The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11596
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Advice on Marriage, (ms) Weird Tales March 1924
- * Advice to a Lover, (pm)
- * Advice to Amanda, (pm) The Grand Magazine July 1907
- * Advice to a New Boy [Greyfriars], (ms) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1937, 1936
- * Advice to a Young Shot, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper November 1930
- * Advice to Check Users, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 6 1925
- * Advice to Coming Humorous Artists, (ms) The Grand Magazine February 1917
- * Advice to Householders, by a Detective Agency, (ms)
- * Advice to Neofen, (ms) Zenith #6, June 1953
- * Advice to New Boys, (pm) (by G. R. Samways) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1934, 1933
- * Advice to Sweethearts, (cl) Sweetheart Stories #44 Jul 19, #48 Aug 23, #49 Aug 30, #50 Sep 6, #60 Nov 15 1927, #235 Nov 1935
- * Advice to the Bride, (cl) Love Fiction Monthly September 1942
- * Advice to the Editor from J.C.T. Jennings, (hu) Puffin Post v1 #1, 1967
- * Advice to the Lovecraft-Lorn, (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #19, Candlemas, #22, Roodmas 1984
- * Advice to the Love-Worn, (ms) Jem August 1958
- * Advice to the Loveworn, (??) Cloud-9 v1 #3, 1960
- * Advice to Youth, (pm) Paris Nights August 1938
- * Adviser to the Victorians, (ar) Britannia and Eve January 1948 [Ref. Mary Haweis]
- * Advisory Board, (ms) British Fantasy Society Bulletin #4, November 2 1942
- * Advisory Board Report No. 5, (ms) British Fantasy Society Bulletin #10, August 14 1943
- * Advocate Five-Sixths Jury Verdicts, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 18 1926
- * Advocate Nation-wide Baumes Laws, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 30 1927
- * Advocates “Public Legal Clinic”, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 14 1922
- * Advocates That Prisoners Be Paid for Their Labor, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 15 1922
- * Advocates Use of Prisons as Workshops, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 10 1923
- * Advocating for Child Victims of Violence and War: A Talk with Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy, (iv) Catamaran Fall 2007 [Ref. Radhika Coomaraswamy]
- * Advocrit:
* ___ But Bring Us Good Ale…and Leave Women Out of It, (cl) Mayfair v3 #4, 1968
* ___ Follow the Leader—If He’s Loud Enough, (cl) Mayfair v3 #8, 1968
* ___ How to Castrate a Power-Mad Fiend, (cl) Mayfair v3 #2, 1968
* ___ “If a Garage Estimated Repairs Would Cost You £80 and the Bill Came to £3,000—How Would You Feel?”, (cl) Mayfair v2 #12, 1967
* ___ In for Politics, In for a Pound, (cl) Mayfair v3 #7, 1968
* ___ The Mad Robot Moves In, (cl) Mayfair v3 #3, 1968
* ___ Not Worth a Light, (cl) Mayfair v3 #1, 1968
* ___ The Poisoned Wells of Truth, (cl) Mayfair v3 #6, 1968
* ___ Raise High the Hemlines, Dollies, (cl) Mayfair v3 #9, 1968
- * A.E.G.-C-4, (ar) War Birds #79, October 1934
- * Aeolian Harps, and How to Make Them, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper December 8 1883
- * A&E Online:, (ms) The Cozy Detective Mystery Magazine Summer 1998
- * Aërial Advertising, (ms) Air Trails April 1929
- * Aerial Bombardment from Space, (ar) Modern Wonders December 9 1939
- * Aerial Cross Roads of the World, (pi) Flying Aces February 1944
- * The Aerial Detective, (ss) Boys’ Magazine October 23 1926
- * Aerial Evacuation, (pi) Flying Aces January 1944
- * Aerial Fighters, (ms) Sky Riders #8, June 1929
- * Aërial League of the British Empire, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper April 17 1909
- * Aerial Mail Service Coming, (ms) TipTop Semi-Monthly June 10 1915
- * Aerial Mails for Denmark, (ms) Mystery Magazine #18, August 1 1918
- * Aerial Mapping in Canada, (ms) North•West Stories 2nd March 1927
- * Aerial Navigation, (ia) Modern Wonder October 14 1939
- * Aerial Navigation, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper February 1 1879
- * Aërial Refueling Explained, (ms) Air Trails April 1929
- * Aerial Rings, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper January 10 1885
- * Aerial Ropeways, (pi) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #299, October 7 1967
- * Aerial Ropeway Transport, (ia) Modern Wonder March 18 1939
- * The Aerial Trail [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #48, 1921
- * Aerial Warfare’s Beautiful Realm, (pi) The Strand Magazine October 1941
