The FictionMags Index
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * This Isn’t TV; This Is Real, (iv) Suspense Magazine February 2016 [Ref. D. P. Lyle, M.D.]
- * This Is Phoney!, (ar) The Young Commando, Fore Publications, 1944
- * This Is Really Novel, (pz) The Silver Jacket #20, 1955
- * This Issue, (ms) Star*Line March/April 1989
- * This Issue’s Authors in 25 Words or Less, (bg) Printed Poison #2, July 2003
- * This Issue’s Featured Artists; Theatres des Vampires, (ar) Dark of Night #1, September/October 2005
- * This Is the Army, (hu) Liberty Aug 22 1942, Aug 7 1943
- * This Is the Date—June 20-22, (ms) The American Boy April 1929
- * This Is the Hour for Me, (pm) My Magazine April 1915
- * This Is the Law, (ar) Personality February 1948
- * This Is the Siegfried Line, (ar) Modern Wonder December 2 1939
- * This Is the Way Men Do at the Circus, (pm) St. Nicholas August 1875
- * This Is the Way We Wash Our Clothes, (ar) Everyland August 1917
- * This Is War, (ss) The Popular April 1937
- * This Is War!, (cl) War Stories (UK) Nov, Dec 1935, Feb 1936
- * This Is What They Carry, (ia) Modern World March 30 1940
- * “This Just In…”, (ms) The Megaflow Manifesto October 1988
- * This Life Is What We Make It, (pm) The Golden Argosy May 10 1884
- * This Little Brooklyn Goes to Pittsburgh, (ms) Exciting Baseball Spring 1949
- * This Little Doggie Got Along, (ss)
- * “This Little Girl Earns $100,000 a Year”: Mary Pickford, (pi) McClure’s Magazine May 1915
- * This’ll Make You Jump, (ar) Collins’ Magazine April 1950
- * This Loco Climbs Mountains!, (ia) The Modern Boy February 24 1934
- * This Loco’s Got the Hump!, (ar) The Modern Boy March 3 1934
- * This Magazine, (ar) Street & Smith’s Complete Magazine October 1935
- * This Man Butlin, (bg) The Strand Magazine September 1946 [Ref. William Butlin]
- * This Man Is News, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #995, January 7 1939; adapted from the movie.
- * This Man Made the British Bulb Boom, (ar) Tit-Bits #2832, February 8 1936
- * This Man Owns a Three-State Ranch, (ms) Cowboy Stories November 1927
- * “This Man Saved the Lexington”, (ts) Wings Fall 1945
- * This Mistletoe Business, (ms) The Happy Mag. January 1928
- * This Month’s Competition, (qz) Mine May 1936
- * This Month’s Contributors, (bg) True Detective Mysteries Jan, Nov 1925, Sep 1927, Nov 1929
- * This Month’s Cover, (cl) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #50 Oct 15, #51 Nov 15 1954, #53 Jan 15, #54 Feb 15 1955
- * This Month’s Cover, (ms) Mystery Adventures December 1936
- * This Month’s Cover, (ms) Wide World May 1964
- * This Month’s Film Fashion, (ms) The Royal Pictorial December 1934
- * This Month’s Film Pattern, (ms) The Royal Pictorial August 1934
- * This Month’s Hall of Fame: Patrick Casey & Terrence Casey, (bg) Novelets May 1924 [Ref. Patrick & Terence Casey]
- * This Month’s Magazine Abridgement, (ms) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine Jul, Aug 1947, May 1951
- * This Month’s Patterns, (ms) Variety Love Stories Aug, Oct 1946, Feb, Apr 1947, Mar, May 1949
- * This Month’s Questions, (cl) The Cosmopolitan August 1895
- * This Month’s Reading, (br) Pall Mall Magazine February 1929
- * This Month’s Word Square, (pz) Pearson’s Magazine Oct 1922, Sep 1923, Mar 1924
- * This Moore of Grace, (ar) The Passing Show May 4 1935 [Ref. Grace Moore]
- * This Night Is Ours, (ts) Scarlet Confessions December 1936
- * This Obliging Earth, (ms) Far West Stories May 1929
- * This Pigeon Won a War Medal, (ar) McClure’s Magazine October 1925
- * This Power Station Runs Itself, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1937, 1936
- * This Prisoner Is Glad He Is Tall, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 13 1920
- * This Progress, (vi) Complete Stories November 1927
- * This Property for Sale, (ms) The Gent April 1957
- * This Quintet Goes Hollywood, (ms) Real Detective September 1932
- * This Rage of Echoes, (br) Shroud Magazine #1, January 2008 [Ref. Simon Clark]
