The General Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 328
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Feuchtwanger, Lion (1884-1958) (chron.)
- * The Armored Cruiser Potemkin, (ss)
- * The Aunt Who Told Lies, (ss)
- * Balance Sheet of an Author, (ar) Lilliput November 1937
- * Bullfight, (ss) Marianne in India by Lion Feuchtwanger, tr. Basil Creighton, Viking Press, 1935
- * The Death of Nero, (ss)
- * Faithful Peter, (ss)
- * Herr Hannsicke’s Second Birth, (ss) Marianne in India by Lion Feuchtwanger, tr. Basil Creighton, Viking Press, 1935
- * History of the Brain Specialist Dr. Bl., (ss) Marianne in India by Lion Feuchtwanger, tr. Basil Creighton, Viking Press, 1935
- * The House in the Shady Lane, (ss)
- * Late Season, (ss)
- * The Little Season, (nv) Marianne in India by Lion Feuchtwanger, tr. Basil Creighton, Viking Press, 1935
- * Marianne in India, (nv) Marianne in India by Lion Feuchtwanger, tr. Basil Creighton, Viking Press, 1935
- * Mr. Wollstein’s Trunk Checks, (ss) Collier’s July 18 1942; translated by Basil Creighton
- * Polar Expedition, (ss) Marianne in India by Lion Feuchtwanger, tr. Basil Creighton, Viking Press, 1935
- * The Steward Antonio, (ss)
- * A Wager, (ss)
Field, Eugene (1850-1895) (chron.)
- * Always Right, (pm)
- * Birds of a Feather, (vi) Chicago News
- * The Catnip Garden, (ss)
- * Dr. Sam, (pm) Songs and Other Verse by Eugene Field, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1896
- * Field’s Appreciation, (pm) A Little Book of Western Verse by Eugene Field, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1889
- * Fishing, (pm) The Argosy #473, December 26 1891
- * The Heavenly Voice, (pm) The Golden Argosy March 12 1887
- * In the Firelight, (pm) The Golden Argosy October 10 1885
- * Japanese Lullaby, (pm) The Argosy February 1895
- * The Little Boy, (pm) Philadelphia Ledger
- * Lizzie and the Baby, (pm) The Argosy January 1896
- * Night and Morning, (pm) The Argosy August 1896
- * A Piazza Tragedy, (pm)
- * Red, (pm) 1910
- * A Romance, (pm)
- * Slumber Song, (pm) The Argosy #530, January 28 1893
- * Song of the All-Wool Shirt, (pm) The Golden Argosy March 1 1884
- * The Stoddards, (pm) Songs and Other Verse by Eugene Field, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1896
- * The Voice Divine, (pm) The Golden Argosy March 19 1887
- * The Wanderer, (pm)
- * “Yours Fraternally”, (pm)
Field, Frederica (Paul) Pisek (1904-2001) (about) (chron.)
- * Authors and Books, (br) The Golden Book Magazine #63 Mar, #65 May, #66 Jun, #67 Jul, #68 Aug, #69 Sep, #70 Oct, #72 Dec 1930, #73 Jan, #75 Mar, #76 Apr, #77 May,
#78 Jun, #79 Jul, #80 Aug, #81 Sep, #82 Oct, #83 Nov, #84 Dec 1931
#85 Jan, #86 Feb, #87 Mar, #88 Apr, #89 May, #90 Jun, #91 Jul, #92 Aug, #93 Sep, #94 Oct, #95 Nov, #96 Dec 1932
#97 Jan, #98 Feb, #99 Mar, #100 Apr, #101 May, #102 Jun, #103 Jul, #104 Aug, #105 Sep, #107 Nov 1933, as by F. F.
- * Some Autumn Novels, (br) The Golden Book Magazine #106, October 1933, as by F. F.
_____, ed.
- * Editor: The Golden Book Magazine #80 Aug, #81 Sep, #82 Oct, #83 Nov, #84 Dec 1931, #85 Jan, #86 Feb, #87 Mar, #88 Apr, #89 May, #90 Jun, #91 Jul,
#92 Aug, #93 Sep, #94 Oct, #95 Nov, #96 Dec 1932
#97 Jan, #98 Feb, #99 Mar, #100 Apr, #101 May, #102 Jun, #103 Jul, #104 Aug, #105 Sep, #106 Oct, #107 Nov 1933
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