The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 10602
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[]VonAllmen, David (Ryan) (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Blackheart, (ss) Deep Magic #69, Summer 2020
- * The Lost God-Warriors of Dhujapur, (vi) Factor Four Magazine #3, October 2018
- * The Magnificent Bhajan, (ss) L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 33 ed. David Farland, Galaxy, 2017
- * Sleepwalker, (vi) Daily Science Fiction April 26 2016
- * The Star Jumpers, (ss) Black Infinity Magazine #5, Fall 2019
- * Tomorrow’s Eyes, (ss) Broadswords and Blasters #6, Summer 2018
- * An Unfamiliar Face, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #30, January 2018
- * Warchild, (vi) New Myths #52, September 2020
[]Vonarburg, Élisabeth (Ferron-Wehrlin Morché) (1947- ) (about) (chron.)
- * 10 ans, (ed) Solaris #58, November 1984
- * 15 ans de Solaris, (ed) Solaris #87, October 1989
- * Amber Rain, (nv) Tomorrow April 1995; translated from the French (1991) by Kim Stanley Robinson.
- * L’Amour au temps des chimères, (nv) Solaris #180, October 2011
- * Angoulême 1975, (ar) Requiem #5, June 1975
- * Arrêtez les machines, le mainstream est en vue! Notes sur la Convention mondiale de Brighton, (ar) Solaris #76, November 1987
- * Aurélie sous les étoiles, (nv) Solaris #131, October 1999
- * Bande Ohne Ende, (na) Tomorrow June 1994; translated from the French (“Bande Ohne Ende”, Janus, Paris: Denoël 1984).
- * Birth and Rebirth in Space, (ar) Foundation #51, Spring 1991
- * Chambered Nautilus, (nv) 1992
- Strange Horizons June 30 2014; translated from the French (“Le jeu des coquilles de Nautilus”, Aurores Boréales 2, ed. Daniel Sernine, Montréal: Le Préambule 1985).
- * Chambered Nautilus, (nv) Tesseracts4 ed. Lorna Toolis & Michael Skeet, Beach Holme Books, 1992
- * Chanson pour une sirène (with Yves Meynard), (na) Solaris #100, Spring 1992
- * Christine Renard, (ar) Solaris #30, December 1979
- * Chutopies, (ar) Solaris #98, November 1991
- * Cinéma (with Luc Pomerleau), (cl) Solaris #61, May 1985
- * Cogito, (nv) Tesseracts3 ed. Candas Jane Dorsey & Gerry Truscott, Porcepic, 1990; translated from the French (Imagine, No. 46, 1988) by Jane Brierley.
- * Colloque du Groupe de recherches interdisciplinaires sur les littératures fantastiques dans l’imaginaire québécois (with Alain Lortie), (ar) Solaris #91, July 1990, as by Daniel Sernine & Élisabeth Vonarburg
- * Congrès: Stresa, Metz, Boréal (with Norbert Spehner), (ar) Solaris #33, June 1980
- * Conte de pierre haute (with Jean-Joël Vonarburg), (ss) Requiem #20, March 1978
- * Les Créateurs d’univers, (ar) Requiem #18, December 1977
- * Dans la fosse, (nv) Solaris #50, April 1983
- * D’atelier d’écriture, (ar) Requiem #26, April 1979
- * Direction littéraire: les critères de choix, (ar) Solaris #70, November 1986
