The FictionMags Index
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
* ___ Aphrodisiac Update, (cl) Penthouse October 1996
* ___ Back Problems and More, (cl) Penthouse November 2003
* ___ The Best Abs Workout Ever, and Other Reports, (cl) Penthouse October 1997
* ___ Be Stronger, Smarter, Harder, Better! Ultimate Tune-Ups for Top Performance, (cl) Penthouse September 1998
* ___ Building a Better Butt and More, (cl) Penthouse April 2002
* ___ Can Acupuncture Help Your Sex Drive? and Other Reports, (cl) Penthouse April 1997
* ___ Easy Exercises to Improve Your Performance, and Other Reports, (cl) Penthouse March 1997
* ___ Erection Fuel and Other Reports, (cl) Penthouse May 1997
* ___ Home Gyms, the Benefits of Beer, and More, (cl) Penthouse February 2001
* ___ How Much Water Do We Really Need, and Other Reports, (cl) Penthouse October 2002
* ___ Kick-Ass Workouts, Combating Prostate Cancer, and More, (cl) Penthouse October 2001
* ___ Lose Ten Pounds in 30 Days, (cl) Penthouse March 2002
* ___ Maggot Mania, Germ Warfare, and More, (cl) Penthouse August 2004
* ___ Male Vanity, and More, (cl) Penthouse August 2003
* ___ News Reports About Building Muscles, Overcoming Impotence, Hair Replacement, And More, (cl) Penthouse November 1996
* ___ Preventing Medical Mishaps, and More, (cl) Penthouse October 2004
* ___ Rock-Hard Abs—The Navy Seal Way, and Other Reports, (cl) Penthouse August 1997
* ___ Run a Mile…Without Running!, (cl) Penthouse February 2002
* ___ Sex As Exercise, and More, (cl) Penthouse December 2002
* ___ Training in the Zone, Relieving Headaches, and More, (cl) Penthouse November 2001
* ___ What Enzymes Do for You, Headaches, and More, (cl) Penthouse May 2002
- * Men’s Hearts, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper October 8 1881
- * Men Sing Hymn as They Go to Death, (ms) Weird Tales June 1923
- * Men’s Magazines; Detective and Mystery; Science Fiction; Confession, Romance Magazines, (ar) The Writer May 1971
- * Men’s Mart, (cl) Argosy Jun, Jul 1950
- * Men’s Mart, (cl) Men’s Pictorial October 1957
- * Men’s Mart, (ms) Fifteen Western Tales Oct 1954, Feb, Oct, Dec 1955
- * Men’s Mart, (ms) Fifteen Detective Stories Oct, Dec 1954, Feb, Apr, Jun 1955
- * Men’s Mart, (ms) Western Story Roundup Oct, Dec 1955
- * Men’s Movies, (mr) Argosy May 1951
- * Men’s Newsletter, (cl) Men Nov 1957, Jan, Aug 1958, Dec 1960, Jan, Sep 1965, May, Dec 1968, Sep 1971
- * The Men Squat Around Their Food, (il) Harper’s Monthly Magazine May 1901
- * Men’s Shop, (ms) Real May 1954
- * The Mental and Personal Qualifications of a Wife, (ms) Gentleman’s Magazine 1761
- * The Mental Condition of Babies, (ar) (by George Henry Lewes) The Cornhill Magazine May 1863
- * Mental Cure Fakers, (ms) Mystery Magazine #156, May 15 1924
- * Mental Defectives and Crime, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 8 1921
- * Mental Evolution, (ms) 10 Story Book December 1926
- * Mental Hygiene in the Home, (ar) Pictorial Review October 1910
- * The Mental Menu for April, (ed) World Adventurer March 1934
- * Mental Mumblings of a Married Man, (ms) Live Stories March 1916
- * Mental Powers of Signorina Agnesi, (ms) Mystery Magazine #6, February 1 1918
- * The Men They Left Behind, (ss) The Wave June 25 1898
- * Mention My Name in Atlantis, (br) Amra v2 #59, 1973 [Ref. John Jakes]
- * Men Under Pressure, (pi) Look December 28 1954
- * Men vs. Women, (ms) Stag June 1937
- * Men Were My Enemies, (ts) Confession Novel of the Month February 1941
