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Magazine Contents Lists: Page 672

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    Fiction Parade and Golden Book Magazine [v4 #3, January 1937] (Fiction Parade, Inc., pulp)
    Details supplied by Paul Di Filippo & Ira B. Matetsky.
    • 258 · Reduced · Elizabeth Bowen · ss The Listener June 12 1935
    • 266 · Mickey Brings in the Ship · Archie Binns · ex from Lightship, Reynal, 1934
    • 269 · December in the Tropics · James Norman Hall · pm The Atlantic Monthly
    • 274 · I Knew What I Was Doing · Jerome Weidman · ss The American Mercury September 1936
    • 277 · Requisite · Ruth Lambert Jones · pm The New Yorker June 22 1935
    • 283 · Mrs. Maddison Makes Both Ends Meet · Martha Gellhorn · ex from “Mrs. Maddison”, The Trouble I’ve Seen by Martha Gellhorn, Putnam, 1936
    • 298 · Ugly Sister · Jan Struther · ss The London Mercury December 1935
    • 300 · Miraculous Moonlight · Josephine Louise Byrne · pm American Poetry Journal
    • 304 · Selections from “Golden Fleece” · William Rose Benét · ex (r)
    • 306 · It’s My Town · Bernard DeVoto · ss Collier’s July 27 1935
    • 315 · Sociology · Christopher Morley · pm The Saturday Review of Literature
    • 317 · The Big Shot · Vicki Baum · ss Collier’s September 19 1936
    • 327 · Boys Stealing Coal · Gerald Raftery · pm Commonweal
    • 331 · Twa Kings · Mazo de la Roche · ss Canadian Home Journal
    • 340 · The Betrayal · Leane Zugsmith · ss The Atlantic Monthly May 1935
    • 347 · Odd Moment · John Holmes · pm Scribner’s Magazine
    • 348 · People on Parade
    • _348 · Speaking of Wives · [uncredited] · ss The Atlantic Monthly
    • _349 · The Mother · Leslie Halward · ss New Stories (UK) February/March 1936
    • _351 · Should Husbands Work? · Weare Holbrook · ss This Week
    • _352 · The Case Against Women · James Thurber · ss The New Yorker October 24 1936
    • 355 · Pale Blue Night-Gown · Louis Golding · ss The Story-teller October 1936
    • 360 · The Gold Digger · Raymond O. Turner · ss Prairie Schooner
    • 365 · The Gold Digger · Pamela Frankau · ss Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine October 1936
    • 374 · Winter Maple · Carl John Bostelmann · pm Lyric
    • 379 · Books on Parade · Various · br
    • ibc. · With the Authors in This Issue · [uncredited] · bg

    Fiction Parade and Golden Book Magazine [v4 #6, April 1937] (Fiction Parade, Inc.)
    Details supplied by Ira B. Matetsky from bound volume at New York Public Library.
    • 642 · The Suitcase · Bruno Frank · ss The London Mercury
    • 650 · Never Saw the Sea · B. Y. Williams · pm The Lantern
    • 651 · Two of a Kind · Laurence Kirk · ss Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine December 1936
    • 660 · One More · Rachel Field · pm The New Yorker April 6 1935, as “Fear Is the Thorn”
    • 662 · The Kiss · Morley Callaghan · ss
    • 668 · So the Reporters Tell Us · [uncredited] · ms (r)
    • 670 · The Achilles de Milo · Jonathan Pitch · ss The Cornhill Magazine January 1937
    • 674 · Conversation with Myself · Josephine Johnson · pm Lyric
    • 678 · People on Parade
    • _678 · Her Own Things · Sally Benson · vi The New Yorker June 6 1936
    • _682 · We Want Uniforms · Robert Littell · vi Vogue
    • _682 · Titus Is Different · Jerome Bahr · vi Scribner’s Magazine
    • _684 · Bed and Boredom · Weare Holbrook · vi D.A.C. News
    • 686 · The Girl · Meridel Le Sueur · ss The Yale Review 1937
    • 694 · Along the Line of March · [uncredited] · ms (r)
    • 695 · In Right · Ira Wolfert · ss Harper’s Magazine September 1936
    • 702 · Pity Ulysses · Virginia Hamilton · pm The New Republic
    • 704 · The Deputy · Roger Vercel · ss Les Nouvelles Litteraires
    • 707 · Quest · Raymond Dannenbaum · pm The Southern Review
    • 712 · The Lonely Heart · Damon Runyon · ss Collier’s January 16 1937
    • 723 · Home Life in America · [uncredited] · ms (r)
    • 724 · Seven Unusual Poems · Ruth Pitter · pm A Trophy of Arms by Ruth Pitter, Macmillan, 1936
    • 726 · The Outsider · Phyllis Bottome · ss The Atlantic Monthly November 1936
    • 731 · East Wind, West Wind · Lawrence Bostwick · pm Poetry
    • 733 · Pro Arte · Allan Seager · ss Scribner’s Magazine February 1937
    • 740 · Abril Song · Frances Rodman · pm New York American; title is sic.
    • 741 · Heart Like a Hotel · Elisa Bialk · ss Maclean’s
    • 752 · Five Hundred Cash · Mildred Cram · ss Harper’s Bazaar June 1936
    • 761 · A Meeting · Lord Dunsany · pm The Saturday Review of Literature June 13 1936
    • 763 · Books on Parade · Various · br
    • ibc. · With the Authors in This Issue · [uncredited] · bg

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