The FictionMags Index
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[]Sagan, Françoise; pseudonym of Françoise Quoirez (1935-2004) (about) (chron.)
- * Aimez-Vous Brahms, (n.) 1959
- * A Certain Smile, (n.) Woman’s Home Companion September 1956
- * La Chamade, (n.) Dutton, 1966
- * A Craving for Violence, (ss) Vogue May 1 1955, as "Murder and the Menu"
- * A Dog’s Night, (ss)
- * The Heart-Keeper, (n.) Dutton, 1968
- * A Little Bit of Sunlight, (n.) Ladies’ Home Journal April 1971
- * Mirror of Venus (with Federico Fellini), (pi) Penthouse (UK) September 1966
- * Murder and the Menu, (ss) Vogue May 1 1955
- * The Sun Also Sets, (ss) Silken Eyes by Françoise Sagan, Andre Deutsch, 1977
- * The Unknown Visitor, (ss)
- * The Wonderful Clouds, (n.) Dutton, 1962
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[]Sagan, Miriam (1954- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Garlic, (vi) Word of Mouth: Volume 2 ed. Irene Zahava, Crossing Press, 1991
- * Ghost Dance, (pm) Star*Line September/October 1982
- * Hunger, (ss) Santa Fe Noir ed. Ariel Gore, Akashic Books, 2020
- * Lovers in a Garden, (pm) Ploughshares Spring 1977
- * Madame X, (vi) Word of Mouth: Volume 2 ed. Irene Zahava, Crossing Press, 1991
- * The Princes and Curdie, (pm) Star*Line November/December 1982
- * Pyromania, (vi) Word of Mouth: Volume 2 ed. Irene Zahava, Crossing Press, 1991
- * Quicksilver, (pm) Pulpsmith Summer 1982
- * Yr Bodies, (pm) Star*Line September/October 1982
[]Sagara, Michelle M. (1963- ); also as Michelle Sagara West (chron.)
- * Anne, (na) Courts of the Fey ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Russell Davis, DAW, 2011
- * Birthnight, (ss) Christmas Bestiary ed. Rosalind M. & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1992
- * Cast in Moonlight [Kaylin Neya], (na) Harvest Moon, Luna, 2010
- * For Love of God, (ss) Alternate Warriors ed. Mike Resnick, Tor, 1993
- * Four Attempts at a Letter, (ss) By Any Other Fame ed. Mike Resnick & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1994
- * Ghostwood, (nv) Enchanted Forests ed. Katharine Kerr & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1995
- * Gifted, (ss) Aladdin ed. Mike Resnick & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1992
- * The Hidden Grove, (ss) Witch Fantastic ed. Mike Resnick & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1995
- * Hunger, (ss) Christmas Ghosts ed. Mike Resnick & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1993
- * I Have Read Them All, Now, (ar) Nebula Awards Showcase 2017 ed. Julie E. Czerneda, Pyr, 2017
- * I’ve Read Every Word, (ar) World Fantasy Convention Toronto 2012 ed. Christopher & Barbara Roden, 2012
- * Shadow of a Change, (ss) Dinosaur Fantastic ed. Mike Resnick & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1993
- * The Sword in the Stone, (nv) Alternate Tyrants ed. Mike Resnick, Tor, 1997
- * Tanya Huff Is…, (in) What Ho, Magic! by Tanya Huff, Meisha Merlin, 1999
- * What She Won’t Remember, (nv) Alternate Outlaws ed. Mike Resnick & Martin H. Greenberg, Tor, 1994
- * When a Child Cries, (ss) Phantoms of the Night ed. Richard Gilliam & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1996
- * Winter, (ss) Deals with the Devil ed. Mike Resnick, Martin H. Greenberg & Loren D. Estleman, DAW, 1994
[]Sage, Betty (chron.)
- * Baking Day, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post December 19 1903
- * Humming-Birds, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post August 8 1903
- * Juliette, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post July 18 1903
- * “Miss Mariar”, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post November 14 1903
- * Nursery Tea, (pm) The Century Magazine November 1903
- * Nurse’s Afternoon Out, (pm) The Century Magazine November 1903
- * The Snake, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post November 21 1903
- * A Sure Cure, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post September 26 1903
- * An Unpleasant Thought, (pm) The Century Magazine November 1903
- * When Daddy Was a Little Boy, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post September 12 1903
[]Sagendorph, Kent (1902-1958) (chron.)