- * Men Who Are Making It, (ar) Swank April 1972
- * Men Who Are Talked About: Lincoln, Lubbock, Darwin, Whymper, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper August 26 1882
- * Men Who Belong, (ms) The Popular Magazine November 15 1913
- * Men Who Built an Island, (ar) Chums August 30 1925
- * Men Who Deliver the Bombers, (ar) Modern World October 26 1940
- * Men Who Face Death: The Curate, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine October 3 1874
- * Men Who Face Death: The Doctor, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine May 30 1874
- * Men Who Face Death: The Engineer, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine May 9 1874
- * Men Who Face Death: The Fisherman, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine August 8 1874
- * Men Who Face Death:
* ___ The Bargeman, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine February 1875
* ___ The Postman, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine December 1874
- * The Men Who Flew at Rheims, (ar) The Outing Magazine November 1909
- * The Men Who Fought in 1898, (pi) The Blue Book Magazine April 1948
- * Men Who Have Been Talked About This Month, (cl) Metropolitan Magazine April 1895
- * The Men Who Have Described the War: How Correspondents Collected the News, (ar) The Windsor Magazine January 1919
- * Men Who Have Done Something, (cl) Metropolitan Magazine May 1895
- * Men Who Have Kissed Me, (ts) Smart Set Oct, Nov, Dec 1926, Jan, Feb, Mar 1927
* ___ 1: The Boy at Home, (ar) The New Royal Magazine May 1932
* ___ 2: Molly Meets the Man Who Loved Girls, (ar) The Royal Pictorial June 1932
* ___ 3: Molly Falls for a Film Star, (ar) The Royal Pictorial July 1932
* ___ 4: The Man Who Raced Cars, (ar) The Royal Pictorial August 1932
- * Men Who Have Made the News, (ms) McClure’s Magazine January 1924
- * Men Who Live on Nothing: The Pet Cat, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 30 1914
- * Men Who Look Like Somebody Else, (pi) True Strange Stories October 1929
- * The Men Who Made the Argosy: Johnston McCulley, (ar) Pulpdom #55, June 2009 [Ref. Johnston McCulley]
- * Men Who Make Airquakes, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1933, 1932
- * Men Who Make Beauty Their Business, (ms) Argosy January 1945
- * The Men Who Make the Argosy, (cl) Argosy May 24 1941, Feb 18 1933, Feb 16 1935, May 10, May 31 1941, Jun 20, May 16 1931 [Ref. Cleve F. Adams]
- * Men Who Make Western Story, (bg) Street & Smith’s Western Story May 1945 [Ref. James Shaffer]
* ___ Cliff M. Bisbee, (cl) Street & Smith’s Western Story March 1946 [Ref. Cliff M. Bisbee]
* ___ Dune Coburn, (cl) Street & Smith’s Western Story December 1944
* ___ George Cory Franklin, (cl) Street & Smith’s Western Story October 1945 [Ref. George Cory Franklin]
* ___ Giff Cheshire, (cl) Street & Smith’s Western Story March 1945 [Ref. Giff Cheshire]
* ___ Jim Kjelgaard, (cl) Street & Smith’s Western Story December 1945 [Ref. Jim Kjelgaard]
* ___ Joe Rodriguez, (cl) Street & Smith’s Western Story September 1945 [Ref. Joe Rodriguez]
* ___ L. Ernenwein, (cl) Street & Smith’s Western Story July 1944 [Ref. L. Ernenwein]
* ___ L.L. Foreman, (cl) Street & Smith’s Western Story July 1946 [Ref. L. L. Foreman]
* ___ Marvin L. De Vries, (cl) Street & Smith’s Western Story January 1946 [Ref. Marvin L. De Vries]
* ___ M. Howard Lane, (cl) Street & Smith’s Western Story November 1945 [Ref. M. Howard Lane]
* ___ Ralph Yergen, (cl) Street & Smith’s Western Story June 1946 [Ref. Ralph Yergen]