- * This Really Happened:
* ___ Alone with a Lunatic, (ts) The Passing Show January 27 1934
* ___ Because of a Pancake, (ts) The Passing Show August 25 1934
* ___ Golden Mile, (ts) The Passing Show March 23 1935
* ___ One Pound on a Horse / Gas-Proof Gus / Second Meeting, (ts) The Passing Show April 6 1935
* ___ The Saving of Santa / Lucky Poster / A Welcome Gift, (ar) The Passing Show April 20 1935
* ___ Thank You, Poacher, (ts) The Passing Show March 2 1935
* ___ The Wife I Missed, (ts) The Passing Show January 20 1934
- * This Season’s Greetings, (ms) Collier’s December 27 1952
- * “This Seat Reserved”, (il) St. Nicholas September 1886
- * “This Ship Ain’t Gonna Sink”, (ss) The Skipper #377, November 20 1937
- * This Strange New World, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 21 1934
- * This Strange World, (cl) Modern Wonder Mar 25, Apr 1 1939
- * This Summer’s Hottest Electronic Entertainment, (ar) Penthouse June 1995
- * This Suspense Is Awful, (ms) Collier’s May 11 1929
- * This Theft Was Punished Severely, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 29 1919
- * This Time for Keeps, (sa) Screen Romances #156, May 1942
- * Thistle Down, (pm) The Golden Argosy September 15 1888
- * Thistle Figs; or, the Grapes That Grow on Thorns [J. Smytthe, Jr.], (ss) (by George William Curtis) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine August 1855
- * Thistles in the Land of Don Quixote, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1882
- * This Tree Grew When Jesus Was Born, (ar) Look and Learn #30, August 11 1962
- * This Tube Railway Doesn’t Carry Passengers, (ar) Modern Wonder October 8 1938
- * This Tuning Coil Is Right Up to Date!, (ar) The Modern Boy March 24 1934
- * This Used to Be Broadjumping, (ar) Man October 1951
- * This Very Mournful Man, (ms) The Popular Magazine April 15 1912
- * This Vision Fortold a Fatal Duel, (lt) Mystic Magazine March 1931
- * This Wacky World!, (ms) Exposed #15, June 1957
- * This Was a Man?, (pi) Jem February 1958
- * This Was the Slave Coast, (pi) Look and Learn #51, January 5 1963
- * This Was the West, (pi) Argosy March 1961
- * This Was War!, (cl) War Stories (UK) January 1936
- * This Wax Talks, (ar) Modern Wonder December 10 1938
- * This Way to Charm, (ms) Screen Romances #156, May 1942
- * This Way to the Pirate Gold, (ar) The Modern Boy December 1 1928
- * This Weather, (pm) The Country Gentleman July 8 1922
- * This Week’s Free Knitting Pattern, (ms) Smart Novels #3141 Dec 20 1954, #3153 Mar 14, #3154 Mar 21, #3157 Apr 11, #3159 Apr 25, #3165 Jun 6, #3172 Jul 25, #3179 Sep 12, #3186 Oct 31 1955
- * This Week’s Knitting Pattern, (ms) Smart Novels #3522, April 30 1962
- * This Week’s Popular Science, (ar) Popular Pictorial #1848, April 2 1927
- * This Week’s Private Line, (cl) This Week October 20 1963
- * This Week’s Prize-Winning Household Hints, (cl) Sunday Stories #1934, May 20 1933
- * This Week’s Readers’ Page Prize Pars, (ms) The Wizard #680, December 14 1935
- * This Whirl of Sports, (cl) Ten Story Sports October 1939
- * This Will Interest James Worth, (ms) The Popular Magazine June 1931
- * This Will Interest You, (ar) The American Boy November 1906
- * This Will Interest You Lads!, (ed) The Triumph September 4 1937
- * This Will Interest You, Lads, (ed) The Triumph August 7 1937
- * This Woman I Trusted, (ts) Secrets April 1947
- * This Wonderful World, (ms) The Strand Magazine December 1929
- * This World of Change, (ss) The New Yorker October 31 1936
- * This Year at Dieppe, (te) The Argosy (UK) December 1867
- * This Year’s Novel Nominees, (ms) BSFA Awards 2013, BSFA, 2014
- * This Year’s Seaside, (ia) The Strand Magazine June 1946
- * Thity Things That Are White, (pi) My Magazine February 1925
- * Thomas A’Becket’s Grace-Cup, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1878
- * Thomas A. Edison, (pi) McClure’s Magazine July 1893
- * Thomas A. Edison and His Family, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine February 1908