- * Dominique Douay, (iv) Solaris #30, December 1979 [Ref. Dominique Douay]
- * Dossier Fantasy: En Guise d’Introduction, (in) Solaris #54, January 1984
- * Échos de Limoges, (ar) Requiem #16, June 1977
- * Échos de Pologne, (ar) Requiem #24, December 1978
- * Écrire de la fiction, (cl) Solaris #37 Feb, #38 Apr, #40 Sep, #41 Oct, #42 Dec 1981, #44 Mar 1982
- * Écrire de la fiction - 2: Raconte-moi une histoire…, (cl) Solaris #33, June 1980
- * Écrire de la fiction - 3, (cl) Solaris #34, August 1980
- * Écrire de la fiction - 4, (cl) Solaris #35, October 1980
- * Ecrire de la Fiction:
* ___ 5), (ar) Solaris #36, December 1980
- * Ecrire de la SF:
* ___ 1) Où allez-vous chercher tout ça?, (ar) Solaris #32, April 1980
- * Édito 2 (with Joël Champetier, Claude Janelle, Alain Lortie, Charles Montpetit & Luc Pomerleau), (ed) Solaris #53, Autumn 1983, as by Joël Champetier, Claude Janelle, Charles Montpetit, Luc Pomerleau, Daniel Sernine & Élisabeth Vonarburg
- * Éditorial, (ed) Solaris #56 Jul 1984, #59 Jan, #61 May, #63 Sep 1985, #73 May 1987, #79 May 1988
- * Éditorial (with Claude Janelle), (ed) Solaris #68, July 1986
- * Éditorial pensif, (ed) Solaris #69, September 1986
- * Entretien avec Élisabeth Gille, (iv) Solaris #56, July 1984 [Ref. Élisabeth Gille]
- * Entretien avec Gilles Vigneault, (iv) Requiem #27, June 1979 [Ref. Gilles Vigneault]
- * Entrevue: Brian Aldiss (with Luc Pomerleau), (iv) Solaris #68, July 1986 [Ref. Brian Aldiss]; translated by Luc Pomerleau
- * Entrevue: Carolyn J. Cherryh, (iv) Solaris #83, March 1989 [Ref. Carolyn J. Cherryh]; Carolyn J. Cherryh; translated by Élisabeth Vonarburg
- * Entrevue: Francis Berthelot, (iv) Solaris #77, January 1988 [Ref. Francis Berthelot]
- * Entrevue: Ian Watson, (iv) Solaris #64, November 1985 [Ref. Ian Watson]; translated by the author.
- * Entrevue: Jean-Pierre Vernay, (iv) Solaris #80, August 1988 [Ref. Jean-Pierre Vernay]
- * Entrevue: Joan D. Vinge, (iv) Solaris #44, March 1982 [Ref. Joan D. Vinge]; translated by the author.
- * Entrevue: Joan Slonczewski, (iv) Solaris #104, March 1993 [Ref. Joan Slonczewski]
- * Entrevue: Judith Merril (with Luc Pomerleau), (iv) Solaris #69, September 1986 [Ref. Judith Merril]; translated by Luc Pomerleau
- * Entrevue: Karen Joy Fowler, (iv) Solaris #78, March 1988 [Ref. Karen Joy Fowler]; translated by the author.
- * Entrevue: Kim Stanley Robinson (with Luc Pomerleau), (iv) Solaris #85, July 1989 [Ref. Kim Stanley Robinson]; translated by Luc Pomerleau & Élisabeth Vonarburg
- * Entrevue: Michael Coney, (iv) Solaris #70, November 1986 [Ref. Michael Coney]; translated by the author.
- * Entrevue: Phillip Mann, (iv) Solaris #78, March 1988 [Ref. Phillip Mann]; translated by the author.
- * Entrevue: Phyllis Gotlieb (with Luc Pomerleau), (iv) Solaris #69, September 1986 [Ref. Phyllis Gotlieb]; translated bu the authors.
