The General Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 421
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Hail, Steve (1907-?) (about) (chron.)
- * Act of God, (ss) Short Stories December 10 1946
- * Brush Pile Round the Bend, (ss) Adventure February 1947
- * Cargo for Canton, (ss) Short Stories November 10 1947
- * Certified Seaworthy, (ss) Adventure April 1947
- * Deadline Advanced, (ss) Short Stories April 10 1947
- * Deadline for Junior, (ss) Short Stories May 10 1948
- * Death Astern, (ss) Argosy February 1947
- * Decision at Great Sandy, (ss) Short Stories March 25 1947
- * Doghole Circuit, (ss) Adventure June 1947
- * Downriver Passage, (ss) Adventure December 1946
- * Fair Weather Skipper, (ss) Adventure August 1945
- * Hellions for Hilo, (ss) Adventure August 1946
- * Log Pirate Penalty, (ss) Short Stories July 10 1947
- * Log Rafts South!, (nv) Adventure July 1948
- * Logs Astern, Trouble Ahead, (ss) Short Stories January 1950
- * A Motto for the Skipper, (ss) Adventure June 1948
- * Murder in the Mothball Fleet, (ss) Short Stories January 10 1949
- * No Man’s Passage, (ss) Adventure January 1952
- * Rigged for Disaster, (na) Bluebook April 1953
- * Second Chance, (ss) Short Stories August 10 1947
- * Sense of Danger, (ss) Short Stories May 1951
- * Skyhooker, (ss) Redbook June 1958
- * A Song for Skys’l Johnny, (ss) Adventure May 1945
- * A Taste of Command, (ss) Argosy May 1947
- * Temporary Skipper, (ss) Adventure November 1947
- * Timber Ghost, (ss) Argosy June 1948
- * TNT, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 23 1948
- * To Hell—with Orders!, (ss) Argosy August 1949
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Haines, Donal Hamilton (1886-1951) (about) (chron.)
- * A Battle Won, (ss) Adventure November 1910
- * Behind the Wall, (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine May 10 1918
- * A Broken Bootlace, (ss) The Popular Magazine January 1 1912
- * The Clean Page, (ss) The Popular Magazine April 15 1913
- * The Crossbuck, (ss) The Popular Magazine October 15 1912
- * Deep Stuff, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine June 1917
- * The Degacious Aphrodite, (ss) Live Stories January 1920
- * Don Quixote in Khaki, (ss) The Cavalier March 21 1914
- * The Duel, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine February 1919
- * Fighting Blood, (ss) Adventure 1st September 1917
- * Fighting Stock, (ss) The Argosy November 10 1917
- * Forty-Five, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine February 1920
- * The Four-Legged Infantry, (ss) The Popular Magazine April 1 1912
- * “The Great Twill”, (ss) Live Stories April 1919
- * Islam—The Inscrutable, (ss) The Popular Magazine May 15 1913
- * An Isolated Case, (ss) The Popular Magazine June 1 1913
- * The Man Who Made Room, (vi) The Red Book Magazine December 1916
- * A Matter of Tactics, (ss) The Popular Magazine November 1 1911
- * Men and Mercenaries, (ss) The Popular Magazine September 15 1912
- * The Mercenary, (ss) The Popular Magazine May 15 1912
- * Mules, (ss) All-Story Weekly August 24 1918
- * The Passing of the War God, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine June 1911
- * The Sacrifice, (ss) Adventure June 1911
- * The Spots of the Leopard, (ss) The Green Book Magazine July 1916
- * The Stuff of Heroes, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine June 1910
- * The Ten Pins, (ss) Adventure April 1912
- * The Three Boxes, (ss) The Red Book Magazine October 1912
- * The Trouble with Ransom, (ss) The Cavalier February 14 1914
- * The Two Flags, (ss) The Popular Magazine December 15 1912
- * The Villagers, (nv) Everybody’s Magazine September 1911
- * The War Eagle, (ss) The Popular Magazine April 1 1913
- * The Water-Bugs, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine October 1914
- * When the Shadows Grow Long, (ss) The Popular Magazine May 1 1913
- * Who Only Stand and Wait, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine October 1910
Hains, T(hornton) Jenkins (1866-1953); used pseudonym Mayn Clew Garnett (about) (chron.)
