The FictionMags Index
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Gypsies and Gypsydom, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1879
- * Gypsies and Their Friends, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1882
- * The Gypsies’ Song, (pm) Once a Week January 27 1866; translated from the Russian by J. B..
- * Gypsy 1959, (pi) Rogue September 1959
- * Gypsy and the Chickens, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1877
- * A Gypsy at Heart, (iv) Suspense Magazine April 2011 [Ref. Kaye George]
- * “Gypsy Caddies” Gone, (ms) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine November 10 1931
- * The Gypsy Countess, (pm)
- * A Gypsy Divorce, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1877
- * Gypsy Fortunes, (ms) All-Story Love Dec 1950, Apr 1951
- * Gypsy Gal, (??) 10 Story Book July 1935
- * A Gypsy Girl, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1888
- * Gypsy Gospel, (ar) Tit-Bits #2867, October 10 1936
- * Gypsy Love, (pm) Tales of Temptation November 1926
- * Gypsy Love, (ts) Smart Set October 1924
- * Gypsy Makes Good Her Prediction, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 14 1925
- * Gypsy Mates, (ts) Smart Set April 1928
- * The Gypsy of the North, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #504, August 10 1929; adapted from the movie (Huntley Gordon).
- * Gypsy or Gentleman? [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by William Murray Graydon) The Sexton Blake Library #162, 1921
- * “The Gypsy Princess”, (rv) The London Magazine September 1921
- * Gypsy’s Long Search for Robber Is Rewarded, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 10 1923
- * H2OHHH, Jody!, (ms) Collier’s April 4 1953
- * Habakkuk Smith, (pm) The Idler June 1903
- * Haberfeld Treiben in Upper Bavaria, (ar) (by Francis Doyne Dwyer) The Cornhill Magazine December 1867
- * Habitable Alien Planets: “Distance from Star Determines Liquid-Water Biosphere”, (ar) The Daily Galaxy
- * Habit and Little Things, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper May 3 1879
- * The Habitant Hokays Winter, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 4 1939
- * Habit Department:
* ___ Three Kinds of Human Pests, (cl) The American Magazine November 1916
- * The Habit of Getting Rich, (ms) The Busy Man’s Magazine April 1906
- * The Habits of Democracy, (ms) The Popular Magazine September 1 1912
- * Habits of the Mole, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper January 25 1879
- * Habits of the Mole Cricket, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper April 19 1879
- * Habits. Physical, Mental, Moral, (cl) The American Magazine December 1915
- * Habits. What a Wise Lawyer Taught This Young Man, (cl) The American Magazine November 1915
- * Habitual Criminals, (ms) Clues Detective Stories March 1938
- * Habitual Hurry, (ar) The Youth’s Companion May 12 1892
- * Hachisch, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1894
- * Hachisch Eating, (ts) (by Mrs. E. B. Mawer) The Cornhill Magazine May 1894
- * Hacienda Hideaway, (pi) Ace May 1963
- * The Hackamore, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine November 18 1939
- * Had 100 Room Keys, (ms) Mystery Magazine #154, April 15 1924
- * Haddon Hall in Derbyshire, (pi) Look and Learn #28, July 28 1962
- * Hades, (pm) Futuria Fantasia Winter 1940
- * Had He Known. A Story of New Zealand Gold Thirst, (sl) Cassell’s Family Magazine Dec 1891, Jan, Feb, Mar 1892
- * Had Him There, (ss)
- * Hadramaut, (pm) (by Bayard Taylor) The Atlantic Monthly June 1872