- * Aero Album, (cl) Air Trails Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct 1939
- * Aerobatics and How They Are Performed, (ia) Modern Wonder February 26 1938
- * Aerobatics to Air Victories, (ar) Modern World October 19 1940
- * Aero Book Review, (br) Flying Aces Jul, Dec 1938, May 1939
- * Aero Book Reviews, (rc) Flying Aces Jan 1939, Jun, Jul, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1940, Jan 1942
- * Aëro Clubs, (ms) Air Trails December 1928
- * Aero Lens, (pi) Flying Aces May 1940
- * Aerolites, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1887
- * Aeronautical Almanac, (cl) Flying Aces February 1945
- * Aeronautical Brain Teaser, (pz) Sky Fighters November 1937
- * Aeronautical Cavemen, (ms) Flying Aces April 1945
- * An Aeronaut of Washington’s Time, (ms) Mystery Magazine #30, February 1 1919
- * Aeronca L-3B Liaison, (ms) Flying Aces September 1942
- * The Aeroplane, (ar) Britannia and Eve May 1939
- * An Aeroplane Adventure, (vi) Pearson’s Magazine September 1915
- * Aeroplane Beats Trains, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine September 1911
- * The Aeroplane in Flight, (cl) The Captain #228, March 1918
- * The Aeroplane in War, (ar) Cassell’s Saturday Journal September 14 1912
- * Aeroplane Made of Plastics, (ar) Modern World July 13 1940
- * The “Aeroplane” Review of Helicopter Development, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #64, December 15 1955
- * Aeroplanes and Airships, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper June 1916
- * Aeroplane Sheep-Herder, (ms)
- * Aeroplanes in the Making, (ar) The Royal Magazine February 1909
- * The Aeroplane Spy [Clive Derring], (ss) (by Edwy Searles Brooks) Cheer Boys Cheer #12, August 10 1912
- * Aero Program for Readers, (ms) Flying Aces May 1937
- * Aero Quiz, (qz) Flying Aces Dec 1944, Jan, Feb, Apr 1945, #1 1970
- * Aerostatics in France, (ar) (by Eustace Clare Grenville Murray) The Cornhill Magazine March 1873
- * “Aerovision” - Wartime Television, (ia) Modern Wonders December 23 1939
- * Aesthetic Nuptials [Queer Stories], (ss) (by Eustace Clare Grenville Murray ,[?]) Truth October 17 1878
- * Aesthetics and Aestheticians, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1881
- * The Aesthetic Young Lady, (pm) The Golden Argosy October 25 1884
- * Æstivation, (pm) (by Oliver Wendell Holmes) The Atlantic Monthly September 1858
- * A. E. Stoddart, (iv) Chums October 19 1892 [Ref. A. E. Stoddart]
- * L’Affair, (pi) Pix v1 #3, 1963
- * The Affair at the Swimming Pool, (cn) Black Mask October 1935
- * An Affair of Honor, (ss) (by Horatio Alger, Jr.) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1858
- * An Affair of Honour, (ss) The Australian Journal September 23 1865
- * An Affair of the Area, (ss) The Clever Magazine #14, November 15 1902
- * The Affair of the Argosy Patent [Sexton Blake], (ss) (by Cecil Hayter) Penny Pictorial #451, January 18 1908
- * The Affair of the Atlantic Mail Robbery [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by R. C. Armour) The Sexton Blake Library #176, January 1929
- * The Affair of the Blackfriars Financier [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by Leonard Harold Brooks) The Sexton Blake Library #131, 1920
- * The Affair of the Country Club [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by H. H. Clifford Gibbons) The Sexton Blake Library #351, 1924
- * The Affair of the Crook Explorer [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by R. C. Armour) The Sexton Blake Library #156, July 1928
- * The Affair of the Cross Roads [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by H. H. Clifford Gibbons) The Sexton Blake Library #29, 1925
- * The Affair of the Demobilised Soldier [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by William J. Bayfield) The Sexton Blake Library #94, 1919
- * The Affair of the Diamond Star [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by H. H. Clifford Gibbons) The Sexton Blake Library #22, 1925
- * The Affair of the Duplicate Door [Nelson Lee], (na) (by Edwy Searles Brooks) The Nelson Lee Library #110, July 14 1917
- * The Affair of the Family Diamonds [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by William J. Bayfield) The Sexton Blake Library #170, 1921
- * The Affair of the French Spy, (pz) The Thriller #9, April 6 1929
- * The Affair of the Half-Built House, (ss) The Bullseye #168, April 7 1934
- * Affair of the Heart, (pi) Affair v8 #2, 1971
