The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 12023
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * A New Result of the Baumes Laws, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 15 1927
- * New Rhymes for Old, (pm) The Happy Mag. April 1939
- * New Riches from Black Diamonds, (ar) Modern Wonder November 25 1939
- * A New River, (ar) (by Emily Constance Cook) The Cornhill Magazine September 1893
- * The New River, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper March 21 1885
- * New River Discovered in the Siskiyous, (ms) Western Story Magazine January 27 1923
- * New Rivers for Old, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine January 21 1933
- * New Roads for Old, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1940, 1939
- * New Rodeo Subjects, (ms) Western Story Magazine April 13 1929
- * New Roles for Hot Dogs and Hamburgers, (ms) Redbook August 1963
- * The New Roosevelt, (ar) The American Magazine September 1908 [Ref. Theodore Roosevelt]
- * The “New Royal” Crossword Puzzle, (pz) The New Royal Magazine Dec 1930, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1931, Jan,
Feb, Mar, Apr, May 1932
- * New Ruins Discovered, (ms) Mystery Magazine #30, February 1 1919
- * New Rules for Canning Vegetables, (ms) Woman’s Day June 1947
- * New Rules for Dec. 25th, (ms) The Happy Mag. January 1932
- * New Rules for Glider Pilots, (ms) Air Trails January 1931
- * New Rules Mean More Young Jockeys—Types the Trainers Need, (ar) Tit-Bits #2839, March 28 1936
- * The New “Runproof” Hosiery: A Special Report, (ms) Good Housekeeping October 1962
- * News, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #10, January 1967
- * News, (cl) New Worlds March 1939
- * News, (cl) Fantasy Crossroads #4/5, August 1975
- * News, (cl) Star*Line Mar/Apr 1984, Jul/Aug 1985, Jul/Aug, Sep/Dec 1989, Jan/Feb, Jul/Aug, Nov/Dec 1990, May/Jun 1991
- * News, (cl) Interzone #12 Sum, #14 Win 1985, #15 Spr, #16 Sum, #17 Aut, #18 Win 1986, #19 Spr, #20 Sum, #21 Aut, #22 Win 1987
- * News, (cl) Crime Time v3 #1, 2000
- * News, (ms) British Fantasy Society Bulletin #22 Jun 25, #23 Sep 20 1945, #25 Mar 26 1946
- * News, (ms) Vollmond #2, 1989
- * News, (ms) Midnight Graffiti #3 Spr, #4 Fll 1989, #5 Spr 1990
- * News, (ms) BBR #21 1992, #22 1994
- * News, (ms) Cold Print #1, Spring 1996
- * News, (ms) Odyssey #0 Sep 1997, #2, #3, #4, #5 Jul/Aug, #6 Sep/Oct, #7 Nov/Dec 1998
- * News, (ms) Zest #1 Win 1997, #2 Spr 1998
- * News, (ms) Fear #37, August 2016
- * News!, (ia) Chums September 1934
- * News About Knight, (ms) Sir Knight v1 #1, 1958
- * News About Marshall Tymn, (ms) Science-Fiction Studies March 1990 [Ref. Marshall Tymn]
- * News About Medicine, (cl) Redbook June 1951
- * News About Redbook, (ms) Redbook Magazine Oct 1938, Jan, Apr 1939, Sep 1940, Mar, Oct 1941, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 1942,
Mar 1943, Aug 1949
- * News About the Film, (ms) The Royal Pictorial December 1934
- * News About This Issue, (ms) Cosmopolitan April 1965
- * News About Your Health, (cl) Real Men Jun, Sep 1958
- * News, Abroad, (ms) Drum: Sex in Perspective March 1965
- * New Sail-Plane Record, (ms) Air Trails September 1930
- * The New Salem, (ar) New England Magazine June 1914
- * The New Salon, (ar) Black & White #18, June 6 1891
- * The News America Wants, (ar) Argosy January 1952
- * News and Errata, (ms) Amberzine #8, November 1995
- * News and Events, (ms) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v9 #3 2015, v11 #3/4 2017, v12 #1, v12 #2, v12 #3, v12 #4 2018, v13 #1 2019, v16 #3 2022
* ___ 2016 Howard Days Schedule, (ms) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v10 #1, 2016
* ___ 2017 Howard Days Schedule, (ms) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v10 #3/4, 2016
* ___ Howard Days 2020 Announcement, (ms) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v13 #2, v13 #3 2019
* ___ Rehabilitation of the Howard House, (ms) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v14 #2, 2020
* ___ The Robert E. Howard Foundation Awards, (ms) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v15 #2, 2021
- * News and Gossip, (cl) Woman’s Day Jun, Aug 1947
- * News and Gossip, (ms) Woman’s Day Apr 1943, Mar 1946, Jan, Sep, Oct 1947, Jan 1949
- * News and Notes, (cl) All Hallows #38 Feb, #39 Jun 2005
- * News and Reviews from the Lair, (ms) Age of the Unicorn #1, April 1979
- * News and Views, (cl) The Cygnus Chronicler December 1981
- * News and Views, (ms) Sex & Censorship v1 #1, v1 #2, v1 #3 1958
- * The New Sangreal, (pm) (by Rose Terry) The Atlantic Monthly September 1863
- * A New Sanitary Paving, (ms) Chambers’s Journal June 27 1908
- * News & Announcements, (ms) Star*Line March/April 2010
- * New Satin Collection Offer, (ms) Mayfair v19 #10, 1984
- * News Bites, (cl) Crimespree Magazine #31 Jul/Aug, #33 Nov/Dec 2009, #34 Jan/Feb, #35 Mar/Apr, #36 May/Jun, #37 Jul/Aug, #38 Sep/Oct, #39 Nov/Dec 2010, #43 Jul/Aug 2011
- * News Blurbs, (ms) Star*Line November/December 2007
- * The Newsboy, (pm) Yes or No September 22 1906
- * The Newsboy Detective, (na) Tip-Top Tales #7, 191?
