The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11776
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Coming Next Month!!!, (ms) Science Fiction November 1932
- * Coming Next Week, (ms) Detective Fiction Weekly Sep 8, Oct 20 1928, Feb 20 1937, Dec 2, Dec 9 1939
- * The Coming of Age of Jeremiah Adkins, (ts) Man’s Conquest November 1959
- * The Coming of Age of the King of Spain, (ar) The Lady’s Realm June 1902
- * The Coming of the Evening Star, (ar) The Girl’s Own Paper and Woman’s Magazine October 1916
- * The Coming of the Great Madness [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #469, 1937
- * The Coming of the Mahdy, (ar) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine #803, September 1882
- * The Coming of the Wise Men, (cs) The Bible Story #4, March 28 1964
- * The Coming Race, (pm) (by Bayard Taylor) The Atlantic Monthly July 1872
- * The Coming Race, (ex) (by Edward Bulwer-Lytton) William Blackwood & Sons, 1871, uncredited.
- The Ancient Mysteries Reader ed. Peter Haining, Doubleday, 1975, as by Sir Edward George Bulwer-Lytton, Lord Lytton
- The Ancient Mysteries Reader Book 1 ed. Peter Haining, Sphere, 1978, as by Sir Edward George Bulwer-Lytton, Lord Lytton
- British Future Fiction: Volume 1: The Beginnings ed. I. F. Clarke, Pickering & Chatto, 2001, as by Edward Bulwer-Lytton
- * The Coming Religion, (ar) The Busy Man’s Magazine January 1908
- * The Coming Season at the Theatres, (th) Ainslee’s Magazine October 1899
- * Coming Shortly, (ms) Nebula Science Fiction #1, Autumn 1952
- * Coming Soon, (ms) Scream-4-Me #1, June/July 2005
- * Coming Soon on Mothership Zeta, (ms) Mothership Zeta #0, September 2015
- * Coming, The Crime Crushers, (ms) (by Frank Blighton) Flynn’s March 28 1925
- * Coming—The Forum of Liberty, (ms) Liberty October 27 1934
- * Coming to London Shortly, (pi) The Lady’s Realm February 1916
- * Coming…Tomorrow!, (cl) Worlds of Tomorrow Jun, Dec 1963, Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Nov 1964, Jan, Mar, May, Jul,
Sep, Nov 1965
Jan, Mar, May, Nov 1966
- * Coming to the Front, (ss) Boy’s Comic Journal #477, April 30 1892
- * Coming to Woo, (ss) Nebraska Advertiser March 19 1874
- * Coming Up, (cl) Bluebook Feb, Mar, May, Jul, Aug 1953
- * Coming Up!, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion August 1946
- * Coming Up!, (ms) Woman’s Home Companion Jun 1946, Apr, Jul 1947
- * Coming up for the New Year, (ms) Black Mask December 1929
- * Coming Up Next Month, (ms) Adam June 1965
- * The Coming War, (ed) The Penny Pictorial #483, August 29 1908
- * Coming Your Way, (mr) Screen Chills and Macabre Stories v1 #1, 1957
- * Comin’ Thro’ the Rye, (mu) Horner’s Penny Stories #1118, February 20 1915
- * Comin’ Thro’ the Rye, (sg) (by Robert Burns)
- * Comix, (ms) Weird Tails Summer 1975
- * Commanche Moon, (na) Western Romances January 1959
- * The Commandant, (ar) The Goose Girl Magazine December 1948
- * Commandeered by Kruger: The Strange Experience of an Englishman in the Service of the Boers, (ar) The Windsor Magazine February 1900
- * The Commander’s Decision, (ar) The Golden Argosy January 2 1886
- * The Command of the Bugle, (sl) The Skipper #340, March 6 1937
- * Commando Raid, (ts) The Blue Book Magazine September 1942as told to Ralph Michaelis
- * The Commando Spirit, (ms) Battle! #12, 195?
