The General Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 704

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    The Golden Book Magazine [v20, #116, August 1934] (Review of Reviews, 25¢, 96pp, 6″ x 9″)
    given as whole #“16”.
    Details supplied by Denny Lien.
    • 130 · We Have with Us · [uncredited] · cl
    • 134 · Authors and Books · M. L. E. (by Mary Letha Elting) · br
    • 142 · Around the Town · Ide Gruber · cl
    • 146 · “The Scarecrow” · Monica Rawlins · il (r)
    • 147 · The Gold-Makers · J. B. S. Haldane · ss The Strand Magazine November 1931
    • 160 · The Fickle Fourth Estate · Various · ms (r)
    • 161 · So They Say · Various · ms (r)
    • 162 · The Passage of the Red Sea · Henri Murger · ss Bohemians of the Latin Quarter by Henry Murger, Vizetelly & Co., 1888
      translated from the French (Vie de Boheme).
    • 166 · Advice to Take or Leave · Various · ms (r)
    • 167 · A Cursory View of Anathema · Various · ms (r)
    • 168 · The Versatile William Morris · Albert Shaw · ar
    • 171 · A King’s Lesson · William Morris · ss The Commonweal September 18 1886, as “An Old Story Retold”
    • 175 · The Nymph’s Song to Hylas · William Morris · pm (r)
    • 176 · Saturday Afternoon Miracles · Roark Bradford · ss Ol’ King David an’ the Philistine Boys by Roark Bradford, Harper, 1930
    • 179 · Dr. Johnson Dines Out · James Boswell · ms (r)
    • 180 · Music to the Queen’s Taste · Irving Kolodin · ar
    • 185 · Maxim Silencers · Various · ms (r)
    • 186 · The Legend Behind Hitlerism · Wickham Steed · ar
    • 192 · The Peach Tree · H. A. Manhood · ss (r)
      from Nightseed 1928.
    • 200 · Story for Ananais · Barry Pain · vi (r)
    • 201 · The Peterkins Try to Become Wise · Lucretia Hale · ss (r)
      from The Peterkin Papers 1880.
    • 203 · The Requiem · Anton Checkhov · ss (r)
      from The Schoolmistress and Other Stories 1921.
    • 206 · What! No Soap? · Samuel Foote · ms (r)
    • 207 · Elizabeth · John Richard Green · ex from A Short History of the English People, Macmillan, 1874
    • 211 · Music of the Rain · Paul Verlaine; translated by Ernest Dowson · pm (r)
    • 212 · June Wisdom (excerpts from college commencement speeches)
    • _212 · Can There Be a New Social Order? · Harry Woodburn Chase · ar (r)
    • _213 · A New Code for Politics · Franklin D. Roosevelt · ar (r)
    • _213 · The Tools of the New Order · Walter Lippmann · ar (r)
    • _214 · Social Sciences Must Not Lag · Owen D. Young · ar (r)
    • _215 · The Future for the Brain Trust · Harold L. Ickes · ar (r)
    • 216 · Comparisons, Odious and Otherwise · Various · ms (r)
    • 217 · A Hard Road to Andy Coggin’s · Chester Bailey Fernald · ss The Century Magazine April 1902
    • 224 · The Man and the Pot · [uncredited] · vi (r)
      from An Hundred Merry Tales 1526.

    The Golden Book Magazine [v20, #119, November 1934] (Review of Reviews, 25¢, 128pp, 6″ x 9″)
    Details supplied by Denny Lien.
    • 484 · We Have with Us · [uncredited] · cl
    • 486 · From the New Books · Various · ms (r)
    • 490 · Authors and Books · M. L. E. (by Mary Letha Elting) · br
    • 506 · All Around the Town · Ide Gruber · cl
    • 515 · The Cruise of the Idlewild · Theodore Dreiser · ss Free and Other Stories by Theodore Dreiser, Boni and Liveright, 1918
      an earlier version was first published in The Bohemian, October 1909.
    • 527 · The Quick and the Dead · Various · ms (r)
    • 528 · The Great Wassmuss · Richard W. Rowan · ar (r)
      from Spies and the Next War 1934.
    • 534 · A Chinese Testament · [uncredited] · pz (r)
    • 535 · So They Say · Various · ms (r)
    • 537 · The Heart Being Perished · Frances M. Frost · ss The Household Magazine April 1933
    • 540 · By Threes · Various · ms (r)
    • 541 · Cashing in on the Crisis · Petroleum V. Nasby · hu (r)
    • 542 · The Instability of Human Glory · Daniel Defoe · ar Original Weekly Journal and Saturday’s Post July 21 1722
    • 543 · The Dressing Case · Bruno Frank · ss Forum and Century August 1931
    • 550 · Ebullient M.P.s · Various · ms (r)
    • 551 · Rome’s Forgotten Man · Juvenal · ar (r)
      from Satires.
    • 553 · Parson Sparrow · T. F. Powys · ss The White Paternoster by T. F. Powys, Chatto & Windus, 1930
    • 556 · Chanticleer and Pertelote · Geoffrey Chaucer; translated by Frank Ernest Hill · ss; mostly-prose retelling of “Nun’s Priest Tale” from Canterbury Tales.
    • 560 · Madame’s Last Reception · Honoré de Balzac · ss (r)
    • 571 · Divine Stupidity · Roger Shaw · ar South Atlantic Quarterly 1934 [Ref. Giuseppe Garibaldi]
    • 574 · Their Word for It · Various · ms (r)
    • 575 · The Sealed Door · [uncredited] · vi from The Apocrypha (r)
    • 576 · It’s All Done with Mirrors · Walter B. Pitkin · ms (r)
    • 577 · Just Meat · Jack London · ss Cosmopolitan Magazine March 1907
    • 588-591 · Comrade of the Moon · Cecil Fairfield Lavell · ar (r)
      from A Biography of the Greek People 1934.
    • 589 · Dionysiaca · Nonnus · pm (r)
    • 592 · The Railroad Ticket · I. Ilf & E. Petrov; translated by E. Leone · ss
    • 595 · Unorthodox Definitions · Various · ms (r)
    • 595 · Humor Abroad · Various · ct (r)
    • 602 · In Friendship’s Name · Joseph C. Lincoln · ss Ainslee’s Magazine October 1904
    • 608 · The Indian Serenade · Percy Bysshe Shelley · pm The Liberal #2, 1822, as “Song Written for an Indian Air”

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