The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11621
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * A Holiday Quiz, (qz) Edgar Wallace Mystery Magazine #13, August 1965
- * Holiday Rambles in Siam, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper Summer 1895
- * Holiday Rambles:
* ___ A Day by the Lea, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper July 9 1887
* ___ A Pond in Surrey, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper July 21 1883
* ___ Sidmouth and About It, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper July 14 1888
- * A Holiday Ramble Through Heyer and Chidingstone, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine July 1881
- * Holiday’s Abroad, (vi) Stag: Man’s Own Magazine #6, 1947
- * Holiday Scraps, (ms) The Happy Mag. August 1937
- * The Holiday Season.—3. English River Scenery, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper September 5 1903
- * The Holiday Season.—4. Some Pretty Bits, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper September 19 1903
- * The Holiday Shopper, (ms) Holiday April 1956
- * Holidays Included, (ms) Collier’s July 6 1929
- * Holidays in France, (ms) The Parisienne Monthly Magazine October 1920
- * Holidays in Kent: Evnsford and Lullingstone, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine August 1880
- * Holidays in Switzerland, (ar) Lilliput January/February 1953
- * Holidays in the Country, (ms) The Happy Mag. Summer 1938
- * Holiday Sketches:
* ___ 2. A Ramble Round Clifton, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper July 1 1882
* ___ 3. A Spin on the Rhine, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper July 15 1882
* ___ 4. A Scamper Through Holland, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper August 5 1882
- * Holiday Snaps, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1934, 1933
- * Holiday Snapshooting, (ar) This Week January 10 1937
- * “Holiday Snapshot” Result, (cn) The Royal Pictorial September 1932
- * The Holidays of Balylas, (ss) Short Stories March 1902; translated from the French by Cecile Marion.
- * Holidays of the Old Religions, (ms) The Willows Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 2008
- * Holidays Old-Style, (pi) The Blue Book Magazine December 1946
- * The Holiday Spirit, (pm) The Argosy #477, January 23 1892
- * Holiday Time in Russia, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1886
- * Holiday Tips, (ar) The Royal Magazine August 1913
- * A Holiday Visit to Ightham, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine May 1880
- * A Holiday Visit to Oxford, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine September 1881
- * A Holiday Visit to Penshurst, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine April 1881
- * A Holiday Visit to Sundridge, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine February 1881
- * Holiday Walking Tours:—Over Conventional Ground Under Conventional Cost, (ar) London Society July 1863
- * Holland, (pm) Pett’s Annual, Thomas's Publications Ltd., 1944
- * Holland and Its Girl Queen, (ar) The Argosy January 3 1891
- * Holland House, (br) The Mirror #58, December 6 1873 [Ref. Marie Henriette of Liechtenstein]
- * Holland’s “Controlled” Railways, (ms) The Railroad Man’s Magazine November 1909
- * Holland’s Downfall - Fifth Columnist Treachery, (ar) Modern World June 29 1940
- * Hollow Cliffs in Peru, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1888
- * The Hollow Club; or, The Clue of the Gloved Hand [Nelson Lee], (ss) The Nelson Lee Library #377, August 26 1922
- * Hollow Earth, (br) Weird Tales July/August 2008 [Ref. David Standish]
- * Hollowed Out Log a Home, (ms) West September 1934
- * The Hollow of the Three Hills, (ss) (by Nathaniel Hawthorne) The Salem Gazette November 12 1830, uncredited.
