The FictionMags Index
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Good Pieces of Colonial Furniture, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion September 1912
- * A Good Place to Start From, (ms) The Popular Magazine February 7 1925
- * “Good Poetry We Cannot Get”, (ar) The Ladies’ Home Journal January 1910
- * A Good Puzzle and Useful Tip, (ar) Chums March 25 1922
- * Good Reading, (cl) Wild West Weekly #1034, August 11 1922
- * Good Reading, (cl) Pluck and Luck #1315, August 15 1923
- * Good Reason for Joy, (pm) Sunset September 1904
- * A Good Record, (ms) Sky Riders #6, April 1929
- * Good Records of Convicts at Moundsville, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 25 1920
- * Good Resolutions Days, (ms) The Happy Mag. January 1939
- * Good Riddance, (??) Cloud-9 v1 #1, 1959
- * A Good Rule, (pm) The Golden Argosy January 26 1884
- * The Goods, (ms) Penthouse March 2007
- * Good Samaritan Is Robbed and Beaten, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 22 1922
- * The Goods Engine and Its Development, (ar) Chums April 10 1927
- * The Good Ship Shooting Star, (ss) All the Year Round March 10 1866
- * A Good Shot, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly October 30 1937
- * The Good Shot (A Short Tale in Short Words for Boys both Tall and Short), (vi) St. Nicholas June 1880
- * Good Society in Vienna, (ar) (by George Strachey) The Cornhill Magazine November 1866
- * The Goodspeed, Sarah Constant, and Discovery at the Capes of the Chesapeake, (il) Harper’s Monthly Magazine January 1901
- * Good Spirits, (cl) Penthouse Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct 2005
- * Good Sports in Near Misses, (pi) Escapade June 1962
- * Good Stories!, (cl) The Boys’ Friend #958, October 18 1919
- * Good Stories About the Great, (ar) The Scrap Book November 1908
- * Good Stories Calendar, (cl) Good Stories June 1934
- * Good Stories for Summer Reading, (rc) Woman’s Home Companion July 1909
- * Good Stories of William R. Travers, (ar) The Cosmopolitan September 1888
- * Good Stuff for February, (ms) Black Mask January 1938
- * Good Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of, (th) Snappy Stories and Pictures August 30 1927
- * Good-Taste Homes of Milwaukee Folks, (pi) The Ladies’ Home Journal July 1909
- * Good Teaching: Poor Performance, (ms) The Popular Magazine February 7 1920
- * The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, (cl) Crime Factory #1 Feb, #3 Aug 2001
- * Good Things for Your Holiday Parties, (ms) The Illustrated Detective Magazine December 1931
- * The Good Things of England, (ar) Harlequin Newsletter Magazine v2 #4, 1974
- * A Good Time Going!, (pm) (by Oliver Wendell Holmes) The Atlantic Monthly July 1858
- * Good Time in Billville, (pm) Atlanta Constitution
- * Good Times Ahead, (pm) Atlanta Constitution
- * Good Times for Boys and Girls, (ms) The Uplift March 1904
- * Good Times Make Us Tall, (ar) Tit-Bits #2866, October 3 1936
- * Good Weather for Crime, (ms) Flynn’s May 2 1925
- * Good Wife, (ts) Mystery October 1934
- * A Good Wife, (te) The Novel Magazine May 1929
- * The Good Wife, (pm)
- * Good Will to Men, (ar) Scribner’s Magazine December 1901
- * A Good Woman, (ss) (by Charlotte-Rose Caumont de la Force)
- * The Goodwood Ghost Story, (ar)
- * The Goodwood Ghost Story, (ss) (by Charles Dickens) All the Year Round December 1862
- * Good Words for Boys, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper November 1936
- * A Good Word to Take Out of One’s Vocabulary, (ar) The Argosy January 17 1891
- * Good Work Against Varmints, (ms) Western Story Magazine May 29 1926
- * Good Work by Young Organization, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 3 1919
- * Good Work Spells More Pay to Omaha Police, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 17 1919
- * The Good Wort: Beers and Ales, (ar) Escapade October 1956
- * Goody Gale, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1888
- * Goody Goody Girl, (ss) Paree v1 #3, 1940
- * Goofiness in the Sub, (ms) Speed Adventure Stories March 1943
- * Goofyads, (hu) America’s Humor February 1927
- * Goofy Garvin, (ss) Railroad Stories February 1932
- * Goofygrams, (hu) America’s Humor Summer 1926
- * The Goofy Professor [Tin Fish Tramps], (ss) The Buzzer #8, December 4 1937
- * The Googly Merchant, (ss) Boys’ Cinema Weekly July 3 1926
- * The Goojum and Co, (vi) My Magazine August 1915
- * Go On!!, (ms) John Bull Annual Summer 1929
- * The Goosander, (ar) Western Story Magazine October 13 1928
- * The Goose and the Gridiron: A Legend of Paul’s, (na) (by Richard Thomson) Tales of an Antiquary: Vol. II, Henry Colburn, 1828
- * Gooseberry Fool, (qz) Argosy (UK) October 1959
- * Goosefish Makes Excellent Food, (ms) Mystery Magazine #8, March 1 1918
- * Gooseflesh, (iv) The Lure of the Unknown by Algernon Blackwood, Swan River Press, 2022 [Ref. Algernon Blackwood]; first broadcast on the BBC Light Programme, January 31, 1948.