- * Entrevue: Suzy McKee Charnas, (iv) Solaris #113, April 1995 [Ref. Suzy McKee Charnas]; translated by Élisabeth Vonarburg
- * Entrevue: Ursula K. Le Guin (1ère partie) (with Luc Pomerleau), (iv) Solaris #71, January 1987 [Ref. Ursula K. Le Guin]; translated by Luc Pomerleau
- * Entrevue: Ursula K. Le Guin (2ème partie) (with Luc Pomerleau), (iv) Solaris #72, March 1987 [Ref. Ursula K. Le Guin]; translated by Luc Pomerleau
- * Entrevue: William Gibson (with Luc Pomerleau), (iv) Solaris #67, May 1986 [Ref. William Gibson]; translated by Luc Pomerleau
- * Envol, (nv) Solaris #179, July 2011
- * Escales sur l’horizon, (ar) Solaris #126, August 1998
- * “L’e’toile de mer à dix doigts se balance”, (pm) Solaris #102, Summer 1992
- * Eurocon III, (ar) Requiem #12, October 1976
- * Fantasy & Cie…, (ar) Solaris #28, August 1979
- * La Femme à rebours (with Jean-Joël Vonarburg), (ss) Requiem #14, February 1977
- * Les Femmes et la science-fiction, (ar) Requiem #17, September 1977
- * F&SF - Guide des parutions, (ms) Solaris #57 Sep, #58 Nov 1984
- * Les Galaxiales de Nancy, (ar) Solaris #122, July 1997
- * Gor: Les chroniques de l’anti-Terre, (ar) Requiem #11, 1976
- * Guide des parutions, (ms) Solaris #61 May, #62 Jul, #63 Sep 1985, #67 May 1986, #72 Mar 1987
- * Guide des parutions (with René Beaulieu), (ms) Solaris #64 Nov 1985, #66 Mar, #68 Jul, #69 Sep 1986
- * Guide des parutions (with Luc Pomerleau), (ms) Solaris #70, November 1986
- * L’Heroic Fantasy - 1: Réflexions sur la gale…, (ar) Requiem #25, February 1979
- * L’Heroic Fantasy - 2: Fantasy & Compagnie, Inc., (ar) Requiem #27, June 1979
- * High Tide, (ss) Twenty Houses of the Zodiac ed. Maxim Jakubowski, NEL, 1979; translated from the French (“Marée Haute”, Requiem #19, 1978) by Maxim Jakubowski.
- * Home by the Sea, (ss) Tesseracts ed. Judith Merril, Porcepic, 1985; translated from the French (“La maison au bord de la mer”, Dix nouvelles de science-fiction québécoise ed. André Carpentier, Les Quinze, 1985) by Jane Brierley.
- * ICFA 91, (ar) Solaris #98, November 1991
- * Index des numéros 1 à 100 de Solaris (with Joël Champetier), (ix) Solaris #101, August 1992
- * In the Pit, (ss) Tesseracts2 ed. Phyllis Gotlieb & Douglas Barbour, Porcepic, 1987; translated from the French (“Dans la Fosse”, Solaris #50, April 1983) by Jane Brierley.
- * The Invisibles, (ss) Interzone #216, June 2008; translated from the French (“Les Villes Invisibles”) by Howard Scott.
- * Isaac Asimov, 2 janvier 1920-6 april 1992, (es) Solaris #100, Spring 1992
- * Jack Vance, (ar) Requiem #17, September 1977
- * Janus, (nv) Tomorrow December 1995; translated from the French (“Janus”, Janus, Paris: Denoël 1984).
- * Judith Merril 1923-1997, (ob) Solaris #123, Autumn 1997
- * King Kong, (ar) Requiem #14, February 1977
- * The Knot, (ss) Amazing Stories March 1993; translated from the French (“Le nud”, L’oeil de la nuit, Le Préambule, 1980) by Alyocha Kondratiev.
