The General Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1170
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[uncredited] (chron.) (continued)
- * Why the Miners Never Came Back, (ar) The Sun
- * Why Trusted Men Steal, (ms) The Popular Magazine October 7 1924
- * Why We Beat the World, (hu) Short Stories November 1919
- * Why We Shake Hands, (ms) Fame and Fortune Magazine 1st April 1929
- * Why Western Stories Are Taller, (ms) The Popular Magazine April 7 1919
- * Why Women Are Beautiful, (ar) The Scrap Book November 1909
- * Why You Need Salk Polio Shots Now, (ar) Redbook April 1957
- * Why Your Child Should Dance, (ar) Redbook December 1955as told to Maurice Zolotow
- * The Widows Might, (ts) Live Stories January 1925as told to Vernon Tankeray
- * A Wife’s Dilemma, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine April 1915
- * Wilbur F. Sanders, United States Senator from Montana, (bg) The Argosy March 28 1891
- * Wild Bill Hickok, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine February 1928
- * A Wild Cat’s Genealogy, (ms) The Popular Magazine May 7 1925
- * The Wilderness Is Still with Us, (ms) The Popular Magazine May 7 1927
- * A Wilder Play from Thornton Wilder, (th) Redbook March 1943
- * Wild Flowers, (pm) The Golden Argosy July 28 1888
- * Wild Game in Old Countries, (ar) The Scrap Book October 1909
- * Wild Game Paradise, (ms) North•West Stories 1st September 1926
- * Wild Men on Wheels, (pi) Argosy November 1947
- * The Wild Ponies of Ocracoke Island, (pi) Argosy August 1947
- * A Wild Run for a Wife, (vi) The Golden Argosy September 26 1885
- * Wild Turkeys in Jersey, (ss) The Golden Argosy January 1 1887
- * Wild West Documentary, (ar) Lilliput March/April 1951
- * Will, (pm) The Golden Argosy July 14 1883
- * Will Boom Industry, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine September 1911
- * Will Build New Line, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine September 1911
- * William Bigelow Neal, (bg) The Blue Book Magazine September 1925 [Ref. William Bigelow Neal]
- * William Clark, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine July 1928
- * William C.P. Breckinridge (portrait and bio of Congressman from Kentucky), (bg) The Argosy December 7 1889
- * William Ewart Gladstone, (bg) The Argosy #472, December 19 1891
- * William F. Cody, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine April 1928
- * William Lewis Douglas, (ar) The Argosy January 31 1891
- * William M. Evarts, (bg) The Argosy December 8 1888
- * William M. Taylor, D.D., Ll.D.: Pastor of the Broadway Tabernacle, New York City, (bg) The Argosy #495, May 28 1892
- * William T. Adams, (bg) The Golden Argosy June 18 1887
- * William T. Adams (Oliver Optic), (bg) The Golden Argosy October 20 1883
- * William T. Adams (Oliver Optic), (il) The Golden Argosy June 18 1887
- * William Walter Phelps: Minister to Germany, (bg) The Argosy #497, June 11 1892
- * Willie’s Duma Puzzle, (pm) American Spectator
- * Willing to Humor Her, (hu) The Popular Magazine November 1905
- * Will Rogers: Beloved Cowboy Humorist, (ar) The Blue Book Magazine October 1951
- * Will Run Flower Trains, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1911
- * Will She?, (pm) The Sun
- * Will She Be Master Mechanic?, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine February 1912
- * Will Stick to Telegraph, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine July 1911
- * Will Television Be Linked to the Telephone?, (ar) Short Stories (UK) early September 1936
- * Will the People Have Shakspere?, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine March 1898
- * Will Water Run Uphill?, (ar) Redbook August 1955
- * Wil Sune Be at the Hed, (pm) Detroit Free Press
- * Win a Miniature “Spy” Camera, (cn) Adventure Aug, Oct, Dec 1965, Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 1966, Feb, Apr 1967
- * Win a Spy Camera with Your Own Pinup Photo, (cn) Adventure Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 1969, Feb, Apr 1970
- * The Wind and the Rain, (pi) The Argosy (UK) March 1936
- * The Wind Has Blown Their Swords Away, (pm)
- * The Windjammer Holds Its Own, (ms) The Popular Magazine April 20 1927
- * Windjammers of Salmon Fleet Ousted by Steam, (ms) North•West Stories 2nd July 1926
- * The Winds of March, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine March 1898
- * The Windswept Look, (pi) Argosy November 1955
- * Wine, Women, and Horses, (qz) Argosy (UK) December 1958
- * The Winged Pegasus, (??)
