis, (pm) Cthulhu Calls January 1976
- Awake, (pm) Cthulhu Calls January 1976
- Them and Us and All, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction April 1976
- Corruption of Metals, (pm) 2076: The American Tricentennial ed. Edward Bryant, Pyramid, 1977
- The Reference Library, (rc) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact June 1977
- A Lullaby, a Farewell, (pm) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1979
- Two Children, (pm) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1980
- The Death of Childhood, (pm) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction February 1982
- Your Stars Tomorrow, (pm) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction February 1982
- Essay on Elements, (pm) Velocities #4, Summer 1984
- Study Project for a Natural Scientist, (pm) Velocities #4, Summer 1984
Dormer, Dave (fl. 2010s-2020s) (items)
- Magick Hands, (vi) The Sirens Call #18, December 2014
- Pythia, (vi) The Sirens Call #18, December 2014
- Skeleton Coast, (vi) The Sirens Call #28, August 2016
- They Are out There, (ss) Devolution Z #14, September 2016
- Synergy, (ss) The Sirens Call #30, December 2016
- The Island, (vi) The Sirens Call #59, Halloween 2022
Dorn, Russell J. (fl. 2010s) (items)
- Food for the Fish, (ss) Grotesque Quarterly v1 #1, 2017
- Psychobilly & Horror-Punk Halloween, (ar) Grotesque Quarterly v1 #2, 2017
- Deck the Halls with Bowels of Holley, (ss) Horror Bites Magazine #4, 2018
- C.W. Stoneking: “Gon’ Boogaloo” Album Review, (rv) Grotesque Quarterly v2 #3, 2018
- The Hand That Feeds, (pm) The Sirens Call #45, June 2019
- Plum Jelly, (pm) The Sirens Call #45, June 2019
- Skeleton, Be Still, (pm) The Sirens Call #45, June 2019
- Neck of the Woods, (ss) Unnerving Magazine #11, 2019
Dornbusch, Betsy (fl. 2000s-2010s) (about) (items)
- Death by Submission, (ss) Electric Spec January 31 2007
- Interview with Barth Anderson, (iv) Electric Spec September 30 2007 [Ref. Barth Anderson]
- Irony in Fiction, (ar) Electric Spec October 31 2008
- Author Interview with Ann Aguirre, (iv) Electric Spec February 28 2009 [Ref. Ann Aguirre]
- Author Interview with Stuart Neville, (iv) Electric Spec June 30 2009 [Ref. Stuart Neville]
- The New Writing Age, (ar) Electric Spec October 31 2009
- Author Interview with Bernita Harris, (iv) Electric Spec May 31 2010 [Ref. Bernita Harris]
- Author Interview with Richard Kadrey, (iv) Electric Spec November 30 2010 [Ref. Richard Kadrey]
- Race to Redemption, (ss) Electric Spec May 31 2011
- Author Interview with Rob Ziegler, (iv) Electric Spec November 30 2011 [Ref. Rob Ziegler]
- Archive of Fire [Sentinel (Betsy Dornbusch)], (ex) Electric Spec February 29 2012
- Author Interview with Lynda Hilburn, (iv) Electric Spec August 31 2012 [Ref. Lynda Hilburn]
- Exile [Seven Eyes], (ex) Night Shade Books, February 5 2013
- Author Interview with Kenny Soward, (iv) Electric Spec May 31 2013 [Ref. Kenny Soward]
- Gender Equality in Science Fiction and Fantasy Fandom and Industry, (ar) Electric Spec November 30 2013
- Kingcrux, (ss) Child of Words #1, March 2014
- Author Interview with Brian McClellan, (iv) Electric Spec May 31 2014 [Ref. Brian McClellan]
- Last of a Caste, (ss) Electric Spec February 28 2015
- Emissary [Seven Eyes], (ex) Night Shade Books, April 7 2015
- Author Interview with Roberto Calas, (iv) Electric Spec May 31 2015 [Ref. Roberto Calas]
Dornemann, Rudi (fl. 2000s-2020s) (items)
- Sunfast, Shadowplay, and Saintswalk [Fisher], (ss) Strange Horizons September 8 2003
- The Moonless, the Midnight Eye, and the Season of the Last Gate [Fisher], (ss) Electric Velocipede #5, Fall 2003
