The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11681
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Life Secrets of a Spirit Medium, (na) Ghost Stories Dec 1929, Jan, Feb, Mar 1930
- * Life Secrets of the Bees, (ms) Western Story Magazine August 3 1929
- * A Life Sentence, (pm) The Royal Magazine May 1907
- * Life Sentence for Aiding Suicide, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 12 1920
- * Life’s Events, (pm) (by Gerald Massey)
- * Life’s Harvest, (pm) (by Alice Cary) Peterson’s Magazine April 1889; excerpt, translation of poem by Goethe.
- * Life Signs: Notes on Writers & Artists, (bg) The Zone and Premonitions #6 Win 1997, #7 Win 1998, #8 Aut 1999, #9 Sum 2000
- * Life Size Babe, (pi) Late Show v1 #1, 1962
- * Life-Size Lara Croft and More, (ar) Penthouse November 2006
- * Life-Size Portrait: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, (pi) The Strand Magazine (US) September 1910
- * Life’s Little Comedies, (ar) The Strand Magazine September 1903
- * Life’s Little Problems, (cl) Pearson’s Magazine January 1901
- * Life’s Little Problems, (cl) Pearson’s Magazine (US) January 1901
- * Life’s Market, (pm) Town Topics
- * A Life’s Mistake, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1879
- * Life’s Path, (pm) The Golden Argosy January 5 1884
- * Life’s Philosophy, (pm) The Golden Argosy March 6 1886
- * A Life’s Picture in Five Panels, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1887
- * Life’s Plot of Ground, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper October 1920
- * Life’s Problem, (pm) The Golden Argosy September 26 1885
- * Life’s River, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper January 12 1884
- * Life’s “Scarecrows”, (pm) The London Magazine June 1904
- * Life’s Secret, (ex) (by John Greenleaf Whittier), as "Among the Hills"
- * Life’s Stage, (pm) The Golden Argosy December 13 1884
- * Life Stories—III: Why I Am a Life Prisoner in Sing Sing Prison, (ar) The Ladies’ Home Journal March 1910
- * Life Stories of Screen Heroes:
* ___ No. 5: George Walsh, (ar) Boys’ Cinema Weekly January 10 1920
* ___ No. 18: Marie Walcamp, (bg) Boys’ Cinema Weekly April 10 1920 [Ref. Marie Walcamp]
* ___ No. 27: Wesley Barry, (ar) Boys’ Cinema Weekly June 12 1920
* ___ No. 28: Jack Pickford, (ar) Boys’ Cinema Weekly June 19 1920
* ___ No. 29: “Winkle” Harold Lloyd, (ar) Boys’ Cinema Weekly June 26 1920
* ___ No. 30: Mabel Normand, (ar) Boys’ Cinema Weekly July 3 1920
* ___ No. 31: Hobart Bosworth, (ar) Boys’ Cinema Weekly July 10 1920
* ___ No. 32: Jimmy Aubrey, (ar) Boys’ Cinema Weekly July 17 1920
* ___ No. 33: Hoot Gibson, (ar) Boys’ Cinema Weekly July 24 1920
* ___ No. 34: Montgomery and Rock, (ar) Boys’ Cinema Weekly July 31 1920
* ___ No. 35: Ruth Roland, (ar) Boys’ Cinema Weekly August 7 1920
- * Life Stories of Screen Stories:
* ___ No. 26: Larry Semon, (ar) Boys’ Cinema Weekly June 5 1920
- * Life Stories Thru the Movie Lens, (ts) True Story August 1923
- * Life Stories—VI: What I Went Through as a Drunkard’s Wife, (ar) The Ladies’ Home Journal June 1910
- * Life Stories—V: My Life as a Millionaire’s Wife, (ar) The Ladies’ Home Journal May 1910
- * The Life Story in Pictures of Mrs. Eleanor Patterson, (pi) Cosmopolitan February 1931
- * The Life Story of a Bank Burglar, (ts) True Story June 1923
- * The Life-Story of a Leading Lady, (ts) Smart Set Oct, Nov, Dec 1924
- * The Life Story of Bette Davis, (ms) Short Story Magazine (Australia) #39, 1947
- * Life’s Travellers, (pm) The Argosy (UK) March 1875
- * The Lifestream of Man, (ar) Look and Learn #45, November 24 1962
- * The Life Struggle, (pm) The Golden Argosy January 16 1886
- * Life’s Voyage, (pm) The Grand Magazine February 1910
- * Life-Termer Escapes from Moundsville Prison, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 26 1921
- * Life Term for Pay-roll Bandit, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 27 1926
- * A Life Term for Thirty-Three Cents, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 11 1928
- * The Life That Lies Built, (ts) Red Star Secret Confessions January 1941