- * Thomas A. Edison and Theodore, his youngest son, setting out from the Edison home to the Great Workshops, a mile away, after lunch, (ar) The American Boy December 1907
- * Thomas and John, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper July 4 1891
- * Thomas Beck, (pi) Screen Romances #106, March 1938 [Ref. Thomas Beck]
- * Thomas Betterton, Late of the Lincoln’s Inn Fields Theatre, (bg) (by John Doran) The Cornhill Magazine September 1862
- * Thomas Bracket Reed, (pi) Metropolitan Magazine February 1896
- * Thomas B. Reed, (pi) McClure’s Magazine October 1893
- * Thomas Carlyle, (ar) (by Leslie Stephen) The Cornhill Magazine March 1881 [Ref. Thomas Carlyle]
- * Thomas Crofton Croker, F. S. A., (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1878
- * Thomas E. Dewey, (bg) American Detective September 1936
- * Thomas Elliott’s Speculations, (ss) (by Frederic Beecher Perkins) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1863
- * Thomas F. Monteleone, (iv) Cemetery Dance #4, Spring 1990 [Ref. Thomas F. Monteleone]
- * Thomas Fuller, (ar) (by Leslie Stephen) The Cornhill Magazine January 1872 [Ref. Thomas Fuller]
- * Thomas Gaspey, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1878
- * Thomas Hardy at Home, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine June 1912
- * Thomas Harlowe, (pm) (by Anna Mary Howitt) Household Words #43, January 18 1851
- * Thomas Hearne and His Little World, (ar) (by Patrick Kennedy) Dublin University Magazine March 1869 [Ref. Thomas Hearne]
- * Thomas Irvin McNeely, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly January 5 1929
- * Thomas King, the Original Lord Ogleby and Sir Peter Teazle, (ar) (by John William Cole) Dublin University Magazine September 1866
- * Thomas Ligotti Bibliography, (bi) Tekeli-li! #4, Winter/Spring 1992 [Ref. Thomas Ligotti]
- * Thomas Ligotti on Weird Fiction, (iv) The Weird Fiction Review 2011 [Ref. Thomas Ligotti]
- * Thomas Moore, (ar) Dublin University Magazine June 1850 [Ref. Thomas Moore], as "Private Theatricals"
- * Thomas Muir’s Farewell to His Native Land, (pm) The Chartist Circular #143, June 18 1842
- * Thomas Nast’s Share in the Overthrow of the Tweed Ring in 1872, (ar) McClure’s Magazine January 1895
- * Thomas N. Hart, Mayor of Boston, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 17 1900
- * The Thomas Normal Training School, (ar) Detroit Monthly May 1901
- * Thomas Olivers, “Cobbler,” Poet, and Methodist Hero, (bg) (by Abel Stevens) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1860 [Ref. Thomas Olivers]
- * Thomas the Rhymer, (vi)
- * Thomas & Tito, (iv) Crime Factory #1, February 2001 [Ref. Paul Thomas]
- * Thomas Truax: An Interview, (iv) SteamPunk Magazine #1, 2007 [Ref. Thomas Truax]
- * Thomas Warton, (bg) (by Henry Boyle Lee) The Cornhill Magazine June 1865
- * Ruth Thompson Interview, (iv) After Hours Winter 1992 [Ref. Ruth Thompson]
- * The Thoomist Gamelan, (iv) Xizquil #13, 1995 [Ref. Dennis Murphy]
- * Thor and the Midgard Serpent, (ss)
- * Thor and Thunder-God and the Crafty Giant, (ss) Look and Learn #4, February 10 1962
- * Thoreau’s Flute, (pm) (by Louisa May Alcott) The Atlantic Monthly September 1863
- * Thoreau the Aphorist, (ar) To-Day July 1917 [Ref. Henry David Thoreau]
- * The Thorn, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1877
- * Thorne & Billingham, Ever Evolving, (iv) Suspense Magazine July 2012 [Ref. Mark Billingham]
- * The Thorn Garden, (pm) The Lady’s Realm November 1913
- * A Thorn in the Flesh, (ss) (by Emily Morse Symonds) The Cornhill Magazine December 1893
- * Thorns in the Cushion, (ar) (by William Makepeace Thackeray) The Cornhill Magazine July 1860
- * Thorobred, (??) 10 Story Book July 1935
- * THOR: Orbital Weapon System: Committee on Space Weapons Citizens’ Advisory Council on National Space Policy, (ar) 1981
- * Thoroughbred, (ss) Scarlet Gang Smashers May 1936, as "Thorobred", by Virginia Stacey
- * Thoroughbreds, (ms) Maclean’s February 15 1940
