The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11522
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[The Editor(s)] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Undoing 1787, (ed) Collier’s May 6 1939
- * The Uneasy Chair, (ed) The Armchair Detective Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct 1977, Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct 1978, Jan, Spr, Sum,
Fll 1979
Wtr, Spr 1980
- * Unemployment—a Serious Problem, (ed) Liberty August 22 1931
- * Unemployment Is Out of Date, (ed) John Bull March 30 1946
- * Unenforced and Unenforcable, (ed) Collier’s February 15 1930
- * The Unexpected in Crime, (ed) Clues 1st December 1928
- * Unfair Blame, (ed) John Bull January 29 1955
- * Unheeded History, (ed) Liberty March 14 1925
- * Uniform of the Valiant, (ed) Rangeland Romances September 1943
- * A Union Goes Too Far, (ed) Collier’s May 17 1941
- * United and Victorious, (ed) The American Legion Magazine December 1941
- * A United People, (ed) Collier’s January 17 1942
- * United We Stand, (ed) Fighting Aces September 1940
- * United We Stand, (ed) Collier’s October 17 1942
- * Universe in Books, (rc) Fantastic Universe Jun/Jul, Aug/Sep, Oct/Nov 1953
- * The Universities, 1. Cambridge Compared, (ar) Lilliput May 1960
- * Universities Need Money, (ed) The Australian Women’s Weekly November 12 1949
- * “UNKNOWN”, (ms) Unknown March 1939
- * Unknown Book, (ed) John Bull June 11 1955
- * Unknown Hero, (ed) Ace-High Western Stories August 1940
- * Unknown Soldiers, (ed) Short Stories October 10 1932
- * Unmarked Graves Blaze the Trails, (ed) Star Western December 1937
- * The Unnecesary Defense of Our Genre, (ed) Shroud #8, Winter 2010
- * The Unsung Heroine, (ed) Rangeland Romances May 1941
- * The Untamed, (ed) Ace-High Western Magazine December 1936
- * “Until Death Us Do Part” (with Maude Crawford, Margaret Dudhope, Lilac Storrar Lawson & Agnes E. Melville), (nv) The People’s Penny Stories #66, August 2 1907
- * An Untouchable Touches; An Unspeakable Speaks, (ed) Liberty December 20 1930
- * Unusual Opportunity, (ms) Different September/October 1950
- * The Unwanted, (ed) John Bull July 2 1955
- * Unwanted Pets, (ed) John Bull January 8 1955
- * The Unwanted War, (ed) Collier’s October 27 1951
- * Updata, (cl) TWA Ambassador October 1976
- * The Up Grade, (ed) Liberty August 1 1925
- * The Uproar Hosue, (ed) Collier’s August 16 1930
- * Ups, Downs, and Loop-de-Loops, (ed) Abyss & Apex #12, November/December 2004
- * Up the Flue, (ed) John Bull February 7 1953
- * “Up the Line”, (ar) The London Magazine December 1917
- * U.S.A. and U.S.S.R., (ed) Collier’s April 3 1943
- * The U.S.A. Is Ours, (ed) Liberty October 3 1942
- * U.S.E., (ed) Collier’s December 27 1941
- * The Uses of Solitude, (ed) Liberty May 31 1930
- * U.S. Naval Policy, (ed) Liberty February 25 1928
- * Us—Target, (ed) Dime Detective Magazine July 1937
- * Vacation Romance, (ed) Thrilling Love July 1934
- * Vacations Help Win the War!, (ed) Liberty June 20 1942
- * Valentine’s Day, (ed) Cassell’s Magazine February 5 1870
- * The Valiant, (ed) Ace-High Western Magazine January 1937
- * Valor and Discipline, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd March 1931
- * The Value of Luxury, (ed) Liberty September 3 1927
- * Values, (ed) Short Stories June 25 1926
- * Vanity, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 1st September 1930
- * Variety Is the Spice of Life, (ed) Dime Mystery Magazine July 1940
- * Variety—The Watchword, (ed) 10 Story Western Magazine June 1941
- * Venus Versus Sex, (ed) Sex Stories March 1927
- * Verdict of Two, (rc) True Crime Detective Wtr, Spr, Fll 1953
- * Vexed by Pestience, (ed) The New York Review of Science Fiction May 2020
