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[]Trimm, Mikal (fl. 2000s-2020s) (books) (chron.)
- * Acteon, Before the Kill, (pm) Ideomancer June 2007
- * Africa Screams, (pm) Mythic Delirium #14, Winter/Spring 2006
- * The Albatross Spreaks, (pm) Star*Line May/June 2006
- * And We Shall Go A’Questing, (pm) Lone Star Stories #7, February 2005
- * An Atypical Reaction to the Death of the Sun and the Moon, (pm) Strange Horizons March 26 2007
- * Bad Penny, (pm) Sybil’s Garage #3, March 2006
- * The Beast, (pm) Beyond Centauri April 2004
- * The Bone Tattoo, (pm) Star*Line January/February 2004
- * Book of the Flagellants, (nv) Lone Star Stories #10, August 2005
- * A Brief History of Slip-Time, (ss) Hub Magazine #15, July 13 2007
- * Bringing Out the Dead, (pm) NFG #5, 2004
- * Cable and Possible God, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #3, October 2002
- * Cable and the High Seas, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #16, December 2004/January 2005
- * The Cathedral of the Never-Was, (pm) Aeon #11, September 2007
- * Children Must Learn to Concentrate, (vi) Macabre #3, 2004
- * The Circumstances of His Disappearance, (pm) Abyss & Apex #5, September/October 2003
- * The Clockmaker’s Wife, (pm) Star*Line September/October 2004
- * Come to the Islands, (ss) Shimmer v2 #3, 2007
- * The Cook and the Scullery Maid, (pm) Strange Horizons May 21 2007
- * Darwin’s Final Response, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #67, 2004
- * The Diadem, (ss) Aeon #14, June 2008
- * Emma, (vi) NFG #2, 2003
- * The Envoy, (pm) Helix #6, Fall 2007
- * Evening in the Land of Dreams, (ss) End of an Aeon ed. Bridget & Marti McKenna, Fairwood Press, 2011
- * The Fading Signals, (pm) Helix #3, Winter 2007
- * Faerie, (pm) Beyond Centauri January 2005
- * The Fairy Tale Graveyard, (pm) Star*Line July/August 2006
- * The Final Voyage, (pm) Star*Line May/June 2003
- * For the Rain It Raineth Every Day, (pm) Strange Horizons May 23 2005
- * Fragments of a Fantasy Mind (with Joshua Rountree), (ss) Realms of Fantasy December 2008
- * Frostbite from the Sun, (pm) Lone Star Stories #23, October 2007
- * Frost on the Saddle, (pm) Lone Star Stories #3, June 2004
- * Galahad, on the Eve of the Quest, (pm) Ideomancer June 2006
- * The Game of Not Knowing, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #69, 2004
- * The Gap, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine December 2011
- * Grand Illusions:
* ___ Jeunet & Caro’s The City of Lost Children, (mr) Ideomancer February 2002
* ___ Neil Marshall’s Dog Soldiers, (mr) Ideomancer January 2004
- * The Greatest Show on Spot!, (pm) Beyond Centauri July 2005
- * Horror for the Holiday, (ar) Ideomancer October 2003
- * I Know That I Can Hear a Hint of Mint…, (pm) Kaleidotrope Spring 2021
- * Insignificant Others, (ss) Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine #31, 2023
- * Interview: Christopher Rowe, (iv) Ideomancer September 2002 [Ref. Christopher Rowe]
- * Interview: Jay Lake, (iv) Ideomancer June 2003 [Ref. Jay Lake]
- * In the Company of Women (with Marcie Lynn Tentchoff), (ss) Weird Tales June/July 2007
- * Into the Aperture, (pm) Star*Line September/October 2007
- * It’s All in the Knowing, (ss) Abyss & Apex #10, July/August/September 2004
- * Jester’s Tale, (pm) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #19, June/July 2005
- * Jeunet & Caro’s The City of Lost Children, (mr) Ideomancer February 2002
- * Last Call, (vi) NFG #1, 2003
