The General Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 852
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Rubin, Manning Joseph (1893-?) (chron.)
- * The Acid Test (with Octavus Roy Cohen), (ss) People’s March 1916
- * The Apology, (vi) People’s Favorite Magazine March 10 1918
- * At First Sight, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly September 9 1922
- * The Bluffer, (ss) All-Story Weekly July 13 1918
- * The Canceled Debt, (ss) People’s March 1917
- * Courteous Chance, (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine November 10 1917
- * Dead Man’s Shoes (with Octavus Roy Cohen), (ss) All-Story Weekly October 23 1915
- * Do-This-Johnny, (ss) People’s January 1917
- * A Double Vindication, (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine October 10 1917
- * The Earth Is Flat, (ss) All Around Magazine March 1917
- * Eat, Drink, and Be Married, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly March 22 1924
- * The Efficiency Test, (vi) People’s June 1916
- * The End of a Perfect Day, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly January 20 1923
- * “Flight!”, (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine June 10 1918
- * The Ill Wind (with Lyon Mearson), (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine November 25 1917
- * Jum-Jums (with Octavus Roy Cohen), (ss) People’s February 1916
- * The Man of Ice (with Octavus Roy Cohen), (ss) Munsey’s Magazine August 1915
- * Not a Genius, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly January 5 1924
- * Nothing Succeeds Like Failure, (ss) The Argosy June 22 1918
- * Payment in Kind, (ss) All-Story Weekly September 23 1916
- * The Prize, (ss) People’s November 1916
- * Rattling the Saber, (ss) The Argosy November 23 1918
- * The Rival, (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine January 25 1918
- * The Slave, (vi) People’s April 1916
- * The Solution, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine August 1920
- * A Stroke of Genius, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly February 3 1923
- * This Is the Life, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly November 19 1921
- * An Ungrateful Wretch, (vi) People’s Favorite Magazine July 10 1918
- * Untouched by Human Hands!, (ss) All-Story Weekly June 17 1916
- * Whaddaya-Know-About Napoleon?, (ss) All-Story Weekly March 18 1916
- * Yates and Son, (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine September 25 1917
Ruck, Berta; [i.e., Amy Roberta Ruck Oliver] (1878-1978) (about) (chron.)
- * The Arrant Rover, (sl) Ainslee’s Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul 1921
- * The Love Lace, (ss) The Grand Magazine June 1919
- * Sweet Stranger, (sl) The Green Book Magazine Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1920, Jan, Feb 1921
Rucker, Henry (fl. 1910s) (chron.)
- * All Things Considered, (ss) The Popular Magazine June 20 1918
- * A Cheerful Giver, (ss) The Popular Magazine November 7 1916
- * Contents Noted, (ss) The Popular Magazine July 20 1918
- * Deuce ex Machina, (ss) The Popular Magazine November 7 1917
- * Featured!, (ss) The Popular Magazine January 7 1918
- * Goods Cheerfully Delivered, (ss) The Popular Magazine January 20 1918
- * Including the Scandinavian, (ss) The Popular Magazine December 7 1917
- * The One-Eyed Man, (ss) The Popular Magazine December 20 1917
- * Something Like Samson, (ss) The Popular Magazine December 7 1916
- * Victuals for Venus, (ss) The Popular Magazine April 20 1917
- * Without Benefit of Education, (ss) The Popular Magazine February 20 1918
Rud, Anthony M(elville) (1893-1942) (about) (chron.)