- * Language of the Night (for Ursula K. Le Guin), (ss) Tesseracts Eleven ed. Cory Doctorow & Holly Phillips, Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy, 2007; translated by Howard Scott
- * Lectures, (br) Requiem #19 Jan, #21 May 1978, #34 Aug, #35 Oct, #36 Dec 1980
- * Lectures (with René Beaulieu), (br) Requiem #19, January 1978
- * Lectures (with Roger Bozzetto), (br) Solaris #53, Autumn 1983
- * Lectures (with Roger Bozzetto & Joël Champetier), (br) Solaris #110, July 1994
- * Lectures (with Roger Bozzetto & Marc-André Ferguson), (br) Solaris #122, July 1997
- * Lectures (with Roger Bozzetto & Joseph P. Thomas), (br) Solaris #54, January 1984
- * Lectures (with Roger Bozzetto & Pascal J. Thomas), (br) Solaris #101 Aug, #103 Dec 1992
- * Lectures (with Roger Bozzetto & Jean-Louis Trudel), (br) Solaris #119, October 1996
- * Lectures (with Joël Champetier & Yves Meynard), (br) Solaris #106, August 1993
- * Lectures (with Joël Champetier & Luc Pomerleau), (br) Solaris #93, October 1990
- * Lectures (with Julie Martel), (br) Solaris #131, October 1999
- * Lectures (with Yves Meynard), (br) Solaris #107, October 1993
- * Lectures (with Hugues Morin & Jean-Louis Trudel), (br) Solaris #125, Spring 1998
- * Lectures (with Jean-Pierre Moumon & Jean Pettigrew), (br) Solaris #136, February 2001, as by Jean-Pierre Laigle, Jean Pettigrew & Élisabeth Vonarburg
- * Lectures (with Luc Pomerleau), (br) Solaris #96, May 1991
- * Lectures (with Luc Pomerleau, Gabriel Rochette, André-François Ruaud & Pascal J. Thomas), (br) Solaris #82, January 1989
- * Lectures (with Luc Pomerleau & Pascal J. Thomas), (br) Solaris #76, November 1987
- * Lectures (with Norbert Spehner), (br) Requiem #23, October 1978
- * Lectures (with Pascal J. Thomas), (br) Solaris #102, Summer 1992
- * Lectures, (cl) Solaris #38, April 1981
- * Lectures (with Olivier Bidchiren, Luc Pomerleau & Jean-Louis Trudel), (cl) Solaris #123, Autumn 1997
- * Lectures (with Roger Bozzetto & Julie Martel), (cr) Solaris #130, August 1999
- * Les Littéranautes (with Joël Champetier), (ar) Solaris #134, Summer 2000
- * Les Littéranautes, (cl) Solaris #148 Dec 2003, #150 Jun 2004
- * Les Littéranautes (with Éric Bourguignon & Joël Champetier), (cl) Solaris #132, January 2000
- * Les Littéranautes (with Joël Champetier), (cl) Solaris #133 Apr 2000, #144 Dec 2002
- * Les Littéranautes (with Joël Champetier & Jean-Louis Trudel), (cl) Solaris #127, October 1998
- * Les Littéranautes (with Georges-Henri Cloutier & Francine Pelletier), (cl) Solaris #74, July 1987
- * Les Littéranautes (with Philippe-Aubert Coté), (cl) Solaris #181, January 2012
- * Les Littéranautes (with Simon Dupuis & Jean-Philippe Gervais), (cl) Solaris #106, August 1993
- * Les Littéranautes (with Simon Dupuis & Fabien Ménard), (cl) Solaris #114, July 1995
- * Les Littéranautes (with Fabien Ménard), (cl) Solaris #95, March 1991
- * Les Littéranautes (with François Martin), (cl) Solaris #172, October 2009
- * Les Littéranautes (with Jean-Pierre Moumon), (cl) Solaris #136, February 2001, as by Jean-Pierre Laigle & Élisabeth Vonarburg
- * Les Littéranautes (with Patrick Senécal), (cl) Solaris #129, May 1999
- * Les littéranautes, (br) Solaris #125, Spring 1998
- * Littérature pour jeunes, (cl) Solaris #63, September 1985
- * Littérature pour jeunes (with Alain Lortie), (cl) Solaris #95, March 1991
- * Magazines, Fanzines et autres zines…, (br) Solaris #29, October 1979
