The FictionMags Index
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[]Tracy, Don(ald Fiske) (1905-1976); used pseudonyms Roger Fuller, Jeanne Leggitt, Tracy Mason, Marian Small, Tom Tucker & Robert Wallace (chron.)
- * Ailsworth the Fourth, (nv) Popular Football Winter 1942
- * The Alligator That Hated Swamps, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 11 1956
- * All It Takes Is Practice, (ss) Popular Sports Magazine Summer 1947, as by Tom Tucker
- * The Army Coach, (ss) Popular Football Winter 1943, as by Tracy Mason
- * Atom-Bomb Burns, (nv) Thrilling Sports Summer 1946, as by Tracy Mason
- * Attack Man, (nv) Popular Sports Magazine Summer 1946, as by Tracy Mason
- * The Bald-Headed Man, (ss) Strange Stories October 1940
- * Baron Henry Jones, (ss) Collier’s March 2 1940
- * The Bartender’s Birthday, (ss) The American Magazine February 1941
- * Bat Boy, (ss) Thrilling Baseball Summer 1949, as by Tom Tucker
- * Batteries for Today, (ss) Exciting Sports Spring 1942
- * Beggars Could Fight, (ss) Argosy September 13 1941
- * Between the Halves, (ss) Popular Sports Magazine February 1948, as by Roger Fuller
- * Beware of the Lapdog, (ss) Argosy March 7 1942
- * The Biggest Trout in the World, (??) Collier’s May 31 1947
- * Big Man Little Man, (ss) Exciting Sports August 1948, as by Roger Fuller
- * The Big Race, (nv) Exciting Sports December 1947, as by Tom Tucker
- * Big Target, (ss) Black Book Detective September 1948, as by Roger Fuller
- * Blade Feud Finale, (ss) Popular Sports Spring 1951, as by Tom Tucker
- * The Bomber Squadron, (na) Sky Fighters November 1942, as by Tracy Mason
- * Boss of the Party, (ss) Argosy April 1950
- * Boy Wonder, (ss) Popular Baseball Spring 1950, as by Tom Tucker
- * The Brothers Are Burning, (ss) Thrilling Detective May 1946, as by Roger Fuller
- * Bunny Rabbits, (ss) Argosy August 23 1941
- * Burma Boy, (nv) Air War Fall 1942, as by Tracy Mason
- * Capricorn Inn, (ss) Collier’s January 19 1952
- * The Champ Maker, (nv) Thrilling Sports April 1942
- * Charity on the Ward, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May/June 1982
- * Charity Ward, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 16 1950
- * The Charming Heel, (ss) The American Magazine September 1949
- * Cruel Laughter, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 1 1949
- * Cruiser Pilot, (nv) Sky Fighters Summer 1945, as by Tracy Mason
- * Cut Me In, (??) Collier’s March 23 1946
- * Dame Rassler, (ss) Popular Sports Magazine June 1948, as by Tom Tucker
- * The Day to Come, (nv) Thrilling Wonder Stories November 1940
- * The Dead Don’t Write [Moody Hackett], (na) Popular Detective August 1946, as by Roger Fuller
- * Dear Old Exover, (nv) Popular Sports Magazine Fall 1946, as by Roger Fuller
- * Death Rides a Dive Bomber [Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Detective January 1942
- * Death Speaks Five Words [Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Detective March 1940
- * Death Wears Kid Gloves [Moody Hackett], (na) Popular Detective March 1947, as by Roger Fuller
- * Deer Run, (vi) Masked Rider Western October 1946, as by Roger Fuller
- * The Dependable Bum, (ss) Exciting Sports Summer 1950, as by Roger Fuller
- * Ding Dong Bell, (ss) Detective Mystery Novel Magazine Summer 1948, as by Roger Fuller
- * Double Fault, (ss) The American Magazine August 1940
- * The Duck That Flew Backwards, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 27 1949
