The FictionMags Index
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Aprons, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1878
- * Apron Strings, (ts) Smart Set October 1925
- * Aptly Defined, (ms) The Popular Magazine September 1908
- * The Aquarium, (ar) Young Englishman’s Journal Feb 29, Mar 7, Mar 28, Apr 4, Apr 11, Apr 18, Apr 25 1868
- * Aquarium Dont’s, (ar) Chums November 11 1922
- * Aquarium Errors to Avoid, (ms) The British Boy’s Annual 1923
- * Aquatic Legal Procedure, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine September 15 1913
- * Aquatics and Sports, (cl) The Young Englishman’s Journal July 13 1867
- * Aquatic Wonders, (ar) The Strand Magazine June 1901
- * Arab Advertising, (il) (by Jill Riches) New Worlds #213, Summer 1978
- * The Arab and His Bride, (vi) Peterson’s Magazine June 1856
- * The Arab and His Steed, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1885
- * An Arab Dhow, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1882
- * Arabella Intervenes, (ss) The Blue Magazine #81, March 1926
- * Arabella’s Revenge, (pz) Arabella Romances April/May 2004
- * Arabesque in Black, (pi) Rapture v1 #6, 1961
- * An Arabian Ballad, (pm) The Golden Argosy April 21 1888
- * Arabian Knight:
* ___ Part 1. The Fantastic Tale of the Arabian Knight, (ex) Reveille #1242, January 16 1964 [Ref. Richard F. Burton]
* ___ Part 3. Menace of Man-Eating Ants, (ex) Reveille #1244, January 30 1964 [Ref. Richard F. Burton]
- * An Arabian Night-mare, (ss) (by Fitz-James O’Brien) Household Words #85, November 8 1851
- * The Arabian Nights, (ar) (by James Mew) The Cornhill Magazine December 1875
- * The Arabian Steed, (ms) Western Story Magazine August 17 1929
- * An Arabian Tale, (n.) (by William Beckford) J. Johnson, 1786, uncredited.
- Three Eighteenth Century Romances ed. Harrison R. Steeves, Scribner's, 1931, as Vathek, by William Beckford; translated by Samuel Henley
- Three Gothic Novels ed. Everett F. Bleiler, Dover Publications, 1966, as Vathek, by William Beckford; translated by Samuel Henley
- Three Gothic Novels ed. Peter Fairclough, Penguin, 1968, as Vathek, by William Beckford; translated by Samuel Henley
- The History of the Caliph Vathek by William Beckford, Ballantine Adult Fantasy, 1971, as Vathek, by William Beckford; translated by Samuel Henley
- Four Gothic Novels, Oxford University Press, 1994, as Vathek, by William Beckford; translated by Samuel Henley
- * An Arabian Tale, (ss) The Emerald May 30 1868
- * An Arabian Tale, (ex) (by William Beckford) J. Johnson, 1786, uncredited.