- * Along the Flight Line, (ms) Argosy February 1947
- * The Arctic Ace, (nv) Street & Smith’s Air Trails June 1931
- * Articles of War, (ss) The Lone Eagle February 1939
- * The Bouncing Bathtub, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine July 10 1932
- * The Bread of Hate, (ar) Liberty September 21 1940
- * The Breakdown Test, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine July 10 1933
- * The Buccaneer Brand, (ss) Flying Aces March 1931
- * Buzzard Bait, (ss) Street & Smith’s Air Trails April 1931
- * The Checkered Flag, (ss) Thrilling Sports September 1936
- * Cloud Curtain, (ss) Air Stories October 1931
- * Command of the Air, (ss) Sky Fighters July 1939
- * Crash Proof, (ss) Popular Sports Magazine April 1938
- * Excuse My Dust, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine October 25 1931
- * The Eye in the Sky, (ss) Air Stories November 1931
- * The Face in the Fokker, (ss) Street & Smith’s Air Trails August 1931
- * Fast Company, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine February 25 1932
- * Flaming Skies, (ss) Air Stories December 1930
- * The Fledgling Flash, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces January 1936
- * Giant Bombers for Tomorrow, (ar) Argosy March 7 1942
- * The Guarded Goal, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine March 10 1932
- * Hell-Bent for Heaven, (ss) G-8 and His Battle Aces November 1933
- * Hell on Wheels, (ar) Esquire June 1939
- * High Man Wins, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine January 10 1932
- * Indian Sign, (ss) Thrilling Sports March 1937
- * Jaloupi Inferno, (ss) Champion Sports Magazine January 1938
- * Law on the Hip—How One Town Solved the Crime Problem, (ar) Liberty February 12 1938
- * Look Out Below!, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine June 10 1932
- * The Ludicrous Luftwaffe, (ar) Esquire June 1946
- * Mad About Motors, (ss) Popular Sports Magazine April 1939
- * Man-Killer Wings, (ss) Flying Aces June 1934
- * Men Against the Tide, (nv) Thrilling Sports November 1940
- * Midnight Raiders, (ss) Flying Aces January 1931
- * Motor City Melodrama, (ts) Crime Confessions November 1940
- * Murderer’s Alley, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine June 25 1932
- * One Lone Buzzard, (nv) Top-Notch October 1933
- * The Phantom Ball, (ss) College Stories February 1932
- * Please Omit Flowers, (ss) International Detective Magazine July 1933
- * Powerboat Challenge, (ss) Thrilling Sports November 1938
- * Protect the Passenger, (ss) Street & Smith’s Air Trails July 1931
- * Quarts of Sky Wallop, (ss) Airplane Stories March 1931
- * Rio Yaqui, (nv) Argosy December 10 1938
- * The Roaring Ghost, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine May 10 1932
- * The Roaring Oval, (nv) Thrilling Sports December 1936
- * Six Miles a Minute, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine December 10 1931
- * Skyrocket O’Toole, (ss) Sky Fighters January 1935
- * Small-Town Tammanies, (ar) Country Home Magazine October 1939
- * Snow-blind, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine February 10 1933
- * Speed Crazy, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine December 25 1931
- * Speed King, (nv) Thrilling Sports September 1937
- * Speed to Spare, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine December 10 1932
- * Stage-Prop Grappler, (ss) Ace Sports December 1938
- * Streamlined Nerve, (ss) Popular Sports Magazine June 1937
- * Suicide ’Chutes, (ss) Flying Aces October 1936
- * Suicide Curve, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine October 10 1931
- * Suicide Special, (ss) Thrilling Adventures November 1934
- * Supercharged Nerve, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine February 10 1932
- * 10,000 Years on Queer Street, (ss) Ace Sports Monthly March 1938
- * Thin Air, (ss) Air Stories March 1931
- * Tomorrow’s Flying Miracles, (ar) Argosy November 1946
- * Twin-Cylinder Suicide, (nv) Thrilling Sports September 1938
- * Up and Over, (ss) Air Trails March 1937
- * Vulture Gold, (ss) Flying Aces November 1930
- * The Warning Flag, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine June 1937
- * Winged Victory, (nv) Thrilling Adventures June 1934
- * Wrestler’s Legacy, (ss) Champion Sports Magazine July 1938
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