The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 12010
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * A Mustard Seed, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper October 11 1879
- * Mustard Smith He’s Warming Up the West, (sl) The Skipper #466 Aug 5, #468 Aug 19, #469 Aug 26, #471 Sep 9, #472 Sep 16, #473 Sep 23, #474 Sep 30 1939
- * Mustard Smith (Hotter Than Ever) [Mustard Smith], (sl) The Skipper #437 Jan 14, #438 Jan 21 1939
- * Must Be a Smith, (vi) Chicago Ledger February 12 1910
- * Must Burbank’s Garden Go?, (ms) Western Story Magazine May 26 1928
- * The Muster-Roll, (pm) The Red Cross Magazine August 1917
- * Must I Die Again?, (cs) Weird Mysteries March/April 1959
- * Must I Give Away My Son?, (ar) Liberty November 6 1937
- * Must I Hesitate?, (ms) Telling Tales 1st January 1924
- * Must See Movies That Will Make You Close Your Eyes, (ms) Withersin v1 #1, 2007
- * Mutability, (pm) Dublin University Magazine March 1865
- * Mutant, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #49, September 15 1954 [Ref. Lewis Padgett]
- * Mutants and Symbiotes, (ar) (by Philip Harbottle) The Visual Encyclopedia of Science Fiction ed. Brian Ash, Pan, 1977
- * Mute Courtship, (pm) My Queen #415, October 6 1903
- * The Mute Witness, (ss)
- * Mute Witnesses to Murder, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 21 1925
- * Mutha Goose, (hu) Topper June 1963
- * The Mutineers, (vi)
- * The Mutineers of Morning Reef, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #244, September 17 1966
- * Mutinies at Sea, (ar) The Penny Magazine #274, 1904
- * Mutiny, (sl) Country Home Magazine July 1931
- * Mutiny at Five Bells, (ms)
- * Mutiny in Joilet Penitentary, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 20 1917
- * The Mutiny of Selves, (iv) Cencrastus #29, Spring 1988 [Ref. Medbh McGuckian]
- * The Mutiny of the Bounty, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1879
- * Mutiny on the Bounty, (pi) Look and Learn #45, November 24 1962
- * Mutiny on the Firefly [Young Cock-Eye], (ss) The Buzzer #5, November 13 1937
- * A Mutoscope for Boys, (aw) The Boy’s Own Paper April 20 1901
- * Mutt’s Mistress, (pi) Broadside March/April/May 1973
- * Mutual Correction, (cs) Boy’s Comic Journal #485, June 25 1892
- * Mutual Envy, (pm) Washington Star
- * Mutual Murder, (ar)
- * Mutual References, (vi) The Windsor Magazine October 1902
- * The Mutual Welfare League, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 1 1918
- * Muzzles for Ladies, (ar) The Strand Magazine November 1894
- * MWA Officers and Committees, (ms) Mystery Writers Annual #24 1970, #25 1971
- * M. Xavier Paoli—Protector of Kings, (bg) Pearson’s Magazine February 1910 [Ref. Xavier Paoli]
- * My Account of How It Happened, (vi)
- * My Adventure in Sarah Bernhardt’s Bedroom, (ts) Midnight #1, August 19 1922
- * My Adventures, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper June 10 1905
- * My Adventures: A Cheque, (ar) The Modern Boy September 21 1929
- * My Adventures Among the Prairie Indians, (sl) (by George Emmett) Young Englishman’s Journal Jan 11, Jan 18, Jan 25, Feb 1, Feb 8, Feb 15, Feb 22, Feb 29, Mar 7, Mar 14,
Mar 21, Mar 28, Apr 4, Apr 11, Apr 18, Apr 25 1868
- * My Adventures on Etna, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper August 23 1879
- * My Adventures on the Polar Ice, (ts) Personal Adventure Stories July 1937as told to Maximilian Fog
- * My Adventure: the Story of a Granted Wish, (ss)
- * My Adventure with a “Grizzly”, (ss) Young Englishman’s Journal March 21 1868
- * My Adventure with Boodle’s Dog, (ss) London Society #5, June 1862
- * My Adventure with Four Indians, (ss) Young Englishman’s Journal December 28 1867
- * My Album, (ar) (by Walter Frith) The Cornhill Magazine August 1889
- * The “My America” League, (cl) McClure’s Magazine Mar, Apr, May, Jul, Aug, Sep, Nov, Dec 1918, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr,
May, Jun, Jul 1919