- Twice-Told Tales by Nathaniel Hawthorne, American Stationers Co., 1837, as by Nathaniel Hawthorne
- The Great American Stories, Gulliver Books, 1943, as by Nathaniel Hawthorne
- The World’s Best Short Short Stories ed. Roger B. Goodman, Bantam Pathfinder, 1967, as by Nathaniel Hawthorne
- The Complete Short Stories of Nathaniel Hawthorne by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Hanover House, 1979, as by Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Tales of Witchcraft ed. Richard Dalby, Michael O'Mara, 1991, as by Nathaniel Hawthorne
- 100 Hair-Raising Little Horror Stories ed. Al Sarrantonio & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1993, as by Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Great Horror Stories: 101 Chilling Tales ed. Stefan Dziemianowicz, Fall River Press, 2016, as by Nathaniel Hawthorne
- * The Hollow Tree Poetry Club, (ss) The Puritan October 1899
- * The Holly and the Ivy, (pi) The Strand Magazine December 1949
- * Hollygrams, (ms) The Happy Mag. Christmas 1924
- * Holly Saves the Day, (ss) A Basinful of Fun #80, September 1952
- * Holly Tale, (pm) Penthouse (UK)
- * Hollywood, (ms) Screen Romances #106, March 1938
- * Hollywood, (pi) Woman’s Home Companion Jan, Mar, May, Aug 1948
- * Hollywood and the West!, (ar) Golden West Romances February 1950
- * Hollywood Beach Party, (ar) Cloud-9 v1 #3, 1960
- * Hollywood Breaks Loose, (pi) Adam February 1958
- * Hollywood Builds a Flat-Top, (ar) Hollywood Detective November 1944
- * Hollywood Celebrates the Redbook Award, (pi) Redbook May 1950
- * Hollywood Charm Club, (cl) Love Revelations combined with Secret Confessions June 1941
- * Hollywood Charm Club, (cl) All-Star Love Magazine Apr, May 1942
- * Hollywood Chatterbox, (ms) Screen Romances #193, June 1945
- * Hollywood Chiselry, (ms) Private Detective Stories January 1943
- * Hollywood Circus, (ms) Collier’s August 4 1951
- * A Hollywood Confession, (ts) Secrets February 1923
- * Hollywood Days and Nights, (hu) La Paree Stories July 1930
- * Hollywood Diary, (ts) Real Confessions March 1937
- * Hollywood Films the Stage Door Canteen, (ar) Liberty March 27 1943
- * Hollywood Fortune-Telling Cards, (cl) Films and Fiction #1 Nov 1, #2 Nov 8, #3 Nov 15, #4 Nov 22, #5 Nov 29 1932
- * Hollywood Goes Ape, (ar) Penthouse January 2006
- * Hollywood Goes European, (??) Mermaid v2 #4, 1960
- * Hollywood Goes Homo, (ar) Men’s Digest April 1969
- * Hollywood Gossip, (cl) Intimate Confessions April 1938
- * Hollywood Gossip, (cl) Magic Love January 1947
- * Hollywood Gourmet’s Paradise, (ar) Hollywood Detective March 1944
- * Hollywood Grapevine, (cl) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 1987, Feb, Jun 1988
- * Hollywood Ha-Has, (hu) Hollywood Nights October 1931
- * Hollywood Heat, (pi) Sir Knight v1 #1, 1958
- * Hollywood Highlights, (cl) Love Fiction Monthly July 1934
- * Hollywood Holly Days, (ms) Screen Romances #116, January 1939
- * Hollywood Hopefuls, (pi) Rogue June 1965
- * Hollywood Laffs, (ar) American Humorist March 1935 [Ref. Katharine Hepburn]
- * Hollywood, Land of Contradictions, (ar) Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective February 1943
- * Hollywood Leg-Man, (ms) Super-Detective July 1945
- * Hollywood Leg Specialist, (pi) Argosy May 1947
- * Hollywood Middleman, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 16, Jun 27, Aug 29 1936
- * Hollywood Octopus Party, (pi) Argosy April 1947
- * Hollywood—Purely “Elementary”, (ar) Hollywood Detective February 1945
- * Hollywood Regained, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post Apr 29, May 6, May 13, May 20, May 27 1933
- * Hollywood Says, (cl) Hollywood Nights Apr, Jul, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1930, Jan, Feb, May, Aug, Sep 1931
- * Hollywood Scene, (??) Men’s Digest August 1957
- * Hollywood’s Crazy Marriage Tangle (with Denis Rich), (pi) Lilliput May 1955
- * Hollywood’s “Horsey” Set, (ar) Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective July 1943
- * Hollywood’s Most Famous Cowboy, (ms) Speed Western Stories November 1944
- * Hollywood’s Most Famous Father, (ar) Liberty June 1949
- * Hollywood’s Newest Studio, (ar) Liberty August 1949
- * Hollywood’s New “Id” Girl, (pi) Knave September 1959
- * Hollywood Sound-Track, (ms) Screen Romances #156, May 1942
- * Hollywood Story Conference, (pl) The Saturday Evening Post October 10 1936
- * Hollywood Studiograms, (ms) Fawcett’s Magazine September 1925