- * The Affair at Steffen Shoals [Jigger Masters], (ss) The Green Book Magazine October 1918
- * The Albino Ogre, (nv) Argosy Allstory Weekly November 3 1928
- * Baby Bushmaster, (ss) Argosy January 14 1933
- * Big Casino, (nv) Argosy Allstory Weekly May 18 1929
- * The Bitter Road, (ss) Complete Story Magazine July 1 1924
- * Black Pearls, (ss) Complete Stories May 1937
- * The Black Warrior, (ss) Argosy August 29 1936
- * Blood on the Snow, (nv) North•West Stories 2nd May 1928
- * Brass Checks, (nv) Short Stories April 10 1924
- * Breed of the Barrens, (nv) North•West Stories Spring 1937
- * A Broad Jump on Jackwade, (ss) Short Stories May 25 1926
- * The Brotherhood of Hate, (nv) Short Stories August 10 1921
- * Byng of Ballarat, (nv) Argosy November 30 1935
- * Cactus Cache, (nv) Argosy November 1 1930
- * Cajan Code, (nv) Argosy January 9 1932
- * Cat of the Clouds, (ss) Argosy April 18 1936
- * Claws of the Catspaw, (ss) Hardboiled November 1936
- * Cloudburst, (ss) Argosy September 17 1932
- * A Comradeship of Courage, (nv) Short Stories March 10 1922
- * Crosspatch, Cobra Killer, (ss) Adventure January 1936
- * Desert Gesture, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1930
- * The Devil’s Heirloom, (nv) Short Stories September 10 1922
- * Devil-Tails, (ss) Everybody’s May 1927
- * The Dictogram, (nv) The Blue Book Magazine March 1922
- * Empty Bottles, (ss) Short Stories February 10 1924
- * An Enigma in Black, (nv) Short Stories April 25 1925
- * The Exiled Monster, (ss) Argosy July 18 1936
- * The Fiery Meteor [Jigger Masters], (ss) The Green Book Magazine April 1918
- * First Loyalty, (ss) Argosy May 11 1935
- * The Flusher, (ss) Adventure June 20 1923
- * The Frigate Bird, (ss) Short Stories December 25 1921
- * The Ghost Mascot, (ss) Argosy September 5 1936
- * The Giant Footprints [Jigger Masters], (ss) The Green Book Magazine August 1918
- * Golden Millstones, (nv) Argosy June 10 1933
- * The Great Conspiracy of Silence, (ss) Smith’s Magazine March 1920
- * Green for Danger, (ss) Argosy October 7 1933
- * The Green Gas, (ss) Short Stories October 25 1929
- * Grit in His Gizzard, (ss) Argosy August 17 1935
- * The Gypsy Gyp, (ss) Everybody’s June 1928
- * The Hairless Menace, (ss) Argosy February 29 1936
- * Haunted Harbor, (na) People’s Story Magazine August 25 1922
- * Hostages of Hate, (na) People’s May 1 1924
- * Ice Water Warrior, (ss) Argosy October 3 1936
- * The Ill Will of Codicil Craley, (ss) People’s October 15 1923
- * Jaylee’s Buttonhole Shop, (ss) The Popular Magazine October 7 1920
- * The Jumping Bean, (ss) Short Stories August 10 1923
- * Jungle Mystery, (ss) Argosy April 22 1933
- * Just Dog, (ss) People’s Story Magazine March 25 1922
- * Kernan of the Cataracts, (ss) Short Stories June 25 1922
- * King of the Klondike, (na) Brief Stories September 1928
- * Larrimore of Lonesome, (ss) Everybody’s February 1929
- * The Lass-Rope Legacy, (na) Short Stories January 25 1927
- * The Last Grubstake, (nv) Short Stories December 25 1922
- * Leader of the Kloomp, (ss) Argosy November 2 1935
- * Live Bait, (ss) Argosy September 29 1934
- * The Lonely Killer, (ss) Argosy April 6 1935
- * Lord of the Sunderbunds, (ss) Argosy June 8 1935
- * Loyalty, (nv) Short Stories May 10 1929
- * The Man from Mandalay, (nv) Complete Stories November 1936
- * The Marked Deuce, (nv) Argosy May 26 1934
- * The Men Who Make the Argosy, (cl) Argosy September 20 1930
- * The Miltonvale Nemesis [Jigger Masters], (ss) The Green Book Magazine July 1918