- * A Vice-President at School, (ed)
- * Victory without Hate, (ed) Collier’s September 27 1941
- * Viewing Ahead, (ed) John Bull September 26 1953
- * The Vigilantes, (cl) Western Round-Up July 1934
- * The Virtues of Fiction, (ed) The Blue Book Magazine August 1928
- * Virtuous Reality (with Anne M. Stickel), (ss) Black Petals (online) #75, Spring 2016
- * Vision, (ed) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine January 1932
- * The Visions of Napoleon, (ss) Chapman’s Magazine July 1896
- * A Visit to the Brownings at Casa Guidi, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine January 1924 [Ref. Robert & Elizabeth Browning]
- * Von Kunits and Toronto Symphony, (ms) Maclean’s December 15 1940
- * Vote, (ed) Maclean’s March 15 1940
- * Vote as You Think, (ed) Collier’s November 8 1930
- * Vote-Getting Lawmakers—One of Our Greatest Evils, (ed) Liberty July 11 1931
- * “Voting by Machinery”, (ms) The Century Magazine July 1894
- * A Voyage of Discovery, (ed) Amaranth #1, September/October 1990
- * The Waco 225 Straight-Wing, (ar) Wings April 1930
- * The Wage-Earner’s Interest in Improved Housing, (ed) The Century Magazine September 1896
- * Wages and the Depression, (ed) Liberty April 15 1933
- * The Wages Problem, (ed) John Bull July 12 1952
- * The Wagons Must Roll!, (ed) 10 Story Western Magazine September 1940
- * The Wagons Roll West, (ed) Western Short Stories June 1952
- * Waiting for Vetter, (ed)
- * “Wake Up, England!”, (ed) Pearson’s Magazine January 1912
- * Wake Up the Tariff Dodoes, (ed) Collier’s August 24 1929
- * Walking on Live Coals, (ed) Smart Set June 1926
- * A Walk in the Words, (ed) Pulp Literature #33, Winter 2022
- * The Wallace Collection, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine July 1909
- * Walter P. Chrysler, (ed) Maclean’s September 15 1940
- * Wanderlust, (ed)
- * Wanted, (ms) Ghosts & Scholars #42, 2022
- * Wanted: A Code of Behaviour for Our Nation Parks, (ed) John Bull July 1 1950
- * Wanted—A Statesman of Transportation, (ed) Liberty September 17 1927
- * Wanted—A Strong Pull and a Pull Altogether, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper March 23 1889
- * Wanted: A War Cabinet, (ed) Metropolitan September 1917
- * Wanted by the FBI, (ed) Ace G-Man Stories (Canada) September 1943
- * Wanted - Team Work, (ed) McClure’s Magazine March 1918
- * Want to Be a Detective?, (ed) Black Mask May 1933
- * War, (ed) Nash’s Magazine September 1914
- * The War Against Death, (ed) Collier’s February 6 1943
- * War Against Highway Slaughter, (ed) Collier’s May 4 1946
- * War and Language, (ed) Liberty November 5 1927
- * War and War Books, (ed) Liberty August 3 1929
- * The War Blaze in Europe, (ar) National Magazine September 1914
- * War Clouds, (ed) Dare-Devil Aces October 1936
- * War Declared, (ed) Battle Birds June 1934
- * The War-God Laughs, (ed) Secret Service Operator #5 June/July 1936
- * “War Hath Its Victories No Less Renowned Than Peace”, (ed) Liberty July 16 1927
- * War Is Never Inevitable, (ed) Collier’s May 2 1936
- * War Is Not Inevitable, (ed) Collier’s May 4 1935
- * War Loses “It”, (ed) Collier’s December 14 1929
- * Warming the Bench, (ed) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st Nov, 2nd Nov, 1st Dec, 2nd Dec 1938, 1st Jan, 2nd Jan, 1st Feb, 2nd Feb, 1st Mar, 2nd Mar,
1st Apr, 2nd Apr, 1st May, 2nd May, 1st Jun, 2nd Jun, 1st Jul, 2nd Jul, 1st Aug, 2nd Aug, 1st Sep,
Oct, Nov, Dec 1939
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1940
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1941
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Nov 1942
- * A Warning and Some Authors, (ed) Liberty June 1 1929
- * Warning to Taxgatherers, (ed) Liberty August 30 1941