- * Marée haute, (ss) Requiem #19, January 1978
- * La Maudite (with René Beaulieu), (ss) Solaris #32, April 1980
- * La Mer allée…, (nv) Solaris #94, December 1990
- * “Le milieu du monde”, (pm) Solaris #102, Summer 1992
- * Notes sur Esther Rochon, (ar) Solaris #63, September 1985 [Ref. Esther Rochon]
- * L’Oeil de la nuit, (nv) Requiem #24, December 1978
- * Oeuvres récentes de Carolyn J. Cherryh, (ar) Solaris #83, March 1989
- * L’Oiseau de Cendres, (ss) Solaris #43, January/February 1982
- * Le Onzième Colloque International de la Floride sur le Fantastique dans les Arts. Glissements progressifs du réel, (ar) Solaris #91, July 1990
- * Où allez-vous chercher tout ça?, (ar) Solaris #32, April 1980
- * Paguyn and Kithulai, (ss) Prairie Fire Summer 1994; translated by Jane Brierley
- * Paradise Glossed (with Jean-Joël Vonarburg), (ss) Requiem #13, December 1976
- * Parutions, (ms) Solaris #60, March 1985
- * Pas de deux, (nv) Solaris #163, June 2007
- * P. D. James: Le Fils de l’homme, (ar) Solaris #110, July 1994
- * Psychanalyse (sauvage) des grands thèmes de la science-fiction, (ar) Solaris #182, April 2012
- * Psychocritique de Ludovic, (ar) Solaris #54, January 1984
- * Le rapport au réel dans la SF, la littérature générale et la poésie, (ar) Solaris #102, Summer 1992
- * Readercon 7 et ConAdian (with Joël Champetier), (ar) Solaris #112, January 1995
- * Readers of the Lost Art, (ss) Tesseracts5 ed. Robert Runt^e' & Yves Meynard, Tesseract, 1996
- * Read This: Recently Read and Recommended, (ms) The New York Review of Science Fiction #43, March 1992
- * Réflexions sur la S.F. et l’écriture, (ar) Requiem #20, March 1978
- * Réflexions sur l’écriture, (lt) Solaris #29, October 1979
- * Retour au Matin des Magiciens de Louis Pauwels et Jacques Bergier, (ar) Solaris #109, April 1994
- * Retour sur Colonie (with Joël Champetier), (nv) Solaris #75, September 1987
- * Sang de pierre, (na) Solaris #151, June 2004
- * Science-fiction et Fantastique au Québec, (cl) Solaris #40, September 1981
- * Science-Fiction et soucoupes volantes, (ar) Requiem #22, August 1978
- * La Science-fiction québécoise après le Lac Meech, (ar) Solaris #92, Summer 1990
- * Seacon (Échos), (ar) Solaris #29, October 1979
- * La S.F. au Québec?, (ar) Requiem #15, April 1977
- * SFC et SFQ: Trajectoires convergentes? (with Alain Lortie), (ar) Solaris #75, September 1987, as by Daniel Sernine & Élisabeth Vonarburg
- * SFRA 1992, (ar) Solaris #102, Summer 1992
- * Sondage: lecteurs québécois de S-F, qui êtes-vous?, (ar) Solaris #31, February 1980
- * So You Want to Be a Science Fiction Writer?, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #57, May 1993
- * Stay Thy Flight, (ss) Bending the Landscape: Science Fiction ed. Nicola Griffith & Stephen Pagel, Overlook Press, 1998; translated from the French (“Suspends ton vol”, Solaris #99, 1992).
- * …Suspends ton vol, (ss) Solaris #99, May 1992
- * Télévision, (mr) Solaris #53, Autumn 1983
- * Un tour du côté des frontières, (ar) Solaris #55, February 1984
- * Tribune libre, (lc) Solaris #91 Jul 1990, #95 Mar 1991
- * Tribune libre: Nationalismes, (lc) Solaris #101, August 1992
- * Tribune SF (with Richard Tremblay), (lc) Requiem #19, January 1978
- * De l’usage de motifs SF en littérature non-SF, (ar) Solaris #86, September 1989
- * US SF and Us, (ar) The Road to Science Fiction Volume 6 ed. James Gunn, White Wolf, 1998
- * Via Appia, (ss) Solaris #136, February 2001
- * Les Villes invisibles, (nv) Solaris #167, June 2008