- * Thorough Enjoyment, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper Christmas 1905
- * Thoroughly Kissed, (pi) Allure September 1937
- * Thoroughly Modern Letitia, (pi) Cad September 1967
- * Thorough Robbers, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine April 9 1932
- * The Thorsdale Telegraphs, (ss) (by Barnet Phillips) The Atlantic Monthly October 1876
- * Those 999½ Blues [Colonel Stoopnagle], (ss) The Illustrated Detective Magazine September 1932
- * Those American Tourists—1919 Model, (ar) Collier’s May 3 1919
- * Those Beach Costumes, (ms) The Happy Mag. September 1938
- * Those Bedtime Stories / Illustrated verse, (pm) Bedtime Stories February/March 1935
- * Those Charming People Reunited, (ms) The Lost Club Journal #3, Spring 2004 [Ref. Arthur Machen]
- * Those Christmas Presents, (ms) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy December 1931
- * Those Dirty Books from Gay Paree, (ar) Paperback Parade #79, October 2011
- * Those Endearing Young Charms, (sa) Screen Romances #193, June 1945
- * Those “Extra” Men in Blue, (ar) Pearson’s Weekly #2380, March 7 1936
- * Those Famous Fantasy Femmes: “Barbarella”—a Space Fantasy, (ar) Monster Fantasy August 1975
- * Those French Postcards, (pi) Cocktail v2 #4, 1962
- * Those Geisha Girls, (ms) Army Romances Spring 1946
- * “Those Giant Tubes…”, (pi) Astounding Science Fiction November 1943
- * “Those in Peril on the Sea”, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper Supplement 1932
- * Those Irrestible Wahines, (pi) Connoisseur’s World July 1964
- * Those Missionaries in Africa, (ar) The Half-Century Magazine September 1921
- * Those Model Railway Extras, (ar) The Modern Boy November 25 1933
- * Those Mountain Tarns, (ar) The Outing Magazine February 1913
- * Those New Spring Styles, (ms) Love Fiction Magazine May 1947
- * Those Noble Rocks, (pi) Venus v1 #6, 1958
- * Those Precious Drops, (ms) The Popular Magazine March 20 1922
- * Those Purple Moors, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #56, September 1885
- * Those Realistic Film Battles, (ar) Modern World August 17 1940
- * Those Responsible, (bg) Journal of Pulse-Pounding Narratives #1, 2002
- * Those Responsible, This Time, (bg) Journal of Pulse-Pounding Narratives #2, 2004
- * Those Splendid Marines, (ia) Battle Stories #18, February 1929
- * Those Terrible Twins, (ms) The Happy Mag. December 1934
- * Those Twins, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1896
- * Those Umbrella Men, (pi) Rogue July 1962
- * Those Unfinished Test Matches, (ar) Chums August 22 1926
- * Those Unhumorous Britishers, (ms) The Popular Magazine April 7 1924
- * Those Were the Days, (ms) Nostalgia Digest Spr, Sum, Aut 2021, Wtr, Spr 2022
- * Those Who CANCAN, (ms) Collier’s August 11 1951
- * Those Wicked German Millionaires, (ar) The New Pearson’s Magazine (US) June 1923
- * Those Wicked Horse Dealers, (ar) Flynn’s June 6 1925
- * Those Yokohama Mamas, (??) South Sea Stories July 1964
- * “Thou art, who has not been!”, (ms) The Lost Club Journal #3, Spring 2004 [Ref. Enoch Soames]
- * Though Plural, ’tis Singular, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper April 2 1887
- * Though Sixty-Eight, She Brands Her Home, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine January 5 1935
- * A Thought, (ms) Women’s Stories April 15 1914
- * A Thought, (pm)
- * Thought and Breathing, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1890
- * Thought and Language, (ar) (by Benjamin Humphrey Smart) The Cornhill Magazine May 1866
- * Thought and Language (An Appendix), (ar) (by Benjamin Humphrey Smart) The Cornhill Magazine July 1866
- * Thought and Space, (pm) (by Ray Bradbury) Futuria Fantasia Summer 1939
- * Thoughtfulness in Dress, (ar) (by Caroline E. Stephen) The Cornhill Magazine September 1868
- * Thoughtful Thief, (ms) Manhunt April 1957
- * Thought Reading, (ar) The Scout November 3 1923
- * Thought-Reading, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1881