- * Newsboy King’s Record Trips, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine November 1911
- * The Newsboy’s Debt, (pm) (by Hannah R. Hudson) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1873
- * News Break, (ms) Real Adventure January 1961
- * Newsbreak, (ms) Star*Line July/August 1980
- * Newsbreak, (ss) The New Yorker December 6 1941
- * Newsbriefs, (cl) Star*Line Mar/Apr, May/Jun 1990
- * News Cameraman at the Crimea, (ar) Modern Wonder February 25 1939
- * News Capsules, (ms) The Saint Detective Magazine August 1957
- * New Scenic Highway from Seattle to Spokane, (ms) Western Story Magazine July 21 1923
- * New Scents for Beauty, (ms) Mystery January 1935
- * New Scheme for Robbing Travelers, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 8 1920
- * A New Scheme in Motor Truck Robberies, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 3 1926
- * The New Scheme of Golf Government: The Details of a Suggested Policy, (ar) (by P. A. Vaile) Fry’s Magazine November 1911
- * A New Scheme to Make Railway Collisions Impossible, (ar) The Penny Magazine #280, 1904
- * New Science, (ss) (by Gary McMahon) Nemonymous #5, 2005
- * The New Scientist, (ia) Chums April 1934
- * News & Clues, (cl) The Armchair Detective July 1978
- * News & Convention Notes, (ms) Amberzine #1 Mar, #2 Aug 1992, #3 Apr, #4 Aug 1993
- * The New Scout Law of the Boy Scouts of America, (ar) Boys’ Life July 1911
- * A New Sculptor, (pm) (by Julia Ward Howe) The Atlantic Monthly September 1862
- * A New ’Sea’ for North America, (ar) Look and Learn #6, February 24 1962
- * New Seaplane Altitude Load Record, (ms) Air Trails September 1930
- * New Sensation’s Melting Pot, (ms) New Sensations September/October 1925
- * The New Serial - And Some Inventions, (cl) Chums April 19 1919
- * The New Series, (ed) (by G. A. Henty) The Union Jack September 21 1882
- * A New Series Featuring the Works of John Steinbeck, (bi) Presenting Moonshine #30, April 1973 [Ref. John Steinbeck]
- * New Series of Prize Competitions, (cn) Cassell’s Family Magazine (US) July 1886
- * The New Session, (ar) Land & Water February 17 1916
- * News & Events, (ms) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v16 #4 2022, v17 #1, v17 #2, v17 #3, v17 #4 2023, v18 #1 2024
- * New Sexy Nights Lingerie Collection Offer, (ms) Mayfair v19 #4, 1984
- * News Flash!!!, (ar) Cthulhu Cultus #8, 1997
- * “Newsflash”, (ar) Cthulhu Cultus #13, 1998
- * News Flashes, (ms) Who? Detective Magazine February 1950
- * News for Needles, (cl) Love Book Magazine March 1954
- * New SFPA Book Prize Announcement!, (ms) Star*Line April/June 2013
- * News from Afar, (ms)
- * News from England, (ms) Star*Line Winter 1991
- * News from Everywhere, (cl) Wild West Weekly #1080, June 29 1923
- * News from France, (ms) Sex Appeal 1950
- * News from Here, News from There, News from Almost Everywhere, (cl) Toby April 1927
- * News from Leeds, (cl) Black Hole #1, March 1974
- * News from N3F, (ms) Probe August 1970
- * News from New York, (ms) Sex Appeal 1950
- * News from Nowhere, (br) The Manchester Guardian April 14 1891 [Ref. William Morris]
- * News from Nowhere, (ms) Crime Time v2 #1, 1998
- * News from Our Consulates, (ar) The Scrap Book June 1910
- * News from the 6-Man Football Front, (ms) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy April 1938
- * News from the Colonies, (cl) Colonies Science Fiction Magazine #6, November 2001
- * News from the Far North, (ms) Western Story Magazine August 18 1928
- * News from the Frontline, (cl) Star*Line May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 2007, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr 2008
