The FictionMags Index
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[]Wilson, Andrew J. (1963- ); used pseudonym A. J. Silvonius (about) (books) (chron.)
- * “—And They All Lived Together—”, (pm) Star*Line Winter 2021
- * At Last the Arcana Revealed, (ss) Fantasy Tales #4, Spring 1979, as by A. J. Silvonius
- * Beyond the Fields, (pm) Spectral Realms #12, Winter 2020
- * The Class of 666, (ss) H.P. Lovecraft’s Magazine of Horror #3, Fall 2006
- * crop-duster, (pm) A Sea of Alone ed. Christopher Conlon, Dark Scribe Press, 2011
- * Declare, (br) Interzone #229, July/August 2010 [Ref. Tim Powers]
- * Deep-Sixed Without a Depth Gauge, (ss) 2009
- * The End of the World and Other Disasters, (ar) Dark Horizons #21, 1980
- * Farthing drabble #15, (vi) Farthing #5, January 2007
- * From Mrs. Bean’s Cookbook, (vi) 100 Horrors ed. Kevin G. Bufton, Cruentus Libri Press, 2012
- * Happy Hunting Ground (or, The Guns of the Just), (ss) Weird Tales #362, Spring 2014
- * Head Count, (ss) Shadow Box ed. Shane Jiraiya Cummings & Angela Challis, Brimstone Press, 2005
- * Home to Roost, (vi) Concussed ed. Bridget Bradshaw, Farah Mendlesohn & Peter Young, Concussion, 2006
- * Housebot, (vi) Farthing #4.5, December 2006
- * If It’s Wednesday This Must Be Narnia, (ar) Dark Horizons #23, Summer 1981
- * In the Maze of Faces, (ss) Fear #34, October 1991
- * King Amphitrities and the Hierophant, (ss) Dark Horizons #17, Summer 1977, as by A. J. Silvonius
- * The Last Laugh, (br) Jamais Vu #1, Winter 2014 [Ref. Ramsey Campbell]
- * Learning the World, (br) Interzone #205, August 2006 [Ref. Ken MacLeod]
- * Limbo, (br) Interzone #232, January/February 2011 [Ref. Bernard Wolfe]
- * Lovecraftian Limerick, (pm) Weirdbook Annual #2: Cthulhu ed. Doug Draa, Wildside Press, 2019
- * Melding for Beginners, (ar) Dark Horizons #24, Winter 1981
- * Merciless, (pm) Weird Tales #361, Summer 2013
- * Morphologies, (br) Interzone #253, July/August 2014 [Ref. Ra Page]
- * Notes on the Contributors (with Neil Williamson), (bg) Nova Scotia ed. Neil Williamson & Andrew J. Wilson, Crescent, 2005
- * Odd Man Out, (ss) Far Point #3, March/April 1992
- * A Quickening Tide (with A. J. McIntosh), (ss) Startling Stories v34 #2, 2022
- * Reinventing Scotland (with Neil Williamson), (pr) Nova Scotia ed. Neil Williamson & Andrew J. Wilson, Crescent, 2005
- * Research & Destroy, (ss) R.E.M #2, November 1992
- * Speed Demons, (ss) Fear #15, March 1990
- * The Stilt-Men of the Lunar Swamps, (ss) Shoreline of Infinity #4, Summer 2016
- * That Goddamn Hat, (ss) Farthing #1, July 2005
- * The Thing’s the Play, (ss) H.P. Lovecraft’s Magazine of Horror #5, Spring 2009
- * Third-Degree Burns, (ss) Nova Scotia ed. Neil Williamson & Andrew J. Wilson, Crescent, 2005
- * Thirteen Rejected Science Fiction Tales, (hu) Concussed ed. Bridget Bradshaw, Farah Mendlesohn & Peter Young, Concussion, 2006
- * Today We Have Naming of Parts, (ar) Dark Horizons #30, Summer 1986
- * Under in the Mere, (br) Interzone #227, March/April 2010 [Ref. Catherynne M. Valente]
- * Under the Bright and Hollow Sky, (nv) Gathering the Bones ed. Dennis Etchison, Ramsey Campbell & Jack Dann, Tor, 2003
- * Unexpected Guests, (ss) Mrs. Claus: Not the Fairy Tale They Say ed. Rhonda Parrish, World Weaver Press, 2017
- * Viral Programme, (nv) New Dawn Fades 1994
- * Visions Presents Clive Barker, (iv) Visions Fall 1991 [Ref. Clive Barker]
- * What It Is We Do When We Read SF, (br) Interzone #217, August 2008 [Ref. Paul Kincaid]
- * When the Gardens Bloom at Night, (vi) Fear #23, November 1990
- * [letter], (lt) Interzone #9, Autumn 1984
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
[]Wilson, Andy (fl. 1920s) (chron.)
- * The Amateur Pro’s, (sl) Chums Sep 13, Sep 20, Sep 27, Oct 4, Oct 11, Oct 18, Oct 25, Nov 1, Nov 8, Nov 15,
Nov 22, Nov 29, Dec 6 1925
[]Wilson, [Sir] Angus (Frank Johnstone) (1913-1991) (about) (chron.)
