The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 211
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Campbell-Hicks, Jennifer (fl. 2010s) (about) (items)
- Cowboy Jake and the Moon Men, (ss) Science Fiction Trails #5, 2010
- Grounded, (ss) Sounds of the Night #8, February 2011
- To See Sarah, (vi) Abyss & Apex #50, 2nd Quarter 2014
- The Temptation of Father Francis (with Nick Tchan), (ss) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #41, September 2014, as by Jennifer Campbell-Hicks & Nick T. Chan
- Star Box, (vi) Flash Fiction Online #16, January 2015
- Loopholes, (ss) Perihelion February 12 2015
- Transference, (vi) Nature #7548, April 23 2015
- Shore Leave, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #14, May 2015
- Prime Time, (vi) Nature #7574, October 22 2015
- Street Rat, (ss) Abyss & Apex #56, 4th Quarter 2015
- The Bone-Runner, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #18, January 2016
- The Memory Who Became a Girl, (ss) Fireside Magazine #32, April 2016
- Aphrodite’s Blood, Decanted, (ss) Clarkesworld #120, September 2016
- Terra Forms (with Justin Adams), (ss) Perihelion January 12 2018
Campisi, Stephanie (fl. 2000s-2010s) (items)
- Gloves, (ss) Borderlands #4, December 2004
- Cod Philosophy, (ss) Farthing #2, Spring 2006
- Bones, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #24, 2006
- Why the Balloon Man Floats Away, (ss) Fantasy Magazine #4, Fall 2006
- On the Day of My Detonation, (ss) Fantasy Magazine #6, Spring 2007
- Painting Walls in the Town of N, (ss) Fantasy Magazine (online) #10, January 2008
- The Glass Girl Looks Back, (ss) Shimmer v3 #1, 2008
- Drinking Black Coffee at the Jasper Grey Cafe, (ss) Sybil’s Garage #6, May 2009
Campton, David (1924-2006) (items)
- Alderman Stratton’s Fancy, (ss) Tandem Horror 3 ed. Richard Davis, Tandem, 1969
- Goat, (ss) New Writings in Horror and the Supernatural #1 ed. David A. Sutton, Sphere, 1971
- At the Bottom of the Garden, (ss) Armada Sci-Fi 1 ed. Richard Davis, Armada, 1975
- A Posthumous Bequest, (ss) Whispers August 1982
- Do There Embrace, (ss) All Hallows #5, 1994
Canada, David (fl. 1990s-2000s) (items)
- Cradle, (ss) Unhinged #4, 1999
- Natterjack: A Creation Fairy Tale, (ss) The Dream Zone #6, May 2000
- [front cover], (cv) Redsine (online) #2, October 2000
- [unknown story], (ss) Redsine (online) #2, October 2000
- [front cover], (cv) Redsine (online) #3, December 2000
- [front cover], (cv) Redsine (online) #5, April 2001
Cañas, Isabel (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (items)
- The Weight of a Thousand Needles, (ss) Lightspeed #109, June 2019
- No Other Life, (ss) Nightmare #82, July 2019
- At the Frayed Edges of the Night, (vi) Frozen Wavelets #1, Fall 2019
- The Kingdom of the Butterflies, (nv) Luna Station Quarterly #40, December 2019
- A Land of Saints and Monsters, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #334, July 15 2021
- My Sister Is a Scorpion, (vi) Lightspeed #135, August 2021
- Six Goats, (ss) Fireside Magazine #103, Summer 2022
- There Are No Monsters on Rancho Buenavista, (vi) Nightmare #117, June 2022
- The Rustle of Growing Things, (vi) Lightspeed #146, July 2022
- All the Things I Know About Ghosts, by Ofelia, Age 10, (ss) The Deadlands #30, October 2023
- Three Things That Happen the Night My Dad Dies, (ss) The Deadlands #35, Summer 2024
- NotRob, (vi) Nightmare #145, October 2024
- Babywings, (vi) Lightspeed #174, November 2024
Canavan, Trudi (1969- ) (items)
- [front cover], (cv) Aurealis #19, 1997
- Whispers of the Mist Children, (ss) Aurealis #23, 1999
- [front cover], (cv) Orb Speculative Fiction #3/4, 2002
- [front cover], (cv) Fables and Reflections #5, August 2003
- Eye of the Beholder, (ss) Grimdark Magazine #19, 2019
Cancilla, Dominick (fl. 1990s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Picture This, (vi) Cemetery Dance #13, Summer 1992
- Weight, (ss) Cemetery Dance #19, Winter 1994
- Dispassionate Muse, (ss) The Urbanite #5, 1995
- Inside, (vi) Outer Darkness #7, Spring 1996
- Aftershock, (vi) Black October Magazine v1 #1, 1996
- Apron Strings, (ss) Night Terrors #1, June 1996
- The Window Box, (ss) Wetbones #1, Spring 1997
- The Kick Inside, (ss) Night Terrors #4, July 1997
- Into the Kiln, (vi) Night Terrors #6, June 1998
- The Hunger of Lazarus, (ss) Delirium #2, 2000
- The Execution Trick, (ss) The Spook #1, July 2001
- Putty in a Master’s Hands, (ss) The Spook #2, August 2001
- Disney’s Haunted Mansion, (ar) The Spook #4, October 2001
- Videorama, (ar) The Spook #5, December 2001
- Race, Culture and Amos ’n’ Andy, (ar) The Spook #7, February 2002
- Rollerball 2002, (mr) The Spook #7, February 2002