- * The Dumb Kid, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 26 1952
- * Eight Chukker Willie, (nv) Popular Sports Fall 1950, as by Roger Fuller
- * Emergency Champion, (ss) Thrilling Sports Fall 1947, as by Tom Tucker
- * Fallen Hero, (nv) Exciting Sports Summer 1943, as by Tracy Mason
- * The Female of the Species, (nv) Exciting Sports April 1948, as by Tom Tucker
- * Feud in the Backfield, (nv) Exciting Sports Fall 1947, as by Roger Fuller
- * Fites Tonite, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 1 1937
- * The Fix, (ss) Thrilling Sports Summer 1947, as by Tracy Mason
- * Flat Foot Filly, (nv) Popular Sports Summer 1949, as by Tom Tucker
- * Flatfoot Justice, (ss) Thrilling Detective June 1939
- * Flying Gunner, (nv) RAF Aces Spring 1943, as by Tracy Mason
- * Football Bum, (nv) Exciting Football Winter 1948, as by Tracy Mason
- * Football Rediscovered, (ss) Exciting Sports April 1948, as by Tracy Mason
- * For the Good of the Game, (ss) Exciting Sports Fall 1944
- * The Fox That Didn’t Like to Run, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 1 1950
- * Frame-Up, (ss) Thrilling Sports January 1948, as by Tracy Mason
- * Gambler’s Gold, (nv) Exciting Sports October 1948, as by Tom Tucker
- * Genius Off the Crease, (nv) Thrilling Sports November 1948, as by Roger Fuller
- * A Ghost Tells All, (ss) Detective Novel Magazine September 1947, as by Roger Fuller
- * The Gift of Urs, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories April 1940
- * Give ’Em the Wood, (ss) Thrilling Sports Summer 1943, as by Tracy Mason
- * The Glamour Back, (na) Thrilling Football Fall 1946, as by Tracy Mason
- * The Glass Head, (nv) Exciting Sports Spring 1947, as by Roger Fuller
- * Golf Is a Gentleman’s Game, (nv) Thrilling Sports September 1948, as by Tom Tucker
- * Grambo the Great, (ss) Thrilling Sports November 1947, as by Roger Fuller
- * Grand Hotel, (ar) Britannia and Eve January 1954, as by Roger Fuller
- * Gridiron Grenadiers, (nv) Exciting Sports Fall 1941
- * Grim Masquerade, (nv) Sky Fighters March 1943, as by Tracy Mason
- * A Hand Held Out, (ss) The American Magazine July 1952
- * Hatful of Trouble [Moody Hackett], (nv) Popular Detective July 1948, as by Roger Fuller
- * Hero on the Draft Board, (ss) Cosmopolitan August 1951
- * High Queen, (ss) The American Magazine September 1947
- * Hitchy-Coo Hitter, (nv) Exciting Sports Summer 1947, as by Roger Fuller
- * The Hole in One, (ss) Popular Sports Magazine November 1941
- * Hoodlum Street, (ss) The American Magazine May 1947
- * Horse Player, (ss) Liberty October 26 1946
- * The Hungry Hurler, (nv) Thrilling Sports March 1943, as by Tracy Mason
- * I Got No Sword, (ss) Argosy March 1 1941
- * In the Tank, (ss) Thrilling Sports November 1941
- * The Irish Death Trap, (na) Popular Detective February 1944
- * Island Feud, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 31 1947
- * It’s the Women Who Choose, (ar) Britannia and Eve October 1953, as by Roger Fuller
- * Jim Creavy, Hoodlum, (nv)
- * Kid Ego, (nv) Thrilling Sports January 1942
- * Kid with a Grin, (ss) The American Magazine February 1951
- * Knockout, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 26 1938
- * Ko-Ko Comes Through, (ss) Popular Sports Magazine Fall 1947, as by Tom Tucker
- * Legion of the Night, (nv) Thrilling Detective October 1940
- * Listen for Death [Patrick Edward McCreary], (ss) Black Book Detective April 1947, as by Roger Fuller
- * Little Tin Whistle, (nv) Exciting Sports Fall 1943, as by Tracy Mason