- * Hollywood Uses “Mobile Color”, (ar) Hollywood Detective May 1944
- * Hollywood Whispers, (cl) Young Love Mar, Apr 1937
- * Holmes and the Startled Banker, (vi) Weekly Magazine May 8 1897, as "Prize Detective Story"
- * Holmes Beats the Yard, (ms) The Daily Express May 24 1951
- * Holmes Beyond the Grave, (ar) The Baltimore Sun
- * Holmeseana [Sherlock Holmes], (ar) The Strand Magazine March 1950
- * A Holmes Exhibition for Festival, (ms) The Times November 2 1950
- * Holmesiana, (bi) Presenting Moonshine #20, December 1971
- * Holmesiography, (bi) The Game Is Afoot ed. Marvin Kaye, St. Martin's, 1994
- * Holmes Show in New York, (ar) The Daily Telegraph May 26 1952
- * Holmes Sweet Holmes, (pz) A Sherlock Holmes Compendium ed. Peter Haining, Castle Books, 1981
- * Holocaust, (pm) (by Carl Spencer) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1868
- * The Holy Carpet, (ar) The Ludgate May 1898
- * The Holy Carpet, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine January 1913
- * The Holy City Has a New Waterworks, (ms) Short Stories December 10 1921
- * The Holy Coat of Treves, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1891
- * The Holy Fair of Hurdwar, (ar) (by Robert Edward Treston Forrest) The Cornhill Magazine November 1865
- * The Holy Family, (cs) The Bible Story #6, April 11 1964
- * Holy Island, (pi) Look and Learn #14, April 21 1962
- * The Holy Land, (ar) (by O’Dell Travers Hill) Dublin University Magazine October 1866
- * The Holy Light, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1880
- * Holy Mackerel, (ts) True Story January 1935
- * The Holy Moses Mine, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly May 9 1936
- * The Holy Tree Dancer of the Birdmen, (ar) Modern Wonder May 20 1939
- * A Holy-Water Font at Ratisbon, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1877
- * Holywood Joins the Waves, (ar) Liberty August 14 1943
- * Homage to Mrs. Stowe, (pm) Punch v24, 1853
- * Hombourg, Germany, (ar) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine February 1862
- * Home, (pm)
- * Home, (ss) The Century Magazine October 1913
- * Home!, (pm) The Novel Magazine April 1912
- * Home Again, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper September 29 1888
- * Home Again, (ss)
- * Home and Court Life of Queen Victoria, (ar) The Woman at Home January 1896
- * Home and Society, (cl) Scribner’s Monthly Apr, Sep 1877
- * Home Architects, (ms) Women’s Stories December 1 1913
- * Home at Last, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper September 30 1882
- * The Home Beautiful, (cl) The Lady’s Realm May 1897, Nov 1901
- * Home Body, (pi) Real Men March 1957
- * The Homebreaker, (ts) True Marriage Stories October 1927
- * Home Builders’ Question Box, (cl) Mystery Oct, Nov, Dec 1934, Jan, Mar 1935
- * Home Builders Select the Colonial House, (ms) The Illustrated Detective Magazine June 1932
- * Home Chat, (cl) Home Chat #2746, November 8 1947
- * The Home Civil Service, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine July 1903
- * “Home-Coming”, (ar) (by Walter Frith) The Cornhill Magazine August 1893
- * Home-Coming of the Seekers for the Pole, (ar) The Outing Magazine November 1909
- * The Home Concert, (pm) (by Mary D. Brine) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1877
- * Home Contrivances, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine May 1878
- * The Home Cook, (ar) The New Magazine (UK) August 1914
- * Home Decoration, (cl) The Puritan Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Nov 1897
- * Home Decorations for Christmas, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine December 1874
- * The Home Doctor, (cl) Yes or No Nov 29 1913, Mar 21, Apr 11, May 16, Jul 11, Jul 18, Aug 15 1914
- * The Home Dressmaker, (cl) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #23, February 1914
- * Home Dressmaking, (cl) The Woman at Home Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1911
- * A Home Emigration, (ss) (by Mary Anne Page) Chambers’s Journal of Popular Literature September 23 1854
- * Home for Christmas, (??) The Boy’s Own Paper Christmas 1894
- * The Home for Lost Dogs, (ar) The Strand Magazine June 1891
- * Home from the Wars, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 10 1919
- * Home Furnishing, (cl) Colour November 1914
- * Home Furnishings:
* ___ A Picture Quiz of Decorating Terms, (ms) Today’s Woman #123, January 1950
* ___ We Decorate a Homemade House, (ms) Today’s Woman #123, January 1950