- * Arabia Petraea at Home, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1883
- * Arabic Fountain at Jerusalem, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1880
- * Arabic Vers de Société in the Thirteenth Century, (ar) (by E. H. Palmer) The Cornhill Magazine August 1872
- * An Arab Proverb, (pm) The Argosy March 1895
- * The Arab’s Horse, (ss) The National Teacher’s Monthly October 1875; Translated from the French.translated by L. E. Reibold
- * An Arab’s Letter, (ms) The Captain #121, April 1909
- * The Arab’s Prayers, (vi) My Magazine March 1915
- * The Arab Talent for Terror, (ar) Ken April 21 1938
- * An Arab Welcome, (pm) (by Thomas Bailey Aldrich) The Atlantic Monthly October 1862
- Poems by Thomas Bailey Aldrich, Carleton, Publisher, 1863, as "The Sheikh’s Welcome", by Thomas Bailey Aldrich
- The Poems of Thomas Bailey Aldrich by Thomas Bailey Aldrich, Ticknor & Fields, 1865, as "The Sheikh’s Welcome", by Thomas Bailey Aldrich
- Cloth of Gold and Other Poems by Thomas Bailey Aldrich, James R. Osgood and Company, 1875, as "The Sheikh’s Welcome", by Thomas Bailey Aldrich
- Poems of Thomas Bailey Aldrich (var. 1) by Thomas Bailey Aldrich, Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1885, as by Thomas Bailey Aldrich
- * Arab Writes 110 Words on Single Grain of Rice, (ms) Mystery Magazine #96, November 1 1921
- * Arachne in Sloane Street, (ar) (by Anne Isabella Thackeray) The Cornhill Magazine May 1874
- * Arago the Astronomer, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1877
- * Ararat’s New Million-Dollar Mosque, (ar) The Shrine Magazine February 1927
- * The Araucanians, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine November 1913
- * Arbaiète (Crossbow) belonging to Catherine de Medicis, (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1900
- * Arbela, (ar) Britannia and Eve February 1940
- * An Arbitrary Lover, (ss) (by Henrietta M. Batson) The Cornhill Magazine December 1895
- * An Arboreal Methuselah, (vi) Complete Stories 1st October 1928
- * Arborescent Euphorbias of Central Africa, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1877
- * The Arbour in the Garden, (ss) (by Robert Shindler) The Cornhill Magazine May 1893
- * Arcades Ambo. An Australian Tale in Five Chapters, (ss) The Australian Journal #51, August 1869
- * Arcades Ambo: The Beggarstaff Brothers at Home, (ar) The Idler January 1896 [Ref. James Pryde & W. N. P. Nicholson]
- * Arcadia Bridge and lower Church Street, Pretoria, (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1900
- * Arcadia Bridge, Pretoria, showing Forts in the Distance, (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1900
- * Arcane Babble, (ar) Figment #10, Summer 1992
- * An Archaeologist at Large (2937 A.D.), (ss)
- * Arch Archery, (pm) London Society March 1863
- * Arch-Bar Trucks, (ar) Railroad Magazine December 1942
- * Archbishop Laud, (il) Harper’s Monthly Magazine February 1901
- * The Archbishop of Canterbury, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine February 1883
- * An Archbishop’s Advice, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper March 4 1882
- * Archbishop’s Son in C.I.D. at Scotland Yard, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 19 1919
- * Archbishop Whately, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1887
- * Archdeacon Farrar, (pi) McClure’s Magazine December 1894
- * Archdeacon Holden’s Tribulation, (ss) (by Stanley J. Weyman) The Cornhill Magazine August 1884
- * The Archdeacon’s Daughter, (vi) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #112, July 1921
- * The Arch Door, (ex) from Newgate, a Romance,
- * Archeologist Found a Great Fortune, (ms) Mystery Magazine #105, March 15 1922
- * The Archer Aims High [Batman], (n.) (by Douglas Enefer) Batman World Adventure Library #11, May 1967
- * Archer Baker of the C.P.R., (bg) The Idler September 1909
- * Archery, (ar) London Society September 1864
- * Archery, (ar) Argosy June 1943
- * Archibald Blossom, Bachelor, (ss) (by J. T. Trowbridge) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1858