- * My Angel, (ss) (by Mrs. J. S. Pike) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1858
- * My Annual, (pm) (by Oliver Wendell Holmes) The Atlantic Monthly April 1866
- * My Arab, (ar) (by Thomas Wright) The Cornhill Magazine June 1884
- * My Art, (pm) Sievier’s Monthly #16, April 1910
- * My Ascent Up Mount Wellington, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine September 1877
- * My Aunt Margaret’s Adventure, (ss) (by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu) Dublin University Magazine March 1864
- * My Aunt’s Legacy, (ss) The Argosy (UK) May 1876
- * My Aunt’s Match-Making, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1879
- * My Autumn Walk, (pm) (by William Cullen Bryant) The Atlantic Monthly January 1865
- * My Babes in the Wood, (pm) (by Sarah M. B. Piatt) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1870
- * My Baboon Bedfellow, (ss) Belgravia
- * “My Bark Is on the Sea”, (il) St. Nicholas May 1887
- * My Battle with Bootleg Booze, (ts) Smart Set October 1927
- * My Bayou Lover, (ts) Intimate Romances May 1938
- * My Bible, (ms) The Young Crusader January 1957
- * My Big Brother Bill, (ss) The Boys’ Leisure Hour #9, October 18 1884
- * My Big Scoops for You!, (ed) Chums September 7 1918
- * My Black and Tan, (pm) The Golden Argosy July 14 1883
- * My Bloody Battle with a Croc, (??) South Sea Stories June 1961
- * My Boat, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1864
- * My Boat and How I Made It, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper February 1 1879
- * My Bonny Black Bess, (ms) Flynn’s Weekly December 18 1926
- * My Bookmaker, (ar) Crampton’s Magazine September 1901
- * My Books (“Sadly, as some old medieval knight”), (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1883
- * My Books (“They dwell in the odor of camphor”), (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1888
- * My Box Is Hot, (pi) All Man September 1979
- * My Boy, (pm) The Knickerbocker August 1849
- * My Boy Billy, (ms) Collier’s May 24 1941
- * My Boyish Days, (pm) The Young Englishman’s Journal July 13 1867
- * My Boy Still, (pm) Indianapolis Journal
- * My Brief Romance, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1876
- * My Brier-Wood Pipe, and What It Cost Me, (ss) (by Richard Grant White) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1862
- * My Brooch, (ss) Dublin University Magazine August 1854
- * My Brother and I, (pm) (by J. T. Trowbridge) The Atlantic Monthly February 1864
- * My Brother-in-Law, (nv) (by Margaret Coolidge) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine Dec 1867, Jan 1868
- * My Brother’s Keeper, (ar) Cosmopolitan August 1938as told to Isabel Currier
- * My Brother Tom, (ss) Godey’s Lady’s Book May 1852, as by Patience Price
- * My Brother Tom, (ss) (by Thomas B. Beach) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine August 1857
- * My Brother Was an Outlaw!, (ss) Western Romances May 1957
- * My Brush with History, (lt) American Heritage April 1990
- * My Buddie, (pm) Battle Stories #21, May 1929
- * My Buddy’s Mam’selle, (ts) Smart Set March 1927
- * My Buddy’s Wife, (ts) Smart Set Dec 1924, Jan 1925
- * My Bunkie!, (pm) Whiz Bang
- * My Burglar, (ss) (by Gary McMahon) Nemonymous #4, 2004
- * My Burglar, (ss) (by J. W. Yardley) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1865
- * My Burned-Out Hate, (ts) True Western Stories April 1926
- * My Bush League Lover, (ts) Smart Set May 1927
- * My Business Is Clothes, (ar) True Story April 1931as told to Margaret Mackprang Mackay
- * My Business Is Goals [Stan Stagg], (ss) Rover and Wizard #222, April 17 1965
- * My Business Is Goals [Stan Stagg], (sl) Rover and Wizard #224, May 1 1965
- * My Butterfly Husband, (ts) Smart Set May 1925
- * My Cadet Life at Woolwich, (ss) London Society September 1864
- * My Cadet Sweetheart, (ts) Street & Smith’s Real Love Magazine May 1931
- * My Castle in Spain, (pm) (by John Hay), uncredited.
