The General Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 133
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Brush, Katharine (Louise) [née Ingham] (1902-1952) (about) (chron.)
- * About New Yorkers, (vi) The New Yorker December 21 1935
- * Act Like a Husband, (ss) Co-Ed Campus Comedy October 1924
- * “All the King’s Horses”, (ss) College Humor October 1927
- * The Beautiful House, (ss) Redbook Magazine January 1930
- * Brave Men, (pm) Argosy Allstory Weekly January 10 1925
- * The Confessions of a College Widow, (ss) Co-Ed Campus Comedy December 1924
- * Débutante, (ss) College Humor July 1928
- * Delirium Trimmings, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly April 18 1925
- * Ever Thus, (pm) The Red Book Magazine January 1928
- * Eye-Opener, (ss)
- * Free Woman, (sl) Redbook Magazine Nov, Dec 1936
- * Fumble, (ss) Cosmopolitan March 1928
- * Gaudy Lady, (ss) College Humor February 1929
- * Gimme Girls, (ss) Co-Ed Campus Comedy December 1924
- * The Girl Who Would Be Odd, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine August 1925
- * “Good Scouts”, (ss) The Red Book Magazine July 1929
- * Good Wednesday, (ss) Harper’s Magazine September 1930
- * Home, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine November 1924
- * Keeping Lent, (pm) Argosy Allstory Weekly April 12 1924
- * The Long Young Dreams, (ss) Cosmopolitan November 1927
- * “The Mother Has the Custody—”, (ss)
- * New York Story, (ss) Cosmopolitan August 1934
- * Night Club, (ss) Harper’s Magazine September 1927
- * 7 Blocks Apart, (ss) Cosmopolitan January 1928
- * “Sing for Your Supper!”, (ss) The Red Book Magazine September 1929
- * That’s My Wife, (pm) Argosy Allstory Weekly May 24 1924
- * To All Men but One, (pm) Argosy Allstory Weekly June 28 1924
Bryan, Ella Howard (1872-1954); used pseudonym Clinton Dangerfield (about) (chron.)
- * After the Shower, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine October 1903, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * Autumn, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine October 1905, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * Between Sovereign and Syndicate, (na) People’s April 1908, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * Bob-White, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine April 1906, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * The Caravan, (pm) Ainslee’s April 1909, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * Castleton of Kentucky, (nv) Gunter’s Magazine April 1909, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * Choya, (ss) Complete Story Magazine September 10 1924, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * Christmastide, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine December 1905, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * The Clutch of the Brute, (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine October 25 1917, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * A Coalition at Cocksworth, (ss) Smith’s Magazine June 1905, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * Conquering Herd, (nv) Five-Novels Monthly September 1933, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * The Craggy Course of Authorship, (ss) People’s October 1907, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * The Cup of Comprehension, (ss) Ainslee’s December 1921, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * Devil-Dip, (ss) People’s Story Magazine April 10 1922, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * Devil’s Horseshoe, (nv) Five-Novels Monthly June 1933, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * The Emperor’s Wager, (ss) Short Stories December 1900, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * An Envoy to the Extraordinary, (ss) The Red Book Magazine November 1909, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * Even as a Child, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine April 1905, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * Faith, (ss) Ainslee’s December 1917, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * The Ghost of La Moissine, (ss) The Popular Magazine September 1905, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * A Hazard in Philanthropy, (ss) The Red Book October 1904, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * Heart of the Hornets’ Nest, (ss) People’s July 15 1924, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * Her Way, (ss) People’s February 1907, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * His Story, (ss) The Red Book February 1904, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * The Inside Room, (ss) Ainslee’s March 1922, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * In the Gates of Doom, (ss) People’s September 1917, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * In the Man’s Game, (ss) Women’s Stories January 1 1914, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * In the Name of Justice, (ss) People’s March 1907, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * Joan’s Vision, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine January 1903, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * The Killer, (ss) People’s Story Magazine September 25 1922, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * The Lark in