- * Archibald Forbes as a Private Soldier, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1885
- * Archie Hutchington, (ss) (by D. R. Castleton) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1871
- * Archie Roosevelt As a Sailor Lad (son of the President), (ar) The American Boy March 1904
- * Archie’s Surrender, (ss) The Wave June 8 1895
- * The Archimedean Monkey, (ms) Mystery Magazine #97, November 15 1921
- * Archimedes—The World’s First Great Inventor, (ms) Science and Invention September 1920 [Ref. Archimedes]
- * The Architect as a Swindler, (ar) The Lone Hand: The Australian Monthly July 1907
- * Architect of Peace, (bg) John Bull March 30 1946 [Ref. Trygve Lie]
- * Architect’s Paradise, (pi) Cosmopolitan April 1957
- * The Architect’s Secret [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by William J. Bayfield) The Sexton Blake Library #187, 1921
- * The Architect’s Wife, (ss) The Argosy (UK) May 1880
- * The Architectural Progress of New York City, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1883
- * Architectural Wonder in Jungles of Java, (ms) Mystery Magazine #73, November 15 1920
- * The Architecture of Birds, (ar) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine April 1858
- * Architecture of the World, (ar) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine April 1859
- * The Archive, (ms) Spectrum SF #1 Feb, #2 Apr, #3 Jul, #4 Nov 2000, #5 Feb, #6 Jul, #7 Nov 2001, #8 May, #9 2002
- * Les Archives, (ms) Solaris #28, August 1979
- * Archives S.F., (ms) Solaris #33 Jun, #34 Aug, #35 Oct 1980, #37 Feb, #41 Oct 1981, #46 Aug 1982
- * Archive Update, (ms) Star*Line September/October 1994
- * Archy Tait, the Village Chronicle, (ss)
- * Arcs & Secants, (ms) Orbit 12 ed. Damon Knight, Putnam, 1973
- * Arcs & Secants, (ms) Orbit 13 ed. Damon Knight, Putnam, 1974
- * Arcs & Secants, (ms) Orbit 16 ed. Damon Knight, Harper & Row, 1975
- * Arctic Adventure, (ms) North•West Stories October 1925
- * An Arctic Air-Mail Line, (ms) Street & Smith’s Air Trails July 1931
- * Arctic Artfulness, (ss) Wild West Weekly (UK) #19, July 16 1938
- * Arctic Conquest, (ar) Modern Wonder July 8 1939
- * Arctic Duel, (ss) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #338, July 6 1968
- * Arctic Exploration, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1887
- * Arctic Exploration, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper April 25 1896
- * Arctic Fur Caches, (ms) North•West Stories 2nd May 1926
- * Arctic Hunting One Woman’s Hobby, (ms) Western Story Magazine May 4 1929
- * Arctic Life, (ar) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine February 1867
- * Arctic Life [II], (ar) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine March 1867
- * Arctic Night, (pm) Dublin University Magazine December 1864
- * Arctic Patrol Flies Through Blinding Snowstorms at 75° Below, (ms) Flying Aces June 1930
- * Arctic Quest, (ar) Modern Wonder October 8 1938
- * Arctic Radio Farm, (ar) Amazing Stories September 1939
- * An Arctic Register, (ms) Short Stories May 10 1927
- * Arctic Scenes, (ar) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine March 1869
- * Arctic Submarine, (ms) Submarine Stories #9, November 1929
- * Arctic Traders, (ms) North•West Stories 1st December 1926
- * An Arctic Tragedy, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper May 23 1885
- * The Arctic Trail [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by William Murray Graydon) The Sexton Blake Library #294, 1923
- * Arctic Whalers, (ms) North•West Stories 1st October 1926
- * Arctioc Butterflies, (ms) North•West Stories 1st February 1927
- * Arcturus at the Exposition, (ms) Astounding Stories of Super-Science January 1933
- * Ardath Mayhar, Author Emeritus, (ar) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #177, Spring 2008 [Ref. Ardath Mayhar]
- * The Ardennes Offensive, (pi) Look and Learn #70, May 18 1963
- * Arden of Feversham, (ex) 1592
- * Ardent Enemy, (ms) Rangeland Romances June 1950