- * A Lifetime of Artistic Expression, (iv) Suspense Magazine December 2015 [Ref. Babette van den Berg]
- * Lifetime of Various Animals, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1885
- * Lifetime on One Job, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine September 1911
- * The Life & Times of Henry, Lord Brougham, (rv) The Dark Blue #2, April 1871
- * Life to Be Made Harder for Crooks, (ms) The Popular Magazine September 7 1923
- * A Life Told to Angela Carter, (ar) Bananas #10, Spring 1978; translated by Naomi Brent
- * Life to the Strong, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1886
- * Life Twisted, (ms) Astounding Stories October 1933
- * A Life with Laplanders, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper February 1 1896
- * Life with the Cover Off—The Experiences of a Girl Reporter, (ss) Collier’s March 11 1922
- * Life with the Esquimaux, (ar) (by Orlando Thomas Dobbin) Dublin University Magazine September 1865
- * The Life-Work of Bismarck, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 20 1898
- * Life Worth Living, (es) The Saturday Evening Post November 21 1925
- * Life Writes the Stories, (ss) Collier’s October 31 1925
- * The Lifted Veil, (nv) (by George Eliot) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine July 1859
- * The Lifted Veil, (nv) (by Mary Ann Evans) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine July 1859, uncredited.
- Short Stories May 1892, as by George Eliot
- Ghosts and Marvels ed. V. H. Collins, Oxford University Press, 1924, as by George Eliot
- A Century of Thrillers: Second Series, Daily Express, 1935, as by George Eliot
- A Century of Ghost Stories, Hutchinson, 1936, as by George Eliot
- Great English Short Novels ed. Cyril Connolly, Dial Press, 1953, as by George Eliot
- The Gentlewomen of Evil ed. Peter Haining, Robert Hale, 1967, as by Mary Ann Evans
- The Lifted Veil ed. A. Susan Williams, Xanadu, 1992, as by George Eliot
- Thrillers, Bracken Books, 1994, as by George Eliot
- The Darker Sex ed. Mike Ashley, Peter Owen, 2009, as by George Eliot
- * A Lift for 1,000 Ton Ships, (ia) The Modern Boy October 7 1933
- * Lifting Giant Ships at Sea, (ia) Modern World March 15 1941
- * Lifting the April Black Mask, (ms) Black Mask March 1946
- * Lifting the August Black Mask, (ms) Black Mask July 1941
- * Lifting the Black Mask, (ms)
- * Lifting the December Black Mask, (ms) Black Mask November 1940
- * Lifting the February Black Mask, (ms) Black Mask January 1942
- * Lifting the February Black Mask, (ms) Black Mask (Canada) January 1945
- * Lifting the January Black Mask, (ms) Black Mask Dec 1941, Nov 1944, Nov 1945, Nov 1947, Nov 1949
- * Lifting the July Black Mask, (ms) Black Mask Jun 1941, Jun 1942, May 1946, May 1948, May 1949, May 1950
- * Lifting the June Black Mask, (ms) Black Mask May 1941
- * Lifting the March Black Mask, (ms) Black Mask Jan 1945, Jan 1949, Jan 1950
- * Lifting the May Black Mask, (ms) Black Mask Mar 1947, Mar 1948, Mar 1949, Mar 1950
- * Lifting the Mortgage, (ss) Chicago Daily News February 10 1916, as "Mortgage Lifter"
- * Lifting the November Black Mask, (ms) Black Mask Oct 1940, Sep 1945, Sep 1946, Sep 1949, Sep 1950
- * Lifting the September Black Mask, (ms) Black Mask Aug 1941, Jul 1946, Jul 1949
- * Lifting the September Black Mask, (ms) Black Mask (Canada) August 1944
- * Lift-Off, Laurels Wreaths and the Power of “Yes”, (fw) The Henfield Prize Stories ed. John Birmingham, Laura Gilpin & Joseph F. McCrindle, Warner, 1992
- * Light, (ts) Dream World September 1924
- * The Light, (ss) The Violet Magazine #46, May 30 1924
- * Light After Darkness, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1879
- * Light and Airy, (pi) Nightcap v1 #4, 1961
- * Light and Dark, (pm) (by John Weiss) The Atlantic Monthly June 1863
- * Light and Fresh Air in Houses, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1889
- * Light and Shade, (ar) Atalanta June 1889
- * Light and Shadow, (pi) Ace May 1969
- * Light and Shadow, (ss) (by Katherine F. Williams) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1867