- * My Castles in Spain, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1863
- * My Cave Man Lover, (ts) Real Life Confessions September 1937
- * My Chance for a Pardon, (ts) True Western Stories December 1925
- * My Chemical Experience, (ss) (by G. W. Gesner) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1864
- * My Chief Desire, (ts) Smart Set June 1925
- * My Children, (pm) (by Josiah Gilbert Holland) The Atlantic Monthly August 1858
- * My Christmas Ghost, (ts) Real Love Magazine 2nd January 1931
- * My Christmas Invitation, (ms) London Society #12, Christmas 1862
- * My Christmas Piece, (ss) London Society #12, Christmas 1862
- * My Christmas Prizes, (ms) The Happy Mag. Christmas 1928
- * My Christmas Tragedy, (ts) True Western Stories January 1926
- * My Chum in the Ordnance Corps, (ar) Yes or No September 22 1917
- * My Chum’s Story, (nv) (by Austin Abbott) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1869
- * My Client’s Story, (ss) , as "The Client’s Story", by The Author of “Spain in 1830”
- * My Colliery Experiences, (ss) Once a Week January 5 1867
- * My Competitive Examination, (ss) London Society July 1864
- * My Complexion Never Comes Off, (ar) Physical Culture March 1924
- * My Comrade, (pm) The Puritan November 1900
- * My Comrade and I, (pm) (by J. T. Trowbridge) The Atlantic Monthly September 1869
- * My Confession, (ss) (by Elizabeth Lynn) Household Words #257, February 24 1855
- * My Conquest of Britain, (vi) John Bull May 12 1945
- * My Cooks, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine August 1898
- * My Cooperative Ballerina, (??) South Sea Stories July 1962
- * My Country, Limited, (ar) The Royal Magazine March 1912
- * “My Country, ’tis of Thee” in Esperanto, (sg) The Scrap Book October 1910
- * My Courtship, (ts) Cassell’s Family Magazine Dec 1885, Apr 1886
- * My Cousin Caroline’s Wedding, (ss)
- * My Cousin Robs the Millionaire, (ss) Short Stories June 21 1902
- * My Cousin Vinnie, (ms) Blood Moon Rising #20, November/December 2003
- * My Cross, (ss) (by Ellen Louise Chandler Moulton) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1866
- * My Dance; or How I Played at Being Ugly, (cs) Pearson’s Magazine December 1901
- * My Daphne, (pm) (by Adeline Dutton Train Whitney) The Atlantic Monthly August 1862
- * My Dark Angel and My Good Angel, (ts) Smart Set December 1927
- * My Dark Years in a Women’s Convict Prison, (ts) Weekly Welcome #1889, June 4 1932
- * My Darling Down by the Sea, (pm) London Society September 1865, as by H.
- * My Darlings, (pm) (by Alice Cary) The Atlantic Monthly November 1868
- * My Dashing Cowboy, (ts) Smart Set November 1926
- * My Daughter Must Know, (ts) “I Confess” September 1928
- * My Dear Doctor, (ts) Smart Set September 1926
- * My Dear Old Friend, (ss)
- * My Debut, (nv) (by Mrs. S. P. King) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1868
- * My Debut on a Cuban Stage, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine April 20 1872
- * My Dilemma with Trimble, (ss) Chums September 14 1898
- * My Dire Peril in Mid-Air, (ar) Chums April 6 1912
- * My Distinguished Friend, Seltsam, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1870; translated from the French, per the volume index by Charles Carroll.
- * My Dog, the “Undertaker”, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper August 1 1891
- * My Double and How He Undid Me, (ss) (by Edward Everett Hale) The Atlantic Monthly September 1859
- * My Dream, (ss) The Argosy (UK) February 1869
- * My Dream of Heaven, (ms) Gay French Stories v1 #7, 193?