- * The Ardly Effect by Mitis Green, (br) Jupiter #9, Summer 2005
- * Ardor on Aros, (br) Amra v2 #60, 1973 [Ref. Andrew J. Offutt]
- * Are All Men Alike?, (ts) Real Love Magazine 1st April 1930
- * Are American Girls More Beautiful?, (pi) Man to Man December 1949/January 1950
- * Are Athletes Good Students?, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper November 17 1888
- * Are Blondes Really More Fun?, (pi) Mistress v1 #1, 1964
- * Are Chickens Live Stock?, (ms) Western Story Magazine April 28 1928
- * Are Farmers Getting Rich?, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) October 1918
- * Are Finns Jonahs?, (ms) Mystery Magazine February 15 1926
- * Are Friendlies a Farce?, (ar) The Boys’ Realm of Sporting Stories #348, November 28 1925
- * Are Gals What They Used to Be?, (ms) Western Romances January 1959
- * Are Holiday Matches Misleading?, (ar) The Boys’ Realm of Sporting Stories #352, December 26 1925
- * Are Indian Jugglers Humbugs? An Interview with Mr. Charles Bertram, (iv) The Strand Magazine December 1899 [Ref. Charles Bertram]
- * Are Kings and Queens Good Parents?, (pi) Redbook November 1955
- * Are Laurel and Hardy Your Favourites?, (cl) Chums May 1934
- * Are Married Men a Menace?, (ar) Smart Set September 1927
- * Are Men Lopsided?, (ms) TipTop Semi-Monthly April 25 1915
- * Are Men More Beautiful Than Women?, (ar) Physical Culture December 1915
- * Are Metals Alive?, (ms) Yes or No August 31 1907
- * Are More Linesmen Needed?, (ar) The Boys’ Realm of Sporting Stories #350, December 12 1925
- * Are Most Garage Men Honest?, (ar) Your Car: A Magazine of Romance, Fact and Fiction May 1925
- * The Arena, (cl) Rangeland Love Stories Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1933
- * Arena Champions, (ms) Rodeo Romances February 1942
- * Ares Interview, (iv) Ares Magazine #5, 201? (unpublished) [Ref. Scottie Chapman]
- * Ares Interview with Samantha Anderson of Cakes Cove, (iv) Ares Magazine #4, 2016 [Ref. Samantha Anderson]
- * Are Strippers Oversexed?, (pi) Untamed September 1959
- * Are the Children at Home?, (pm) (by Margaret E. Sangster) The Atlantic Monthly November 1867
- * Are the Crooks Cleverer than the Cops?, (iv) Midnight #8, October 7 1922 [Ref. Richard E. Enright]
- * Are the Pygmies to Be Revived?, (ar) (by John William Cole) Dublin University Magazine May 1865
- * Are These Names Right?, (pm) Sunday June 1914
- * Are These the Leading Men of Tomorrow?, (pi) Movie Weekly May 24 1924
- * Are These the Ten Best Hymns?, (ar) The Scrap Book April 1911
- * Are the Spaces Wide Open?, (ar) Compass: Current Reading #1, December 1945
- * Are the Starts Peopled?, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1887
- * Are They Alike?, (pi) The English Illustrated Magazine April 1899
- * Are They Visitors from Mars, (ar) Modern Wonder March 26 1938
- * Arethusa, (ss) Greenwich Hospital by An Old Sailor, James Robins, 1826
- * Are Time and Space Infinite?, (ar) The Scrap Book December 1910
- * Are Tom Walls and Ralph Lynn your Favourites?, (cl) Chums November 1933
- * Are Two Innings Too Much?, (ar) The Boys’ Realm of Sport and Adventure #331, August 1 1925
- * Are U.S. Pilots Fighting for the Commies?, (ar) Action July 1953
- * Are We an Athletic People?, (ar) The New Review #92, January 1897
- * Are We Learning to Fly?, (ar) The Scrap Book June 1908
- * Are We Living Beyond Our Means?, (ms) The Popular Magazine January 20 1924
- * “Are We Over-Educating Our Children?”, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine February 1884
- * Are We Running Education for the Teachers?, (ar) Nova June 1965
- * Are Women Counting in Politics?—Counted In, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 18 1925
- * Are Women Counting in Politics?—Counted Out, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 18 1925
- * Are Women Unsatisfactory Witnesses?, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 6 1919
- * Are Women What They Were?, (pi) Lilliput May 1956