- * Commando Strike, (ms) The Young Commando, Fore Publications, 1944
- * Comme Il Faut, (pm)
- * The Commemoration of Svevo, (ms) The Lost Club Journal #2, 2000/01
- * Commencement at Billville, (pm) Atlanta Constitution
- * Commendation from Headquarters, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 20 1916
- * Comment, (cl) Blackwood’s Magazine Sep 1948, Aug 1949, May 1950, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul,
Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1951
Sep 1954
- * Comment, (es) Horizon: A Review of Literature and Art #96, December 1947
- * Comment, (ms) This Quarter Spring 1925
- * Commentators and Courses, (ar) The Visual Encyclopedia of Science Fiction ed. Brian Ash, Pan, 1977
- * Comment of the Week, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 19 1919
- * Comment of the Week: The Future of Big Fortunes, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 29 1919
- * Comment on Congress, (cl) Collier’s April 4 1914
- * Comment on New Books, (rc) The Atlantic Monthly January 1892
- * Comment on the War, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post Sep 14, Sep 28 1918
- * Comment on the Week, (cl) The Saturday Evening Post Aug 24, Sep 7 1918, Jan 4, Jan 18, Jan 25, Feb 1, Feb 8, Feb 15, May 17, Jun 7,
Jun 14, Aug 9, Sep 6 1919
Nov 6 1920
- * Comments, (ms) Collier’s May 8 1909
- * Comments, (ms) Colour May, Jun 1922
- * Comments on a Convention, (ar) Science Fiction Collector June/July 1938
- * Comments on the War, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post July 6 1918
- * Commerce in Conifers, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 13 1930as told to Mara Evans
- * Commercial Aviation, (ia) Modern Wonder December 24 1938
- * Commercial Aviation in Germany, (ar) Modern Wonder March 18 1939
- * Commercial Aviation in New Zealand, (ar) The Trident August 1939
- * -The Commercial Babel, (ms) The Popular Magazine August 20 1923
- * Commercial Birds, (pi) Rex #34, 1972
- * Commercial Hooliganism by Canvassers & Area-Gate Touts, (ar) The London Magazine July 1906
- * Commercial Hooliganism:
* ___ I. In Shops, (ar) The London Magazine June 1906
* ___ III. Through the Post, (ar) The London Magazine August 1906
- * The Commercialism of the South, (ms) The Popular Magazine July 15 1912
- * Commercially Perfect, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 24 1925as told to Myron Morris
- * Commercial Periodicals, (ms) Fiction Writer’s Market ed. John Brady & Jean M. Fredette, Writer's Digest Books, 1981
- * Commercial Publishers, (ms) Fiction Writer’s Market ed. John Brady & Jean M. Fredette, Writer's Digest Books, 1981
- * Commercial Test of Fame, (ar) The Scrap Book April 1910
- * Commissioned by the State, (ss) Chums September 14 1898
- * Commissioner Lewis J. Valentine, (ar) Crime Busters March 1938
- * Commissions in the German Army, (ar) (by S. Percy Reid) The Cornhill Magazine June 1894
- * Commissions of Lunacy, (ar) (by J. Fitzjames Stephen) The Cornhill Magazine February 1862
- * The Commitment to Social Life, (si) Anthropology Through Science Fiction ed. Carol Mason, Martin Harry Greenberg & Patricia Warrick, St. Martin's, 1974
- * Commits Arson While Intoxicates, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 20 1917
- * Commits Murder to Get Publicity, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 2 1922
- * Commits Self to Sing Sing, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 24 1921
- * Commits Suicide at Funeral, (ms) Weird Tales December 1923/January 1924
- * Commits Suicide to Prove Spirit Talk, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 14 1921
- * Commits Suicide When Robbed, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 9 1919
- * A Committal for Murder, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine May 18, May 25 1872
- * Committees, (ms) Mystery Writers Annual #35 1981, #37 1983, #40 1986, #41 1987
- * Commodore Decatur’s Bet, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1885
- * Commodore Perry Owens, (ia) The Rio Kid Western August 1948
- * The Common Argoen of Huang’s World, (hu) Analog Science Fiction and Fact November 1993
- * Common Carbon Fuel, (ms) Mystery Magazine #101, January 15 1922
- * A Common Denominator, (ss) Telling Tales July 1922
- * Common Duties, (pm) The Argosy #547, May 27 1893
- * The Common Earthworm, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper April 5 1879
- * Common Faults in Sport:
* ___ Keep a Level Head, (cl) Man October 1951
- * Common House Fly Disseminates Disease, (ar) The Busy Man’s Magazine May 1908
- * Common Justice, (ms) The Popular Magazine October 20 1921
- * A Common Mistake, (pm) St. Nicholas November 1873
- * Common Objects of the Table, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1876
- * Common Optics of the Back Room, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper Dec 23 1882, Jan 6 1883
- * A Commonplace Life, (pm) Heart Throbs Volume Two ed. Joe Michell Chapple, Grosset & Dunlap, 1911
- * Commonplaces on England, (ar) (by J. Fitzjames Stephen) The Cornhill Magazine July 1863