- * The Last Days of New Pompeii, (pm) Star*Line May/June 2008
- * The Last Feast of the Danaan Sidhe, (pm) Beyond Centauri January 2006
- * Laugh, Clown, Laugh, (ss) Say… #4, 2004
- * Living Rooms, (pm) Beyond Centauri July 2004
- * Lost on the Shores of Avalon, (pm) Aeon #6, March 2006
- * A Man of His Word, (pm) Star*Line March/April 2006
- * The Man Who Held Infinity, (pm) Abyss & Apex #16, 4th Quarter 2005
- * Marathon Days, (ss) Surreal #3, Summer 2005
- * The Masquerade, (pm) Star*Line March/April 2008
- * Medusa’s End, (pm) Lone Star Stories #3, June 2004
- * The Merchant of Loss (with Justin Stanchfield), (ss) Black Gate Spring 2009
- * The Mermaid, (pm) Beyond Centauri October 2003
- * Mikal Trimm Talks to Nancy Proctor, (iv) Ideomancer March 2002 [Ref. Nancy Proctor]
- * Moondance, (pm) Ideomancer September 2010
- * The Music of the Spheres, (pm) Star*Line Spring 2018
- * Neil Marshall’s Dog Soldiers, (mr) Ideomancer January 2004
- * No Kiss Like a Mother’s, (ss) Say… #1, 2002
- * The One with Wings, (pm) Beyond Centauri October 2004
- * A Paean to Stranded Sailors and Ships Becalmed at Sea, (ss) Postscripts #9, Winter 2006
- * The Paper Trail, (pm) Electric Velocipede #13, Fall 2007
- * The Passing of the Copper King, (pm) Tales of the Unanticipated #28, Summer 2007
- * Past Ganymede, In Twilight Everlasting, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #68, 2004
- * The Pleasant Snap of Cracking Bones, (pm) Star*Line November/December 2006
- * Prometheus Bound, (pm) Helix #4, Spring 2007
- * Pygmalion Redux, (ss) End of an Aeon ed. Bridget & Marti McKenna, Fairwood Press, 2011
- * The Quicksilver Rebellion, (pm) Star*Line May/June 2004
- * Rare Flowers, (pm) Talebones #36, Spring 2008
- * The Rhythm Method, (ss) Horror Library, Volume 3 ed. R. J. Cavender, Cutting Block, 2008
- * Ripples in the Sand, (pm) Aberrant Dreams #7, Spring 2006
- * The Ship of the Damned—A Crewman’s Tale, (pm) Tales of the Talisman v2 #3, 2006
- * Size Matters, (pm) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #12, April/May 2004
- * Small Change, (ss) Abyss & Apex #19, 3rd Quarter 2006
- * Somewhere, in a Hidden Glade, (pm) Beyond Centauri January 2005
- * The Stardust—1968, (pm) Flytrap #2, May 2004
- * Surviving Sheol, (pm) NFG #2, 2003
- * Swallowed by the Shadow, (ss) Flytrap #3, November 2004
- * Terrapin Suite, (ss) Daikaiju!3: Giant Monsters vs the World ed. Robert Hood & Robin Pen, Agog! Press, 2007
- * There Are No Rules Without Exceptions, (pm) Star*Line March/April 2005
- * untitled (“and the waves call out her name”), (pm) NFG #3, 2003
- * Urban Renewal, (pm) Star*Line January/February 2006
- * The Vagabond Moon, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #78, 2007
- * A View from the Moon, (pm) Lone Star Stories #28, August 2008
- * The Voice of a Loved One, (ss) infinity plus December 2002
- * Waiting for Dawn, (ss) Postscripts #11, Summer 2007
- * The Weather Knows No Change, (pm) Lone Star Stories #4, August 2004
- * Whatever It Takes to Forget Her, (ss) Surreal #1, Winter 2005
- * When Winter Dreams of Summer’s Realm, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #72, 2005
- * Who’s Gonna Miss You When You’re Gone?, (nv) Crimewave #11, 2010
- * Why Apes Hate the Bard, (pm) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #10, December 2003
- * With Stealth and Grace, The Hunter Roams, (ss) Lone Star Stories #4, August 2004
_____, ed.
[]Trimnell, Robert L. (fl. 1940s-1950s) (chron.)