- * The Long Chukker, (nv) Popular Sports Magazine October 1948, as by Roger Fuller
- * Love in the News, (nv) Thrilling Love January 1949, as by Jeanne Leggitt
- * Love Needs a Cottage, (ss) Thrilling Love April 1949, as by Marian Small
- * Lucy, (ss) Maclean’s October 15 1940
- * Malta Courage, (nv) RAF Aces Winter 1944
- * The Man Behind the Bat, (nv) Exciting Baseball Spring 1950, as by Tom Tucker
- * The Man Never Moved [Patrick Edward McCreary], (ss) The Phantom Detective November 1947, as by Roger Fuller
- * A Man’s Gotta Ride, (nv) Thrilling Sports July 1948, as by Roger Fuller
- * Match Game, (ss) Thrilling Sports September 1948, as by Roger Fuller
- * Match Point, (ss) Thrilling Sports Winter 1944, as by Tracy Mason
- * Michael and the Axis Friends, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 19 1943
- * Mike Creavy, Hoodlum, (ss) Sky Fighters July 1942
- * Mister Dumbjohn, (nv) Popular Football Winter 1948, as by Roger Fuller
- * Mister Pilbey Does a Job, (ss) Thrilling Adventures August 1942, as by Tracy Mason
- * Mitsubishis Over Manila, (nv) Air War Summer 1943, as by Tracy Mason
- * A Model for the Champ, (nv) Thrilling Sports Spring 1947, as by Tom Tucker
- * The Money Player, (nv) Exciting Sports Winter 1942
- * Most Valuable Player, (ss) Exciting Sports Spring 1944
- * M’sieur Le Fox, (ss) Thrilling Adventures June 1942
- * Murder Makes the Mayor Go, (nv) Thrilling Detective October 1942, as by Tracy Mason
- * Murder Sets a Stage [Patrick Edward McCreary], (nv) Popular Detective January 1949, as by Roger Fuller
- * My Friend—The Rat, (nv) Exciting Football Fall 1946, as by Roger Fuller
- * Neighbor Is a Word, (ss) Five Sports Classics Magazine Fall 1950, as by Tom Tucker
- * A Nice Quiet Hobby, (??) Collier’s November 15 1952
- * No Knockout, (ss) Thrilling Sports March 1939
- * Object Lesson, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 18 1937
- * Old Million Bucks, (nv) Exciting Sports December 1948, as by Roger Fuller
- * One More Round, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 18 1939
- * On the Bench, (nv) Thrilling Football Winter 1948, as by Roger Fuller
- * Opening Attraction, (nv) Popular Sports Magazine Winter 1947, as by Roger Fuller
- * Opening Night, (nv) Popular Love August 1948, as by Jeanne Leggitt
- * Open Season for Murder, (ss) Detective Novel Magazine March 1948, as by Roger Fuller
- * Orrin Needs a Nurse, (nv) Thrilling Sports January 1948, as by Roger Fuller
- * The Owl That Asked Why, (nv) The Saturday Evening Post December 24/December 31 1960
- * Peewee, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 19 1941
- * The Pelican That Hated to Dive, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 11 1958
- * Pettigrew Lives Again, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories August 1941
- * Please Don’t Pat the Alligators, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 9 1960
- * Please Pass the Poison, (nv) Black Book Detective June 1948, as by Roger Fuller
- * Pottsy, (ss) Maclean’s May 1 1940
- * Punchy, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 22 1940
- * Queen High, (ss) Short Story Magazine (Australia) #56, March 1949
- * Queer Street, (ss) Cosmopolitan April 1947
- * Quick Kick, (nv) Thrilling Sports Fall 1943
- * Quit the Bricks, (nv) Popular Sports Magazine Spring 1947, as by Tom Tucker
- * The Reckoning, (ss) The American Magazine December 1950
- * The Relief Hurler, (nv) Popular Sports Magazine August 1948, as by Tom Tucker