- * Thoughts About British Horror, (ms) Blood Moon Rising #22, March/April 2004
- * Thoughts About the Comets, (ar) (by Richard A. Proctor) The Cornhill Magazine October 1886
- * Thoughts About Thinking, (ar) (by Frances Power Cobbe) The Cornhill Magazine February 1875
- * Thoughts Are Things, (pm) The Mother’s Magazine September 1921
- * Thoughts for Serious Moments, (ms)
- * Thoughts from Amiel’s Journal, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1889; translated by Mrs. Humphry Ward
- * Thoughts from the Glasshouse, (iv) Hub Magazine #2, Winter 2007 [Ref. Charles Stross]
- * Thoughts in a Churchyard, (pm) (by Joseph Tinker Buckingham) The European Magazine January 1826
- * Thoughts in Class, (ss) Girls’ Crystal 1937
- * Thoughts in Italy About Christmas, (ar) (by John A. Symonds) The Cornhill Magazine January 1866
- * Thoughts of a Country Critic, (ss) (by Francis Warre Warre-Cornish) The Cornhill Magazine December 1874
- * Thoughts of an Outsider:
* ___ The Ethics of Vivisection, (ar) (by Leslie Stephen) The Cornhill Magazine April 1876
* ___ International Prejudices, (ar) (by Leslie Stephen) The Cornhill Magazine July 1876
* ___ Public Schools, (ar) (by Leslie Stephen) The Cornhill Magazine March 1873
* ___ The Public Schools Again, (ar) (by Leslie Stephen) The Cornhill Magazine November 1873
- * Thoughts of Merrythoughts, (lr) The Merrythoughts’ Magazine June 1932
- * Thoughts of Past Days, (pm) Cassell’s Family Magazine August 1877
- * Thoughts on Amazing Stories Part 3: A Conversation with Patrick L. Price, (iv) Amazing Stories Summer 2012 [Ref. Patrick L. Price]
- * Thoughts on Criticism, by a Critic, (ar) (by Leslie Stephen) The Cornhill Magazine November 1876
- * Thoughts on Half-Holidays, (ar) (by John R. Vernon) The Cornhill Magazine May 1864
- * Thoughts on Prayer, (ar) The Girl’s Own Paper and Woman’s Magazine January 1917
- * Thoughts on Quarrelling, (ar) (by Louisa A. Merivale) The Cornhill Magazine October 1870
- * Thoughts on Smoking, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1883
- * Thoughts Over a Picture and a Pipe, Thrown Into Verse, (pm) London Society December 1863
- * Thoughts Under a Brown Derby, (ar) The American Autopsy January 1932
- * Thoughts Unspoken, (pm)
- * Thoughts Worth Thinking, (ms) The Strand Magazine February 1943
- * Thought Transference, (pm) Smith, Grey & Co.’s Monthly
- * Thought Wife Buried Alive, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 20 1916
- * “Thouing”, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1883
- * A Thousand and One Nighties, (pi) Black Magic v1 #1, 1963
- * A Thousand and One Nights, (sa) Screen Romances #193, June 1945
- * The Thousand-and-Third Night, (ss) (by G. D. Carrow) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1878
- * A Thousand Clews, (ar) Flynn’s August 29 1925
- * $1,000 a Week for Tongue Twisters, (cn) Liberty Aug 9, Aug 30, Sep 13, Oct 4, Oct 11 1924
- * $1,000 for Tongue Twisters!, (cn) Liberty Aug 16, Aug 23, Sep 6, Sep 20, Sep 27 1924
- * A Thousand Fathoms Deep! [Professor Steel], (ss) Cheer Boys Cheer #36, January 26 1913
- * Thousand Mile an Hour Flyer, (ar) Look and Learn #43, November 10 1962
- * A Thousand Miles in a Rowing Boat, (ms) Black & White #43, November 28 1891
- * A Thousand Questions with Brian Ted Jones, (iv) A Thousand Faces #13, November 2010 [Ref. Brian Ted Jones]
- * A Thousand Questions with Christopher Knowles, (iv) A Thousand Faces #3, Winter 2008 [Ref. Christopher Knowles]
- * A Thousand Questions with Christopher L. Bennett, (iv) A Thousand Faces #4, Spring 2008 [Ref. Christopher L. Bennett]
- * A Thousand Questions with David J. Schwartz, (iv) A Thousand Faces #5, Summer 2008 [Ref. David J. Schwartz]
- * A Thousand Questions with Jackie Kessler, (iv) A Thousand Faces #10, Fall 2009 [Ref. Jackie Kessler]
- * A Thousand Questions with John McNally and Owen King, (iv) A Thousand Faces #5, Summer 2008 [Ref. John McNally & Owen King]
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