The FictionMags Index
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[]Sidney, John; pseudonym of Dal Stivens (1911-1997) (chron.)
- * The Body in the Bath, (ss) Hunted Detective Story Magazine #4, June 1955, as "The Body in the Bottle"
- * The Body in the Bottle, (ss) Hunted Detective Story Magazine #4, June 1955
- * The Bunyip…Australian Monster, (ar) Real Men January 1957
- * The Cowboy Hat, (ss) The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Magazine September 1966
- * Death in Your Hand, (ts) Adventure July 1956
- * The False Friar and the Peasant, (vi) Dude May 1963
- * Last Dive, (ss) Lilliput July 1956
- * Murder Off the Record, (ss) The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Magazine December 1966
- * Nothing to Lose, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine February 1958
- * Policeman’s Beat Was 1,100 Miles Long, (ar) Holiday Clubman #60, Winter 1955/1956
- * Recital, (vi) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine November 1958
- * Requiem with Little Bells, (vi) The London Mystery Magazine #26, September 1955
- * The Toughest Digestion in the World, (ar) Lilliput September 1956
[]Sidney, Margaret; pseudonym of Harriett Mulford Lothrop (1844-1924) (about) (chron.)
- * An Adirondack Camp, (ar) Wide Awake October 1890
- * All Hail to the One Who Discovered Thee, (pm) Wide Awake December 1892
- * April Fool, (pm) Wide Awake April 1880
- * Ballads:
* ___ VIII. The Minute Man, (pm) Wide Awake July 1886
- * The Beginning of the Result, (sl) Wide Awake September 1885
- * A Burst of Confidence, (pm) Wide Awake January 1884
- * The Carlisle School for Indian Pupils, (ar) Wide Awake March 1884
- * Caryl’s Plum, (ss) Wide Awake May 1883
- * Concord; Her Highways and Byways:
* ___ I. Historic Landmarks, (ar) Wide Awake August 1887
* ___ II. Thoreau’s Birthplace, and the Lexington Road, (ar) Wide Awake September 1887
* ___ III. Walden Pond, (ar) Wide Awake October 1887
* ___ IV. On the River; and Sleepy Hollow, (ar) Wide Awake November 1887
- * The Contributors and the Children:
* ___ III. He Can’t Spell, (ar) Wide Awake December 1886
* ___ XVIII. Preaching and Practice, (ar) Wide Awake March 1887
- * Corinne’s Musicale, (pm) Wide Awake June 1883
- * Cousin Sallie’s Wedding Slippers, (ss) Wide Awake May 1881
- * Dilly and the Captain. Chapter 1, (sl) Wide Awake December 1885
- * Dilly and the Captain. Chapter 2, (sl) Wide Awake January 1886
- * Dilly and the Captain. Chapter 3, (sl) Wide Awake February 1886
- * Dilly and the Captain. Chapter 4, (sl) Wide Awake March 1886
- * Dilly and the Captain. Chapter 5, (sl) Wide Awake April 1886
- * Dilly and the Captain. Chapter 6, (sl) Wide Awake May 1886
- * Easter, (pm) Wide Awake April 1883
- * Ethel’s Advice, (pm) Wide Awake March 1883
- * Eurania’s Boys and How They Kept House, (ss) Wide Awake June 1888
- * Five Little Peppers; and How They Grew. Chapter 21, (sl) Wide Awake October 1880
- * Five Little Peppers; and How They Grew. Chapter 25, (sl) Wide Awake December 1880
- * Five Little Peppers; and How They Grew. Chapters 11-13, (sl) Wide Awake May 1880
- * Five Little Peppers; and How They Grew. Chapters 1-2, (sl) Wide Awake January 1880
- * Five Little Peppers; and How They Grew. Chapters 14-15, (sl) Wide Awake June 1880
- * Five Little Peppers; and How They Grew. Chapters 16-17, (sl) Wide Awake July 1880