- * The Goose Game, (ms) Collins’ for Boys and Girls #14, February 1949
- * Goose Hunting on the Mississippi, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 10 1920
- * The Goose Necks, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly September 27 1941
- * Goose Stuffing, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 15 1924
- * The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg, (ar) Golden Nugget v1 #6, 1966
- * The Gordon Anniversary, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper March 10 1888
- * Gordon Cooper, (bg) The Passing Show November 27 1937
- * Gordon Dickson, (ob) Minneapolis Star Tribune February 2 2001 [Ref. Gordon Dickson]
- * Gordon Johnstone—Waitin’, (pm) All-Story Weekly April 12 1919
- * Gordon R. Dickson Bibliography, (bi) Gordon R. Dickson’s SF Best by Gordon R. Dickson, Dell, 1978
- * The Gordon Rubies, (ss) The Wave November 3 1894
- * The Gordon Stockade Party, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine April 13 1935
- * The Gored Hunstman, (ss) The Keepsake
- * The Gorge of the Tunkini, Peru, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1880
- * Gorgeous Gamine, (pi) Rogue June 1964
- * Gorgeous Guide, (ms) Rangeland Romances January 1951
- * Gorgo the Crown Prince of the Monsters!: A Bare•Bones Photo Gallery, (pi) Bare•Bones #4, Fall 2020
- * The Gorilla, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper May 21 1887
- * Gorilla and Leopard, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper November 20 1886
- * Gorilla and Lion Fight, (ts) Stories, a Weekly Journal #1, November 6 1897
- * The Gorilla Army, (ss) Chums June 17 1908
- * The Gorilla at Home, (ar) Beadle’s Monthly #1, January 1866
- * The Gorilla Man [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #332, 1932
- * “Gorilla Man” Caught and Punished, (ms) Clues 2nd April 1928
- * The Gorilla-Man of the Gindi [World’s Policemen], (ss) The Triumph October 21 1933
- * The Gorilla’s Prey! [Nick Starr], (ss) The Surprise #79, September 2 1933
- * Gory, Gory Hallelujah, (vi) Scary Book ed. Stephanie Calmenson & Joanna Cole, Morrow, 1991
- * Gosling, (ms) The Magnet Library October 13 1917
- * Gosling, Mrs. Mimble, Trotter, (ms) The Magnet Library December 14 1912
- * The Gospel According to Keith and Jane: Downliners Sect: The Early Years, (iv) Lighthouse Magazine #6, 2006 [Ref. Keith Grant Evans]
- * The Gospel of St. Luke in Its Relation to St. Paul, (ar) Dublin University Magazine January 1869
- * The Gospel of St. Mark in Its Relation to St. Peter and St. Luke, (ar) Dublin University Magazine February 1869
- * Gossamer Girl, (pi) Mayfair v2 #4, 1967
- * Gossamer Girl No. 1, (pi) Mayfair v2 #3, 1967
- * Goss and Sons, (ss) Cassell’s Family Magazine May 1886
- * Gossip, (pm)
- * A Gossip About Curling, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1881
- * A Gossip About Garments in Our Ballad Literature, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1886
- * A Gossip About Madeira: The Desertas and Teneriffe, (ar) (by Francis Hastings Doyle) The Cornhill Magazine September 1880
- * Gossip About Turquoises, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1882
- * Gossip for the Holidays, (ar) London Society September 1864
- * Gossip from Filmland, (cl) Peg’s Paper #997 Jun 25 1938, #1042 May 6 1939
- * Gossip from New York, (cl) Colour Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul 1916, Feb 1918
- * Gossip Glimpses, (ms) Romantic Movie Stories #26, June 1936
- * Gossip in Filmland, (cl) Peg’s Paper #926, February 13 1937
- * Gossiping, (pm) The Golden Argosy March 1 1884
- * The Gossip of History, (ar) (by Eustace Clare Grenville Murray) The Cornhill Magazine March 1877
- * Gossip of Stars and Studios, (ms) Short Story Magazine (Australia) #48 Jul, #50 Sep 1948
- * Gossip of the Great, (ms) The Popular Magazine Jul 7 1924, Jan 7, May 7 1925
- * Gossip of the Hour, (cl) The Tatler July 3 1901