- * Hadrian’s Wall, (pi) Look and Learn #42, November 3 1962
- * Had She but Known, (n.) Peg’s Companion #352, August 7 1928
- * Had to Buy One-Mile Line, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine November 1911
- * Had You Ever a Cousin?, (pm) My Queen #415, October 6 1903
- * Had Your Germs To-day?, (ms) The Popular Magazine January 7 1926
- * Hager, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1876
- * Ha! Ha!! Ha!!!, (hu) The Crusoe Mag. #1 Jun, #2 Jul, #3 Aug 1924, #13 Jun 1925
- * The Ha-Ha Hussars, (sl) The Skipper #185, March 17 1934
- * Ha Ha Said the Clown, (pi) Rex #34, 1972
- * Ha! Ha! Very Good!, (hu) The British Boy’s Annual 1926
- * Haidee, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1877
- * Hail!, (pm) The Golden Argosy May 15 1886
- * Hail Aurora—Farmers’ Friend, (ar) The Scrap Book March 1910
- * Haileybury—Rugby—Rossall, (sg) The Strand Magazine February 1912
- * Hail Stones, (ms) West August 20 1926
- * Hailstones as Big as Potatoes, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine May 1906
- * Hail “The Unpopular Review”, (ar) The Bellman #388, December 20 1913
- * Hair Apparent, (ar) Mayfair v5 #3, 1970
- * A Hair-Breadth Escape at Sea, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1876
- * Hairbrush, Socks, Pencils, Orange, (iv) Flash Fiction Online #99, December 2021 [Ref. Kate Heartfield]
- * Hair-Chains, (ss) (by Mary Corinna Putnam) The Atlantic Monthly November 1861
- * Haircuts, (ar) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #6, May 2000
- * Hair-Device Workers, (ar) (by Walter Frith) The Cornhill Magazine July 1885
- * Hair in Crime Detection, (ms) Mystery Magazine #119, November 1 1922
- * Hairline Decision, (??) Man’s Favorite Pastime v1 #1, 1959
- * Hair-Raising Hunt for the Wild Goose, (pi) Cavalier #44, February 1957
- * A Hair-Splitting Story, (hu) Yes or No August 3 1907
- * The Hair Thief, (ar) Flynn’s December 19 1925
- * Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow, (ms) The Lost Club Journal #2, 2000/01 [Ref. Alfred Chester]
- * Hair-Trigger Men, (ms) Detective Tales April 1951
- * Hairy Ropes, (ms) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction April 14 1928
- * The Hairy Toe, (pm)
- * Hajii Baba and the Stolen Money, (ss) (by James Morier)from The Adventures of Hajji Baba, of Ispahan, anonymously, John Murray, 1824, uncredited.
- * Halcyon Days, (pm) Pan #27, May 8 1920
- * Halcyon Days, (ss) (by Caroline Chesebro’) The Atlantic Monthly December 1864
- * Halcyon Hours, (pm) Cassell’s Magazine September 19 1874
- * The Half, (ex) Graham’s Lady’s and Gentleman’s Magazine May 1844, as "The Arsenal at Springfield", by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
- * Half a Billion Americans, (ar) The Scrap Book January 1910
- * Half a Century of Literary Recollections, (ar) (by James Anderson Scott) Dublin University Magazine April 1864
- * Half a Cuckoo Pint, Please, (qz) Argosy (UK) July 1960
- * Half a Dream, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine Mar 9, Mar 16 1872
- * Half a Lifetime Ago, (nv) (by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell) Household Words #289 Oct 6, #290 Oct 13, #291 Oct 20 1855
- * Half a Mile Below the Sea, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1937, 1936
- * Half-a-Mile of Pork, (ar) The Royal Magazine July 1899
- * Half a Minute Late, (nv)
- * Half and Half, (ms) The Popular Magazine May 1 1912
- * The Half and Half Ace, (ss) (by Robert J. Hogan) G-8 and His Battle Aces November 1936
- * Half an Hour to Live! [Dixon Hawke], (ss) Dixon Hawke’s Case Book #20, Spring 1953
