The FictionMags Index
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[]Rice, George Graham; pseudonym of Jacob Simon Herzig (?-1940?) (chron.)
- * A Fight to the Death. The Dramatic Story of B.H. Scheftels & Co., (ar) Adventure December 1911
- * The Goldfield Mining-Stock Boom at Its Height, (ar) Adventure June 1911
- * The Greenwater Fiasco—The Crash at Goldfield, (ar) Adventure July 1911
- * The Mining Stock Game at Goldfield, (ar) Adventure May 1911
- * My Adventures with Your Money:
* ___ I. The Rise and Fall of Maxim & Gay, (ar) Adventure April 1911
* ___ II. The Mining Stock Game at Goldfield, (ar) Adventure May 1911
* ___ III: The Goldfield Mining-Stock Boom at Its Height, (ar) Adventure June 1911
* ___ IV. The Greenwater Fiasco—The Crash at Goldfield, (ar) Adventure July 1911
* ___ V. Some Inside Stories: Nipissing & Goldfield Con, (ar) Adventure August 1911
* ___ VI: Rawhide and Wall Street—The Press-Agent and the Public’s Money, (ar) Adventure September 1911
* ___ VII. Taking a Hand in the Wall Street Game—Rawhide Coalition and B.H. Scheftels & Co., (ar) Adventure November 1911
* ___ VIII. A Fight to the Death. The Dramatic Story of B.H. Scheftels & Co., (ar) Adventure December 1911
- * Rawhide and Wall Street—The Press-Agent and the Public’s Money, (ar) Adventure September 1911
- * The Rise and Fall of Maxim & Gay, (ar) Adventure April 1911
- * Some Inside Stories: Nipissing & Goldfield Con, (ar) Adventure August 1911
- * Taking a Hand in the Wall Street Game—Rawhide Coalition and B.H. Scheftels & Co., (ar) Adventure November 1911
[]Rice, (Henry) Grantland (1880-1954) (chron.)
- * The 57th All-America Football Team, (cl) Collier’s December 14 1946
- * The Ace of Clubs, (ss) Collier’s August 13 1927
- * Ace of Clubs, (ar) Collier’s September 27 1930
- * Advanced Wisdom, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post February 15 1930
- * After the Ball Is Over, (ar) Collier’s August 16 1930
- * After the Clouts Roll By, (ar) Collier’s August 2 1930
- * The All-America Football Selections, (ar) Collier’s December 10 1927
- * The All-America Football Team, (cl) Collier’s Dec 22 1928, Dec 28 1929, Dec 27 1930, Dec 26 1931, Dec 24 1932, Dec 30 1933, Dec 22 1934, Dec 21 1935,
Dec 19 1936, Dec 18 1937, Dec 17 1938, Dec 14 1940
Dec 13 1941, Dec 19 1942, Dec 18 1943, Dec 16 1944, Dec 15 1945
- * All-America Makers, (ar) Collier’s December 6 1941
- * Alligator Boy, (ar) Collier’s May 23 1931 [Ref. Henry Coppinger]
- * The All-Navy All-American, (ar) Collier’s January 2 1943
- * The All-Season Wonder, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post January 11 1930
- * Another Big Push, (ar) Collier’s May 5 1928
- * The Answer, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post September 14 1918
- * Anything Can Happen, (ar) Collier’s April 27 1929
- * April Dope, (ar) Collier’s April 20 1929
- * April Prowess, (ar) Collier’s April 18 1931
- * Are Women Good Sports?, (ar) Metropolitan October 1922
- * Around the Bases, (cl) Best Sports Magazine June 1937
- * Asking a How, (pm) New York Herald Tribune
- * At Random in Fandom, (pm) McClure’s Magazine June 1916
- * August, (pm) Collier’s August 16 1913
- * Backing the All-America, (??) Collier’s December 7 1940
- * Back Up the Fighting Front, (ar) Thrilling Sports Spring 1944
- * Battery Trouble, (ar) Collier’s March 21 1931
- * Battle in the Open, (ar) Collier’s June 29 1929
- * Be a Sport, Santa!, (ar) Collier’s December 24 1927
- * Beating the Odds, (ar) Collier’s March 3 1928
- * Beating Time, (??) Collier’s July 5 1930
- * Beyond Reach, (ar) Collier’s June 30 1928
- * Beyond the Gales, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post January 4 1930
- * The Big Baffle, (??) Collier’s November 28 1931
- * Big Bill, (ar) Collier’s June 28 1930 [Ref. William T. Tilden]
- * The Big Head, (ar) Collier’s February 18 1928
- * The Big October Show, (ar) Collier’s October 6 1928
- * Bill Dickey: New All-Timer, (ar) Liberty August 8 1942
- * Bill of Health, (ss) Collier’s April 30 1932
- * Born to the Purple, (ar) Collier’s March 12 1927
- * Boxing Blah-Blah, (ar) Collier’s May 25 1929
- * The Braver Dream, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post March 22 1930
- * The Breaks of 1929, (ar) Collier’s January 4 1930
- * The Brutal Miles, (ar) Collier’s May 7 1927
- * California-Here They Come!, (ar) Collier’s August 31 1929
- * Came the Brawn, (ar) Collier’s September 14 1929
- * Captain of Industry, (ar) Collier’s January 24 1931 [Ref. William Barry Wood, Jr.]
