The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11867
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Gentleman Beggar. An Attorney’s Story [David Discount], (ss) (by Samuel Sidney) Household Words #22, August 24 1850
- * Gentleman Dick, the Daring Don, (ar) Sporting Life (Australia) April 1950
- * A Gentleman for a Sovereign, (ar) The London Magazine March 1906
- * Gentleman George, (sl) (by James Skipp Borlase) The Boy’s Standard 1875
- The Boys’ Leisure Hour #1 Aug 23, #2 Aug 30, #3 Sep 6, #4 Sep 13, #5 Sep 20, #6 Sep 27, #7 Oct 4, #8 Oct 11, #9 Oct 18,
#10 Oct 25, #11 Nov 1, #12 Nov 8, #13 Nov 15, #14 Nov 22, #15 Nov 29, #16 Dec 6, #17 Dec 13, Chr, #19 Dec 27 1884
#20 Jan 3, #21 Jan 10, #22 Jan 17, #23 Jan 24, #24 Jan 31, #25 Feb 7, #26 Feb 14 1885
- * Gentleman George, The Raider, (ms) Flynn’s June 6 1925
- * A Gentleman in a Hurry, (ms) The Popular Magazine 1st June 1930
- * The Gentleman in Black, (n.) (by John Yonge Akerman ,[?]) 1830
- * A Gentleman Loose in Paris, (pi) Snappy Stories and Pictures August 30 1927
- * Gentlemanly Bentley, (ar) Lilliput February/March 1952
- * Gentleman Murderer, (ms) The Saint Detective Magazine September 1957
- * A Gentleman of the Jury, (ss) (by A. Oakey Hall) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1857
- * A Gentleman of the Old School, (ss) (by J. W. De Forest) The Atlantic Monthly May 1868
- * Gentleman’s Humor, (hu) Gentleman’s Companion August 1982
- * Gentleman Stephens, (ss) The Argosy (UK) August 1880
- * The Gentleman Strikes [Tony Colby (The Mask)], (cs) Exciting Comics (comic) December 1941
- * Gentleman, That Reminds Me, (hu) Mayfair v20 #12, 1985
- * Gentlemen, (ar) (by J. Fitzjames Stephen) The Cornhill Magazine March 1862
- * Gentlemen, (hu) Parisienne Nights v1 #25, 193?
- * Gentlemen and Cuffs, (ms) The Popular Magazine October 1 1912
- * Gentlemen Crooks, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine April 25 1931
- * Gentlemen Past and Present, (ar) (by John Doran) Dublin University Magazine January 1865
- * Gentlemen Prefer Monroe, (ms) Collier’s June 27 1953
- * Gentlemen, That Reminds Me, (hu) Mayfair v4 #7, v4 #8, v4 #9, v4 #10, v4 #11, v4 #12 1969, v5 #1, v5 #2, v5 #3, v5 #4, v5 #5,
v5 #6, v5 #7, v5 #8, v5 #9, v5 #11, v5 #12 1970
v6 #1, v6 #2, v6 #3, v6 #4, v6 #5, v6 #7, v6 #10, v6 #11 1971, v7 #1, v7 #3, v7 #4, v7 #5,
v7 #6, v7 #7, v7 #10 1972
v9 #3, v9 #10, v9 #12 1974, v11 #1, v11 #2, v11 #3, v11 #4, v11 #5, v11 #6, v11 #7, v11 #8,
v11 #9, v11 #10, v11 #11, v11 #12 1976
v12 #1, v12 #2, v12 #3, v12 #4, v12 #5, v12 #6, v12 #7, v12 #8, v12 #9, v12 #10, v12 #11, v12 #12 1977
v13 #1, v13 #2, v13 #3, v13 #4, v13 #5, v13 #6, v13 #7, v13 #8, v13 #9, v13 #10, v13 #11, v13 #12 1978
v14 #1, v14 #2, v14 #3, v14 #4, v14 #5, v14 #6, v14 #7, v14 #8, v14 #9, v14 #10, v14 #11, v14 #12 1979
v15 #1, v15 #2, v15 #3, v15 #4, v15 #5, v15 #6, v15 #7, v15 #8, v15 #9, v15 #10, v15 #11, v15 #12 1980
v16 #1, v16 #2, v16 #3, v16 #4, v16 #5, v16 #6, v16 #7, v16 #8, v16 #9, v16 #10, v16 #11, v16 #12 1981
v17 #1, v17 #2, v17 #3, v17 #4, v17 #5, v17 #6, v17 #7, v17 #8, v17 #9, v17 #10, v17 #11, v17 #12 1982
v18 #1, v18 #2, v18 #3, v18 #5, v18 #6, v18 #7, v18 #8, v18 #10, v18 #11, v18 #12 1983, v19 #1,
v19 #2, v19 #3, v19 #4, v19 #5, v19 #6, v19 #7, v19 #8, v19 #9, v19 #10, v19 #11 1984
v20 #1, v20 #2, v20 #3, v20 #4, v20 #5, v20 #6, v20 #7, v20 #8, v20 #9, v20 #10, v20 #11 1985
v21 #1, v21 #2, v21 #3, v21 #4, v21 #5, v21 #6, v21 #7, v21 #8, v21 #9, v21 #10, v21 #11, v21 #12 1986
v22 #3, v22 #4, v22 #5, v22 #6, v22 #7, v22 #8, v22 #9, v22 #10, v22 #11 1987, v23 #2, v23 #3,
v23 #4, v23 #5, v23 #6, v23 #7, v23 #8, v23 #9, v23 #10, v23 #11 1988
v24 #2, v24 #3, v24 #4, v24 #5, v24 #7, v24 #9, v24 #10, v24 #11 1989, v25 #1, v25 #2, v25 #3,
v25 #7, v25 #11 1990
v26 #1 1991