- * A Gossip on Eating, (ar) (by T. Healey) Dublin University Magazine October 1861
- * A Gossip on our Rosalinds, (ar) (by John Doran) The Cornhill Magazine October 1867
- * A Gossip on Royal Christenings, (ar) (by John Doran) The Cornhill Magazine April 1864
- * Gossip Started It All, (ts) True Story Magazine #127, June 1933
- * Gossip with Readers, (cl) Woman’s Home Companion August 1900
- * Gotch’s Start, (ms) Sport Story Magazine 1st February 1931
- * Got Even for Once, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 2 1932
- * Got Fine He Asked For, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 16 1920
- * Got Fourteen Thousand Dollars in Prison Forgeries, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 29 1921
- * The Gothic Tarot: Joseph Vargo’s Latest Creation, (ar) Dark Realms #8, Fall 2002
- * “Go Thou and Do Likewise”, (ss) The Lady’s Realm September 1907
- * Goth Speak: The Colorful Vocabulary of Gloomcookie from Serena Valentino, (ar) Dark Realms #8, Fall 2002
- * Go to Blazers, (ms) Rogue July 1961
- * “Go to It” Brigade, (ar) Modern World July 3 1940
- * Go to the Ant, (ar) (by Grant Allen) The Cornhill Magazine January 1885
- * Go to the Tropics for Your Warm-Weather Diet, (ms) Mystery July 1933
- * Go to Work on an Ego, (es) Mayfair v3 #8, 1968
- * Gotrek and Felix Gazetteer, (ms) Gotrek & Felix: The Fourth Omnibus by Nathan Long, Black Library, 2013
- * A Gotrek & Felix Gazetteer, (ms)
- * Gottfried’s Success, (ss) (by Ruth Dana) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1872
- * Got You There!, (ar) Chums October 18 1925
- * The Gould Children, (ar) Metropolitan Magazine April 1895
- * Gounod’s “Faust”—Some Famous Marguerites, (ar) The Strand Magazine (US) July 1910
- * The Gourd and the Palm: a Persian Fable, (pm) The Golden Argosy July 24 1886
- * The Gourd Comes Into Its Own, (ms) Western Story Magazine February 9 1929
- * The Gourmand Is an Ancient Animal, (ms) The Popular Magazine May 7 1927
- * Gourmet, (hu) Caper March 1958
- * Gouverneur Morris and the French Revolution, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1889
- * Gouverneur Morris and the Short Story, (ed) Cosmopolitan January 1916
- * Governance, (si) Intergalactic Empires ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Signet, 1983
- * The Governess, (ss)
- * Governess Failed as Detective, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 11 1921
- * The Governess’s Dream, (vi) (by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu) All the Year Round April 23 1870
- The Purcell Papers (var. 1) by J. Sheridan Le Fanu, Arkham House, 1975, as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu
- The Mr. Justice Harbottle and Others by J. Sheridan Le Fanu, Ash-Tree Press, 2003, as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu
- Carmilla, Green Tea & Other Horrors by J. Sheridan Le Fanu, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2016, as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu
- The Gothic Tales of Sheridan Le Fanu by Sheridan Le Fanu, British Library Publishing, 2020, as by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
- * Government Agents “Shovers of the Queer”, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 18 1919
- * A Governmental Function, (ms) The Popular Magazine December 1 1913
- * Government Antelope, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine July 16 1932
- * Government Beavers Build Dam, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly May 13 1939
- * Government Building, (ar) The Clever Magazine August 23 1902
- * Government by Minority: Evils of Our Electoral System, (ms) John o’ London’s Weekly March 10 1923
- * Government. By Robbery, Perjury, Torture, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) October 1920
- * Government Checks, (ar) Crime Busters February 1939
- * Government Meals, 75 Cents, (ms) The Railroad Man’s Magazine July 1910