- * Anchor for a Boomtown, (nv) 10 Story Western Magazine October 1951
- * Around Devil’s Bend, (ss) Big-Book Western Magazine May 1951
- * Bad Street, (ss) Western Short Stories December 1956
- * Bet the Boothill Joker!, (ss) .44 Western Magazine November 1948
- * Beware the Bullet Brand!, (ss) New Western Magazine August 1949
- * Big Silver!, (nv) Dime Western Magazine May 1953
- * Blast a Red Trail!, (nv) New Western Magazine May 1954
- * Blood for the Dons, (nv) Argosy July 1951
- * Blood of the White She-Camel, (ss) Argosy November 1950
- * Bloody Range!, (ss) .44 Western Magazine May 1952
- * Boothill Ante, (ss) Big-Book Western Magazine September 1948
- * Border Blood Comes High!, (nv) 10 Story Western Magazine July 1949
- * Brasada Buster!, (ss) Big-Book Western Magazine August 1949
- * The Bravest Man, (ss) Adventure May 1951
- * Bridge to Death, (ss) Big-Book Western Magazine February 1951
- * Buckaroo Bonanza, (ss) Action Stories Winter 1949
- * Bullet in the Blizzard, (ss) Leading Western July 1948
- * Bullets Buy a Boom-Town!, (nv) .44 Western Magazine August 1950
- * Burn the Man Down!, (ss) Western Story Magazine December 1952
- * Cache of the Damned, (ss) New Western Magazine October 1949
- * Cactus-Eatin’ Lady, (ss) New Western Magazine November 1951
- * Cactus Treachery, (ss) Frontier Stories Winter 1951
- * Dakota, Here Comes Texas!, (ss) Max Brand’s Western Magazine January 1953
- * Deadline for Lobos, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine December 1952
- * The Death Deuce, (ss) New Western Magazine August 1950
- * The Devil’s Broomtails, (ss) Ace-High Western Stories November 1948
- * The Devil’s Crossroad, (ss) Western Rangers Stories February 1954
- * End of the Gun-Trail, (ss) .44 Western Magazine March 1952
- * Enough Rope for Ryan, (ss) Big-Book Western Magazine July 1951
- * Escort to Nowhere, (ss) Big-Book Western Magazine May 1952
- * Eye for an Eye!, (ss) Ace-High Western Stories January 1950
- * Fight for Your Land, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story August/September 1949
- * Fight Hell with High-Water!, (ss) Big-Book Western Magazine October 1949
- * A Fool and His Scalp…, (ss) Max Brand’s Western Magazine September 1952
- * Git Off My Land!, (ss) Big-Book Western Magazine December 1949
- * Glutton Fever, (ss) Adventure December 1949
- * Gold Fever’s Fatal!, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales March 1952
- * Grab Weapons—Or Weep!, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine December 1949
- * The Grubline Kid, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine October 1952
- * Gun-Dogs Guard the Sheep!, (nv) New Western Magazine December 1949
- * The Gun-Farmer Goes to Hell!, (nv) Dime Western Magazine July 1952
- * Gun for Hire, (nv) Giant Western June 1952
- * Gun Justice, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine September 1954
- * Gunman-on-the-Run!, (nv) Fifteen Western Tales November 1952
- * Gunman’s Canyon, (ss) New Western Magazine September 1952
- * Gunsmoke Fever, (ss) Max Brand’s Western Magazine July 1952
- * The Gunsmoke Statesman, (ss) Big-Book Western Magazine December 1950
- * Halfway Hardcase, (ss) Lariat Story Magazine March 1950
- * Hangmill Harvest, (ss) Western Novels and Short Stories June 1952
- * Hard-Cash Stake, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine April 1950
- * Hell Has Two Trails, (nv) Max Brand’s Western Magazine March 1954
- * Hell on the Half-Moon, (nv) Big-Book Western Magazine January 1949
- * Hell on the Yellowstone, (nv) Ace-High Western Stories July 1950
- * Hell Rules This Valley, (nv) .44 Western Magazine January 1953
- * Here’s Gold for Your Grave!, (ss) Ace-High Western Stories September 1948
- * He’s Peaceful—Like Poison!, (ss) .44 Western Magazine October 1949
- * Highland Gun-Fling, (ss) New Western Magazine April 1950
- * Injun Trick, (ss) Thrilling Western May 1949