- * Five Little Peppers; and How They Grew. Chapters 18-19, (sl) Wide Awake August 1880
- * Five Little Peppers; and How They Grew. Chapters 20-21, (sl) Wide Awake September 1880
- * Five Little Peppers; and How They Grew. Chapters 24-25, (sl) Wide Awake November 1880
- * Five Little Peppers; and How They Grew. Chapters 3-4, (sl) Wide Awake February 1880
- * Five Little Peppers; and How They Grew. Chapters 5-7, (sl) Wide Awake March 1880
- * Five Little Peppers; and How They Grew. Chapters 8-10, (sl) Wide Awake April 1880
- * Five Little Peppers Further On. Chapters 11-12, (sl) Wide Awake November 1889
- * Five Little Peppers Further On. Chapters 1-2, (sl) Wide Awake June 1889
- * Five Little Peppers Further On. Chapters 3-4, (sl) Wide Awake July 1889
- * Five Little Peppers Further On. Chapters 5-6, (sl) Wide Awake August 1889
- * Five Little Peppers Further On. Chapters 7-8, (sl) Wide Awake September 1889
- * Five Little Peppers Further On. Chapters 9-10, (sl) Wide Awake October 1889
- * Five Little Peppers Grown Up. Chapters 11-12, (sl) Wide Awake May 1891
- * Five Little Peppers Grown Up. Chapters 1-2, (sl) Wide Awake December 1890
- * Five Little Peppers Grown Up. Chapters 3-4, (sl) Wide Awake January 1891
- * Five Little Peppers Grown Up. Chapters 5-6, (sl) Wide Awake February 1891
- * Five Little Peppers Grown Up. Chapters 7-8, (sl) Wide Awake March 1891
- * Five Little Peppers Grown Up. Chapters 9-10, (sl) Wide Awake April 1891
- * Five Little Peppers Grown Up—Part Second. Chapters 11-12, (sl) Wide Awake November 1891
- * Five Little Peppers Grown Up—Part Second. Chapters 1-2, (sl) Wide Awake June 1891
- * Five Little Peppers Grown Up—Part Second. Chapters 3-4, (sl) Wide Awake July 1891
- * Five Little Peppers Grown Up—Part Second. Chapters 5-6, (sl) Wide Awake August 1891
- * Five Little Peppers Grown Up—Part Second. Chapters 7-8, (sl) Wide Awake September 1891
- * Five Little Peppers Grown Up—Part Second. Chapters 9-10, (sl) Wide Awake October 1891
- * Five Little Peppers Midway. Chapters 11-12, (sl) Wide Awake May 1889
- * Five Little Peppers Midway. Chapters 1-2, (sl) Wide Awake December 1888
- * Five Little Peppers Midway. Chapters 3-4, (sl) Wide Awake January 1889
- * Five Little Peppers Midway. Chapters 5-6, (sl) Wide Awake February 1889
- * Five Little Peppers Midway. Chapters 7-8, (sl) Wide Awake March 1889
- * Five Little Peppers Midway. Chapters 9-10, (sl) Wide Awake April 1889
- * Gladys, (ss) Wide Awake May 1884
- * Griselda’s New Year’s Reception, (ss) St. Nicholas February 1884
- * He Can’t Spell, (ar) Wide Awake December 1886
- * Historic Landmarks, (ar) Wide Awake August 1887
- * How They Departed, (sl) Wide Awake August 1885
- * Kate Greenaway, (ss) Wide Awake July 1883
- * Little Hop-o’-My-Thumb, (pm) Wide Awake September 1879
- * The Little Town-Maid, (pm) Wide Awake August 1888
- * Lucy Pervear, (ss) Wide Awake November 1890
- * Maud’s Problem, (pm) Wide Awake June 1882
- * Midwinter in the Public Garden, (pm) Wide Awake January 1885
- * The Minute Man, (pm) Wide Awake July 1886
- * The Modern Little Princes, (ss) Wide Awake December 1882
- * A New Departure for Girls:
* ___ I. They Departed, (sl) Wide Awake June 1885
* ___ II. Where They Departed, (sl) Wide Awake July 1885
* ___ III. How They Departed, (sl) Wide Awake August 1885
* ___ IV. The Beginning of the Result, (sl) Wide Awake September 1885
* ___ V. Sure Progress, (sl) Wide Awake October 1885
