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Magazine Contents Lists: Page 482

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    Avon Modern Short Story Monthly [#32, 1946] (Avon Book Company, 25¢, digest)
    Reprint of Welcome to the City and Other Stories by Irwin Shaw (Random House, 1942).
    Details supplied by Richard Fidczuk.
    • 11 · The City Was in Total Darkness · Irwin Shaw · ss The New Yorker August 30 1941
    • 23 · Main Currents of American Thought · Irwin Shaw · ss The New Yorker August 5 1939
    • 32 · God on Friday Night · Irwin Shaw · ss Story January/February 1939
    • 37 · The Eighty-Yard Run · Irwin Shaw · ss Esquire January 1941
    • 49 · Welcome to the City · Irwin Shaw · ss The New Yorker January 17 1942
    • 60 · Free Conscience, Void of Offence · Irwin Shaw · ss The New Yorker July 27 1940
    • 68 · Material Witness · Irwin Shaw · ss The New Yorker February 1 1941
    • 74 · The House of Pain · Irwin Shaw · ss Esquire November 1940
    • 80 · Triumph of Justice · Irwin Shaw · ss Esquire December 1940
    • 90 · Night, Birth and Opinion · Irwin Shaw · ss Harper’s Magazine May 1941
    • 98 · Search Through the Streets of the City · Irwin Shaw · ss The New Yorker August 2 1941
    • 105 · Select Clientele · Irwin Shaw · ss The New Yorker August 17 1940
    • 112 · The Indian in the Depth of Night · Irwin Shaw · ss Story January/February 1941
    • 117 · It Happened in Rochester · Irwin Shaw · ss Esquire December 1939
    • 125 · The Dry Rock · Irwin Shaw · ss The New Yorker May 31 1941
    • 135 · Prize for Promise · Irwin Shaw · ss Mademoiselle January 1941
    • 142 · Lemkau, Pogran and Blaufox · Irwin Shaw · ss The New Yorker December 30 1939
    • 147 · Dinner in a Good Restaurant · Irwin Shaw · ss (r)
    • 151 · The Lament of Madam Rechevsky · Irwin Shaw · ss (r)
    • 157 · Pattern of Love · Irwin Shaw · ss Harper’s Bazaar October 1941

    Avon Modern Short Story Monthly [#33, 1946] (Avon Book Company, 25¢, 132pp, digest)
    Subtitled “A New Collection of Great Stories”.
    Details supplied by Denny Lien.
    • · The Unsinkable Mrs. Brown · Gene Fowler · ss (r)
    • · Accident · James T. Farrell · ss Story July/August 1939
    • · New Cabin · Erskine Caldwell · ss College Humor July 1936
    • · The Three-Day Blow [Nick Adams] · Ernest Hemingway · ss In Our Time by Ernest Hemingway, Boni & Liveright, 1925
    • · I’m a Fool · Sherwood Anderson · ss The Dial February 1922
    • · Bella Fleace Gave a Party · Evelyn Waugh · ss Harper’s Bazaar March 1933
    • · The Road to Recovery · Budd Schulberg · ss (r)
    • · The Old Chevalier · Isak Dinesen · ss Seven Gothic Tales by Isak Dinesen, Smith & Haas, 1934
    • · Adam and Eve and Pinch Me · A. E. Coppard · ss Adam and Eve and Pinch Me by A. E. Coppard, Golden Cockerel Press, 1921
    • · Girl on the Road · Louis Adamic · nv from My America, Harper, 1937
    • · “Ask That Man” · Robert Benchley · ss (r)

    Avon Modern Short Story Monthly [#34, 1946] (Avon Book Company, 25¢, 129pp, digest)
    Subtitled “Great Stories by Louis Bromfield”.
    Details supplied by Denny Lien.
    • · Death in Monte Carlo · Louis Bromfield · ss The World We Live In by Louis Bromfield, Harper & Row, 1944
    • · The Old House · Louis Bromfield · ss The World We Live In by Louis Bromfield, Harper & Row, 1944
    • · True Love · Louis Bromfield · ss Cosmopolitan June 1944
    • · Aunt Flora · Louis Bromfield · ss Cosmopolitan June 1933

    Avon Modern Short Story Monthly [#35, 1946] (Avon Book Company, 25¢, 134pp, digest)
    Reprints 6 of the 8 stories in The Trembling of a Leaf by W. Somerset Maugham (George H. Doran, 1921).
    Details supplied by Denny Lien.

    Avon Modern Short Story Monthly [#36, 1947] (Avon Book Company, 35¢, 126pp, digest)
    Subtitled “Stories of Love and Adventure”; reprints 7 of the 13 stories from The Historical Nights’ Entertainment by Rafael Sabatini (Martin Secker, 1917).
    Details supplied by Richard Fidczuk.
    • · The Night of Kirk o’ Field · Rafael Sabatini · ts The Premier Magazine October 1916; subtitled “The Murder of Darnley”.
    • · The Night of Witchcraft · Rafael Sabatini · ts The Premier Magazine January 1917; subtitled “Louis XIV and Madame de Montespan”.
    • · The Night of Nuptials · Rafael Sabatini · ts The Premier Magazine May 1917; subtitled “Charles the Bold and Sapphira Danvelt”.
    • · The Night of Stranglers · Rafael Sabatini · ts The Premier Magazine March 1917; subtitled “Giovanna of Naples and Andreas of Hungary”.
    • · The Night of Hate · Rafael Sabatini · ts The Premier Magazine November 1916; subtitled “The Murder of the Duke of Gandia”.
    • · The Night of Escape · Rafael Sabatini · ts The Premier Magazine June 1917; subtitled “Casanova’s Escape from the Piombi”.
    • · The Night of Masquerade · Rafael Sabatini · ts The Premier Magazine July 1917; subtitled “The Assassination of Gustavus III of Sweden”.