- * Light at Eventide, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1876
- * Light at Last and Hope, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) January 1920
- * Light Automatic Machine Guns for A.A. Defence, (ia) Modern World December 21 1940
- * Light Beyond the Clouds, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine August 1861
- * The Light Brigade, (ar) Look and Learn #11, March 31 1962
- * Light Eater, (ms) The American Weekly March 9 1947
- * Lightened by Humor, (ms) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction June 18 1927
- * Lighten the Boat, (pm) (by J. W. King & W. Henry Wills) Household Words #177, August 13 1853
- * The Lighter Side, (hu) The London Magazine June 1911
- * The Lighter Side of the War, (hu) The Grand Magazine October 1916
- * Lighter Side of Things, (ms) Metropolitan Magazine Feb, Mar, Jun 1897
- * The Lighter Side of Things, (cl) Metropolitan Magazine Nov, Dec 1895
- * The Lighter Side of Things, (ms) Metropolitan Magazine May, Jun, Aug, Sep, Oct 1895, Jan, Feb, Mar, May, Jun, Jul, Aug,
Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1896
Jan 1897, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug 1899
- * The Lighter Side of War, (hu) The Grand Magazine Sep, Nov, Dec 1916, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May 1917
- * The Lightest Substance in the World, (ar) Chums October 22 1929
- * Light-Fingered, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 30 1932
- * Light-Fingered, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1865
- * Light Fingers, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #566, October 18 1930; adapted from the movie (Ian Keith and Dorothy Revier).
- * Light from Oyster-Shells, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper September 25 1880
- * Light Guns Heavy Guns, (ia) Modern World March 30 1940
- * “Light-Horse Harry”, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1896
- * The Lighthouse, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1876
- * The Lighthouse, (pm) The Golden Argosy July 14 1883
- * The Lighthouse Foundation, (cl) Lighthouse Magazine #1, April 2003
- * The Lighthouse Keeper’s Secret, (ss)
- * Light Housekeeping, (ms) Good Housekeeping October 1962
- * Lighthouse Len - Pirate Hunter, (ss) The Triumph December 9 1933
- * The Lighthouse Mystery [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by R. C. Armour) The Sexton Blake Library #260, 1922
- * “Light-house of the Caskets”, (il) Harper’s Monthly Magazine February 1901
- * The Light-House on Marlborough Reef, (ss) (by Frederick Swartout Cozzens) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1869
- * The Lighthouse on the Skeve Mhoil, (ss) Chambers’s Journal June 3 1865
- * Lighthouses Death to Birds, (ms) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch Magazine June 1 1932
- * Lighthouses That Look After Themselves, (ms) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1932, 1931
- * Light in Dark Places, (pm) Rob Wagner’s Script #485, November 26 1938
- * Lighting Gas Drives Car, (ms) Maclean’s April 15 1940
- * Lighting the Airman’s Way, (ar) The Modern Boy May 4 1929
- * Lighting the Sea’s Streets, (ar) The Modern Boy November 9 1929
- * Light It Up, (iv) Mystery Tribune #4, Winter 2018 [Ref. Nick Petrie]
- * Lightless Nights Increased Criminal Acts, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 13 1920
- * Light Light Bills, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 13 1928
- * Lightly Tripping, (pm) The Golden Argosy January 3 1885
- * Light Me! Great Examples of Matchbook Covers from the Golden Age of Pin-Up!, (pi) Tease! Magazine #2, 1994
- * Light Must Work, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1941, 1940
- * Lightning and Its Doings, (ar) The Argosy #573, November 25 1893
- * Lightning Anecdotes, (hu)
- * Lightning Bill, (sa) Boys’ Cinema Weekly #394, July 2 1927; adapted from the movie (Bill Bailey, Jean Arthur, Edward Heim, Charles Meakim, Thomas Shirley, Jack Henderson).