- * Return in Triumph, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 30 1950
- * Return of a Champion, (ss) Thrilling Sports May 1948, as by Tracy Mason
- * Reunion at Sea, (nv) Thrilling Adventures July 1942, as by Tracy Mason
- * Reunion in the Ring, (nv) Exciting Sports February 1948, as by Tracy Mason
- * The Rookie Is a Veteran, (nv) Exciting Baseball Fall 1949, as by Tom Tucker
- * The Samurai Sword Murders [Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Detective March 1941
- * Season Opener, (nv) Thrilling Sports Summer 1942
- * The Senator’s Daughter, (ss) Thrilling Love October 1948, as by Jeanne Leggitt
- * Set a Place for Death [Patrick Edward McCreary], (nv) The Phantom Detective March 1949, as by Roger Fuller
- * Settled in Full, (nv) Exciting Sports Fall 1946, as by Tracy Mason
- * Seventy Inches of Fury, (nv) Popular Sports December 1948, as by Roger Fuller
- * Shavetail Drawback, (nv) Thrilling Football Fall 1942, as by Tracy Mason
- * Shotgun Wedding, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 25 1946
- * Slight Adjustment, (ss) Thrilling Detective May 1940
- * A Slight Case of Mayhem, (ss) The American Magazine June 1948
- * A Slight Touch of Mayhem, (ss) The American Magazine June 1948, as "A Slight Case of Mayhem"
- * Smartest Dog in Maryland, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 11 1950
- * Smart Guy, (ss) Collier’s September 30 1939
- * The Sorehead, (ss) Thrilling Baseball Spring 1950, as by Roger Fuller
- * The Squirrel Who Was Scared, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 20 1951
- * Still on File, (ss) Mystery Book Magazine Fall 1947, as by Roger Fuller
- * Stretch Turn, (ss) Thrilling Sports May 1939
- * Super-Athlete, (nv) Thrilling Wonder Stories April 1942
- * Suspect, (ss) Popular Detective August 1943
- * The Swell-Headed Soph, (nv) Thrilling Sports November 1947, as by Tracy Mason
- * The Taming of Trucker Thompson, (nv) Thrilling Sports Fall 1942, as by Tracy Mason
- * A Team for the General, (ss) Popular Sports Magazine June 1939
- * Tell the Fish Goodbye, (ss) Argosy August 30 1941
- * These Modern Adventurers Dared, (ar) Chums August 1933, as by Roger Fuller
- * They’ll Bud Again, (ss) Collier’s November 30 1940
- * Third Strike Called, (nv) Popular Sports Magazine Summer 1947, as by Roger Fuller
- * This Son of Ours, (ss) The American Magazine March 1943
- * Three Fingers of Death [Moody Hackett], (nv) Popular Detective March 1948, as by Roger Fuller
- * Tomorrow’s Hero, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories May 1940
- * Too Lazy to Love, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 23 1956
- * The Top-Kick, (nv) Popular Football Fall 1947, as by Roger Fuller
- * Trouble at Kinnakeet, (ss) The American Magazine August 1948
- * The Two Jimpsons, (nv) Popular Football Fall 1949, as by Roger Fuller
- * Unbeaten Season, (nv) Thrilling Sports Winter 1947, as by Tracy Mason
- * Under Wraps, (ss) Bluebook October 1952
- * The Undesirables, (ss) Country Gentleman June 1950
- * Win or Lose, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 19 1940
- * The Wonderful Nose of Joe Brilling, (ss) Esquire June 1952
- * You Asked for It, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 10 1955
- * You Can’t Steal First, (nv) Exciting Sports Summer 1942
- * Young Man’s Fancy, (nv) Popular Sports Magazine April 1948, as by Roger Fuller
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