The FictionMags Index
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[]Shaw, Geoffrey (fl. 1970s-1990s) (chron.)
- * Death Sonnet, (pm) Overspace #2, July 1988
- * Faces, (pm) Overspace #9, July 1990
- * A Huntin’ We Will Go, (ss) Stardock #3, Fall 1978
- * Man, (pm) Overspace #5, February 1990
- * The Nature of the Human, (pm) Overspace #1, May 1988
- * Nothing, (pm) Overspace #9, July 1990
- * Oh, to Gaze at the Pretty Panorama of a Lost World and Reflect (or Requiem for a Way of Life), (pm) Overspace #6, March 1990
- * The Relationship Betwixt Time and Life, (pm) Overspace #3, September 1989
- * Wings, (pm) Overspace #2, July 1988
[]Shaw, George Bernard (1856-1950) (about) (chron.)
- * Aerial Football: The New Game, (ss) The Neolith #1, November 1907
- * All About Satan the Waster, (rv) Hearst’s Magazine December 1920
- * Androcles and the Lion, (pl) Everybody’s Magazine September 1914
- * Arms and the Man: Should Military Service Be Compulsory?, (sy) The Pall Mall Magazine July 1913
- * Back to Methuselah, (pl) Everybody’s June 1922
- * Barry Sullivan, Shakespear and Shaw, (ar) The Strand Magazine October 1947 [Ref. Barry Sullivan & William Shakespeare], as by G. B. S.
- * Beards, Bolsheviks and Bourgeoisie, (ar) Hearst’s International August 1921
- * Bernard Shaw Advises a Young Writer (with Alfred Ridgway), (lt) Lilliput March 1945
- * Bernard Shaw Advises a Young Writer, (ms)
- * Bernard Shaw and a Critic (with Henry Charles Duffin), (ar) The Cornhill Magazine January 1924
- * Bernard Shaw and Jesus, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) February 1917
- * Bernard Shaw Answers Frederick L. Collins About Lady Astor, (ar) Liberty March 11 1939
- * Bernard Shaw Is Brief and to the Point, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine February 1921
- * Bernard Shaw on American Women, (ar) Cosmopolitan Magazine September 1907
- * The Betrayal of Ulster, (ar) Hearst’s Magazine April 1920
- * Can We Win the Peace?, (ar) Liberty February 28 1942
- * The Case Against Chesterton, (ar) Metropolitan June 1916
- * The Case for Equality, (ms) Metropolitan December 1913
- * Cashel Byron’s Profession, (sl) The Weekly Press #1945, June 18 1902
- * The Cathedral, (ms)
- * Causerie on Handel in England, (ar) Ainslee’s May 1913
- * The Clerk and Emperor of China, (ar) Hearst’s Magazine January 1920
- * Coburn the Camerist, (ar) Metropolitan Magazine May 1906
- * Creative Evolution, (ex) from Back to Methuselah,
- * Dare We Change Their Destiny? (with P. D. Vernon), (iv) The Passing Show March 10 1934
- * The Dark Lady of the Sonnets, (pl) The Red Book Magazine January 1911
- * “Dictatorship of Proletariat”, (ar) Hearst’s International November 1921
- * Dictators—Let Us Have More of Them, (ar) Liberty September 10 1938
- * Don Giovanni Explains, (ss)
- * Do You Believe in a Future Life? (with W. R. Matthews, J. B. Priestley & H. G. Wells), (ar) The Strand Magazine May 1942
- * A Dramatic Realist to His Critics, (ar) The New Review #62, July 1894
- * Economics of Bedlam, (ar) Hearst’s Magazine June 1920
- * The Emperor and the Little Girl, (ss) New-York Tribune October 22 1916
- * Fanny’s First Play, (pl) Hearst’s Magazine November 1912
- * Fascism, (ar) Story #63, October 1937
- * A Final Statement of Faith (with George Sylvester Viereck), (ar) Liberty August 1 1936
- * A Foolish and Impudent Aspiration, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine January 1910
- * The Forgotten Centenary, (ar) The Nation January 16 1909 [Ref. Edgar Allan Poe]
- * George Bernard Shaw vs. George Bernard Shaw, (ms)
- * Getting Married, (pl) Physical Culture Oct, Nov, Dec 1915