- * An Affair of the Heart, (ts) Real Love Magazine 2nd January 1931
- * The Affair of the Hundred Rouble Notes [John Pym], (ss) (by David Christie Murray) The Woman at Home August 1894
- * The Affair of the Jealous Groom, (cn) Black Mask November 1935
- * The Affair of the Kidnapped Crook [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by H. H. Clifford Gibbons) The Sexton Blake Library #81, January 1927
- * The Affair of the Missing Witness [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by William Murray Graydon) The Sexton Blake Library #62, 1926
- * The Affair of the Nabob’s Jewels [Nelson Lee], (na) (by Edwy Searles Brooks) The Nelson Lee Library #76, November 18 1916
- * The Affair of the Oriental Doctor [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by Jack Lewis) The Sexton Blake Library #127, 1920
- * The Affair of the Phantom Car [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by Edgar Joyce Murray) The Sexton Blake Library #10, 1925
- * The Affair of the Rival Cinema Kings [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by Walter Shute) The Sexton Blake Library #168, November 1928
- * The Affair of the Seven Mummy Cases [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by William J. Bayfield) The Sexton Blake Library #270, 1923
- * The Affair of the Seven Warnings [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by George Norman Philips) The Sexton Blake Library #44, 1926
- * The Affair of the Three Gunmen [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by William Murray Graydon) The Sexton Blake Library #313, 1923
- * The Affair of the Trade Rivals [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by R. C. Armour) The Sexton Blake Library #68, 1926
- * The Affair of the World’s Champion [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by Jack Lewis) The Sexton Blake Library #115, 1920
- * An Affair on a Tombstone, (ss) (by Katherine G. Ware) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1871
- * Affairs at Constantinople, (ar) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine #803, September 1882
- * The Affairs of Aphrodite, (ar) Rex #30, 1972
- * Affairs of State:
* ___ The Mealy-Mouthed Campaign, (cl) The Saturday Evening Post November 19 1966
- * The Affairs of Susan, (sa) Screen Romances #193, June 1945
- * Affairs Theatrical, (ar) New England Magazine October 1914
- * Affected His Memory, (ms) The Popular Magazine January 20 1925
- * An Affecting Story of Rowland Hill, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper December 1 1888
- * An Affectionate Son, (ss) (by Robert Shindler) The Cornhill Magazine November 1895
- * Affections of Home, (ms) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1876
- * Affinity, (pm) Cassell’s Magazine July 16 1870
- * An Affray with Wolves, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1880
- * An Affront Avenged, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1882
- * Afghan Beast Fables, (ar) The Strand Magazine February 1904
- * Afghanistan, England’s New Antagonist, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1878
- * Afghanistan: The Buffer State, (ar) Chambers’s Journal May 2 1908
- * Afghan Misras, (pm)
- * An Afghan Robber, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper January 18 1879
- * The Afghan War: Passages from the Note-book of a Staff-Officer, (bg) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine #773 Mar, #774 Apr 1880
- * The A.F. of L. Convention, (ar) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine January 1901
- * Afoot, (ar) (by Charles Edwardes) The Cornhill Magazine November 1891
- * Afoot, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine
- * Afraid of Love, (ts) Lovers Confessions January 1934
- * Afraid of the Fire, (ms) The Popular Magazine December 23 1914
- * Afraid to Be Loved, (ss) All-Story Love October 1942
- * Afraid to Be Loved, (ts) “I Confess” August 21 1925
- * Afraid to Go Home in the Dark, (ms) Ginger Stories November 1928
- * Afraid to Live, (ts) Street & Smith’s Real Love Magazine September 1931
- * Afraid to Love Him, (ts) True Marriage Stories October 1927
- * African Adventures, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1876
- * An African Battle, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1879
- * An African Belle, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1877
- * The African Blacksmith, (ms)
- * The African Bowl Cult, (ms) Best Detective Magazine Jan 1930, Mar 1931