- * The Government of English Cities, (ed) The Century Magazine June 1895
- * Government Offers Buffalo Trophies, (ms) Western Story Magazine November 21 1925
- * The Government of Golf: The Answer, (ar) (by P. A. Vaile) Fry’s: The Outdoor Magazine October 1911
- * The Government of Golf: The Disease and the Remedy, (ar) (by P. A. Vaile) Fry’s: The Outdoor Magazine August 1911
- * Government Sleuth Retires, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 9 1926
- * The Government Speaks for the Horse, (ms) Western Story Magazine June 21 1924
- * Government Study Confirms Science Fiction Is a Cause of Cancer, (fa) (by Charles Platt) New Worlds #214, Winter 1978
- * Government Takes Steps to Preserve Nature, (ms) Western Story Magazine June 30 1923
- * Governor Denies Pardon to His Son, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 19 1925
- * The Governor-General of Canada and the Countess of Minto, (ar) The Lady’s Realm April 1901
- * The Governor-Generalship, (ed) Maclean’s April 1 1940
- * Governor Hughes’ Policy of Water Conservation, (ar) McClure’s Magazine April 1910
- * Governor of Ohio Against Death Penalty, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 13 1922
- * Governor Smith’s Sentence Plan, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 5 1928
- * Governors of Massachusetts, (ar) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine April 1858
- * Governor Spotswood’s Expedition to the Blue Ridge, (il) Harper’s Monthly Magazine May 1901
- * Go Wash!, (pi) Nugget October 1956
- * The Gowerleighs’ Governess, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1881
- * Go Western, Young Man, (ar) Calling All Boys #10, March 1947
- * Go Westly, Young Man, (pi) Spree v1 #4, 1958
- * Go with Jinky to the Circus, (ms) Pearson’s Weekly #2162, January 2 1932
- * Gown and Town Rows at Oxford and Their Historical Significance, (ar) Dublin University Magazine April 1868
- * The Gown Goes to Town, (ms) Collier’s May 15 1943
- * Gowning a Lady on $75 Per Annum, (ms) The Golden Book Magazine #118, October 1934
- * Go Ye Therefore, and Teach All Nations…, (ar) The Bible Story #18, July 4 1964
- * “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations…”, (ar) The Bible Story #8, April 25 1964
- * The G.P.O. Automatic Telephone System, (ia) Modern Wonder October 30 1937
- * The G.P.O. Experiments, (ia) Modern Wonder February 25 1939
- * Grab Bag, (cl) Gay French Stories v1 #7, 193?
- * Grab Him by the Horn!, (ms) Action for Men March 1958
- * Grable Brings Back the Shimmy, (pi) Argosy November 1949 [Ref. Betty Grable]
- * Grab the Horns and Pray, (ar) Mayfair v4 #6, 1969
- * Grace, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1888
- * Grace and I, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine August 1862
- * Grace and I, (ss) (by Katherine F. Williams) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1861
- * Grace and Skill, (pi) Metropolitan Magazine January 1896
- * Grace from Disgrace, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #335, June 15 1968
- * Graceful and Formally Informal, the Smart Cinema Frock Now Takes the Fashion Spotlight, (ms) The Home Magazine December 1931
- * A Graceful Compliment, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1883
- * Grace George—Jessie Busley—Eleanor Robson—Ethel Barrymore, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) May 1904
- * Grace, Mr. G. F., (ob) The Boy’s Own Paper November 6 1880
- * A Grace of the Stage, (ar) Cosmopolitan March 1913 [Ref. Grace George]
- * The Graces, (pm) The Golden Argosy February 21 1885
- * Gracie Fields in Variety, (pi) The Bystander #1796, May 18 1938
- * Gracie Goes to Sea, (sl) Weekly Welcome #3149, January 16 1960
- * Gracieuse and Percinet, (ss) (by Marie-Catherine d’Aulnoy) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1878; translated from the French (Les Contes des Fées, 1697).