* ___ Ray Nafziger, (cl) Street & Smith’s Western Story June 1945 [Ref. Ray Nafziger]
* ___ Rod Patterson, (cl) Street & Smith’s Western Story August 1944 [Ref. Rod Patterson]
* ___ S. Omar Barker, (cl) Street & Smith’s Western Story October 1944 [Ref. S. Omar Barker]
* ___ Walt Coburn, (cl) Street & Smith’s Western Story April 1944 [Ref. Walt Coburn]
* ___ Wayne D. Overholser, (cl) Street & Smith’s Western Story April 1945 [Ref. Wayne D. Overholser]
* ___ W.C. Tuttle, (cl) Street & Smith’s Western Story November 1944 [Ref. W. C. Tuttle]
* ___ William Heuman, (cl) Street & Smith’s Western Story August 1945 [Ref. William Heuman]
- * Men Who Make You Laugh, (ar) The Royal Magazine April 1903
- * Men Who Never Speak, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1937, 1936
- * Men Who Over-Advertise Themselves, (ar) The American Magazine May 1919
- * The Men Who Really Run the Country, (pi) The Strand Magazine November 1949
- * Men Who Should Have Committed Suicide:
* ___ No. 1, Benedict Arnold, (ar) Strange Suicides January 1933
* ___ No. 2, Oscar Wilde, (ar) Strange Suicides February 1933 [Ref. Oscar Wilde]
- * Men Who Steal Wives, (ts) “I Confess” February 6 1925
- * The Men Who Thrill Us, (ar) Films and Fiction #1, November 1 1932
- * Men Who Will Be Missed, (ar) The Boys’ Realm #57, April 29 1920
- * Men Who Won the West:
* ___ Dr. Marcus Whitman, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine January 1929
* ___ Francisco Coronado, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine December 1928
* ___ Jim Bridger, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine February 1929
* ___ John C. Frémont—Explorer, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine March 1929
* ___ Kit Carson, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine November 1928
* ___ Meriwether Lewis, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine June 1928
* ___ Pierre Radisson, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine September 1928
* ___ Pony-Express Riders, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine March 1928
* ___ Trader Topance, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine August 1928
* ___ Wild Bill Hickok, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine February 1928
* ___ William Clark, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine July 1928
* ___ William F. Cody, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine April 1928
* ___ Zebulon Pike, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine October 1928
- * Men Who Wouldn’t Stay Dead, (ms) Whispers from Beyond ed. Kurt Singer, Peacock Press, 1972
- * The Men Who Write for Sport Story: Raoul F. Whitfield, (bg) Sport Story Magazine July 22 1928
- * The Men Who Write for Sport Story: Robert H. H. Nichols, (bg) Sport Story Magazine 2nd December 1928
- * Men with a Future: M. Hanotaux, French Minister of Foreign Affairs, (bg) The Windsor Magazine June 1898 [Ref. Gabriel Hanotaux]
- * Men with and Without a Vocation:
* ___ I. The Man with a Vocation, (ar) (by Patrick Kennedy) Dublin University Magazine May 1865
- * Men with Future: Count Agenor Goluchowski the Austrian Foreign Minister, (ia) The Windsor Magazine April 1898
- * Men with Missing Faces [Dixon Hawke], (nv) Dixon Hawke Library #529, 1940
- * Men Without Faces [Merlo the Magician], (cs) (by Harry Harrison) Boys’ World July 6 1963
- * Men with Wings: The Story of the Film, (ss) Modern Wonder March 18 1939; adapted from the movie.