- * The Golden West (with Frank Harris), (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) October 1917
- * The Grave of Brimstone Billy, (ss) Time March 1885, as "The Miraculous Revenge"
- * Great Catherine, (pl) Everybody’s Magazine February 1915
- * How England Can Win, (ar) Liberty August 31 1940
- * How Our Novelists Write Their Books, (sy) The Strand Magazine October 1924
- * I Am a Classic, (ar) Hearst’s Magazine September 1920
- * The Idlers’ Club:
* ___ My Methods of Work, (sy) The Idler March 1899
- * If War Comes, What Will Ireland Do?, (ar) Liberty July 29 1939
- * The Irish and the Germans, (ar) Liberty November 9 1940
- * Is America in the War?, (ar) Liberty May 24 1941
- * Killing for Sport, (ar) Nash’s Magazine September 1914
- * Knots in Shakespear’s Handkerchief, (ar) Hearst’s International June 1921
- * “The Ladies”, (ms) The Scrap Book February 1910
- * Life Without Meat, (ar) The Strand Magazine July 1945
- * Literature and Science, (??) The Forum October 1924
- * Little Engines in White Collars, (ar) Hearst’s International October 1921
- * Maxims and Precepts, (ms)
- * The Miraculous Revenge, (ss) Time March 1885
- * Mr. Shaw’s Response, (ar) Pall Mall Magazine October 1928
- * Money, (ms) Bedside Clubman v1, 1951
- * My Methods of Work, (sy) The Idler March 1899
- * Neutrality Is Nonsense, (ms) Everybody’s Magazine January 1916
- * O’Flaherty V.C., (pl) Hearst’s Magazine August 1917
- * One Thing to Be Done Besides Fighting, (ms) Nash’s Magazine September 1914
- * On Going to Church, (ar) The Savoy #1, January 1896
- * On Writing Plays, (hu) Cosmopolitan April 1916
- * Ought We to Give Up Socialism?, (sy) The Idler November 1897
- * Overruled, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine May 1913
- * The Palestinian Muddle, (ar) Liberty September 9 1939
- * Passion, Poison, Petrifaction; or, The Fatal Gazogene, (pl) Harry Furniss’s Christmas Annual 1905
- * Politics, (ar) The New Review #20, January 1891
- * A Postcard from Shaw, (lt) Pearson’s Magazine (US) July 1918
- * The Potential Wife-Mother, (sy) Lloyd’s Magazine December 1918
- * Puppets and Actors, (lt) Nash’s Magazine August 1913
- * Pyg-Malion, (sa) The Shrine Magazine February 1927
- * Pygmalion, (pl) Everybody’s Magazine November 1914
- * A Question Too Many for G.B.S. (with Dorothy Royal), (ar) The Passing Show September 12 1936
- * Reprisals Against the Germans: What Shall We Do?, (ar) Liberty February 1 1941
- * Said Witty Mr. Shaw, (ms)
- * Saint Joan, (sa) The London Magazine July 1924 (adapted)
- * St. Joan, (ex) Constable, 1924
- * Scrap the Museums! Opinion, (aw) Pearson’s Magazine April 1916
- * The Serenade, (ss) Magazine of Music November 1885
- * Shafts by Shaw, (ms)
- * Shaking Hands with a Bear, (ar) Metropolitan May 1916
- * Shaw’s Latest, (lt) Pearson’s Magazine (US) May 1918
- * Shaw’s Rules for Play Producers, (ar) The Strand Magazine July 1949
- * The Six Greatest Men, (ms) The Strand Magazine 1922
- * The Six Greatest Men in History, (sy) The Strand Magazine October 1922 [Ref. H. G. Wells]
- * Slaying Souls with a Corkscrew, (ar) Hearst’s International May 1921
- * The Socialist Ideal:
* ___ 2. Politics, (ar) The New Review #20, January 1891
- * Sovietism, (ar) Story #65, December 1937
- * A Study in Self Analysis, (ar) Metropolitan Magazine January 1906
- * The Theatre of the Future, (ss) The Grand Magazine February 1905
- * Thing, Odette, Think!, (ar) Lilliput April 1940
- * Tim Haffigan, (ex) from John Bull’s Other Island, Archibald & Constable, 1907
- * Toilers in the Abyss, (ar) Nash’s Magazine January 1913