- * Lightning Bryce, (sa) Boys’ Cinema Weekly Jun 12, Jun 19, Jun 26, Jul 3, Jul 10, Jul 17, Jul 24, Jul 31, Aug 7 1920
- * “Lightning Bryce”, (sa) Boys’ Cinema Weekly June 5 1920
- * The Lightning Clue [Nelson Lee], (na) (by Edwy Searles Brooks) The Nelson Lee Library #39, March 4 1916
- * The Lightning Express, (pm) International Railway Journal
- * The Lightning Express, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #566 Oct 18, #568 Nov 1, #571 Nov 22, #572 Nov 29, #573 Dec 6 1930; adapted from the movie (Lane Chandler and Louise Lorraine).
- * Lightning Harry Strikes Fast [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #511, 1939
- * Lightning Kills a Herd of Cattle, (ms) Western Story Magazine May 11 1929
- * Lightning Photographed, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1888
- * Lightning Repeats Itself, (ms) Far West Stories February 1930
- * The Lightning-Rod, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1884
- * Lightning’s Curious Pranks, (ms) Mystery Magazine #84, May 1 1921
- * Lightning Sketches: Dorothy Dickson, (ms) Charm #14, December 19 1925 [Ref. Dorothy Dickson]
- * Lightning Snapshots, (ar) This Week March 14 1937
- * Lightning Tom, (na) Tip-Top Tales #4, 191?
- * “The Light of Asia”, (ms)
- * The Light of a Smile, (pm) The Golden Argosy June 12 1886
- * The Light of Home, (ss) Sharpe’s London Journal
- * A Light of Other Days, (ss) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine #1011, January 1900
- * The “Light of Other Days”—at Vassar, (ms) Smith’s Magazine March 1917
- * The Light of Persia, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) June 1912
- * The Light of the Better Days, (il) My Magazine January 1918
- * Light of the Lantern, (cl) Railroad Magazine Jul 1942, Apr 1943, Feb, Aug 1945
* ___ 35,000 Turnarounds, (cl) Railroad Magazine March 1949
* ___ After-Coolers and Retainers, (cl) Railroad Magazine February 1944
* ___ Air Compressor Lubrication, (cl) Railroad Magazine October 1951
* ___ Air Distribution, (cl) Railroad Magazine October 1948
* ___ Black Smoke, (cl) Railroad Magazine March 1951
* ___ Bracing the Boiler, (cl) Railroad Magazine November 1951
* ___ Brazing Speeds Up Cylinder Repairs, (cl) Railroad Magazine January 1944
* ___ Care of Air Compressors, (cl) Railroad Magazine September 1948
* ___ Car Heating, (cl) Railroad Magazine January 1948
* ___ Cast Iron Wheels, (cl) Railroad Magazine February 1951
* ___ Centralized Traffic Control, (cl) Railroad Magazine October 1942
* ___ The Cross-Compound Air Compressor, (cl) Railroad Magazine August 1951
* ___ Cylinder Bushings, (cl) Railroad Magazine May 1951
* ___ The Disc Brake, (cl) Railroad Magazine January 1951
* ___ Displays of Signals, O’Connor, (cl) Railroad Magazine June 1950
* ___ Drafting the Locomotive, (cl) Railroad Magazine April 1951
* ___ Driving Box Design, (cl) Railroad Magazine July 1951
* ___ Dynamometer Car, Wildhagen, (cl) Railroad Magazine July 1947
* ___ Erie on the Airwaves, (cl) Railroad Magazine January 1949
* ___ Feedwater Heaters, (cl) Railroad Magazine December 1941
* ___ Firedoors, (cl) Railroad Magazine July 1944
* ___ Firing an Oil-Burner, Haug, (cl) Railroad Magazine August 1950
* ___ Five Freight Cars for Four, (cl) Railroad Magazine May 1948
* ___ Flue Removal and internal Inspection, (cl) Railroad Magazine May 1947
* ___ Free Slack, Doehler, (cl) Railroad Magazine August 1949
* ___ French Autorails Ride on Air, (cl) Railroad Magazine April 1949
* ___ Headlight Generators, (cl) Railroad Magazine April 1947
* ___ Hooking Her Up, (cl) Railroad Magazine August 1944
* ___ How the Diesel Works, (cl) Railroad Magazine May 1943
* ___ How Well Do You Know the Book?, (cl) Railroad Magazine July 1944
* ___ Injector Economy, (cl) Railroad Magazine December 1947
* ___ Interlocking Systems, (cl) Railroad Magazine August 1942
* ___ Locomotive Blow-off Systems, (cl) Railroad Magazine September 1942
* ___ Locomotives and Curves, (cl) Railroad Magazine February 1943
* ___ Locomotive Superheaters, (cl) Railroad Magazine July 1943
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