* ___ VI. This Way to Fortune, (sl) Wide Awake November 1885
- * On the River; and Sleepy Hollow, (ar) Wide Awake November 1887
- * Peggy and Her Family. Chapter 1, (sl) Wide Awake June 1886
- * Peggy and Her Family. Chapter 2, (sl) Wide Awake July 1886
- * Peggy and Her Family. Chapter 3, (sl) Wide Awake August 1886
- * Peggy and Her Family. Chapter 4, (sl) Wide Awake September 1886
- * Peggy and Her Family. Chapter 5, (sl) Wide Awake October 1886
- * Peggy and Her Family. Chapter 6, (sl) Wide Awake November 1886
- * Piece of News, A; or, Aunt Ray’s Cat, (ar) Wide Awake December 1887
- * Preaching and Practice, (ar) Wide Awake March 1887
- * Song of a Christmas Hearth, (pm) Wide Awake December 1883
- * Song of the Christmas Stockings, (pm) Wide Awake January 1883
- * A Spring Song, (pm) Wide Awake May 1880
- * Sure Progress, (sl) Wide Awake October 1885
- * They Departed, (sl) Wide Awake June 1885
- * This Way to Fortune, (sl) Wide Awake November 1885
- * Thoreau’s Birthplace, and the Lexington Road, (ar) Wide Awake September 1887
- * Those Souvenir Spoons, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1892
- * Three Little Pigs, (pm) Wide Awake September 1881
- * Tressy’s Christmas, (ss) Wide Awake January 1879
- * Trypheny’s Bicycle, (ss) Wide Awake August 1892
- * Walden Pond, (ar) Wide Awake October 1887
- * Where They Departed, (sl) Wide Awake July 1885
- * Whittier with the Children, (ar) Wide Awake January 1893
- * Who Had a Thanksgiving?, (pm) Wide Awake November 1880
[]Sidney, [Sir] Philip (1554-1586) (about) (chron.)
- * August, (pm)
- * The Bargain, (pm) from The Countess of Pembroke’s Arcadia, 1593
- * A Ditty, (pm) from The Countess of Pembroke’s Arcadia, 1590
- * Eternal Love, (pm)
- * Love Hath My Heart, (pm)
- * My True Love, (pm)
- * My True Love Hath My Heart, (sg) Atalanta #84, September 1894, music by W. Augustus Barratt
- * Sleep, (pm)
- * Song, (pm)
- * Sonnet, (pm)
- * untitled (“With how sad steps, O Moon! Thou Climb’st the slies!…”), (pm)
_____, [ref.]
[]Sidney, Samuel; pseudonym of Samuel Solomon (1813-1883) (about) (chron.)
- * The Colonel’s Story, (ss) Household Words Christmas 1853, uncredited.
- * A Fashionable Forger [David Discount], (ss) Household Words #86, November 15 1851, uncredited.
- * A Gallop for Life, (ss) Household Words #77, September 13 1851, uncredited.
- * The Gentleman Beggar. An Attorney’s Story [David Discount], (ss) Household Words #22, August 24 1850, uncredited.
- * The Guest’s Story, (ss) Household Words Christmas 1852, uncredited.
- * Two-Handed Dick the Stockman. An Adventure in the Bush, (ss) Household Words #6, May 4 1850, uncredited.
- * What Christmas Is After a Long Absence, (ar) Household Words Christmas 1851, uncredited.
[]Sidorova, Julia M. (fl. 2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * Agnosia, (ss) Welcome to Dystopia ed. Gordon Van Gelder, OR Books, 2017
- * Deus Absconditus, (nv) GigaNotoSaurus August 1 2012
- * The Gatherer of Sorrows, (nv) Science Fiction by Scientists ed. Michael Brotherton, Springer, 2016
- * Messenger, (au) Clarkesworld #47, August 2010; read by Kate Baker
- * Messenger, (ss) Clarkesworld #47, August 2010
- * Watching the Rubber Band, (nv) M-Brane SF #26, March 2011
- * The Witch, the Tinman, the Flies, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction August 2010
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