- Recapturing Prisoners, (ar) The Spook #8, March 2002
- Revenant Savior, (ex) The Spook #11, July 2002
- He Got Game: Warcraft 3, (gr) The Spook #12, September 2002
- Spook Profile: Steven Kutcher, (bg) The Spook #12, September 2002 [Ref. Steven Kutcher]
- Radio Days: Autumn Listening, (ar) The Spook #13, Fall 2002
- Collecting Peoplecards, (ar) The Spook #14, December 2002
- Bad Weather, (ss) Cemetery Dance #50, 2004
- Josh’s Collection, (ss) Cemetery Dance #53, 2005
- Brother Tubro, (ss) Dark Moon Digest #44, July 2021
- Same Old Story, (ss) parAbnormal Magazine September 2021
- Switchpilot, (ss) The Vanishing Point #2, Winter 2022
Cancre, Anton (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (items)
- You Gotta Love the View…, (vi) Shroud #7, Autumn 2009
- The Song That Crawls, (ss) Necrotic Tissue #13, January 2011
- Beautiful Things, (ss) Shroud #11, Spring 2011
- We’ll Start Tomorrow: Wish Fulfillment in Shaun of the Dead, (ar) Jamais Vu #3, Summer/Autumn 2014
- Hemaphobia/Carnophobia, (pm) Disturbed Digest #8, March 2015
- It Never Stops Feeding, (pm) Bloodbond #4, May 2015
- Two Introductions (with Leslie J. Anderson), (in) Recompose #0, November 2015
- Editor’s Note, (ed) Recompose #1, May 2016
- Introduction (with Leslie J. Anderson), (in) Recompose #3, January 2017
- The Horror I’d Rather Deal With, (pm) Nothing’s Sacred May 2019
- Legacies, (pm) Space and Time #137, Summer 2020
- The Queen of the Fucking Butterflies, Drunk and Expounding on Existence to Her Subjects, (pm) Penumbric Speculative Fiction April 2021
- Restructant#1, (pm) Penumbric Speculative Fiction August 2021
- All the Easier to Tuck You In, (pm) The Sirens Call #56, Winter 2021
- Can’t Live on Memories, Alone, (pm) The Sirens Call #56, Winter 2021
- Death, the Whore, (pm) The Sirens Call #56, Winter 2021
- We Do What We Can to Not Think, (pm) The Sirens Call #56, Winter 2021
- The Lady of Ice Drowned in the Rising Tides, (pm) Haven Speculative #9, June 2023
- If You’re Cold, They’re Cold, (pm) Penumbric Speculative Fiction June 2024
Candiotti, Barbara (fl. 2020s) (items)
- untitled (“two belief zones…”), (pm) Star*Line Spring 2021
- [illustration(s)], (il) Utopia Science Fiction Magazine December 2021
- [front cover], (cv) Electric Spec February 28 2022
- [front cover], (cv) Star*Line Spring 2022
- [front cover], (cv) Electric Spec August 31 2022
- [front cover], (cv) Electric Spec February 28 2023
- Shroom Planet, (il) Penumbric Speculative Fiction April 2023
- [front cover], (cv) Orion’s Belt April 2023
- [front cover], (cv) Haven Speculative #9, June 2023
- [front cover], (cv) Penumbric Speculative Fiction June 2023
- [front cover], (cv) Penumbric Speculative Fiction August 2023
- untitled (“My new tattoo”), (pm) Star*Line Spring 2024
- [front cover], (cv) Penumbric Speculative Fiction April 2024
- [front cover], (cv) Electric Spec May 31 2024
- Urban Haunt, (il) Penumbric Speculative Fiction October 2024
Canedo, Alejandro; [i.e., Alejandro de Cañedo] (1902-1978); used pseudonym Alejandro (items)
- [front cover], (cv) Astounding Science Fiction December 1946, as by Alejandro
- [front cover], (cv) Astounding Science Fiction September 1947, as by Alejandro
- [front cover], (cv) Astounding Science Fiction December 1947, as by Alejandro
- [front cover], (cv) Astounding Science Fiction February 1948, as by Alejandro
- [front cover], (cv) Astounding Science Fiction May 1948, as by Alejandro
- [illustration(s)], (il) Astounding Science Fiction June 1948, as by Alejandro
- [front cover], (cv) Astounding Science Fiction August 1948
- [front cover], (cv) Astounding Science Fiction March 1949, as by Alejandro
- [front cover], (cv) Astounding Science Fiction October 1949
- [front cover], (cv) Astounding Science Fiction September 1952, as by Alejandro
- [front cover], (cv) Astounding Science Fiction July 1954, as by Alejandro
Canfield, Grant (fl. 1970s-2010s) (items)
- [front cover], (cv) Science Fiction Review #38, June 1970
- [front cover], (cv) Science Fiction Review #41, November 1970
- [front cover], (cv) The Alien Critic #4, January 1973
- [front cover], (cv) The Alien Critic #6, August 1973
- [front cover], (cv) Science Fiction Review #12, February 1975
- [front cover], (cv) Science Fiction Review #13, May 1975
- [front cover], (cv) Science Fiction Review #15, November 1975
- [front cover], (cv) Science Fiction Review #18, August 1976
- [illustration(s)] (with Dan Steffan), (il) Thrust #8, Spring 1977
- [illustration(s)], (il) Thrust #9, Fall 1977
- [letter], (lt) Science Fiction Review #24, February 1978, etc.
- [illustration(s)], (il) Trumpet #12, Summer 1981
- Roller Derby, (cs) Stardate October 1985, etc.
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