- * Half an Hour with a Tandem Champion, (ar) Chums June 28 1899 [Ref. F. C. Burnand]
- * Half an Hour with Sir John Lubbock, (ar) Chums August 31 1898 [Ref. John Lubbock]
- * Half an Hour with the Birds, (ar) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine August 1857
- * Half a Theater Better Than None, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 20 1930
- * Half-Backs, (ar) Chums February 16 1924
- * Half-Baked Love, (ms) Live Stories April 1925
- * The Half-Blood; or, the Panther of the Plains, (nv) Boys’ First-Rate Pocket Library #30, 1890
- * The Half-Breed’s Tale, (pm) Rhymes from the Round-Up Camp ed. Wallace D. Coburn, W.T. Ridgley Press, 1899
- * The Half-Brothers, (ss) (by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell) Dublin University Magazine November 1858
- * The Half-Caste [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by Andrew Murray) The Sexton Blake Library #35, 1917
- * The Half-Crown Dinner and the Weak-Knee’d Table, (hu) The Graphic Christmas 1897
- * Half-Done Work, (ms) The Busy Man’s Magazine July 1906
- * The Half Face of Yellow Fang [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #488, 1938
- * Half-Hearted, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1889
- * A Half Hour’s Tale About Various Modes of Conveyance, (ar) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine February 1858
- * Half-Hours with Hard Workers:
* ___ 1. The Policeman, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper August 7 1886
* ___ 2. Firemen, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper August 14 1886
* ___ 3. Conductors and Drivers, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper August 28 1886
* ___ 4. Cabmen, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper September 4 1886
* ___ 5. Railway Servants, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper September 11 1886
* ___ 6. River Workers, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper September 18 1886
* ___ 7. Scavengers, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper September 25 1886
- * Half Human, (mr) Monsters and Things January 1959
- * Half-Imp/Half-Angel, (pi) Showcase v2 #3, 1962
- * A Half-Life and Half a Life, (ss) (by Elizabeth Haven Appleton) The Atlantic Monthly February 1864
- * Half Lives, (bg) Critical Mass Magazine November/December 1988
- * Half-Marriage at Sweetwater, (ss) Western Romances March 1960
- * Half Minute Stories, (hu) The Novel Magazine Oct, Nov 1919, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jul, Aug, Sep, Nov, Dec 1920
Mar, Apr, Jun, Aug, Sep 1921
- * Half-Minute Stories, (hu) Cheer Boys Cheer #9 Jul 20, #11 Aug 3, #12 Aug 10, #13 Aug 17, #15 Aug 31, #17 Sep 14, #21 Oct 12, #23 Oct 26, #27 Nov 23 1912,
#39 Feb 15, #40 Feb 22, #43 Mar 15, #47 Apr 12, #54 May 31, #60 Jul 12, #62 Jul 26 1913
- * Half-Minute Stories, (hu) The Novel Magazine Oct 1920, Jan, Feb, Oct, Nov, Dec 1921, Feb 1922
- * Half page feature of Caroline Miller, (ar) Pictorial Review December 1934
- * The Half-Pay Club, (pl) The European Magazine May, Jun 1826
- * A Half-Penny a Mile and All Found, (ar) The Penny Magazine #285, 1904
- * Half-Pint Cowboy!, (ss) Wild West (UK) #49, February 11 1939
- * Half-Pint Galahad [Oliver Pettibone], (na) Flynn’s Detective Fiction May 1944, as by Donald G. Cormack
- * A Half-Price Shave, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 16 1929
- * Half-Time Chatter, (ar) Chums February 1935
- * The Halftime Show, (il) Tease! Magazine #2, 1994 [Ref. Art Amsie]
- * Hal Fullofun; or, The Boys of Beltem Abbey, (sl) The Boy’s Standard #278, February 26 1881