- * Men-Wolves, (ar)
- * Men, Women and Events, (cl) The Cosmopolitan May, Aug, Sep 1899
- * Men, Women, and Events, (cl) The New Penny Magazine #202, September 6 1902
- * Men, Women, and Horses: A Study at Ascot, (ar) London Society #7, August 1862
- * Men & Women of the Hour, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 8 1900
- * Men Working, (pi) Railroad Magazine May, Jun, Jul 1954
- * A Mephistopheles Word Square, (pz) Pearson’s Magazine January 1925
- * Mercedes, (pl) (by Thomas Bailey Aldrich) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1878
- * Mercedes, (pm) (by Elizabeth Drew Stoddard) The Atlantic Monthly May 1858
- * Mercedes, the Dancer, (ss) The Wave June 10 1893
- * Mercenry Lady, (??) Frenchy Frolics July 1945
- * Merchandizing Aspects, (ar) All Rare #1, Spring 1980
- * A Merchant, (pm)
- * The Merchant, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1859
- * The Merchant and His Magpie, (vi) Beeton’s Christmas Annual #13, 1872
- * The Merchant and the Genie, (ex) from The Arabian Nights,
- * The Merchant Marine of the Air, (ar) Bill Barnes Air Adventurer July 1934
- * Merchant Marine Training, (ms) The Skipper September 1937
- * The Merchant of Bagdad, (vi) (by John Hawkesworth)
- * The Merchant of Hamburg, (ss) A Race for Life and Other Tales, Leisure Hour, 1872
- * The Merchant of Venice, (cs) The Children’s Newspaper Aug 22, Aug 29, Sep 5, Sep 12, Sep 19, Sep 26, Oct 3, Oct 10, Oct 17 1964
- * The Merchant Princes, (br) Twilight Zine #47, 2007 [Ref. Charles Stross]
- * The Merchant Service and Apprenticeship, (ar) Chambers’s Journal September 26 1908
- * The Merchant Service as a Profession, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine July 1887
- * The Merchant’s Lesson, (ss) (by T. S. Arthur) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1860
- * The Merchant’s Secret [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by John William Bobin) The Sexton Blake Library #9, 1916
- * A Merciful Deliverance, (ss) Yes or No June 8 1907
- * A Merciful Lie, (ss) “I Confess” August 22 1924
- * The Merciless Four, (ss) Boys’ Magazine October 16 1926
- * The Merciless Mutineer. A Sea Story, (nv) Boys’ First-Rate Pocket Library #22, 1890
- * Merci Mercedes, (pi) Bluebook for Men August 1963
- * Mercury, (ar) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #34, June 15 1953
- * The Mercury, (ar) Railroad Stories April 1937
- * Mercury-198 Is Now Available, (ms) Astounding Science Fiction October 1949
- * Mercury in a Flower Garden, (ar) Sunset February 1904
- * Mercury, World of Contrasts, (vi) Captain Future Spring 1941
- * Mercury: World of Heat, (ar) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #49, September 15 1954
- * Mercy, (pi) Mayfair v11 #6, 1976
- * Mercy’s Appeal to God for Man, (pm) (by Giles Fletcher), uncredited.
- * Merder Story, (ms) Suspense (UK) August 1958
- * A Mere Detail, (ms) Manhunt January 1957
- * Meredith’s Tribute to the New Woman, (ms) Women’s Stories August 1914
- * The Mere House Mystery [Lester Griffith], (ss) Cheer Boys Cheer #34, January 11 1913
- * “Merely a Man of Letters”: Jorge Luís Borges, an Interview, (iv) Philosophy and Literature #1, 1977 [Ref. Jorge Luís Borges]
- * Merely a Matter of Opportunity, (ms) The Popular Magazine July 1 1914
- * Merely a Parable, (hu) The Popular Magazine May 1905
- * “Merely a Passing Passion”, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1898
- * Merely Being Kind, (ar) The American Boy September 1906
- * Merely Players, (ms) Magpie November 1952
- * Merely the Door-Mat, (ts) Smart Set August 1925
- * Merely the Maiden’s Wing, (pm) St. Paul’s Magazine
- * Mere Man Revolts, (ms) The Popular Magazine May 7 1923
- * Merilee by the Sea, (pi) Rogue June 1965
- * Meriwether Lewis, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine June 1928
- * Merkle’s Petrified Foot, (ss) The Philadelphia Times
- * Merle Haggard: Odyssey of a Bad-Ass Dude, (ar) Knight May 1977 [Ref. Merle Haggard]
- * Merlin, (ar) (by Patrick Kennedy) Dublin University Magazine June 1865
- * Merlin, the Wizard of Britain, (ss)
- * Merlinville, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1856
- * Merliza, the Fairy, (ss) The English Illustrated Magazine January 1909
- * The Mermaid, (ar) Young Englishman’s Journal June 6 1868
- * The Mermaid, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1880
- * The Mermaid, (ss) (by Nathaniel Hawthorne) The Token and Atlantic Souvenir 1835, 1834, uncredited.