- * Les Violences des autres, (ed) Solaris #89, February 1990
- * Une visite à l’oeuvre de Phyllis Gotlieb, (ar) Solaris #125, Spring 1998 [Ref. Phyllis Gotlieb]
- * Visite à Vancouver, (ar) Solaris #69, September 1986
- * La Voix qui chantait le coeur du monde, (nv) Solaris #169, January 2009
- * Les Voleurs de silence, de Jean-Claude Dunyach, (br) Solaris #102, Summer 1992 [Ref. Jean-Claude Dunyach]
- * Voyage au pays de Sernine, (ar) Solaris #57, September 1984
- * Un Voyage Imaginaire, (br) Solaris #54, January 1984
- * “Le voyez-vous le voyez-vous”, (pm) Solaris #102, Summer 1992
- * Les Zines et les autres, (br) Solaris #61, May 1985
- * Les Zines et les autres (with Jean-Guy Boivin & Claude Bolduc), (br) Solaris #104, March 1993
- * Les Zines et les autres (with Alain Lortie & Luc Pomerleau), (br) Solaris #72, March 1987, as by Luc Pomerleau, Daniel Sernine & Élisabeth Vonarburg
- * Les Zines et les autres (with Luc Pomerleau), (br) Solaris #75 Sep 1987, #77 Jan 1988
- * Les Zines et les autres (with Alain Lortie & Luc Pomerleau), (cl) Solaris #74, July 1987, as by Luc Pomerleau, Daniel Sernine & Élisabeth Vonarburg
- * Les Zines et les autres, (ms) Solaris #62 Jul 1985, #69 Sep 1986
- * Les Zines et les autres (with Luc Pomerleau), (ms) Solaris #63 Sep, #64 Nov 1985, #65 Jan, #66 Mar, #67 May, #68 Jul 1986, #71 Jan 1987
- * Les Zines et les autres (with René Beaulieu), (rv) Solaris #134, Summer 2000
- * [letter], (lt) Science Fiction Eye #2 Aug 1987, #4 Aug 1988
- * [letter], (lt) The New York Review of Science Fiction #32 Apr 1991, #69 May 1994, #85 Sep 1995, #106 Jun 1997
_____, ed.
_____, trans.
- * L’Araignée et la Mouche by Gwyneth Jones, (ss) Solaris #128, Winter 1999; translated from the English (“The Spider and the Fly”, Seven Tales and a Fable, Edgewood Press, 1995)
- * L’Arrière-cour des sauteurs dimensionnels by Cory Doctorow, (ss) Solaris #147, September 2003; “Nimby and the Dimension Hoppers”, Asimov’s Science Fiction, June 2003.
- * L’Art du dragon by Sean McMullen, (nv) Solaris #176, October 2010; “The Art of the Dragon”, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, August-September 2009.
- * L’Autre Côté by James P. Blaylock (with Hugues Morin), (nv) Solaris #157, December 2005; “The Other Side”, Sci Fiction, October 18, 2000, ed. Ellen Datlow, publ., October 2000.
- * Un baiser pour Hitler by Erik Jon Spigel, (nv) Solaris #109, April 1994
- * Cascadeur mental by Braulio Tavares, (ss) Solaris #141, March 2002; “Stuntmind”.
- * Cherche criminel de génie by Matthew Hughes, (nv) Solaris #169, January 2009; “Mastermindless”, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March 2004.
- * Une clé pour la science-fiction: le sublime (Original title unknown) by Cornel Robu, (ar) Solaris #92, Summer 1990
- * Comment comprendre la lecture sérielle? (Original title unknown) by Gwyneth Jones, (ar) Solaris #135, October 2000
- * Le Contact avec l’autre dans la science-fiction de C.J. Cherryh by Patricia Monk (with Luc Pomerleau), (ar) Solaris #83, March 1989
- * La Critique des critiques (Original title?) by Susan L. Schwartz, (ar) Solaris #79, May 1988
- * Dans la File pour Star Wars, et autres vérités éternelles by Jason Taniguchi, (ss) Solaris #157, December 2005; “Waiting in Line for Star Wars, and Other Eternal Verities”.
- * Dérive mémétique by Glenn Grant, (ss) Solaris #160, September 2006; “Mimetic Drift”, Interzone, #34 March-April 1990.