- * The Home Garden, (cl) The Country Gentleman August 9 1924
- * Home Guard Chart of the Lewis Gun, (ia) Modern World November 30 1940
- * Home Guard in Action-Stalking, (ia) Modern World October 5 1940
- * Home Guard New Reel, (ar) Modern World October 19 1940
- * Home Guard News Reel, (ia) Modern World Sep 21, Sep 28, Oct 5, Oct 12 1940
- * Home Guard Self-Defence, (ar) Modern World October 12 1940
- * Home Gyms, the Benefits of Beer, and More, (ar) Penthouse February 2001
- * Home Hints and Recipes, (ar) The New Magazine (UK) September 1914
- * The Home-Hush, (pm) The House Beautiful October 1907
- * Home Industries That Should Be Cultivated, (ar) Chambers’s Journal December 21 1907
- * A Home in Heaven, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine December 1856
- * The Home Institute:
* ___ Sunday Brunch, (cl) This Week August 23 1953
- * Home Is Where the Car Is, (ms) Collier’s March 8 1952
- * Home Is Where the Horror Is: An Interview with Steve Gerlach, (iv) Studies in Australian Weird Fiction #1, February 2008 [Ref. Steve Gerlach]
- * Home James!, (ms) Collier’s May 12 1928
- * The Homeland of Our Queen, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine January 1906
- * Homeless - Because She Rebelled, (n.) School Girl 1935
- * A “Homeless” Tribe, (ms) Far West Stories July 1929
- * Home Life in America, (ms)
- * Home Life in Bengal, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine July 1884
- * Home Life in Hollywood, (ms)
- * Home Life of a Hindoo Woman, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1887
- * The Home Life of the Old Norsemen, (ar) (by Patrick Kennedy) Dublin University Magazine April 1869
- * The Home Life of the Princess of Wales, (ar) The Lady’s Realm December 1898
- * The Home Life of the Royal Family, (ar) The Strand Magazine December 1911
- * The Home Life of the Washingtons, (ar) The Ladies’ Home Journal February 1898
- * Home-Life Snapshot Contest: Sixth Week—Final Winners: The Jig-Saw Puzzle Contest, (cn) Liberty February 13 1932
- * Home-Life Snapshot Contest Winners—Jig Saw Winners, (cn) Liberty February 6 1932
- * Home-Life Snapshot Prize Winners January 13 issue, (cn) Liberty February 24 1934
- * Home-Life Snapshot Winners, (cn) Liberty Feb 3, May 19 1934
- * Home-Life Snapshot Winners, January 20 issue, (cn) Liberty March 10 1934
- * Homelike Rooms, (pi) Good Housekeeping August 1910
- * Homelike Texas Jail, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 12 1921
- * A Homely Song of Toil, (pm) (by L. A. Bargie) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1859
- * A Homely Virtue, (ms) Woman’s Magazine (UK) October 1935
- * A Home-Made Barometer, (ms) Mystery Magazine #14, June 1 1918
- * Home-Made Cake for Tea, (ms) Home Notes August 8 1957
- * Home-Made Cakes for Christmas, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine January 1897
- * Home-Made Cakes Which Save the Bread!, (ms) Woman’s Weekly #319, December 8 1917
- * Home-Made Christmas Gifts, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine December 1890
- * Home-Made Christmas Presents, (ar) The Woman at Home December 1895
- * Homemade Current, (ms) The Popular Magazine March 7 1927
- * Homemade House, (ms) Today’s Woman #123, January 1950
- * Home Made Humming-Top, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper May 21 1887
- * A Home-Made Microscope, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper December 24 1898
- * Home-Made Mock Turtle, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine March 1878
- * Home-Made Pigments, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper October 1936
- * Home-Made Village, (ar) Pearson’s Weekly #2155, November 14 1931
- * Home Magic!, (ar) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1924, 1923
- * The Homemaker Asks, (ms) This Week October 20 1935
- * Homemaking Hints, (ms) Daring Romances September 1959
- * The Home Mechanic, (ia) Chums October 29 1929
- * The Home Needle-Woman, (cl) The New Magazine (UK) August 1914
- * The Home Needlewoman, (cl) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #5 Aug, #6 Sep, #7 Oct 1912, #11 Feb, #12 Mar, #13 Apr, #14 May, #19 Oct 1913
- * Home Notes, (cl) Pearson’s Magazine (US) Dec 1900, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct,
Nov 1901
Dec 1902, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1903, Jan, Mar, Apr, May, Jun,
Jul, Aug, Sep 1904
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