- * Touring in Russia, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine Jan, Feb 1932
- * The Trial of Joan of Arc, (ar) 1924
- * A Trilogy of Wits (with Oscar Wilde & Remy de Gourmont), (ms)
- * The Universe of Einstein, (bg) Radio Digest January 1931
- * The U.S.S.R. and the World, (ar) Liberty June 21 1941
- * Wagner in Bayreuth, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine October 1889
- * What I Do and Who I Am, (ar) Liberty May 27 1939
- * What Is the Greatest Force in the World?, (sy) Pearson’s Magazine May 1920; edited by Reed Ison
- * What the Films May Do to Drama, (ar) Metropolitan May 1915
- * Who Is Frank Harris?, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) September 1918
- * Who Should Be Laureate?, (sy) The Idler April 1895
- * Why Not Give the Intellectuals a Chance?, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine November 1933
- * Why She Would Not: A Little Comedy, (pl) The London Magazine August 1956
- * Why Women Should Have the Vote, From the Man’s Point of View, (sy) The Pall Mall Magazine March 1913
- * Woman Since 1860 as a Wise Man Sees Her, (ar) McCall’s Magazine October 1920
- * Women, Socialism and Love, (es) Hearst’s International January 1923
- * A Word More About Verdi, (ar) The Anglo-Saxon Review March 1901
- * The World After War, (ar) Liberty December 23 1939
- * [letter] (with Oswald Garrison Villard), (lt) Rob Wagner’s Script #623, February 28 1942 [Ref. Upton Sinclair]; (Two letters to the author Upton Sinclair)
_____, [ref.]
- * The Argumentative George Bernard Shaw by Montrose J. Moses, (ar) The Bellman #588, October 20 1917
- * Atoms by G.B.S. by Dorothy Royal, (iv) John Bull September 15 1945
- * Back to Methuselah: A Metabiological Pentateuch by J. Michael Rosenblum, (br) Spaceways #8, October 1939
- * Bernard Shaw by Winston S. Churchill, (ar) Nash’s Magazine August 1929
- * Bernard Shaw by Catherine Amy Dawson-Scott, (bg) The Strand Magazine October 1923
- * Bernard Shaw as a Dramatist by L. L., (ar) The Lone Hand: The Australian Monthly #9, January 1908
- * Bernard Shaw—as Few Know Him by Henry Neil, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine February 1927
- * Bernard Shaw at 89 by Hayden Church, (ar) The New York Times
- * The Charm of Make-Believe by Harley Granville-Barker, (lt) Nash’s Magazine August 1913
- * Civilization, Death, and the Talkies by Hayden Church, (iv) Liberty February 7 1931
- * “Come to Lunch!”—George Bernard Shaw by Norman Clark, (iv) Cassell’s Magazine May 1929
- * A Cosmic Comedy by Helen Melton, (br) The Double Dealer August/September 1924
- * Dodging His Dotage by W. R. Titterton, (bg) The Strand Magazine July 1943
- * G. Bernard Shaw and H.G. Wells Disbelieve in Spiritualism by Joseph Gollomb, (iv) The Strand Magazine April 1920
- * G. B. Shaw, Esqre., of London by Caroline Cheyne, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine May 1931
- * G.B.S. will stay in Bed by W. R. Titterton, (iv) Illustrated July 27 1940
- * George Bernard Shaw by Joseph Forster, (ar) Crampton’s Magazine October 1902
- * George Bernard Shaw by Clement Scott, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine July 1903
- * George Bernard Shaw by Matthew Davoren, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine February 1909
- * George Bernard Shaw by Cecil Chesterton, (bg) Temple Bar August 1906
- * George Bernard Shaw by Edmund Dulac, (il) Nash’s Magazine August 1929
- * George Bernard Shaw by Reginald Arkell, (pm) Pan #11, January 17 1920
- * George Bernard Shaw by Sidney Dark, (bg) The Royal Magazine July 1924