- * La Diente by Nancy Kilpatrick, (ss) Solaris #148, December 2003; (“La Diente”, The Mammoth Book of Vampire Stories by Women, Robinson, Oct 2001, ed. Stephen Jones)
- * Entrevue: Carolyn J. Cherryh by Élisabeth Vonarburg, (iv) Solaris #83, March 1989 [Ref. Carolyn J. Cherryh]; Carolyn J. Cherryh
- * Entrevue: Kim Stanley Robinson by Luc Pomerleau & Élisabeth Vonarburg (with Luc Pomerleau), (iv) Solaris #85, July 1989 [Ref. Kim Stanley Robinson]
- * Entrevue: Suzy McKee Charnas by Élisabeth Vonarburg, (iv) Solaris #113, April 1995 [Ref. Suzy McKee Charnas]
- * Fabrique de fantômes by Karl Schroeder, (ss) Solaris #145, March 2003; (“Making Ghosts”, On Spec, Spring 1994)
- * La Folle dans la matrice: The Two of Them de Joanna Russ et le postmoderne psychiatrique (Original title unknown) by Deborah Wills, (es) Solaris #100, Spring 1992 [Ref. Joanna Russ]
- * Helliconia, de Brian Aldiss by Peter Caraciolo (with Luc Pomerleau), (ar) Solaris #82, January 1989 [Ref. Brian W. Aldiss]
- * ICFA 1991: Le cyberpunk est-il mort ? (Original title unknown) by Joe W. Haldeman, Tom Maddox & Bruce Sterling, (ar) Solaris #100, Spring 1992; a roundtable discussion.
- * Ici, des dragons by Candas Jane Dorsey, (ss) Solaris #88, December 1989; “Here Be Dragons”, Tesseracts 6, 1997, ed. Robert J. Sawyer, Carolyn Clink, Tesseract Books.
- * Lem: les ennuis du succès (original publication?) by Stefan Zoltowski (with Danuta Francki), (ar) Requiem #26, April 1979
- * Le Masque du clown rouge by Tyler Keevil, (ss) Solaris #172, October 2009; “The Masque of the Red Clown”, On Spec Spring 2008.
- * Nimbus by Peter Watts, (ss) Solaris #143, September 2002; translated from the English (“Nimbus”, On Spec, Summer 1994).
- * La Partie, cette année by Lisa Goldstein, (ss) Solaris #128, Winter 1999; translated from the English (“The Game This Year”, Asimov’s Science Fiction, December 1998)
- * Sommelier by Catherine MacLeod, (ss) Solaris #142, June 2002; translated from the English (“Sommelier”, On Spec Winter 1993).
- * Tout l’espace du monde by Holly Phillips, (ss) Solaris #158, March 2006; “All the Room in the World”, Land/Space: An Anthology of Prairie Speculative Fiction, ed. Candas Jane Dorsey and Judy McCrosky, Tesseract Books, October 2002.
_____, [ref.]
- * Blood Out of a Stone by Joan Gordon, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #271, March 2011
- * A Dialogue on SF and Utopian Fiction, Between Nalo Hopkinson and Élisabeth Vonarburg by Jennifer Burwell & Nancy Johnston, (iv) Foundation #81, Spring 2001
- * Dreams of the Sea (with Howard Scott) by Jenny Blackford, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #190, June 2004
- * Dreams of the Sea (with Howard Scott) by Kathleen Ann Goonan, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #190, June 2004
- * Entrevue: Élisabeth Vonarburg by Luc Pomerleau, (iv) Solaris #75, September 1987
- * Entrevue: Élisabeth Vonarburg by Louise Alain, Joël Champetier & Daniel Sernine, (iv) Solaris #106, August 1993
- * The French Voice in North America by James E. Gunn, (is) The Road to Science Fiction Volume 6 ed. James Gunn, White Wolf, 1998
- * A Game of Perfection by Ursula Pflug, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #213, May 2006
- * In the Mother’s Land by Joan Gordon, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #65, January 1994
- * Introduction to “Chambered Nautilus” by Aliette de Bodard, (is) Strange Horizons June 30 2014
- * Reluctant Voyagers by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #96, June 1995
- * Reluctant Voyagers by Kathleen Ann Goonan, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #90, February 1996
- * The Silent City by Lucy Sussex, (br) Science Fiction (Australia) v12 #1, 1993
- * The Silent City by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #39, September 1990
- * The Silent City by Robert Irwin, (br) Foundation #51, Spring 1991
- * The Silent City by Joan Gordon, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #65, January 1994
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