- * Mermaid # 4, (??) Mermaid v2 #4, 1960
- * Mermaid Alignment Chart, (ms) Mermaids Monthly #1, January 2021
- * Mermaid Crossword Puzzle, (pz) Spellbound Fall 2000
- * The Mermaid of Martin Meer, (ss) Godey’s Lady’s Book February 1833
- * Mermaid of the Month, (pi) Mermaid v1 #3, v1 #4, v1 #6 1958, v1 #7, v1 #8, v1 #9, v1 #10, v1 #11, v1 #12 1959, v2 #1 1960
- * Mermaid’s 1960 Calendar, (pi) Mermaid Annual Summer 1959
- * The Mermaid’s Cave, (ms) The Happy Mag. October 1922
- * Mermaids of the Month, (pi) Mermaid v1 #2, 1958
- * The Merman, (pm)
- * Merovan Ecology [Merovingen Nights], (ms) Fever Season ed. C. J. Cherryh, DAW, 1987
- * Merovan Sea Floor and Hemispheric Maps [Merovingen Nights], (ms) Flood Tide ed. C. J. Cherryh, DAW, 1990
- * Merovingian City Maps [Merovingen Nights], (ms) Flood Tide ed. C. J. Cherryh, DAW, 1990
- * Merovingian Pharmacology /or/ “Poison in Jest” [Merovingen Nights], (ms) Troubled Waters ed. C. J. Cherryh, DAW, 1988
- * Merrill and Lambie in Movie, (ms) Flying Aces November 1937
- * Merrily We Live, (sa) Screen Romances #106, March 1938
- * Merriwell Apocrypha: “Frank Merriwell in the White House”, (sr) Dime Novel Round-Up August 1973 [Ref. Ward Moore]
- * Merry and Bright, (ms) The Modern Boy December 28 1929
- * Merry Andrew; or, The Mystery of the King’s Jester, (sl) Boy’s Comic Journal #463, January 23 1892
- * A Merry Ballett on Husbande and Wyffe, (pm)
- * The Merry Browne Bowle, (pm) The English Illustrated Magazine January 1897
- * Merry Christmas, (ar) London Society #12, Christmas 1862
- * Merry Christmas, (ar) Liberty December 26 1931
- * Merry Christmas, (pm) The Golden Argosy December 31 1887
- * A Merry Christmas, (ss) (by Constance Fenimore Woolson) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1872
- * The Merry Christmas: A Twice-Told Tale, (ss) (by T. S. Arthur) Arthur’s Illustrated Home Magazine January 1874
- * Merry Christmas Chuckles, (ms) The Crusoe Mag. #7, December 1924
- * Merry Christmas from Dogie Cantwell [Dogie Cantwell], (cs) (by F. L. Stebbins) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly December 26 1936
- * Merry Christmas from Lousy & Klaxon, (ar) Collins’ for Boys and Girls #24, December 1949
- * “Merry Christmas!”—“No Christmas!”, (il) Wide Awake December 1885
- * Merry Christmastide, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper December 25 1880
- * Merry Christmas to All Sons of Empire, (cl) Chums November 5 1921
- * A Merry Christmas to You All!, (ms) The Schoolgirls’ Pictorial #8, December 22 1924
- * A Merry Clip, (ar) New Age Illustrated November 1927
- * Merry-Go-Leave in Manhattan, (ar) Liberty May 23 1942
- * The Merry-Go-Round, (hu) The Columbian Magazine July 1911
- * The Merry-Go-Round Calendar. July, (pm) (by Hugh Chesterman) The Merry-Go-Round July 1926
- * Merry-go-Round for Tankers, (ar) Look and Learn #129, July 4 1964
- * A Merry-Go-Round in Space, (ar) Look and Learn #100, December 14 1963
- * Merry Is Her Name, (pi) Ace March 1966
- * A Merry Italian Flower-seller, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper May 29 1909
- * Merry Mac’s “Prizecracks”, (cl) Rover #933 Mar 2, #950 Jun 29 1940
- * Merry Mag Mixture, (hu) The Merry Magazine #57, March 1929
- * The Merry Men, (nv) (by Robert Louis Stevenson) The Cornhill Magazine June 1882 (+1), uncredited.
- The Golden Book Magazine #28, April 1927, as by Robert Louis Stevenson
- The Complete Short Stories. The Centenary Edition: Volume One by Robert Louis Stevenson, Mainstream Publ. Co., 1993, as by Robert Louis Stevenson
- Fireside Horror Stories About Demons and the Devil ed. M. Grant Kellermeyer, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2017, as by Robert Louis Stevenson
- Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde, The Body Snatcher, & Other Horrors by Robert Louis Stevenson, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2019, as by Robert Louis Stevenson
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