- * George Bernard Shaw by Sidney Dark, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine January 1930
- * A “Good Notice” by S. L. Littlewood, (ms) Nash’s Magazine August 1913
- * Grandeur et Décadence de Bernard Shaw by A Young Playgoer, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine February 1906
- * In Praise of Puppets by G. K. Chesterton, (lt) Nash’s Magazine August 1913
- * Is G.B.S. Senile? by Edwin Dyke, (ar) The London Magazine February 1930
- * Letters to Alice Hockett, (ar) Esquire April 1958
- * The Living Dead—IV: Bernard Shaw by Angus Wilson, (ar) The London Magazine December 1956
- * Looking Just Like God… by Allan Chappelow, (ar) Shaw the Villager and Human Being: A Biographical Symposium ed. Allan Chappelow, Charles Skilton, 1961
- * The Love Letters of Bernard Shaw, (ar) Esquire April 1958
- * Mr. Bernard Shaw, Mr. G. K. Chesterton, and Mr. Arnold Bennett by Frank Rutter, (ar) The Strand Magazine September 1930
- * Mr. G. B. Shaw and the British Public by Stephen Gwynn, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine April 1905
- * Mr. Shaw’s Critics by J. C. Squire, (rc) Land & Water February 14 1918
- * Mr. Shaw Speaks of Hates Across the Sea by Hayden Church, (iv) Liberty January 5 1929
- * A Most Happy and Fruitful Marriage by Allan Chappelow, (ar) Shaw the Villager and Human Being: A Biographical Symposium ed. Allan Chappelow, Charles Skilton, 1961
- * “My Dear Woman…” by Allan Chappelow, (ar) Shaw the Villager and Human Being: A Biographical Symposium ed. Allan Chappelow, Charles Skilton, 1961
- * Ninety Year a Shaw Lover by Hannen Swaffer, (bg) John Bull June 29 1946
- * “One of Us” by Allan Chappelow, (ar) Shaw the Villager and Human Being: A Biographical Symposium ed. Allan Chappelow, Charles Skilton, 1961
- * Panegyrics by T. W. H. Crosland, (cl) Pan #1, November 8 1919
- * Playwright, Reformer by Margaret Lane, (iv) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine March 1937
- * Portraits in Pen and Ink by Walter Tittle, (ar) The Strand Magazine July 1924
- * Puppet Shows in Hyde Park? by Gordon Craig, (ms) Nash’s Magazine August 1913
- * A Reply to Mr. Shaw by Arthur Bourchier, (ms) Nash’s Magazine August 1913
- * Roads Safe for You by B. L. Jacot & Frank D. Long, (ar) The Passing Show March 23 1935
- * Shaw and the Taboo by Temple Scott, (ar) The Phoenix June 1915
- * “Shawitis” by Leslie W. Quirk, (ar) The Bohemian January 1906
- * Shaw Looks at Life at Seventy by George Sylvester Viereck, (iv) Liberty August 13 1927
- * Shaw’s Book on Socialism Reviewed, (br) Pall Mall Magazine November 1928
- * Shaw’s Divine Inspiration by Charles Macdona, (ar) Pall Mall Magazine September 1928
- * Shaw: The Later Plays by Henry Charles Duffin, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine December 1928
- * Shaw—The Pioneer by Ashley Dukes, (ar) Nash’s Magazine February 1928
- * Some Literary Critics by G. B. Burgin, (ar) The Idler June 1894
- * The Story of Clunn Lewis by G. M. Robins, (ms) Nash’s Magazine August 1913
- * Ten Authors in Search of a Story by Anthony Armstrong, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine March 1930
- * The Theatre: More on G.B.S. by George Jean Nathan, (ar) The American Mercury March 1950
- * Three Laughing Philosophers: George Bernard Shaw, G.K. Chesterton, and H.G. Wells by A. G. Gardiner, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine January 1909
- * The Truth About “Candida” by James G. Huneker, (ar) Metropolitan Magazine August 1904
- * [frontispiece] by Antony Wysard, (fp) The Strand Magazine July 1949
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