- The Labyrinth Tourist, (ss) Flytrap #2, May 2004
- Embers, (ss) Realms of Fantasy October 2004
- Vortigern, (ss) Ideomancer December 2004
- Starblind, Booklost, and Hearing the Songs of True Birds [Fisher], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2022
Dorr, James S(uhrer) (1941- ) (items)
- A Neo-Canterbury Tale: The Hog Drover’s Tale, (pm) Fantasy Book June 1986
- Minushka, (vi) SPWAO Showcase #6, 1986
- Escape Velocity, (pm) Star*Line May/June 1987
- Snapshot: The Voyagers, (pm) Star*Line May/June 1987
- Ballade Royal: The Hangman to His Wife, (pm) Deathrealm #7, Fall/Winter 1988
- Elemental Vamp, (pm) Aboriginal Science Fiction September/October 1988
- Crow Weather, (pm) Cemetery Dance #1, December 1988
- The Fourth Attempt, (ss) Fright Depot #1, 1988
- Conscription: 2188, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #26, January 1989
- Crumbs, (ss) The Scream Factory #2, Spring 1989
- 12:07 A.M., (pm) Deathrealm #9, Summer 1989
- View from Miranda, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry January/June 1989
- Were-Being Split Personality Jazz, (pm) Aboriginal Science Fiction November/December 1989
- The Flight of Yuan from the Phoenix Tower, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry July/December 1989
- The Cat of Dragontorr: A Ballad in Style of Villanelle, (pm) SPWAO Showcase #7, 1989/90
- Alchemists’ Gold, (ss) Space & Time #77, Winter 1990
- Fetuscam, (vi) Pandora #25, 1990
- Never Give a Telepath an Even Break, (ss) Beyond #18, 1990
- Sunrise Revival, (vi) The Haunted Sun #2, January 1991
- Idle Hands, (vi) The Haunted Sun #3, Spring 1991
- A Magician from the Wuyi Shan Mountains, (ss) Atopos #1, Spring/Summer 1991
- Rules of War, (ss) Other Worlds #4, May 1991
- No Place to Hide, (ss) Science Fiction Review #4, Summer 1991
- The Gentle Winds of Summer, (ss) Encounters Magazine July/August 1991
- When Cats Are Away, (ss) Haunts #22, Fall/Winter 1991
- Monster Terror Romance Stories, (vi) Grue #13, Fall 1991
- A Christmas Story, (vi) Cemetery Dance #11, Winter 1992
- Summer Cancellations, (pm) Palace Corbie v1 #1, 1992
- The Ice Coffin, (pm) Wicked Mystic April 1992
- Titanomachy, (pm) Star*Line May/June 1992
- Frankie, (ss) Bizarre Bazaar #1, June 1992
- The Birdcatchers, (pm) The Tome #10, Summer 1992
- Circles, (pm) The Tome #10, Summer 1992
- The Guillotine, A Reflection by Moonlight, (pm) The Tome #10, Summer 1992
- Mandragora, (ss) Fang #3, 1992
- Rain, (pm) The Tome #10, Summer 1992
- Abandoned Ships, (ss) Fantastic Collectibles Magazine #111, September 1992
- Ratso, (ss) 2AM Fall 1992
- Trolls, (pm) Star*Line September/October 1992
- Bitter Perfume, (ss) Figment #12, Winter 1992
- Atoms, (ss) Fantastic Collectibles Magazine #109, 1992
- Final Entry, (ss) Fantastic Collectibles Magazine #107, 1992
- Wind-Song, (pm) Weirdbook Encores #12, 1992
- The Blade of Gudrin, (ss) Space & Time #81, Spring 1993
- Peds, (ss) Harsh Mistress #1, Spring/Summer 1993
- The Moons of Saturn, (ss) Tomorrow July 1993
- Satanic Pastime, (pm) Weirdbook #28, Autumn 1993
- The Swineherd’s Tale, (ss) Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine #12, 1993
- Urcheida, (vi) Dead of Night #8, Fall/Winter 1993
- A Rider Out from Circassia, (ss) Prisoners of the Night #7, 1993
- Pavlov’s Dogs, (ss) Gateways #10, Spring 1994
- The Ice Wraith, (ss) After Hours Spring 1994
- Nuclear Fusion, (ss) Pirate Writings #4, Summer 1994
- Tree of Dreams, (ss) Haunts #28, Summer/Fall 1994
- Exiles, (ex) Zero Gravity Freefall #0, October 1994, etc.