- * Animals or Human Beings, (ss) The Third Ghost Book ed. Cynthia Asquith, James Barrie, 1955
- * Arnold Bennett’s Novels, (ar) The London Magazine October 1954
- * Aunt Matilda’s Drawings, (ss) The Evening Standard March 5 1952
- * City of Night, (br) Transatlantic Review #15, Spring 1964 [Ref. John Rechy]
- * Confessions of Felix Krull, (br) The London Magazine May 1956 [Ref. Thomas Mann]
- * Foreword, (fw) The Clans of Darkness ed. Peter Haining, Gollancz, 1971
- * Her Ship Came Home [Did It Happen?], (ss) The Evening Standard May 9 1955
- * His Hour of Triumph, (ss) The Evening Standard August 26 1952
- * The House Party Novels, (ar) The London Magazine August 1955 [Ref. Aldous Huxley]
- * Introduction, (in) A.D. 2500, Heinemann, 1955
- * Ivy Compton-Burnett, (ar) The London Magazine July 1955 [Ref. Ivy Compton-Burnett]
- * Life and Letters, (ss) Partisan Review October 1949
- * A Little Companion, (ss) Such Darling Dodos and Other Stories by Angus Wilson, Secker & Warburg, 1950
- * The Living Dead—IV: Bernard Shaw, (ar) The London Magazine December 1956 [Ref. Bernard Shaw]
- * The Men with Bowler Hats, (ss) The (London) Evening News May 5 1953
- * Mood of the Month—III, (ar) The London Magazine April 1958
- * More Friend Than Lodger, (ss) The New Yorker August 10 1957
- * Mrs. Peckover’s Sky [Did It Happen?], (ar) The Evening Standard December 13 1955
- * Mummy to the Rescue, (ss) Such Darling Dodos and Other Stories by Angus Wilson, Secker & Warburg, 1950
- Best Fantasy Stories ed. Brian W. Aldiss, Faber and Faber, 1962
- A Chamber of Horrors ed. John Hadfield, Studio Vista, 1965
- The Tenth Fontana Book of Great Horror Stories ed. Mary Danby, Fontana, 1977
- Demons Within & Other Disturbing Tales ed. Helen Hoke, Taplinger, 1978
- 65 Great Tales of Horror ed. Mary Danby, Octopus Books, 1981
- Black Water 2 ed. Alberto Manguel, Lester & Orpen Dennys, 1990
- * My Country Landlady and Other Critics, (ar) Short Stories Magazine December 1980; adapted from Wilson’s address at a Foyles’ Literary Luncheon.
- * Necessity’s Child, (ss) Such Darling Dodos and Other Stories by Angus Wilson, Secker & Warburg, 1950
- * Night and Day in Tokyo, (ar) Lilliput July 1958
- * Once a Lady, (ss) The New Yorker August 31 1957
- * Only Fools Laugh at Their Woes, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 21 1966
- * Oscar Wilde, (ar) The London Magazine February 1955 [Ref. Oscar Wilde]
- * Raspberry Jam, (ss) The Wrong Set by Angus Wilson, Secker, 1949
- * Realpolitik, (ss) 1949
- * Silent Pianist, (ss) The Evening Standard September 11 1952
- * Skeletons and Assegais: Family Reminiscences, (pl) Transatlantic Review #9, Spring 1962
- * Speaking Out:
* ___ Only Fools Laugh at Their Woes, (cl) The Saturday Evening Post May 21 1966
- * Ten Minutes to Twelve, (ss) Esquire December 1957
- * Totentanz, (ss) Horizon: A Review of Literature and Art May 1949
- * Who for Such Dainties?, (ss) The Evening Standard September 22 1949
_____, [ref.]
[]Wilson, Ann (fl. 1980s) (chron.)
- * Battle in the Dust (with Colleen Drippé), (nv) Beyond #15, 1989
- * Editorial, (ed) Bifrost #1 Sum, #2 Fll, #3 Win 1985, #4 Spr 1986
- * “Legend Has It…” (with Patricia M. Spath), (ed) Bifrost #24, December 1983
- * New Year’s Wake, (ss) Bifrost #3, Winter 1985
- * Youngling, (ss) Bifrost #1, Summer 1985
_____, ed.
[]Wilson, Anne Elizabeth (fl. 1920s-1930s) (chron.)
- * Bachelor Rabbitt, (ss) The Canadian Magazine May 1933
- * Bar of Sunlight, (ss) The Canadian Magazine May 1932
- * Duel of Kerchiefs, (ss) The Canadian Magazine June 1933
- * Father Sylvester’s Rosary, (ss) The Stratford Magazine March 1931
- * Field Artillery, (ss) The Canadian Magazine July 1932
- * The First Hundred Years, (ss) The Delineator November 1931
- * Gato Mio, (ss) The Canadian Magazine October 1930
- * Lost Dog Brings a Gift, (ss) The Canadian Magazine December 1933
- * Lost Reindeer, (ss) MacLean’s December 15 1928
- * The Miracle, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine September 1930
- * Mrs. Gillespie’s Easter, (ss) The Canadian Magazine March 1931
- * Orris Root and Lavender, (ss) Canadian Home Journal August 1932
- * Sad Dog with the Mantilla, (ss) The Canadian Magazine April 1932
- * Sign of Christmas, (ss) MacLean’s December 15 1929
- * Singer of Perthroy, (ss) The Canadian Magazine December 1932
[]Wilson, Archibald J. A. (fl. 1900s-1910s) (chron.)
- * The Astronomer’s Answer, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper January 6 1912
- * Ballade of a Lazy Time, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper February 2 1907
- * A First of April Shower, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper April 17 1909
- * Great Expectations, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper December 14 1912
- * If and But, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper August 13 1910
- * The Little Grey Bird, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper July 8 1911
- * My Word, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper April 16 1910
- * The Only Piece He Knew, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper April 23 1910
- * Sweet Sympathy, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper November 7 1908
- * Trustful Trimmer, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper July 27 1912
- * Where Education Failed, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper October 5 1912
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