- * My Duel, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1876
- * “My Emma and Cupid”, (pm) (by Ralph de Peverel) Once a Week October 31 1863
- * My Encounter with the Queen of Diamond Smugglers, (ts) True Detective Mysteries July 1924
- * My Enemy’s Daughter, (n.) (by Justin McCarthy) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1869
- * My Enemy, the Buffalo Hunter, (ss) Western Romances November 1957
- * My Escape from Singapore, (ar) Liberty July 11 1942
- * My Escape from Sleeping Pills, (ar) Today’s Woman #107, September 1948
- * My Experience as a Beggar, (ar) Watson’s Jeffersonian Magazine May 1907
- * My Experience at the National Training School of Cookery, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine January 1879
- * My Experience in a Greek Quarantine, (ar) (by William James Stillman) The Cornhill Magazine February 1866
- * My Experiences as an Out-Patient, (ar) Cassell’s Saturday Journal April 18 1891
- * My Experiences in Getting on the Stage, (ms) The Green Book Magazine July 1913as told to Frances Peck Smith
- * My Experiences in New York, (ar) The Ladies’ Home Journal May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep 1, Oct 1, Nov 1 1910
- * My Experiences in the Labor Movement; My Experiences as a Street-Car Conductor, (bg) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine June 1886
- * My Experience with Women in Men’s Jobs, (ar) The American Magazine July 1918
- * My Fag!, (pm) (by G. R. Samways) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1929, 1928
- * My Fair Claimant, (ss) The Argosy (UK) June 1873
- * My Fairest Ladies, (ms) Adventure June 1958
- * My Fair Francesca, (pi) Swank May 1965
- * My Fair Lady, (pi) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine September 1916 [Ref. Fay Compton]
- * My Fair Lady, (pm) Pall Mall Gazette
- * My Faithful Johnny, (na) (by Mrs. Oliphant) The Cornhill Magazine Nov, Dec 1880
- * My Faithful Star, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1879
- * My Faith Looks up to Thee, (pm) Grit Story Section #2365, May 19 1940
- * My Family Never Knew, (ts) Candid Confessions February 1938
- * My Farm: a Fable, (pm) (by Bayard Taylor) The Atlantic Monthly August 1866
- * My Fatal Decision, (nv) Real Romances September 1949
- * My Father-in-Law, (ts) Real Love Magazine 1st August 1930
- * My Father’s Ghost, (ss)
- * My Fathers-in-Law, (ss) (by Ellice Woodruffe) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1867
- * My Father’s Secret, (ss) All the Year Round #98, March 9 1861
- * My Father’s Will, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper August 8 1885
- * My Favorite 10 PBOS, (ar) Paperback Parade #87, 2014
- * My Favorite Brunette, (ia) Calling All Boys #12, July 1947
- * My Favorite Gag, (hu) John Bull February 1 1958
- * “My Favorite Girl” Photo Contest, (cn) Climax Mar, May 1959, Apr 1960, Mar, Jun 1961
- * My Favorite Love Letter Contest, (ms) Lovers: The Magazine of Enchantment March 1946
- * My Favorite Model: Myrna Jackson, (pi) Action Life May 1964
- * “My Favorite Quotation”, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 1 1962
- * My Favorite Spy, (sa) Screen Romances #156, May 1942
- * My Favorite Text, (ms) Argosy January 1945
- * My Favourite Child Story, (ms) Pearson’s Magazine October 1914
- * My Favourite Costume, (ar) The Strand Magazine December 1903
- * My Favourite Frock, (ar) The Royal Magazine December 1912
- * My Favourite Love Scene: Confessions of Noted Stage Swans, (ar) The London Magazine August 1902
- * My Favourite Menu, (ms) The Royal Magazine December 1911
- * My Favourite Photograph, (pi) The Royal Magazine March 1906
- * My Favourite Season [Greyfriars], (ms) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1931, 1930
- * My Favourite Summer Sport, (pi) The Royal Magazine July 1914
- * My Favourite Witch: Stories of Weird Women, (ms) John o’ London’s Weekly December 9 1922
- * My Favourite Youth Hostel, (cn) The Boy’s Own Paper September 1955
- * My Fellow-Traveler, (ss)
- * My Fight for a Husband, (ts) True Story July 1923
- * My Fight for the Goldbug, (ts) True Western Stories September 1925
- * My First—, (ss) Spotlight Confessions 1948
- * My First and Last Balloon Ascent, (ss) (by Walter Thornbury) London Society March 1863
- * My First and Last Private Secretary, (ss) Cassell’s Saturday Journal February 11 1888
- * My First Appearance, (ss) The European Magazine February 1826
- * My First Appearance No. 1: Miss Lucille Hill, (ar) Lazy Land June 1893
- * My First Appearance No. 2: Miss Loie Fuller, (ar) Lazy Land June 1893
- * My First Ball, (ss) The Argosy (UK) June 1876
- * My First Balloon Voyage, (ar) Chums October 5 1892
- * My First Bear Hunt, (ts) The Boy’s Own Magazine v2, 1857
- * My First Big Fish, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper May 27 1905
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