- * It Takes a Killer—, (ss) .44 Western Magazine June 1949
- * Judge Colt Draws the Line, (ss) .44 Western Magazine June 1950
- * Keep Off Gallows Range!, (nv) New Western Magazine January 1953
- * The Kid from Yuma, (ss) Dime Western Magazine September 1953
- * Killer-in-a-Keg, (ss) Dime Western Magazine October 1949
- * The Killer-Marshall from Dos Santos, (ss) Max Brand’s Western Magazine May 1953
- * Kill for Pleasure, (ss) Lariat Story Magazine November 1949
- * King of the Ciboleros, (na) 10 Story Western Magazine February 1950
- * Load Your Cue with Bullets!, (ss) New Western Magazine April 1949
- * Long Cal Packs in the Law, (nv) .44 Western Magazine August 1948
- * Longhorn Dynamite, (ss) The Pecos Kid Western March 1951
- * Long on Guts—Short on Guns, (ss) .44 Western Magazine October 1948
- * The Lost Creek Tinhorn, (nv) 10 Story Western Magazine April 1953
- * Mabel Was a Lady, (ss) New Western Magazine February 1949
- * Mad Gunman of the Big Missou’, (na) Ace-High Western Stories September 1949
- * The Man from Pomona, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine August 1952
- * The Man from Trigger Hole, (nv) .44 Western Magazine January 1952
- * Man Who Bucked the Big H, (na) Best Western August 1953
- * Night Ride, (ss) Big-Book Western Magazine July 1953
- * Over the Hill to Hell, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales January 1953
- * Plant Your Crops—Reap Your Corpses!, (ss) .44 Western Magazine February 1949
- * Poker Bride for a Tinhorn King, (ss) Star Western September 1949
- * Pot-Luck, (ss) Lariat Story Magazine September 1949
- * The Rain Came Red!, (nv) 10 Story Western Magazine April 1952
- * The Red-Hot Claws of Texas, (na) Big-Book Western Magazine April 1950
- * Renegade Rifles for Silver Sam, (nv) 10 Story Western Magazine October 1949
- * Return of the Contraband Kid, (na) Big-Book Western Magazine August 1950
- * Return of the Vargas, (ss) Dime Western Magazine March 1952
- * Ride Clear of Outlaw Mountain, (ss) Max Brand’s Western Magazine January 1954
- * Ride Wide of Tres Cruces!, (nv) Ace-High Western Stories September 1950
- * River Tinhorn’s Last Hand, (ss) Ace-High Western Stories February 1949
- * Rope Enough for a Redhead!, (ss) Ace-High Western Stories July 1948
- * Satan Sent Three!, (ss) Dime Western Magazine September 1952
- * Satan’s Senorita, (ss) Star Western April 1954
- * Six Bullets from Hell, (nv) Western Ace High Stories October 1953
- * The Sixgun Six, (na) 10 Story Western Magazine April 1951
- * Sixgun Solomon, (ss) .44 Western Magazine April 1950
- * Soldier Charley’s Battle-Call, (ss) Ace-High Western Stories March 1950
- * Stampeders of Big Hell Canyon, (ss) Max Brand’s Western Magazine March 1953
- * Stranger, (na) Complete Western Book Magazine April 1953
- * The Sword of Mulai Ismail, (nv) Adventure March 1950
- * They’ll Come Like the Wind, (nv) Complete Western Book Magazine August 1952
- * The Tinhorn—Trail-Driver!, (na) Ace-High Western Stories May 1949
- * Tinstar Tinhorn, (ss) New Western Magazine June 1949
- * Too Hard to Hang!, (ss) .44 Western Magazine December 1949
- * Torazo, (ss) Argosy July 1952
- * The Toughest Freighter West of Hell!, (nv) .44 Western Magazine February 1950
- * Tough One out of Texas, (nv) Best Western November 1952
- * Try a Lead Pill!, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine March 1950
- * Wagon Load of Hell, (ss) Ace-High Western Stories April 1951
- * Water, Cows—and That Woman!, (nv) Star Western November 1950
- * Water, Fire—and Fighting Guts!, (nv) Ace-High Western Stories March 1949
- * Wear My Bullet Brand!, (nv) 10 Story Western Magazine January 1950
- * Welsher’s Way, (ss) New Western Magazine July 1952
- * White Water Devil!, (nv) Dime Western Magazine August 1949
- * Wilderness Wildcat, (ss) Star Western June 1954
_____, [ref.]
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