- * Across the Window Ledge, (ss) The Popular Magazine June 1906
- * The Adventure of Captain Junard [Captain Junard], (ss) New Story Magazine June 1912, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * The After Bulkhead, (ss) The Popular Magazine May 15 1911, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * At the End of the Drag-Rope, (ss) The Popular Magazine February 1907
- * At the Liu Lee Light, (ss) The Popular Magazine March 15 1913, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * The Boat Steerer [Captain Black], (ss) The Popular Magazine September 1 1911, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * Bowman’s Code, (ss) The Popular Magazine February 15 1914, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * Brown, (ss) Adventure August 1915, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * Bunked, (ss) The Popular Magazine November 1907
- * Captain Jim Jones, (ss) The Popular Magazine April 20 1925
- * The Captain’s Passenger [The South Sea Traders], (ss) The Popular Magazine March 1906
- * Cork-Leg, (ss) The Cavalier January 18 1913, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * The Cyanide Lance [Captain Black], (ss) The Popular Magazine November 15 1911, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * The Dutch Ghost [The South Sea Traders], (ss) The Popular Magazine February 1906
- * Elevating of Captain Jones, (ss) Short Stories August 1911, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * The End of the “Argentine”, (ss) New Story Magazine July 1913, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * The Fear of Fernando Fria, (ss) The Popular Magazine October 1 1912, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * Fiddler of Thunder Bank, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine August 1906
- * The Flight of the “Sea Lark”, (ss) The Popular Magazine July 1904
- * From the Wreck of the “Rathbone” [Garnett], (ss) The Popular Magazine September 15 1911, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * The Get-Away of Jonas, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine July 1905
- * Going Into Business, (ss) The Popular Magazine October 1 1913, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * The Ground Shark [Captain Junard], (ss) New Story Magazine January 1913, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * The Gun-Mate, (ss) Short Stories November 1912, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * The Head Plotter of the Randolph, (ss) The Argosy November 1897
- * The Higher Decision [Hammerhead Jones], (ss) The Popular Magazine April 1908
- * The Hurricane, (ss) The All-Story Magazine October 1910, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * The Iconoclast [Bahama Bill], (ss) The Popular Magazine June 1907
- * Ingenious Jackson [Bahama Bill], (ss) The Popular Magazine September 1 1914
- * Inscrutable Captain Dean [Hammerhead Jones], (ss) The Popular Magazine February 1908
- * In the Hull of the “Aldine” [Garnett], (ss) The Popular Magazine June 1 1911, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * In the Slatch, (ss) The Popular Magazine April 1 1913, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * In the Wake of the Engine, (ss) The Popular Magazine April 15 1911, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * In the Wake of the Weather Cloth, (ss) The Popular Magazine March 1 1910, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * Journegan’s Graft [Bahama Bill], (ss) The Popular Magazine July 1907
- * The Judgment of Men, (ss) Short Stories October 1911, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * A Keg of Ambergris [Captain Blye], (ss) The Popular Magazine December 1908, as by The Author of “The Black Barque”
- * Knut Knudson, Navigator, (ss) Adventure June 1912, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * The Light Ahead, (ss) The Popular Magazine February 1 1912, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * The Lone Sperm Bull [Captain Black], (ss) The Popular Magazine December 15 1911, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * The Luck of the Impulse [Hammerhead Jones], (nv) The Popular Magazine March 1908
- * The Marine Chemist, (ss) The Popular Magazine August 15 1913, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * Marooned [Captain Blye], (ss) The Popular Magazine August 1908
- * The Mate of the Martinique, (ss) The Popular Magazine May 1908
- * The Mendacity of Captain Maynard, (ss) New Story Magazine March 1913, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * Mr. Biggs, Foretopman, (ss) The Cavalier October 12 1912, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * Mr. Jedson’s Mistake, (ss) The Popular Magazine September 1 1912, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * Mr. Smiley’s Prize [Captain Junard], (ss) New Story Magazine December 1912, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * Modern Pirates, (ss) Short Stories September 1912, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * The Moro’s Way, (ss) Short Stories November 1911, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * A Motor-Boat Necessity, (ss) The Popular Magazine December 15 1913, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * Off No Man’s Land, (ss) The Popular Magazine September 15 1912, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * On the Cholera Banks, (ss) Short Stories with Keith’s House Plans October 1914
- * On the Great Bahama Bank [Bahama Bill], (ss) The Popular Magazine May 1907
- * On the Great South Bank, (ss) The Popular Magazine December 1 1910, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * On the Outer Reef [Bahama Bill], (nv) The Popular Magazine March 1907
- * The Philosophy of Raw-Dog [The South Sea Traders], (ss) The Popular Magazine October 1906
- * Playing the Game, (ss) Short Stories December 1910, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * The Quality of Guilt, (ss) The Popular Magazine November 1 1912, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * The Racing Man, (ss) The Popular Magazine April 15 1913, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * Ralston’s Last Run, (ss) The Popular Magazine February 1 1914, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * A Run to Rio [Captain Blye], (ss) The Popular Magazine September 1908
- * The Salvors, (ss) Short Stories July 1912 [Ref. Mayn Clew Garnett]
- * The Sea Miser, (ss) Short Stories August 1912, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * Shanghaiing the Tong [Bahama Bill], (ss) The Popular Magazine August 1907
- * Stormy [Captain Black], (ss) The Popular Magazine June 1 1912, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * The Stradforth Hold-Up, (ss) Short Stories October 1910, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * Struttin’, (pm) Complete Story Magazine May 25 1926
- * The Submarine [Captain Blye], (ss) The Popular Magazine October 1908
- * The Survival of the Fit, (ss) The Cavalier May 17 1913, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * The Treasure of Hermit Isle [Captain Black], (ss) Short Stories June 1912, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * The Turn of the Tide [Captain Blye], (ss) The Popular Magazine June 1908
- * A Two-Stranded Yarn [Garnett], (ss) The Popular Magazine July 15 1911, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * Van Book’s Boat, (ss) The Popular Magazine July 15 1913, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * Vantanner’s Right Whale, (ss) The Popular Magazine September 1907
- * When the Light Failed at Carysfort [Bahama Bill], (ss) The Popular Magazine August 1906
- * The Whirl of the Bulo Way, (ss) Short Stories November 1913, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * The White Ghost of Disaster, (ss) The Popular Magazine May 1 1912, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * The White Veil of Mystery [Captain Blye], (ss) The Popular Magazine July 1908
- * With the Fear of Death [Hammerhead Jones], (ss) The Popular Magazine December 1907
- * With the Tide [Hammerhead Jones], (ss) The Popular Magazine January 1908
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