- * Gentlemen V. Players, (ar) Black & White #22, July 4 1891
- * Gentlemen v Players, (ss) Pluck July 12 1913
- * Gentle Mildred, (pm) The Novel Magazine July 1906
- * A Gentle Reminder, (hu) The Popular Magazine June 1905
- * Gentle Reminder!, (hu) Pep Stories July 1938
- * The Gentle Shark, (ts) The Passing Show April 27 1935
- * A Gentle Wolf on Stilts, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #277, May 6 1967
- * “The Gentlewoman”, (ar) The Woman at Home April 1898
- * Gentlewomen All, (pm) Harper’s Magazine October 1922
- * “Gently Touch the Warbling Lyre”, (sg) Peterson’s Magazine January 1857
- * Gents Prefer Lori, (pi) Spree v2 #1, 1964
- * G.E.N. TV News, Headlines, 1 July 2013, (vi) The Scanner #10, 1990
- * Genuine Flea Circus, (ar) Lilliput June/July 1951
- * A Genuine Mother Goose, (pm) St. Nicholas May 1887
- * Genus and the Seven Kings, (vi) Beeton’s Christmas Annual #13, 1872
- * Geoffrey Household, (bg) Argosy (UK) April 1964 [Ref. Geoffrey Household]
- * Geoffrey Saunders’ Wife, (ss) The Argosy (UK) June 1885
- * Geoffrey Willans, (ar) (by Christopher Fowler) The Independent on Sunday August 17 2008 [Ref. Geoffrey Willans]
- * Geographically Speaking, (??) Snappy October 1934
- * Geographical News, (cl) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1891
- * Geographical Terms, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1889
- * Geography Taught in School Songs, (pm) The Scrap Book September 1910
- * Geologic Time Scale, (ms) The Science Fictional Dinosaur ed. Robert Silverberg, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Avon, 1982
- * The Geologist, (ar) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #57, May 15 1955
- * Geologists on Baffin Island, (ms) North•West Stories 1st March 1927
- * A Geology Tour of the Far West, (ms) Western Story Magazine August 11 1928
- * Geomancy, (nf) The International January 1918
- * George, (ms) Family Fiction Magazine v1 #3, 1947
- * George, (pi) Mayfair v12 #9, 1977
- * George, (ss) The Argosy (UK) February 1878
- * George Ade Reminiscences, (ms) The Bohemian February 1906
- * George Alfred Henty (Dec 8, 1832-Nov 16, 1902), (bg) Dime Novel Round-Up #195, December 1948 [Ref. G. A. Henty]
- * George Allan England, (bg) Five-Novels Monthly February 1928
- * George Allan England, (bg) The Blue Book Magazine September 1925
- * The George Andrew Hutchison Memorial, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper February 1914
- * George Anne Bellamy—An Irish Actress, (ar) (by John William Cole) Dublin University Magazine Oct, Nov 1864
- * George Arliss, (ar) Chums August 1933
- * George Bancroft, the Great Historian, in His Library, (il) The Golden Argosy May 2 1885
- * George Barr, (bg) Trumpet #7, May 1968
- * George Beattie, (bg) (by William Weir Tulloch) The Cornhill Magazine April 1872 [Ref. George Beattie]
- * George Bedillion’s Knight, (nv) (by Mrs. R. B. Davis) The Atlantic Monthly Feb, Mar 1867
- * George Bernard Shaw on the Paradox of Suicide, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 3 1923
- * George Bernard Shaw: The Man and His Work, (bg) Physical Culture October 1915
- * George Bernard Wingate, (il) The Magnet Library October 17 1925
- * George Blundell, (il) The Magnet Library April 3 1926
- * George Blundell, (ms) The Magnet Library November 3 1917
- * George Borrow, Lord of the Open Road, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly February 3 1923 [Ref. R. Thurston Hopkins]
- * George Borup: An Appreciation and a Hope, (ob) The Outing Magazine July 1912 [Ref. George Borup]
- * George Buckner, (ar) The Half-Century Magazine April 1919
- * George Bulstrode, (il) The Magnet Library January 16 1926
- * George Calvert, First Lord Baltimore, (il) Harper’s Monthly Magazine February 1901
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