Woman, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine September 1903, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * The Last Appeal, (ss) The All-Story Magazine December 1905, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * The Last Resort, (ss) All-Story Weekly September 29 1917, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * Love in the Court of Reason, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine June 1901, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * Love’s Foe, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine August 1902, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * The Maker of a Genius, (ss) The Argosy August 1903, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * The Mamori of Shinzaburo, (ss) The Popular Magazine December 1905, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * Miss Priscilla and the Tax Debt, (ss) The Red Book Magazine February 1910, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * Notorious Gold, (ss) People’s August 15 1924, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * On the Red Line Coach, (ss) The Argosy September 1903, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * Out of Such Things, (ss) All-Story Weekly April 12 1919, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * “Out of the Nettle Danger”, (ss) People’s Magazine January 1907, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * The Party at Perry’s, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine November 1905, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * Peril’s Heights, (ss) Short Stories February 1919, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * The Promised Land, (ss) The Red Book December 1903, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * Ranch of Hazards, (nv) Five-Novels Monthly August 1934, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * Reforming William, (ss) Brief Stories September 1922, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * A Ride for a Ransom, (ss) People’s Ideal Fiction Magazine September 1913, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * Rosby’s Early Peaches, (ss) The Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1908, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * Sinister Trails, (nv) Five-Novels Monthly January 1933, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * Song of the Forest Hewers, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine April 1902, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * Sworn on the Black Cock, (ss) The Red Book August 1904, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * The Testimony of Tannin, (ss) The Green Book Magazine January 1917, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * That Gannett Girl, (ss) Short Stories December 1915, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * Those with Teeth and Claws, (ss) All-Story Weekly February 28 1920, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * To the Fairest, (ss) Short Stories March 1907, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * The Turning of the Scales, (ss) The Monthly Story Magazine February 1906, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * Unsophisticated, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly January 15 1921, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * Vain Justice, (ss) The Monthly Story Magazine November 1905, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * Viewless Chains, (nv) Gunter’s Magazine August 1908, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * The Vigilantes, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine March 1902, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * The Witness of the Eyes, (ss) Smith’s Magazine Sep, Oct 1905, as by Clinton Dangerfield
- * The Word of the King, (ss) Gunter’s Magazine January 1909, as by Clinton Dangerfield
Bryant, William Cullen (1794-1878) (about) (chron.)
- * The Battle-Field, (pm)
- * The Beautiful World, (pm)
- * The Crowded Street, (pm)
- * The Death of Slavery, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly July 1866, uncredited.
- * The Evening Wind, (pm)
- * A Farewell, (pm)
- * From the Conqueror’s Grave, (pm)
- * March, (pm) Poems by William Cullen Bryant, Russell, Odiorne, and Metcalf, 1834
- * May, (pm)
- * November, (ex) Thirty Poems by William Cullen Bryant, D. Appleton and Company, 1864, as "The Third of November, 1861"
- * An October Memory, (pm)
- * The Perils That Surround Us, (ms)
- * A Poet Breaks the News to Mother, (pm)
- * Song of Marion’s Men, (pm) Poems by William Cullen Bryant, Russell, Odiorne, and Metcalf, 1834
- * Thanatopsis, (pm) North American Review September 1817
- * Thanatopsis, (ex) North American Review September 1817
- * The Third of November, 1861, (ex) Thirty Poems by William Cullen Bryant, D. Appleton and Company, 1864
- * To a Mosquito, (pm) Poems by William Cullen Bryant, Russell, Odiorne, and Metcalf, 1834
- * To a Waterfowl, (pm) Poems by William Cullen Bryant, Russell, Odiorne, and Metcalf, 1834
- * To His Wife, (pm)
- * To the Fringed Gentian, (pm) Poems by William Cullen Bryant, Russell, Odiorne, and Metcalf, 1834
- * The Water Fowl, (pm) Poems by William Cullen Bryant, Russell, Odiorne, and Metcalf, 1834, as "To a Waterfowl"
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