- * Caught in a Brainstorm, (ar) Collier’s September 13 1930
- * The Championship Test, (ar) The Popular Magazine November 20 1921
- * Champ or Chump?, (ar) Collier’s June 14 1930
- * Chance-Takers, (ar) Collier’s October 18 1930
- * Chips Off the Old Champs, (ar) Collier’s September 1 1928
- * Choosing the All-America Team, (ar) Collier’s December 7 1929
- * Cinder Burners, (ar) Collier’s June 2 1928
- * Club Swinging, (ar) Collier’s May 30 1931
- * Coached by the Sun, (ar) Collier’s January 19 1929
- * Coaches to the Depot, (ar) Collier’s September 28 1929
- * Collier’s 58th All-America Football Team, (cl) Collier’s December 13 1947
- * Constant Champion, (ar) Collier’s January 16 1943
- * Contests of Beauty, (ar) Collier’s January 11 1930
- * The Cool Head, (ar) Collier’s January 10 1931
- * The Countercharge, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post December 5 1931
- * Courage, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post April 19 1930
- * Deep South, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post December 21 1929
- * Diamond Dust, (??) Collier’s April 16 1932
- * Dizzy Whirlwind, (ar) Collier’s May 9 1931
- * Don’t Let Your “Bad Luck” Turn Into Self Pity, (ar) The American Magazine September 1920
- * The Double Barrier, (ar) Collier’s May 29 1926
- * Down in Sunny Tennessee, (ar) The American Magazine August 1917
- * The Durable Race, (ar) Liberty September 6 1924
- * Dutiful but Numb, (ar) Collier’s November 16 1929
- * Eating to Win, (ar) Collier’s October 29 1927
- * The Expeditionary Force, (ar) Collier’s July 7 1928
- * Eyes That See, (ar) Collier’s February 25 1928
- * Fair Playing, (??) Collier’s March 19 1932
- * Fast Color, (ar) Collier’s January 31 1931
- * Fast Training, (ar) Collier’s April 4 1931
- * Fast Work, (ar) Collier’s November 30 1929
- * The Fellows Who Stick!, (pm) The American Magazine September 1920
- * The Fiftieth Anniversary All-America Football Team, (cl) Collier’s December 16 1939
- * Fighting Fool, (??) Collier’s June 18 1932
- * Fighting Mad, (ar) Collier’s July 21 1928
- * Fighting Mad, (ar) Collier’s May 21 1932
- * The Firebrand, (ar) Collier’s April 5 1930 [Ref. John J. McGraw]
- * The First Fifty Years, (??) Collier’s December 9 1939
- * A First-Tee Forecast, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post May 17 1930
- * Fist Class, (ar) Collier’s March 28 1931 [Ref. Max Baer]
- * Fitness for a Hard Life, (br) The Yale Review Winter 1943 [Ref. Robert J. H. Kiphuth]
- * Fit to Fight, (ar) Collier’s November 1 1930
- * The Flag Rush, (ar) Collier’s April 26 1930
- * Follow the Leader, (ar) Collier’s August 30 1930
- * The Football Bug, (??) Collier’s January 30 1932
- * Football Medicine, (??) Collier’s January 16 1932
- * Football Pays the Bills, (ar) Collier’s November 27 1926
- * Football’s Toughest Time, (ar) Collier’s October 8 1927
- * Foreign Exchange, (??) Collier’s September 19 1931
- * Forgotten Men, (??) Collier’s May 20 1933
- * For Men Only?, (??) Collier’s September 24 1932
- * For Students Only, (ar) Collier’s February 14 1931
- * Four Aces, (??) Collier’s April 9 1932
- * The French Are Coming, (ar) Collier’s August 28 1926
- * From Slags to Pitches, (??) Collier’s August 15 1931
- * Gallery Gods, (ar) Collier’s June 25 1932
- * Game of Chance, (??) Collier’s May 28 1932
- * Gentleman Gene, (ar) Collier’s November 5 1927 [Ref. Gene Tunney]
- * Getting a Head, (ar) Collier’s May 31 1930
- * Ghosts, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post December 26 1931
- * Ghosts of the Argonne, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post March 15 1919
- * The Glory of the States:
* ___ 17. Down in Sunny Tennessee, (ar) The American Magazine August 1917
- * Golden Gates, (ar) Collier’s March 29 1930
- * The Golden Surf, (ar) Collier’s January 14 1928
- * Gold Rush, (ar) Collier’s August 11 1928