- * Half-Way, (ss) (by Caroline Chesebro’) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1863
- * Half-way House, (ar) Good Housekeeping (UK) October 1946
- * Hall-Marking, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine October 1894
- * Hall of Fame, (ms) Complete Sports December 1953
- * Hall of Fame: Haile Selassie-The Lion of Judah, (pi) Look and Learn #129, July 4 1964
- * Hall of Fame: Jan Christiaan Smuts-Guerilla Leader of the Boers, (pi) Look and Learn #134, August 8 1964
- * Hall of Fame Recipients, (ms) L.A. Con III Programme Book, L.A. Con, 1996
- * A Hall of Shame, (vi) Watson’s Magazine December 1906
- * The Hall of Transient Fame, (cl) The Scrap Book Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1909, Jan, Feb 1910
- * The Hallowdene Manor Mystery, (sl) (by Edwy Searles Brooks) The Nelson Lee Library #497 Dec 13, #498 Dec 20, #499 Dec 27 1924, #500 Jan 3, #501 Jan 10, #502 Jan 17 1925
- * Halloween, (ms) Black & White #39, October 31 1891
- * Halloween, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine October 1891
- * Hallowe’en Costumes, (ms) The Illustrated Detective Magazine October 1931
- * Halloween Delights, (ms) Complete Love Magazine December 1946
- * Hallowe’en Eves, (pi) Movie Monthly November 1925
- * Halloween High Jinks, (ms) Love Fiction Magazine November 1946
- * Halloween Hi-Jinks, (ar) Calling All Girls October 1960
- * Halloween Horrors, (ms) Blood Moon Rising #20, November/December 2003
- * Halloween Porphecy, a Tale, (ss) Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal March 9 1833
- * Halloween Q&A with Mark Allan Gunnells, (iv) Unnerving Magazine #4, October 2017 [Ref. Mark Allan Gunnells]
- * Halloween Q&A with Stephen Graham Jones, (iv) Unnerving Magazine #4, October 2017 [Ref. Stephen Graham Jones]
- * Halloween Recipes, (ms) Halloween Stories and Poems ed. Caroline Feller Bauer, HarperTrophy, 1992
- * Halloween Romps and Frolics, (ar) The Ladies’ Home Journal October 1897
- * Halloween Scare Tactics, (ms) Blood Moon Rising #24 2004, #27 Fll 2005
- * Halloween’s Here, (ms) Collier’s November 3 1951
- * Halloween Superstitions, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1895
- * Hallow’e’n, (pm) The Half-Century Magazine November 1919
- * Hallow-Eve, (pm) The Golden Argosy November 8 1884
- * Hallo, You Chaps! Billy Bunter Speaking!, (ms) The Magnet Library December 25 1926
- * The Hall-Spectre, (ss) Sharpe’s London Magazine December 1861
- * Hall Tidy, (ar) Home Chat #3344, April 25 1959
- * Hallucination and Dreams, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine April 30 1870
- * The Hallucinatory Operators Are Real, (iv) SF Horizons #2, Winter 1965 [Ref. William S. Burroughs]
- * Halma, (cl) The Boy’s Own Paper Dec 19 1896, Feb 27 1897
- * Halma, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper January 8 1898
- * Hal Smiles and His Magic Ring! [Hal Smiles], (ss) The Magnet June 7 1930
- * A Halt by the Wayside, (il) Harper’s Monthly Magazine November 1901
- * Hal the Outcast; or, From Beggar to Baronet, (sl) The Boy’s Standard #278, February 26 1881
- * Halves and Their Heads, (ar) Jack’s Paper #17, February 20 1923
- * Hamadryad, (pi) Rogue February 1963
- * Ham and Eggs a la Love, (ts) Smart Set March 1928
- * The Ham and the Hobo, (ss) The Wave November 4 1899
- * Hamburger’s a Girl’s Best Friend, (ms) Everywoman’s Family Circle October 1958
- * Hamburg, The City of Vice, (??) South Sea Stories March 1962
- * Hamby Wins First Prize, (ms) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #6, November 1924 [Ref. William H. Hamby]