- * An African Boy King, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper November 8 1902
- * African Brides Must Be Plump, (ms) Weird Tales March 1923
- * African Crafts, (ar) Daktari Annual 1969, World Distributors, 1969
- * An African Fairhaven, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science October 1876
- * An African Fish Story, (cs) Nash’s Magazine January 1912
- * African Gold [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by William Murray Graydon) The Sexton Blake Library #130, 1920
- * An African Hareem, (ar) (by Henry Rowley) The Cornhill Magazine June 1871
- * The African Lion, (ar) The Young Englishman April 22 1876
- * African Marriage Ceremony, (ms)
- * African Pygmies, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1889
- * The African Rivers and Hippopotami, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1888
- * Africans at Ascot, (ar) Black & White #20, June 20 1891
- * African Sonderklasse Racers Win, (ar) The Outing Magazine November 1909
- * An African Story with a Moral, (cs) The Boy’s Own Paper February 7 1880
- * Africa’s Greatest Legend, (pi) Argosy January 1970
- * Africa’s Old Cliff Dwellers, (ms) Mystery Magazine #104, March 1 1922
- * Africa’s Snowcapped Giant, (ar) Look and Learn #12, April 7 1962
- * Africa Today, (ar) Daktari Annual 1968, World Distributors, 1968
- * Africa Unbenefited by World War, (ar) The Half-Century Magazine September 1919
- * The Afrika Korps Died at Faid Pass, (ts) True Battles of World War II May 1965
- * After, (pm) The Golden Argosy October 9 1886
- * After a Clew, (ss)
- * After a “Happy Ending”, (ms) The Popular Magazine June 20 1926
- * After All, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1889
- * After All, (pm) The Story-teller July 1907
- * After All: A Love Episode, (ss) Cassell’s Saturday Journal January 28 1888
- * After Alligators, (ss) The Argosy February 1897
- * After a Man-Eater, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1885
- * After an Autumn Rain, (pm) The Golden Argosy November 10 1888
- * After an Indian Raid, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly September 10 1938
- * After an Oyster Supper at the Seaside, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper Summer 1895
- * After a Sleep of Twenty Years, (ar) The Young Englishman’s Journal July 13 1867, as "Peter Klaus, the Goatherd"
- * After Autumn, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine January 1888
- * The After Care Association, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 1 1918
- * After-Coolers and Retainers, (ar) Railroad Magazine February 1944
- * After Dark, (pm) (by Will Wallace Harney) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1878
- * After Dark!, (ss) The Bullseye #120, May 6 1933
- * After Dark:
* ___ A Battle in the Sky!, (ss) The Bullseye #124, June 3 1933
* ___ The Bell of Yu Shan!, (ss) The Bullseye #126, June 17 1933
* ___ The Black Dwarf!, (ss) The Bullseye #123, May 27 1933
* ___ The Eerie Men!, (ss) The Bullseye #115, April 1 1933
* ___ False Evidence!, (ss) The Bullseye #117, April 15 1933
* ___ Flaming Gold!, (ss) The Bullseye #145, October 28 1933
* ___ The Hatton Garden Mystery!, (ss) The Bullseye #157, January 20 1934
* ___ The Man Who Watched by Night, (ss) The Bullseye #118, April 22 1933
* ___ The Secret of the Empty House!, (ss) The Bullseye #151, December 9 1933
* ___ The Silent Alarm!, (ss) The Bullseye #139, September 16 1933
* ___ The Stolen Professor, (ss) The Bullseye #121, May 13 1933
* ___ The Three Gunmen, (ss) The Bullseye #105, January 21 1933
* ___ Thrill to the Man who Vanished!, (ss) The Bullseye #119, April 29 1933
* ___ The Yellow Eye!, (ss) The Bullseye #122, May 20 1933
- * After Death, (pm) The Golden Argosy April 9 1887
- * After Dessert, (cl) Massey’s Magazine December 1896
- * After Dinner, (ar) (by Richard Doyle) The Cornhill Magazine March 1862
- * After Dinner Jokes, (hu) Mayfair v22 #1, v22 #2 1987
- * After Dinner Stories, (ms) The Novel Magazine May, Jun, Jul, Aug 1929
- * After-Dinner Stories, (hu) Mayfair v22 #12, 1987
- * After-Dinner Stories, (ms) The Novel Magazine Aug, Sep, Dec 1924, Jan, Mar, Apr, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov,
Dec 1925
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1926
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Nov, Dec 1927
Feb, Mar, Jun, Jul, Sep, Nov 1928, Jan, Oct, Nov, Dec 1929, Jan, Feb 1930
Jan, Feb, Mar 1931
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