- The Scavenger, (ss) Fantastic Collectibles Magazine #124, November 1994
- Golden Age, (ss) Mindsparks #4, 1994
- Hanging Vines, (ss) ConAdian Souvenir Book ed. Jon Gustafson, ConAdian, 1994
- Top Secret, (ss) Skull v1 #2, 1994
- Tree, (pm) Palace Corbie #5, 1994
- There Is a Comfort, (pm) Dead Lines #2, May 1995
- The Candle Room, (ss) Terminal Fright #8, Summer 1995
- Garbageman, (ss) Plot #3, Summer 1995
- Flying, (ss) Dead of Night #13, Summer 1995
- Jessie, (ss) Aberrations #32, August 1995
- Giupetta, (ss) Palace Corbie #6, 1995
- Fire, (pm) Freezer Burn Magazine #3, Winter 1996
- Flowers of Summer, (pm) Freezer Burn Magazine #3, Winter 1996
- Witches Prayer: The Eve of Samhain, (pm) Freezer Burn Magazine #3, Winter 1996
- Wolf Trail, (pm) Freezer Burn Magazine #3, Winter 1996
- Canto (Evocare!), (pm) Dante’s Disciples ed. Peter Crowther & Edward E. Kramer, White Wolf, 1996
- Annie, (ss) Freezer Burn Magazine #4, 1996
- Trolls, (ss) Night Terrors #1, June 1996
- Kites, (ss) Talebones #4, Summer 1996
- Tarantella, (pm) Freezer Burn Magazine #5, 1996
- The Technician, (pm) Freezer Burn Magazine #5, 1996
- The Sidewalk, (ss) Terminal Fright #13, Fall 1996
- Toast, (ss) Aboriginal Science Fiction Fall 1996
- All Swords Melt, (ss) Fantastic Worlds v1 #1, 1996
- Invisible People, (ss) Fortress #1, 1996
- Seeds, (ss) Keen Science Fiction! February 1997
- Annchuck Rising, (vi) Palace Corbie #7, 1997
- Audrey’s Cat, (ss) Night Terrors #3, April 1997
- Medusa’s Daughter, (pm) Star*Line May/June 1997
- Icebox Worms, (ss) The Darklands Project #2, July 1997
- The Galvanic, (ss) Lore Autumn 1997
- Leaves, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Autumn 1997
- Victorians, (ss) Gothic Ghosts ed. Wendy Webb & Charles Grant, Tor, 1997
- The Esthete, (pm) Tomorrow: Speculative Fiction (online) February 1998
- The Scarecrow, (ss) Millennium Science Fiction & Fantasy Magazine February 1998
- Chinese Music, (pm) Star*Line March/April 1998
- Musician, (pm) Epitaph #4, 1998
- The Ballerina, (ss) Dread #4, Summer 1998
- First Come First Served, (pm) Penny Dreadful #7, 1998
- The Madwoman of Pontoise, (pm) Indigenous Fiction #1, August 1998
- The Once and Future Bear, (ss) Pulp Eternity Magazine #1, September 1998
- A Little Night Music, (pm) Mindmares #4, Fall 1998
- Dust to Dust, (pm) Flesh & Blood v1 #3, 1998
- Annchuck in Love, (pm) Cenotaph #2, Winter 1999
- Concerti, (pm) Mindmares #5, Winter 1999
- Nixies, (ss) Dark Regions & Horror Magazine #11, Winter 1999
- The Hunchback, (ss) Frightmares #6, February 1999
- Flesh, (vi) Maelstrom Speculative Fiction #4, Spring 1999
- Hives, (ss) Dark Regions & Horror Magazine #12, Spring 1999
- The Calm [Cthulhu], (ss) New Mythos Legends ed. Bruce Gehweiler, Marietta Publishing, 1999
- Heliope, (vi) Penny Dreadful #10, 1999
- The Great Man, (ss) The Strand Magazine #2, 1999
- Tombs, (ss) Prisoners of the Night #11, 1999
- Arctic Landscape, (pm) Penny Dreadful #12, 2000
- Craving, (pm) Penny Dreadful #12, 2000
- Sloppy Sally, (ss) Maelstrom Speculative Fiction #5, January 2000
- Vibrations, (pm) Penny Dreadful #13, 2000
- Party Line, (ss) The Vampire’s Crypt #22, Fall 2000
- In the Octopus’s Garden, (ss) EOTU Ezine February 2001
- Cindy, (ss) Fantastic Stories of the Imagination #21, Spring 2001
- The Madwoman of Pontneuf, (pm) ChiZine #8, April/June 2001
- The Worm in the Wood, (pm) Star*Line May/June 2001
- Rat Girl, (ss) Dark Regions #16, Fall 2001
- Flute and Harp, (ss) Whispers and Shadows ed. Jack Fisher, Prime Books, 2001
- La Flamme, (pm) Yellow Bat Review #2, Winter 2002
- Wolves, (ss) Future Orbits #3, February/March 2002
- The Master of Time, (ss) Fantastic Stories of the Imagination #23, Summer 2002
- Dirty Windows, (ss) Bare Bone #3, 2002
- No Christian, (ss) Thirteen Stories #4, December 2002
- Mara’s Room, (ss) Dark Angel Rising #5, February 2003
- Firelight, (pm) Roadworks #15, Winter/Spring 2003
- Waxworms, (ss) ChiZine #17, July/September 2003
- The Glory Hand, (ss) Lovecraft’s Weird Mysteries v1 #7, 2004