- * Wing Gaits of Our Feathered Friends, (ar) The Scrap Book June 1910
- * Wings, (pm) Science of Thought Review
- * Wings of Clay, (ar) Lilliput November 1954
- * The Wings of Eagles, (mr) Argosy February 1957
- * “The Wings of the Wind”, (ms) Short Stories December 10 1921
- * Wings on Her Toes, (pi) Adventure April 1956
- * Winner of the December Cover Contest, (cn) Wild West Stories and Complete Novel Magazine #126, April 1936
- * The Winner of the Race, (pm) The Golden Argosy July 11 1885
- * Winners: Argosy’s Bourbon Barrel Contest, (ms) Argosy May 1960
- * Winners in Argosy-Dodger Rookie Hunt, (ms) Argosy June 1949
- * Winners in the April Story-Title Contest, (ms) Railroad Stories August 1932
- * Winners of Prizes for Stories in the September issue, (ms) Prize Story Magazine December 1928
- * Winners of the $1,000 Prize Mystery Contest, (ms) Prize Story Magazine December 1928
- * The Winners—Straight from Dogpatch!, (ms) Argosy April 1949
- * Winning Picture for April, (pi) Adventure April 1968
- * Winning Picture for August, (pi) Adventure Aug 1967, Aug, Oct 1968
- * Winning Picture for December, (pi) Adventure December 1967
- * Winning Picture for February, (pi) Adventure February 1968
- * Winning Picture for June, (pi) Adventure June 1968
- * Winning Picture for October, (pi) Adventure October 1967
- * Winston Spencer Churchill, the Irrepressible, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine March 1916
- * Winter, (pm)
- * The Winter Girl, (pm) Chicago Post
- * Winter Photography for Amateurs, (ar) The Scrap Book March 1906
- * Winterscapes, (pi) Railroad Magazine February 1944
- * Winter Sport in Russia, (il) The Golden Argosy November 3 1888
- * A Winter Wish, (pm) Atlanta Constitution
- * A Winter with the Esquimaux, (ar) The Golden Argosy February 9 1884
- * The Wintry Wind, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine November 1891
- * Wire Trouble, (ms) North•West Stories February 1932
- * Wisconsin’s Centennial, (pi) The Blue Book Magazine May 1948
- * Wisconsin: The Chinese Coat, (ar) The Blue Book Magazine July 1947
- * Wisdom and Philosophy, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine Mar 1916, Jan, Mar 1917
- * Wisdom and Wit Combined, (ms) The Popular Magazine December 15 1913
- * Wisdom Caught A-Napping, (ar) The Scrap Book August 1909
- * The Wisdom of Age, (pm) The Golden Argosy March 22 1884
- * Wisdom of the Bramin, (pm) The Golden Argosy August 1 1885
- * The Wisdom of the Experienced, (ms) Smith’s Magazine November 1905
- * Wisdom of the Talmud, (ms)
- * A Wise Man’s Good Luck, (ms) The Popular Magazine June 1931
- * A Wise Peasant, (ms) Fame and Fortune Magazine 1st November 1928
- * A Wish, (pm)
- * The Wish-Bone, (pm) The Golden Argosy January 2 1886
- * Wit and Cruelty as Allies, (ms) The Scrap Book August 1906 (abbrev)
- * With a Reservation, (hu) The Popular Magazine May 1906
- * With “Everybody’s” Publishers, (cl) Everybody’s Magazine Dec 1904, Feb 1916, Sep 1918, Mar 1920
- * With “Everybody’s” Publishers. An Important Announcement, (ms) Everybody’s Magazine November 1917
- * With His Boots on, (ms) The Popular Complete Stories April 1 1932
- * With His Hand on the Throttle, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine June 1912
- * With His Teeth, (ms) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories August 15 1932
- * Within a Month, (ms) The Popular Magazine May 20 1927
- * With Kayak and Spear, (ms) North•West Stories 2nd July 1926
- * With Knife and Pistol, (vi) Complete Stories December 1927
- * With Our Authors, (bg) Fiction Parade and Golden Book Magazine April 1936
- * Without an Enemy, (ms) The Popular Magazine 1st April 1930
- * Without Tangible Reward, (ms) The Popular Magazine October 7 1924
- * With Paine at Yale, (ms) The Popular Magazine September 15 1914