- * The Gracious “Baron” Lublinksy, (ms) Flynn’s October 24 1925
- * Grade Crossings Are Disappearing, (ms) The Railroad Man’s Magazine July 1910
- * The Graduate, (pi) Dapper April 1976
- * Graduating from Police College, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 12 1930
- * Graduation Day, (ed) Liberty May 31 1924
- * The Grafters Meet, (ar) The Thriller #311, January 19 1935
- * Graft Skin on Fingertips, (ms) Best Detective Magazine June 1934
- * Grag’s Pet, the Moon Pup, (vi) Startling Stories Winter 1946
- * Graham Oakley, Author and Illustrator Behind the Bestselling “Church Mice” Books, (ob) The Daily Telegraph January 31 2023 [Ref. Graham Oakley]
- * The Grailwriters Competition, (cn) Twisted Tongue #4 Nov 2006, #6 May 2007
- * Grains Send Roots Many Feet Into Earth, (ms)
- * The Gramercy Park Mystery, (ss)
- * A Grammarian’s Wedding, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine July 1907
- * Grammas in Rhyme, (pm) The Golden Argosy November 17 1883
- * A Grammatical Error, (pm) The Cavalier August 1910
- * Grammer, (ms) BIM December 1942
- * Gramophone Notes, (ms) Mandrake Oct 1947, v1 #6 1949
- * Gramophone Records, (ms) Pot-Pourri #1, August 1946
- * Gramophone Records, (rv) To-Day Mar, Jun 1921
- * The Grampus, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1879
- * The Granadan Girl’s Song, (pm) (by Harriet Elizabeth Prescott) The Atlantic Monthly June 1860
- * Grand £500 Daimler Competition, (cn) The Story-teller Aug, Sep 1912
- * The Grand Adventure, (n.) Illustrated Chips 1915
- * Grand and Glorious, (pi) Real Men August 1964
- * A Grand Business Man of the New School, (ss) (by Edwin Percy Whipple) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1876
- * The Grand Canon Park, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 16 1918
- * Grand Canyon, Arizona, (ar) Collier’s April 30 1949
- * Grand Canyon National Park, (ar) Pete Rice Magazine June 1935
- * The Grand Celestial Bed, (ss) Lilliput July 1946
- * The Grand Central Neighborhood Writers Group, (ms) BIGnews August 2002
- * Grand Central Snapshot, (ms) Collier’s February 9 1952
- * The Grand Central Wish List, (ms) BIGnews Jan/Feb, Mar 2003
- * The Grandchildren of Charles Dickens Who Will Benefit by the Centenary Fund, (ms) The Strand Magazine February 1912
- * Grand-Children of the Great: Musicians, (pi) The Windsor Magazine April 1896
- * Grand Conflagration at the Munro Plant in 1876, (ar) Dime Novel Round-Up #81, December 1938
- * Grand Designs: Inside the Hub, (pi) Torchwood: The Official Magazine Yearbook, Titan, 2008
- * The Grand Duchess of Gerolstein—in Several Acts of Bravery, and Many Scenes of Love and Warfare, Discovering the Science of Camping without, and Courting within, (ms) Beeton’s Christmas Annual #8, 1867
- * Grande Dame of Cozies, (iv) Suspense Magazine May 2012 [Ref. Nancy Atherton]
- * La Grande Marquise, (ar) (by Frances Eleanor Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine December 1869
- * The Grandeur of Charlie Carlin, (ms) The Popular Magazine November 15 1913
- * Grandfather, (ss) New-York Tribune September 7 1919
- * Grandfather: An Estonian Legend of Creation, (vi) World Youth May 1953
- * “Grandfather Confidence Man” Sentenced, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 3 1926
- * The Grandfather of All Hoptoads, (ms) Western Story Magazine January 12 1929
- * Grandfather of all the Locos!, (ia) The Modern Boy June 2 1934
- * Grandfather’s Christmas, (ms) Collier’s December 27 1952
- * Grandfather’s Picture-Books, (ar) The Strand Magazine August 1892
- * Grandfather’s Razors, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1898
- * Grandfather’s Story, (vi) St. Nicholas February 1874
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