- * Golf Coarse, (ar) Collier’s April 11 1931
- * Golf Medicine, (ar) Collier’s April 21 1928
- * Golf Poison, (??) Collier’s September 21 1929
- * Golf’s Bad Boy, (ar) Collier’s February 15 1930 [Ref. Walter Hagen]
- * Good Anywhere, (ar) Collier’s May 26 1928
- * Good Football, (??) Collier’s December 15 1934
- * Good Little Man, (ar) Collier’s November 22 1930
- * Good Old Sports, (ar) Collier’s February 28 1931
- * The Good Try Young, (ar) Collier’s November 8 1930
- * Goofey Golf, (ar) Collier’s November 10 1928
- * The Grand Old Batting Eye, (ar) McClure’s Magazine June 1915
- * The Grand Old Dope, (ar) McClure’s Magazine May 1915
- * Gridiron Grief, (ar) Collier’s October 22 1927
- * Hack Up!, (ar) Collier’s January 17 1931 [Ref. Hack Wilson]
- * Handcuffed Nerves, (ar) Collier’s July 12 1930
- * Hand-Made, (ar) Collier’s February 4 1928
- * The Happy Sporting Ground, (ar) Collier’s March 2 1929
- * Head Over Heels, (ar) Collier’s November 2 1929
- * The Heavy Mystery, (ar) Collier’s November 9 1929
- * The Heavyweight Peerage, (ar) Collier’s June 21 1930
- * Here Come the Elephants!, (ar) Collier’s July 20 1929
- * The Hero Pays, (ar) Collier’s July 13 1929
- * The Higher the Fewer, (ar) Collier’s October 13 1928
- * High Jinxes, (??) Collier’s November 21 1931
- * The Hindenburg Lion, (ar) Collier’s August 10 1929 [Ref. Max Schmeling]
- * “Hit ’Em a Mile”, (ar) Collier’s December 25 1926
- * Holding the Heights, (ar) Collier’s January 5 1929
- * How Far Can They Hit ’Em?, (ar) Collier’s April 18 1925
- * How to Pack a Punch, (ar) Collier’s March 17 1928
- * How to Pick the All-America Football Team, (cl) Collier’s December 4 1937
- * Hugh S. Fullerton, (bg) The American Magazine June 1912 [Ref. Hugh S. Fullerton]
- * Ice Heart, (??) Collier’s May 23 1942
- * I’d Die for Dear Old Alma, (ar) Collier’s November 23 1929
- * If Winter Comes, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post April 12 1930
- * “I Have a Lot to Learn”, (??) Collier’s August 22 1931
- * In Between Times, (ar) Collier’s March 24 1928
- * Inflaming Youth, (??) Collier’s August 27 1932
- * In the Swing, (ss) Collier’s April 19 1930
- * Into the Battle, (pm) Collier’s September 12 1914
- * Introduction, (in) Sporting Blood ed. Ellery Queen, Little Brown, 1942
- * In Winter, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post January 3 1931
- * The Iron Handshaker, (ar) Collier’s April 13 1929
- * I Saw Them Play, (cl) Collier’s Feb 1, Mar 22 1930
- * It’s a Gift, (ar) Collier’s July 14 1928
- * It’s in the Balance, (ar) Collier’s March 30 1929
- * It’s Really “All-America” Now, (ar) Collier’s December 3 1927
- * It Was This Way, (??) Collier’s June 6 1931
- * Jack Dempsey, Heavyweight, (ar) The Popular Magazine January 7 1922
- * James M. Barnes, Open Golf Champion, U.S.A., (ar) The Popular Magazine January 20 1922
- * Jesse Guilford, Amateur Golf Champion, U.S.A., (ar) The Popular Magazine December 20 1921
- * Job Handlers, (??) Collier’s August 29 1931
- * The Jolts That Count, (ar) Collier’s January 12 1929
- * Just a Few Resolutions for 1930, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post January 4 1930
- * Just a Moment, (ar) Collier’s December 20 1930
- * Keen on the Game, (ar) Collier’s October 4 1930
- * Keeping Up with Jones, (ar) Collier’s May 24 1930 [Ref. Bobby Jones]
- * King for a Day, (ar) Collier’s October 26 1929
- * The King Hunt, (ar) Collier’s September 15 1928
- * King of Diamonds, (ar) Collier’s May 3 1930 [Ref. Connie Mack]
- * Knute Rockne and the Four Horsemen, (ar) Valor for Men December 1958 [Ref. Knute Rockne]
- * Lady of the Links, (ar) Collier’s December 6 1930
- * Leading Ladies, (ar) Collier’s April 6 1929
- * Leave Your Chin Behind, (ar) Collier’s February 16 1929
- * The Legs of Yore, (ar) Collier’s November 17 1928
- * Lenglen the Magnificent, (ar) Vanity Fair (US) September 1921