    Avon Modern Short Story Monthly [#37, 1947] (Avon Book Company, 25¢, 126pp, digest)
    Subtitled “Concerning a Woman of Sin and Other Stories by Ben Hecht”.
    Details supplied by Denny Lien.
    • · Concerning a Woman of Sin · Ben Hecht · ss Collier’s March 27 1943 (+1)
    • · Café Sinister · Ben Hecht · ss Collier’s August 21 1943
    • · The Pink Hussar · Ben Hecht · ss Collier’s September 25 1943
    • · Specter of the Rose · Ben Hecht · ss Liberty November 22 1941
    • · The Ax · Ben Hecht · ss Cosmopolitan November 1930
    • · The Lost Soul · Ben Hecht · ss A Book of Miracles by Ben Hecht, Viking Press, 1939
    • · Crime Without Passion · Ben Hecht · nv The Grand Magazine September 1933
    • · The Rival Dummy · Ben Hecht · ss Liberty August 18 1928

    Avon Modern Short Story Monthly [#38, 1947] (Avon Book Company, 35¢, 126pp, digest)
    Reprints 7 of the 10 stories from The Mixture as Before by W. Somerset Maugham (Heinemann, 1940).
    Details supplied by Richard Fidczuk.

    Avon Modern Short Story Monthly [#39, 1947] (Avon Book Company, 35¢, 126pp, digest)
    Reprints 26 of the 31 “Stories of Venial Sin” from Pipe Night by John O’Hara (Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1945).
    Details supplied by Richard Fidczuk.
    • · Joey and the Calcutta Club [Pal Joey] · John O’Hara · ss The New Yorker March 30 1940
    • · Summer’s Day · John O’Hara · ss The New Yorker August 29 1942
    • · Walter T. Carriman · John O’Hara · ss The New Yorker October 16 1943
    • · Now We Know · John O’Hara · ss The New Yorker June 5 1943
    • · Free · John O’Hara · ss Pipe Night by John O'Hara, Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1945
    • · Can You Carry Me? · John O’Hara · ss The New Yorker June 3 1939
    • · Radio · John O’Hara · ss The New Yorker May 22 1943
    • · Nothing Missing · John O’Hara · ss The New Yorker June 14 1941
    • · The King of the Desert · John O’Hara · ss The New Yorker November 30 1940
    • · Bread Alone · John O’Hara · ss The New Yorker September 23 1939
    • · Reunion Over Lightly · John O’Hara · ss The New Yorker July 29 1939
    • · Memo to a Kind Stranger · John O’Hara · vi Collier’s November 6 1943
    • · The Erloff [Pal Joey] · John O’Hara · ss The New Yorker February 3 1940
    • · Patriotism · John O’Hara · ss Pipe Night by John O'Hara, Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1945
    • · A Respectable Place · John O’Hara · ss The New Yorker October 19 1940
    • · The Magical Numbers · John O’Hara · ss The New Yorker January 18 1941
    • · On Time · John O’Hara · vi Collier’s April 8 1944
    • · Graven Image · John O’Hara · ss The New Yorker March 13 1943
    • · Adventure on the Set · John O’Hara · ss The New Yorker November 15 1941
    • · Revenge · John O’Hara · vi Collier’s September 25 1943
    • · Fire! · John O’Hara · ss Pipe Night by John O'Hara, Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1945
    • · The Lieutenant · John O’Hara · ss The New Yorker November 13 1943
    • · The Next-to-Last Dance of the Season · John O’Hara · ss The New Yorker September 18 1943
    • · Leave · John O’Hara · vi Collier’s December 2 1944
    • · The Handler · John O’Hara · ss Pipe Night by John O'Hara, Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1945
    • · Mrs. Whitman · John O’Hara · ss The New Yorker January 27 1945

    Avon Modern Short Story Monthly [#42, 1948] (Avon Book Company, 25¢, 121pp, digest)
    Subtitled “Hollywood Love Clinic: Behind-the-Screen Stories of Passion, Pain and Pleasure”.
    Details supplied by Richard Fidczuk from Table of Contents.
    • 3 · You Twinkle Only Once · Aben Kandel · nv Story May/June 1943
    • 26 · Sylvia Seydel · James Hilton · nv Contango by James Hilton, Ernest Benn, 1932
    • 53 · The City Was in Total Darkness · Irwin Shaw · ss The New Yorker August 30 1941
    • 66 · To Whom It May Concern · James T. Farrell · ss To Whom It May Concern by James T. Farrell, Vanguard Press, 1944
    • 78 · Merchant of Menace · Leslie T. White · ss The Bedside Bonanza ed. Frank Owen, F. Fell, 1944
    • 96 · Watch the Birdie · Ludwig Bemelmans · ss The New Yorker June 6 1942
    • 105 · Crazy Sunday · F. Scott Fitzgerald · ss The American Mercury October 1932

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