- * Are You a $1,000,000 Prize Detective?, (cn) True Detective Mysteries August 1924
- * Are You a $1000 Prize Detective?, (cn) True Detective Mysteries January 1925
- * Are You a Born Executive?, (ar) King (UK) October 1965
- * Are You a Bromide?, (ar) T.P.’s Magazine October 1910
- * Are You a Caretaker or a Promoter?, (ar) The American Magazine May 1917
- * Are You a Citizen of Dogpatch?, (cn) Argosy November 1948
- * Are You a Coughing Pest?, (ar) Physical Culture October 1923
- * Are you a Fancestor worshipper?, (ar) Zenith #6, June 1953
- * Are You Afraid?, (ar) The New Passing Show March 26 1932 [Ref. Ramsay MacDonald]
- * Are You Afraid to Take Chances?, (ms) Success
- * Are You a Good Cook?, (ms) The Illustrated Love Magazine August 1933
- * Are You a Good Lover?, (qz) The American Magazine February 1946
- * Are You a Good Marriage Risk?, (ms) The American Magazine May 1956
- * Are You a Good Sport?, (ms) Fiction Magazine February 1943
- * Are You a Happy Person?, (qz) John Bull Illustrated April 11 1959
- * Are You a Hard-Hearted Hannah?, (ms) Charm #14, December 19 1925
- * Are You a Hay Fever Sneezer?, (ar) Physical Culture August 1923
- * Are You a Hundred Point Man?, (ms) The Busy Man’s Magazine April 1909
- * Are You a Lloyd Fan?, (ms) “I Confess” January 12 1923
- * Are You a Man?, (qz) Bluebook August 1953
- * Are You a Mind-Reader?, (ed) The Strand Magazine February 1945
- * Are You an All-Rounder?, (qz) John Bull November 16 1946
- * Are You an American?, (ms) Snappy Stories 2nd May 1918
- * Are You an American Beauty?, (cn) Smart Set September 1928
- * Are You an Astronomer?, (ar) Favourite Annual for Boys 1957
- * Are You an Expert?, (qz) John Bull November 9 1946
- * Are You an Optimist or a Pessimist?, (qz) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly October 10 1959
- * Are You a Schizophrenic?, (ms) Expressions of Dread #2, Spring 1992
- * Are You a Solomon?, (ar) The Strand Magazine October 1949
- * Are You a Sportsman?, (ms) Sport Story Magazine February 22 1926
- * Are You a Weather Prophet?, (ar) Chums June 2 1923
- * Are You Bright?, (qz) Droll Sep, Oct 1949
- * Are You Dance Wise?, (qz) Thrilling Love Spring 1954
- * Are You Dance Wise?, (qz) Exciting Love Winter 1956
- * Are You Fit for the Job?, (ar) Chums November 30 1918
- * Are You Getting Married?, (ms) Golden Love Tales June 1946
- * Are You Going to Emigrate?, (ar) Cheer Boys Cheer #11 Aug 3, #12 Aug 10 1912
- * Are You Honest?, (qz) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly May 30 1959
- * Are You Hungry for More & “Dying for a Taste”? Meet Leslie Karst, (iv) Suspense Magazine April 2016 [Ref. Leslie Karst]
- * Are You Intelligent?, (qz) Smart Set September 1929
- * Are You Interested in Coal Conservation?, (ms) Everywoman’s World January 1918
- * Are You Living in 1350?, (ms) Varsity (US) #24, May/June 1950
- * Are You Looking for This?, (ms) The English Illustrated Magazine November 1905
- * Are You Loving Enough?, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine August 1917, as by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
- * Are You Making It with the Right One?, (qz) Confidential February 1969
- * Are You Needed?, (pm) The Busy Man’s Magazine June 1907
- * Are You Observant?, (pz) The Silver Jacket #23, 1955
- * Are You Only Semi-Educated?, (qz) Cosmopolitan September 1959
- * Are you on Two Pay-rolls? You Can Be—and you Should Be, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine October 1918
- * Are You Penny Wise?, (qz) Coronet June 1951
- * Are You Popular?, (ms) The Happy Mag. January 1937
- * Are You Popular?, (qz) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly June 6 1959
- * Are You Psychic?, (ms) True Mystic Science March 1939
- * Are You Quite Certain?, (qz) Pearson’s Magazine Nov, Dec 1936, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct,
Nov, Dec 1937
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1938, Jan, Feb,
Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1939
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