- * Life Is Earnest, (ar) Collier’s March 1 1930
- * Life’s Too Short, (ar) Collier’s January 15 1927
- * The Long, Lean Count, (ar) Collier’s May 18 1929
- * Looking for a Fight, (ar) Collier’s May 2 1931
- * Looking for Trouble, (ar) Collier’s January 26 1929
- * Loose People, (ar) Collier’s December 14 1929
- * Lost Laurels, (ar) Collier’s February 23 1929
- * The Lost Road, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post December 7 1929
- * The Lure of Little Voices, (pm)
- * The Magic Ingredient, (ar) Collier’s August 24 1929
- * Making Olympic Mermaids, (ar) Liberty June 7 1924
- * Makings of the Mighty, (ar) Collier’s November 3 1928
- * The Malignant Morrison, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 28 1939
- * Mammoth Cave-Ins, (ar) Collier’s April 2 1932
- * Many Are Called, (??) Collier’s November 26 1932
- * Marching from Georgia, (??) Collier’s June 13 1931
- * Marks for Life, (ar) Collier’s September 7 1929
- * The Master of the Mound, (ar) Collier’s April 26 1913
- * The Mauling Mystery, (ar) Collier’s February 9 1929
- * Meeting the Playroll, (??) Collier’s August 8 1931
- * Meet the Menace, (ar) Collier’s May 11 1929
- * Mental Mountains, (??) Collier’s February 6 1932
- * Midsummer Madness, (ar) Collier’s June 8 1940
- * Mighty Moments, (??) Collier’s December 19 1931
- * The Missing Ingredient, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post May 10 1930
- * Missouri Shows ’Em, (ar) Collier’s May 4 1929
- * Money Can’t Buy It, (ar) Collier’s April 28 1928
- * Murder in the Garden (with Mignon G. Eberhart), (nv) The American Magazine May 1945
- * The National Crash, (ar) Collier’s October 5 1929
- * The National Rash, (ar) Collier’s October 20 1928
- * Native Son, (??) Collier’s June 10 1933
- * Nerve and the Game, (ar) The American Magazine September 1911
- * Nerves to Spare, (ar) Collier’s January 7 1928
- * Nerve-Wrecking Golf (with Jerome D. Travers), (ar) The American Magazine September 1916
- * Never Another Jones, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 8 1940
- * Note in the Rules, (ar) Collier’s December 29 1928
- * Nothing on the Ball, (ar) Collier’s June 7 1930
- * Not the Type, (ar) Collier’s June 9 1928
- * Number 69, (??) Collier’s July 23 1932
- * The Nut Crop, (ar) Collier’s February 11 1928
- * Offensive Conduct, (ar) Collier’s May 10 1930
- * Oh Yes—They Do Come Back, (ar) The American Magazine April 1920
- * The Old Familiar Faces, (ar) Collier’s March 10 1928
- * An Old Greek Custom, (??) Collier’s March 12 1932
- * Olympic Heights, (ar) Collier’s April 25 1931
- * One-Man Shows, (ar) Collier’s August 3 1929
- * On Your Mark!, (??) Collier’s July 9 1932
- * Open Heir, (??) Collier’s June 27 1931
- * Out of Practice, (ar) Collier’s March 7 1931
- * Out of the Rough, (??) Collier’s September 9 1933
- * Paging All Poets, (pm) Collier’s September 5 1942
- * The Paper Crown, (ar) Collier’s August 9 1930
- * The Parade of the Elephants, (ar) Collier’s April 30 1927
- * Pen Shots of Champions:
* ___ Prelude—The Championship Test, (ar) The Popular Magazine November 20 1921
* ___ I. William T. Tilden, World’s Tennis Champion, (ar) The Popular Magazine December 7 1921
* ___ II. Jesse Guilford, Amateur Golf Champion, U.S.A., (ar) The Popular Magazine December 20 1921
* ___ III. Jack Dempsey, Heavyweight, (ar) The Popular Magazine January 7 1922
* ___ IV. James M. Barnes, Open Golf Champion, U.S.A., (ar) The Popular Magazine January 20 1922
* ___ V. Stanislaus Zbyszko, Heavyweight Wrestling Champion, (ar) The Popular Magazine February 7 1922
- * Perilous Pinnacles, (ar) Collier’s January 18 1930
- * Picking the All-America, (ar) Collier’s October 25 1930
- * Pickups, (cl) Collier’s October 3 1914
- * Pickups & Putts, (cl) Collier’s Jun 14, Jun 28 1913
- * The Pigskin Ballyhoo, (ar) Collier’s September 18 1926
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