- The Festering, (ss) Bare Bone #5, 2004
- The Plant Sitter, (ss) Book of Dark Wisdom #4, Fall 2004
- Cold Lifeless Fingers, (ss) EOTU Ezine October 2004
- Metal Vamp, (pm) Star*Line November/December 2004
- Dating Tips for the Dead, (pm) Aoife’s Kiss March 2005
- City on Fire, (ss) Shadows of Saturn #1, April/May 2005
- The Country Doctor, (ss) Book of Dark Wisdom #6, Spring 2005
- And I Will Harden Pharaoh’s Heart, (ss) Kopfhalter! Summer 2005
- Ratatouille, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #71, 2005
- Oriental Mist, (ss) Here & Now #7, Winter 2005
- Cold Haven, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Spring 2006
- The Drowned City, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Spring 2006
- Nanoflakes, (ss) Abyss & Apex #18, 2nd Quarter 2006
- The Wind, (ss) Dark Wisdom #9, Spring 2006
- Alley Thoughts, (pm) Star*Line July/August 2006
- Shooting Fish, (ss) Forgotten Worlds #4, September 2006
- The Worst Christmas Ever, (ss) Dark Jesters 2006
- The Frog Pond, (ss) Hub Magazine #1, Christmas 2006
- Aerie, (pm) Bare Bone #9, 2006
- Can Monsters Not Love?, (pm) Star*Line March/April 2007
- Strawberry Fields, (ss) Black Ink Horror #3, 2007
- The Game, (ss) Hub Magazine #33, November 17 2007
- Don’t You Laugh at Me, (pm) Star*Line January/February 2010
- American Beauty, (pm) Star*Line March/April 2010
- Origins, (pm) Star*Line March/April 2010
- Annchuck’s Dream, (pm) Tales of the Talisman v6 #1, 2010
- Sestina for Death, (pm) Strange Horizons August 30 2010
- Chagrin du Vampire, (pm) Star*Line September/December 2010
- The Window, (ss) Dark Valentine Autumn 2010
- Jumping Jack, (pm) Star*Line January/March 2011
- The Poet’s Cat, (pm) Beyond Centauri January 2011
- If Only People Weren’t Made Out of Meat, (pm) ChiZine #47, April/June 2011
- Saving Places, (pm) Star*Line April/June 2011
- And Suddenly the Poem I Was Working On Turned Into a Killer Robot, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #90, 2011
- Bernice, (ss) Allen K’s Inhuman Magazine #5, Fall 2011
- Monkey See, (pm) Space and Time #115, Fall 2011
- The Last Typewriter, (pp) Star*Line January/March 2012
- No One Wants to Run Through the Woods Naked Under a Full Moon Anymore, (pm) Star*Line January/March 2012
- The Third Prisoner, (vi) Dark Moon Digest #6, January 2012
- How Things Change, (pm) Star*Line April/June 2012
- Skin, (ss) Dark Moon Digest #7, April 2012
- Proper Perspective, (pm) Star*Line July/September 2012
- Souvenir, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Autumn 2012
- Why Not Let Zombies Vote, (pm) Space and Time #117, Fall 2012
- Burning Down Woods on a Snowy Evening, (pm) Star*Line October/December 2012
- Appointment in Time, (ss) Year’s End: 14 Tales of Holiday Horror ed. J. Alan Hartman, Untreed Reads Publishing, 2012
- Cyclops, (ss) Dark Moon Digest—Young Adult Issue #1, June 2013
- It Would Be Wrong, (ss) Disturbed Digest #1, June 2013
- The Specialist, (pm) Disturbed Digest #1, June 2013
- The Well-Dressed Vampiress, (pm) Hungur Magazine #16, Summer 2013
- untitled (“no wonder we eat brains”), (pm) Star*Line Summer 2013
- In the Company of Wolves, (pm) Bloodbond #1, November 2013
- Casket Girls, (vi) Daily Science Fiction April 10 2014
- You Can Never Go Back, (pm) Star*Line Spring 2014
- Sign Me Up As Well, Quickly, (pm) Star*Line Summer 2014
- Paranormal Botany, (pm) Star*Line Fall 2014
- The Vampire Inventor, (pp) Star*Line Fall 2014
- Entertain the Concept, or, A Vampire’s Dilemma, (pm) Bloodbond #3, November 2014
- Sinister, (pm) Bloodbond #3, November 2014
- Valentine Vamp (“And So to Bed”), (pm) Bloodbond #3, November 2014
- The Vampire Muses, (pm) Bloodbond #3, November 2014
- The Vampire’s Suggestion (Don’t Forget Breath Mints), (pm) Bloodbond #3, November 2014
- [unknown poem], (pm) Nothing’s Sacred October 2015
- Plus-Size, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #102, January 2016
- untitled (“death from below”), (pm) Star*Line Winter 2016
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