- * Hamet, A Tale, (ss) The Portfolio August 1812
- * The Hamilton Propeller, (ms) Bill Barnes Air Adventurer March 1935
- * Hamlet at the Boston, (pm) (by Julia Ward Howe) The Atlantic Monthly February 1859
- * Hamlet for the Masses, (pi) Gallery June 1973
- * “Hamlet” in the House of Lords, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1877
- * Hamlet’s Mission: An Interview with Andrei Serba, (iv) Parabola Summer 2000 [Ref. Andrei Serba]
- * Hamlin Garland, (bg) McClure’s Magazine February 1894 [Ref. Hamlin Garland]
- * The Hammer and the Saw, (pm) The Golden Argosy October 13 1883
- * The Hammer-Headed Shark, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1877
- * The Hammer of Thor, (cs) Lion Annual 1969, 1968
- * Hammersley’s First Capture, (ss) The Boys’ Friend #382, October 3 1908
- * The Hammersmith Ghost, (ms) Flynn’s September 12 1925
- * Hammer That Shook the Earth, (ar) Look and Learn #45, November 24 1962
- * Hammer Time: Jaime Hammer, (pi) Penthouse November 2007
- * Hammett in Black Mask (1922-1930), (bi) The Black Mask Boys ed. William F. Nolan, Morrow, 1985 [Ref. Dashiell Hammett]
- * The Hammock, (pm) The Blue Magazine #3, September 1919
- * Hammocks, and All About Them, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper June 12 1880
- * Hammond Doesn’t Eat Hats!, (ar) Tit-Bits #2884, February 6 1937
- * The Hampden Murder, (vi) Chicago Ledger June 19 1909
- * Hampshire C.C.C., (ar) Boys’ Magazine July 15 1922
- * A Hampshire Hamlet, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine July 1888
- * Hampton Court Palace, (ia) The Ludgate Illustrated Magazine October 1895
- * The Hampton Mystery, (sl) Horner’s Pocket Library #333, October 27 1906
- * The Hand, (ar) (by T. E. D. Klein) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine May 1981
- * Handball, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper February 9 1884
- * A Handbook for the Apprentice Magician [Liavek], (ms) Liavek: Wizard’s Row ed. Will Shetterly & Emma Bull, Ace, 1987
- * The Handbook of the British Astronomical Association, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #57, May 15 1955
- * A Hand Camera for One Shilling, (ar) The Boys’ Friend #263 Jun 23, #264 Jun 30 1906
- * Handcuffs and Hacksaw, (ms) Best Detective Magazine August 1931
- * Handel, (ss) The Australian Woman’s Magazine and Domestic Journal March 1 1884
- * Handel and His Music, (ar) London Society #6, July 1862
- * The Handel Festival, (ar) Black & White #22, July 4 1891
- * Handel Festival, 1891, (ar) Black & White #20, June 20 1891
- * Handel’s Temple, (ms) The Sunday Strand October 1906
- * Handforth-Poultry Farmer [St. Frank’s], (ss) (by Maurice Nutbrown) The Boys’ Realm #97, February 5 1921
- * Handforth’s Pet! [St. Frank’s], (ss) (by R. T. Eves) The Boys’ Realm #46, February 14 1920
- * Handforth the Ventriloquist! [St. Frank’s], (ss) (by Edwy Searles Brooks) The Boys’ Realm #44, January 31 1920
- * A Handful of Chrysanthemums, (ar) The Ludgate November 1897
- * A Handful of Darkness, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #62, October 15 1955 [Ref. Philip K. Dick]
- * A Handful of Death, (pi) Man’s Illustrated February 1958
- * A Handful of Heroes, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #333, June 1 1968
- * Hand Grenades - An Emergency Weapon, (ar) Modern World July 13 1940
- * Hand Grinaids, (hu) Battle Stories #12 Aug, #13 Sep, #14 Oct, #16 Dec 1928, #17 Jan, #18 Feb, #19 Mar, #20 Apr, #21 May, #22 Jun 1929
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