- * With the Authors, (bg) Fiction Parade and Golden Book Magazine Dec 1935, Oct 1936, Sep, Dec 1937, Jan, Feb 1938
- * With the Authors in This Issue, (bg) Fiction Parade and Golden Book Magazine Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Jun 1937
- * With the Contributors, (bg) Fiction Parade and Golden Book Magazine August 1937
- * With the Highest Recommendation, (ms) The Popular Magazine November 15 1913
- * With the Inventors, (cl) Railroad Man’s Magazine Jan, Mar 1917
- * With the Morning, (pm) The Boston Transcript
- * With the Procession, (cl) Everybody’s Magazine Dec 1904, Dec 1905
- * With These Exceptions, (hu) The Popular Magazine July 1907
- * With the Story Tellers, (cl) Novelets Aug, Oct, Nov, Dec 1924, Jan 1925
- * With the Tide, (hu) The Popular Magazine January 1907
- * With This Ring, (qz) Argosy (UK) February 1948
- * Wit of the Ancient Greeks, (ar) The Scrap Book June 1906 (abbrev)
- * Wits on Their Toes, (qz) Argosy (UK) November 1962
- * Wizardry of Kenneth Perkins, (bg) Argosy Allstory Weekly April 14 1923 [Ref. Kenneth Perkins]
- * The Wolf’s Tooth as Mascot, (ms) The Popular Magazine July 1908
- * Wolf Terror, (ms) Novelets April 1925
- * Wolves Besiege Town, (ms) North•West Stories 1st April 1926
- * Woman, (pm)
- * Woman Alone, (sl) Fiction Magazine March 1943
- * Woman and the Law in England, (ms) Women’s Stories May 1 1914
- * A Woman Envoy, (ms) Women’s Stories January 15 1914
- * The Womanly Woman, (ms) Women’s Stories June 1914
- * A Woman of Some Importance [The Belles of Beauty Row], (ss) The Green Book Magazine October 1914
- * The Woman of Three Cows, (pm)
- * A Woman on the World’s Roof, (ar) The Scrap Book July 1907
- * The Woman Question in Canada, (ms) Women’s Stories February 1 1914
- * Woman Rancher, (ms) North•West Stories 2nd September 1926
- * A Woman’s Footprint, (ms)
- * Woman’s Heart, (pm) The Literary Emporium May 1845
- * Woman’s Invention to Prevent Wreck, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine January 1912
- * A Woman’s Lures, (ms) Live Stories April 1925
- * A Woman’s Question, (pm) (by Adelaide Anne Procter) Household Words February 6 1858, uncredited.
- * Woman’s Realm, (cl) The Black Cat (UK) #1 Feb, #2 Mar 1898
- * A Woman’s Three Needs, (ms) Women’s Stories March 15 1914
- * Woman Suffrage in Denmark, (ms) Women’s Stories January 1 1914
- * Woman’s Want, (pm)
- * Woman’s Will, (pm)
- * A Woman the First Daily’s Editor, (ar) The Scrap Book December 1910
- * Woman the Inventor, (ms) Live Stories April 1915
- * A Woman to the Rescue, (ar) The Argosy #561, September 2 1893
- * Woman Trapper Gets Mad, (ms) North•West Stories 2nd November 1926
- * The Woman Who Gave Birth to Rabbits, (ex) 1837
- * The Woman Who “Left a Sting in the Soul”, (ms) The Golden Book Magazine #4, April 1925
- * WOmen and the Advancement of Science, (ms) Women’s Stories February 1 1914
- * Women and War, (ms) Live Stories December 1914
- * Women as County Clerks, (ms) Women’s Stories December 15 1913
- * The Women Behind the Men Behind the Guns, (pi) Munsey’s Magazine July 1918
- * Women Doctors in England, (ms) Women’s Stories February 15 1914
- * Women Hunt on Right-of-Way, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1912
- * Women I Have Loved, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine February 1915
- * Women in China, (ms) Women’s Stories May 1 1914
- * Women in Germany, (ms) Women’s Stories February 1 1914
- * Women in Great Demand (too many bachelors in Red Bend, Washington Territory), (ar) The Golden Argosy October 3 1885
- * Women in Russia, (ms) Women’s Stories February 15 1914
- * Women in War Work, (pi) Munsey’s Magazine June 1918
- * Women of Mystery:
* ___ Anne Douglas, (ss) The Green Book Magazine January 1921
* ___ Ellen Stebbins, (ss) The Green Book Magazine November 1920