- * The Common Sense of Golf, (ms) Black & White #8, March 28 1891
- * Common Voice Faults You Can Avoid, (ms) Good Housekeeping October 1962
- * Commonwealth Crusader, (ar) Courier June 1959 [Ref. Lord Beaverbrook]
- * Communications, (ms) ’47—The Magazine of the Year March 1947
- * Communications, (pi) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #302, October 28 1967
- * Communications: Oversaturation Detrimental Rhiemmenth, (??) Free Spacers’ Press Winter 1982
- * Communications Under Fire, (ar) Modern World June 22 1940
- * Communications:
* ___ Dialling “O”, (ms) The Strand Magazine September 1949
- * Communicative Pockets, (ss)
- * The Communion of Saints, (ss) (by Caroline Chesebro’) Beadle’s Monthly #10, October 1866
- * A Communion Set Presented to the Indians by Queen Anne, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1888
- * The Community as a Silent Partner, (ms) MacLean’s Magazine October 1912
- * A Community Fire Department, (ms) Western Story Magazine August 17 1929
- * A Community Parachute, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine 1st October 1929
- * Commute, (pm) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet Winter 1996/1997
- * Commuting to Happiness, (ss) Live Stories September 1924
- * Como in May, (pm) (by Mariana Van Rensselaer) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1877
- * Como, Italy, (pm) The Golden Argosy October 11 1884
- * Com’On’A My Pad!, (pi) Tonight v1 #7, 1961
- * Como, the Carib, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1879
- * Compact Compliments, (ar) Compact: The Young People’s Digest July 1954
- * Compact’s Fashion Report, (pi) Compact: The Young People’s Digest July 1954
- * Compairisons, (ms) Flying Aces August 1936
- * The Companion, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine March 1875
- * Companionable Dogs, (ar) Fry’s Magazine November 1912
- * Companionably Yours, (ms) Woman’s Home Companion May 1948
- * Companion Family Talks, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion October 1912
- * Companion Family Talks, (cl) Woman’s Home Companion Apr, Sep, Nov 1912, Nov 1914
- * Companionship, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine February 1888
- * Companions Wanted, (ar) The Strand Magazine October 1949
- * Company Manners, (ar) (by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell) Household Words #217, May 20 1854
- * Company Meeting: P. & O. Steam Navigation Company, (ms) Blue Peter #130, January 1933
- * The Company One Keeps, (pm)
- * The Company She Kept, (ms) The Popular Magazine June 15 1912
- * Comparative Longevity, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine April 1879
- * Comparative Mythology, (ar) (by Briggs Carlill) The Cornhill Magazine January 1869
- * Comparative virtue of Beauty, (ar) Metropolitan Magazine August 1896
- * A Comparison, (pm) The Belgravia Annual Summer 1884
- * Comparisons, (ms) Cowboy Stories July 1926
- * Comparisons Beyond Compare, (ms) Famous Stories August 1937
- * Compensation, (ms) Clues May 1934
- * Compensation, (pm)
- * Compensation, (pm) (by Annie Fields) The Atlantic Monthly April 1862
- * Compensation, (vi) The Tryout November 1918
- * Compensation for Police Bullet Victims, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 21 1928
- * Competition, (cn) The Royal Magazine Nov, Dec 1902, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1903
- * Competition, (cn) Slant #3, Spring 1950
- * Competition, (cn) Mayfair v22 #8, 1987
- * Competition, (cn) A Shot in the Dark #2 Dec 1994, #7 Spr 1996
- * Competition, (cn) Noesis #4 Sep, #5 Dec 1999
- * Competition, (cn) Scream-4-Me #1, June/July 2005
- * Competition, (cn) Hub Magazine #1, Christmas 2006
- * The Competition, (cn) The National Monthly November 1909
- * “Competition”, (ar) Hi-Life May 1959
- * Competition #100, (cn) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2020
- * Competition #103, (cn) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June 2022
- * Competition #104, (cn) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January/February 2023
- * Competition #105, (cn) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2023
- * Competition #106, (cn) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction Summer 2024
- * Competition—£250 Cash Prize, (cn) The Corner Magazine May 1924
- * Competition #98: Titles as Acronyms, (cn) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June 2019
- * Competition Acrostics, (cn) The Lady’s Realm April 1902
- * Competition Airquiz, (pz) The Boy’s Own Paper June 1957
- * Competition Answers, (ms) Austra-Fantasy March 1941
- * Competition Corner, (cl) Chums Mar 18, May 20 1922
- * Competition Corner, (cn) The Story-teller Oct, Nov, Dec 1907, Jan, Feb, Mar 1908, Apr, May, Jul 1914, Aug, Nov 1915,
Jan, Feb 1916
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul 1920, Jan, Feb 1922, Apr, May, Jul,
Sep, Oct, Nov 1923
Nov, Dec 1924, Jan, Feb 1925, Apr, Sep 1926, Jan, Dec 1927, Dec 1928
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