- * War on Colds, (ed) John Bull February 5 1955
- * A War on Crime!, (ed) This Week September 12 1937
- * The War on Kidnapers, (ed) Thrilling Detective October 1933
- * War on the Homefront, (ed)
- * War on the Pests, (ed) John Bull May 17 1952
- * War on Waiting, (ed) John Bull October 23 1954
- * The War Price of Lilliput, (ed) Lilliput January 1940
- * War Profiteering, (ed) The Nation May 12 2003
- * “War Profiteers Grab Millions…”, (ed) Liberty July 11 1942
- * War Scare, (ms) Double Detective June 1938
- * War-Smoke to the West, (ed) Big-Book Western Magazine June/July 1938
- * Wartime Prohibition Again?, (ed) Collier’s May 10 1941
- * War Wings, (ed) Fighting Aces March 1940
- * Was General Mitchell Right?, (ed) Liberty September 10 1927
- * Washington, (ed) Short Stories February 25 1925
- * Washington, (ed) Liberty February 27 1926
- * Washington Gag Man, (ed) Collier’s June 3 1939
- * Waste Land, (ed) John Bull November 22 1952
- * The Waste of Infant Life, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine January 1906
- * Watch for No. 131, (ed) Mystery Magazine #130, April 15 1923
- * Watch for No. 163, (ed) Mystery Magazine #162, August 15 1924
- * Watch for Our Next Number!, (ed) Mystery Magazine #152, March 15 1924
- * Watch for the Next Number, (ed) Mystery Magazine #134, June 15 1923
- * Watch for These Stories!, (ed) Mystery Magazine #167, November 1 1924
- * Watch That Zebra!, (ed) John Bull February 2 1952
- * Watch Your Fires, (ed) Short Stories April 25 1932
- * Watch Your Step, Adolf!, (ed) Liberty March 7 1942
- * Water Cargo, (ed) John Bull June 20 1953
- * Watteau, Antoine, 1684-1721, (ar) Lilliput November 1945
- * ’Way for a Cowboy, (ed) Dime Western Magazine February 1939
- * The Way of Freedom, (ed) Collier’s November 9 1929
- * Way Out of a Jam, (ed) John Bull August 14 1954
- * Way Out There, (ed) Galaxy Magazine December 1961
- * Way Station to Hell, (ed) 10 Story Western Magazine May 1939
- * The Way to Romance, (ed) Love Romances March 1930
- * A Way to Speed Up Recruiting, (ed) John Bull June 15 1946
- * Weak Links, (ed) John Bull February 20 1954
- * A Weak Spot in American Government, (ed) Liberty May 2 1925
- * We Almost Forgot to Mention, (ms) Spaceways #3, February 1939
- * We Apologize…, (ms) George Bruce’s Contact June 1934
- * We Are in a Civil War, (ed) Liberty July 19 1941
- * We Aren’t Going to Be Depressed Forever, (ed) Short Stories December 10 1932
- * We Are Still a Free People, (ed) Liberty January 17 1942
- * We Are Ten, (ed)
- * We Believe in Canada, (ed) Liberty December 3 1932
- * We Buy a Magazine!, (ed) Big-Book Western Magazine April/May 1936
- * We Can Fight “Inflation” Only if We Understand It, (ed) John Bull November 4 1950
- * “We Cannot Escape History”, (ar) Redbook Magazine August 1942
- * We Cannot Recede One Inch, (ed) Liberty July 5 1941
- * We Can Still Hope for a Christmas of Light, (ed) Liberty December 20 1941
- * We Can’t Live Alone, (ed) Collier’s November 15 1930
- * We Change Our Format, (ed) Liberty January 5 1929
- * We Dare Not Keep Them Waiting, (ed) Liberty January 24 1942
- * Weddin’ Suds, (ed) Short Stories August 25 1930
- * We Dedicate Loving Hearts, (ed) Loving Hearts May 1929
- * A Weekly Chat from Your Editress, (ed) Lady’s Companion #2229, August 31 1935
- * A Weekly for the Whole Family, (ed) Liberty April 24 1926
- * We Have Been Asked—, (ed) Star Western December 1935
- * We Have to Be Told, (ed) Collier’s August 31 1929
- * The Weight of a Nebula, (ed) Abyss & Apex #9, May/June 2004
- * Welcome, (ed) Authentic Science Fiction #17, January 15 1952
- * Welcome!, (ed) Rangeland Love Stories January 1933
- * Welcome, Friend!, (ed) John Bull May 16 1953
- * Welcome, Hopalong Cassidy!, (ed) Hopalong Cassidy’s Western Magazine Fall 1950