* ___ Mary Carns, (ss) The Green Book Magazine March 1921
* ___ Rose Gavarre, (ss) The Green Book Magazine October 1920
* ___ The Story of Martruda Volnycz, (ss) The Green Book Magazine December 1920
* ___ Sylvia D’Arusmont, (ss) The Green Book Magazine April 1921
- * The Women of the Terrace, (ia) Munsey’s Magazine March 1902
- * Women Parliamentarians, (ms) Women’s Stories November 15 1913
- * Women Professors in Germany, (ms) Women’s Stories August 1914
- * Women’s Activities, (ms) Women’s Stories February 1 1914
- * A Women’s Bank, (ms) Women’s Stories March 1 1914
- * Women: The Dictatorship of Miss and Mom, (ar) Lilliput October 1959
- * The Women Who Are Plain, (ar) The Scrap Book February 1909
- * Women Who Sell Insurance, (ed) The Green Book Magazine July 1921
- * A Wonderful Ghost Story, (ss) (by Thomas Frank Heaphy) All the Year Round 1861
- * Wonderful Sagacity of a Boy, (te) The Golden Argosy October 18 1884
- * Wonderful Summer Playgrounds of America, (pi) Munsey’s Magazine June 1915
- * Wonderful Trials by Ordeal in India, (ar) The Scrap Book April 1911
- * The Wonderful Work of Nature, (ms) The Popular Magazine January 15 1914
- * The Wonder of Being a Girl, (ar) Live Stories August 1924
- * Wonders of the Jubilee Broadcast, (ar) Short Stories (UK) mid August 1936
- * The Wonders of the Wheel, (ar) The Argosy #518, November 5 1892
- * The Wonders of Water, (ms) The Popular Magazine September 1908
- * Wonders of Wireless and Television, (cl) Short Stories (UK) early Apr , mid Apr , early May 1936
* ___ The Dance of the Electrons, (cl) Short Stories (UK) early October 1936
* ___ The Latest Baird Television Developments, (cl) Short Stories (UK) mid August 1936
* ___ Linking Television to the Telephone, (cl) Short Stories (UK) early October 1936
* ___ The Marvels of the Electric Eye, (cl) Short Stories (UK) mid May 1936
* ___ Radio and Television Help Flying, (cl) Short Stories (UK) early August 1936
* ___ Secrets of the Cathode Ray Tube, (cl) Short Stories (UK) mid May 1936
* ___ The Transmission of Outdoor Scenes by Television, (cl) Short Stories (UK) late May 1936
* ___ Will Television Be Linked to the Telephone?, (cl) Short Stories (UK) early September 1936
* ___ Wonders of the Jubilee Broadcast, (cl) Short Stories (UK) mid August 1936
- * The Wonder Wardrobe, (ar) The Green Book Magazine April 1916
- * Wooden and Steel Cars, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine June 1912
- * Wooden Ships and Iron Men, (pi) The Blue Book Magazine June 1948
- * The Woodland Shades, (pm) The Golden Argosy July 7 1888
- * The Wood or the Trees?, (qz) Argosy (UK) February 1961
- * Woodrow Wilson: Please Note!, (ms) The Popular Magazine April 7 1919
- * A Word of Wisdom, (pm) The Golden Argosy October 17 1885
- * Words, (pm) The Golden Argosy July 10 1886
- * Words—Just Words, (qz) Argosy (UK) August 1943
- * Words That Will Not Rhyme, (ms) The Scrap Book April 1906
- * Words to Use on Your Air Ship, (ms) The Scrap Book April 1911
- * The Word That Is Spoken, (pm) The Golden Argosy February 19 1887
- * A Word to Subscribers, (ms) Adventure November 1935
- * A Word to the Wise, (ms) Fame and Fortune Magazine 1st November 1928
- * Work!, (pm) The Golden Argosy February 12 1887
- * Work and Wait, (pm) The Golden Argosy February 23 1884
- * Workers’ Hints, (ms) Fame and Fortune Magazine 1st December 1928
- * Working for Better Things, (ar) The Green Book Magazine July 1921
- * Working Hours, (ms) Fortune Story Magazine August 1929
- * The Work of John Murray Forbes, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine September 1912
- * Work of the Glaciers, (ar) The Golden Argosy December 9 1882
- * Workshop and Playground, (cl) The Argosy Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1895
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