- * News from the Moon, (ar) (by Richard A. Proctor) The Cornhill Magazine August 1873
- * News from the Out-of-Doors, (cl) The Outing Magazine Jan, Feb, Mar 1910, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep 1911
- * News from the Railways, (ms) The Modern Boy July 22 1933
- * News from the Rock & Roll Zone, (ms) Castle Rock May 1985
- * News from the San Francisco Boys’ Clubs, (ar) The American Boy June 1906
- * News from the Zoos, (ms) Collins’ for Boys and Girls #14, February 1949
- * News from Whispers, (bi) Presenting Moonshine #41, May 1975
- * New SFWA Members and Their Credentials, (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #158 Sum, #159 Fll 2003, #161 Spr, #162 Sum 2004, #169 Spr 2006, #172 Wtr, #173 Spr, #174 Sum 2007,
#178 Aug/Sep, #179 Oct/Nov, #180 Dec/Jan 2008, #181 Feb/Mar, #182 Apr/May, #183 Jun/Jul, #184 Aug/Sep, #185 Oct/Nov, #186 Dec/Jan 2009
#187 Feb/Mar 2010
- * New SFWA Officers Elected, (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #96, Summer 1987
- * The New Shah of Persia, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine August 1907
- * A New Shakespeare Portrayer, (ar) Cosmopolitan November 1913 [Ref. Margaret Anglin]
- * A New Shallow Conduit Tramway, (ms) Chambers’s Journal January 25 1908
- * News Headlines, (cl) Chronicle Feb/Mar, Sep 2006
- * The New Sheriffs, (ms) Black & White #36, October 10 1891
- * New Ships, (ms) War Aces #2, May 1930
- * New Shoes for Jailbirds, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 3 1928
- * News, Home, (ms) Drum: Sex in Perspective March 1965
- * A New Shoplifting Device, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 16 1926
- * New Shoplifting Scheme, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 10 1921
- * New Shoulder Straps, (ts) Smart Set October 1925
- * “Newshounds” Grousing, (ms) North•West Stories 1st August 1926
- * The New Signal Code, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper October 5 1901
- * New Signs Wanted, (ms) The Happy Mag. March 1939
- * New Silk Lingerie Collection Offer, (ms) Mayfair v19 #11, 1984
- * New Silk Lingerie Offer, (ms) Mayfair v20 #10 1985, v21 #2 1986
- * News in Brief, (ms) Red Letter October 14 1911
- * The News in Short Articles, (cl) Wild West Weekly #776, August 31 1917
- * News in Space, (cl) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #9, October/November 2003
- * News in the Brief, (ms) Crimespree Magazine #51, May 2013
- * News Items, (ms) The Half-Century Magazine August 1916
- * New Skies on the Map, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1941, 1940
- * Newsletter from Washington, (cl) Life Story Magazine #55, May 1944
- * The News Next Month, (ms) Everybody’s Jun, Aug 1927, Oct 1928
- * News Notes, (cl) Love Story Magazine May 1921
- * News Notes, (cl) Chronicle Feb/Mar, Sep 2006
- * News Notes, (ms) Spaceways #1, November 1938
- * News Notes, (ms) Lillabulero Fall/Winter 1968
- * News Notes, (ms) Fantasy Crossroads #6, November 1975
- * News Notes, (ms) The Armchair Detective October 1976
- * News Notes, (ms) Artemis #1 Spr, #2 Sum, #3 Aut 2000, #4 Spr, #5 Sum 2001, #6 Spr, #7 Sum 2002, #8 Win 2003
- * News Notes of Interest to Mothers, (ms) The Mother’s Magazine Christmas 1908
- * The New Society, (ar) Men’s Digest April 1969
- * News of All Nations, (ms) Nick Carter Stories #122 Jan 9, #123 Jan 16, #124 Jan 23 1915
- * The News of All Nations, (cl) Nick Carter Stories #121 Jan 2, #127 Feb 13, #129 Feb 27, #136 Apr 17 1915
- * The News of All Nations, (ms) Nick Carter Stories #2 Sep 21 1912, #120 Dec 26 1914, #125 Jan 30, #126 Feb 6, #128 Feb 20, #140 May 15, #147 Jul 3, #160 Oct 2 1915
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