- * The Mojave Mule, (nv) Short Stories July 10 1927
- * Monster of the Mud-Line, (ss) Argosy July 13 1935
- * The Mummy, (nv) North•West Stories 1st December 1926
- * Muted Strings, (na) People’s July 1 1924
- * Nevada Diamonds, (nv) Short Stories January 25 1924
- * The October Blight [Jigger Masters], (nv) The Green Book Magazine March 1918
- * Paper Dust and Pomade, (ss) The Argosy December 14 1918
- * Plug-Ugly, (ss) People’s January 1 1924
- * Pudding Stone, (nv) Everybody’s August 1927
- * The Quota Kayo, (ss) Short Stories February 25 1925
- * The Red-Banded Pearl, (ss) Argosy April 27 1940
- * The Red Billiard-Ball Mystery [Jigger Masters], (ss) The Green Book Magazine June 1918
- * The Red Scorpion, (nv) Argosy October 26 1935
- * The Shadow of Honor, (nv) Short Stories April 25 1922
- * The Sheep Killer, (nv) Novelets October 1924
- * Shotgun Title, (na) People’s Story Magazine July 10 1922
- * A Shotput in Circle, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine October 1919
- * A Show for Eric, (ss) Smith’s Magazine June/July 1920
- * Sinister Hollow, (nv) The Blue Book Magazine April 1937
- * Smoke Segrue, (ss) Argosy September 20 1930
- * Smoke Settles, (ss) Everybody’s October 1928
- * Smoky Treasure, (nv) Short Stories June 25 1925
- * Snaggle-Tooth, (ss) Short Stories January 25 1922
- * Some Call It Courage, (na) The Blue Book Magazine February 1936
- * Sorcerer’s Treasure, (nv) Argosy May 25 1935
- * Sorcery of Honor, (nv) Short Stories August 10 1936
- * Sparkling Waters of Death, (ss) Argosy May 23 1936
- * The Spearhead Streak, (ss) Argosy October 31 1936
- * The Specter at Macey’s [Jigger Masters], (ss) The Green Book Magazine September 1918
- * The Spotted Ethiopian, (ss) Argosy January 4 1936
- * The Stained Tabu, (nv) Argosy November 3 1934
- * Sterile Salt, (ss) Short Stories September 10 1924
- * The Strangest Beast, (ss) Argosy June 13 1936
- * A Streak of Lean, (ss) Argosy June 22 1935
- * “Stripes, the Villain”, (ss) Argosy December 7 1935
- * Strong Man, (sl) Argosy May 31, Jun 7, Jun 14, Jun 21 1930
- * The Tapu-Grove, (nv) Short Stories December 1920
- * Teeth of Terror, (ss) Adventure March 1939
- * Texas Straight, (nv) Short Stories July 25 1926
- * The Torchbearer, (nv) People’s June 1 1924
- * The Town Tamer, (ss) Complete Stories May 1927
- * The Trap Spider, (nv) Short Stories October 10 1927
- * A Turn That Turned Too Far, (ss) The Popular Magazine March 7 1920
- * The Two of Us, (ss) Short Stories September 25 1926
- * Unfinished Business, (ss) Smith’s Magazine August 1920
- * The Vengeance of the Wah Fu Tong [Jigger Masters], (ss) The Green Book Magazine May 1918
- * Visitors from Venus, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine October 1937
- * Waters Under the Earth, (nv) Short Stories October 10 1936
- * White Fires, (nv) Argosy April 14 1934
- * White Treasure, (ss) The Popular Magazine January 20 1921
- * Will o’ the Wasp, (ss) Everybody’s December 1928
- * [letter], (lt) Short Stories December 1920
_____, ed.
- * Editor: Adventure Oct 15, Nov 1, Nov 15, Dec 1, Dec 15 1927, Jan 1, Jan 15, Feb 1, Feb 15, Mar 1, Mar 15, Apr 1,
Apr 15, May 1, May 15, Jun 1, Jun 15, Jul 1, Jul 15, Aug 1, Aug 15, Sep 1, Sep 15, Oct 1,
Oct 15, Nov 1, Nov 15, Dec 1, Dec 15 1928
Jan 1, Jan 15, Feb 1, Feb 15, Mar 1, Mar 15, Apr 1, Apr 15, May 1, May 15, Jun 1, Jun 15,
Jul 1, Jul 15, Aug 1, Aug 15, Sep 1, Sep 15, Oct 1, Oct 15, Nov 1, Nov 15, Dec 1, Dec 15 1929
Jan 1, Jan 15, Feb 1, Feb 15 1930
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