- * Welcome, Partner!, (ed) Big-Book Western Magazine January 1940
- * Welcome to British Columbia!, (ed) Pulp Literature #31, Summer 2021
- * Welcome to Danger!, (ed) 10 Story Western Magazine September 1939
- * Welcome to Fiction Magazine, (ed) Fiction Magazine #1, #2 Jun/Jul 2007
- * Welcome to Icarus 17, (ed) Icarus #17, Summer 2013
- * Welcome to Issue 10 of DreamForge Anvil, (ed) DreamForge Anvil #10, What We Give 2022
- * Welcome to Issue 11 of DreamForge Anvil, (ed) DreamForge Anvil #11, Solar Imaginings 2023
- * Welcome to Issue 12 of DreamForge Anvil, (ed) DreamForge Anvil #12, Sanctuaries 2023
- * Welcome to Issue 13 of DreamForge Anvil, (ed) DreamForge Anvil #13, Connections 2023
- * Welcome to Issue 14 of DreamForge Anvil, (ed) DreamForge Anvil #14, Liminal Encounters 2023
- * Welcome to Issue 15 of DreamForge Anvil, (ed) DreamForge Anvil #15, Worlds in Transition 2024
- * Welcome to Issue 16 of DreamForge Anvil, (ed) DreamForge Anvil #16, Worlds in Transition 2024
- * Welcome to Issue 17 of DreamForge Anvil, (ed) DreamForge Anvil #17, Unseen Ties and Invisible Reflections 2024
- * Welcome to Issue 18 of DreamForge Anvil, (ed) DreamForge Anvil #18, Solitary Journeys, Shared Souls 2024
- * Welcome to Issue 5, (ed) Swords and Sorcery Magazine #5, June 2012
- * Welcome to Issue 5 of DreamForge Anvil, (ed) DreamForge Anvil #5, Facing the Dark 2021
- * Welcome to Issue 6 of DreamForge Anvil, (ed) DreamForge Anvil #6, Dreams Without End 2021
- * Welcome to Issue 7 of DreamForge Anvil, (ed) DreamForge Anvil #7, The Meaning of Life 2022
- * Welcome to Issue 8 of DreamForge Anvil, (ed) DreamForge Anvil #8, Perception 2022
- * Welcome to Issue 9 of DreamForge Anvil, (ed) DreamForge Anvil #9, Out of Place 2022
- * Welcome to Myth-Told Tales, (ed) Myth-Told Tales (var. 1) by Robert Asprin & Jody Lynn Nye, Ace, 2007
- * Welcome to Our July 2018 Submission Period, (ed) Mysterion July 2 2018
- * Welcome, Top-Hand!, (ed) Star Western February 1938
- * Welcome to Swords & Sorcery Magazine, (ed) Swords and Sorcery Magazine #1, February 2012
- * Welcome to the New Amazing Stories, (in) Amazing Stories Summer 2012
- * We Lead, Others Follow, (ed) The Flapper August 1922
- * Well?, (ed) Everybody’s Magazine April 1916
- * We’ll Have an Anthem Today. The story of an old time musical leader, Dr. Luther Orlando Emerson, (ar) National Magazine July 1911
- * Well, Let’s Be Cheerful!, (ed) Liberty July 23 1932
- * Well—What About Rome?, (ed) Liberty January 10 1925
- * We Look Abroad, (ed) Collier’s February 21 1931
- * We Make Our Bow, (ed) The All-America Sports Magazine December 1933
- * We Must Protect the Farmer’s Friends, (ed) John Bull June 24 1950
- * We Need Their Business, (ed) Collier’s April 4 1931
- * We Observe an Anniversary, (ed) Liberty May 11 1929
- * We Present, (ed) Ace G-Man Stories May/June 1936
- * We Pull in Our Belt, (ar) New Western Magazine May 1943
- * We Put Our Heads Together, (ed) Collier’s January 18 1930
- * We’re Here to Fight, (ed) Smart Set October 1924
- * We’re Not Alone in the World, (ed) Collier’s August 2 1930
- * We’re Not Perfect Ourselves, (ed) Collier’s April 4 1942
- * Were They Just Dreams?, (lc) Pearson’s Magazine May 1920
- * Werewolves Howl at Your Door, (ed) Dime Detective Magazine August 1935
- * We Shall Not Be Coddled, (ed) Ladies’ Home Journal September 1927
- * The West Also Serves, (ed) Rangeland Romances March 1942
- * We Stand Above, (ed) The International December 1917
- * The West and the War, (ed) 10 Story Western Magazine August 1942
- * Western Frontiers, (ed) Romantic West Annual v1 #4, 1953
- * The Western Girl, (ed) Rangeland Romances January 1942
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