The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 8200
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[]Phelps, William Lyon (1865-1943) (about) (chron.)
- * As I Like It, (cl) Scribner’s Magazine Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1922, Jul 1924, Dec 1925, Jul 1929, Mar 1930
- * As I Like It, (cl) Scribner’s Magazine October 1930; Literary Sign-Posts Behind the Scenes.
- * As I Like It, (cl) Scribner’s Magazine Mar 1931, Jan, Aug, Oct, Nov, Dec 1933, Aug 1936
- * Books I Can Reach Without Rising, (ar)
- * Christ or Caesar, (ex) 1930
- * The Freedom of Virtue, (ar) Good Housekeeping June 1929
- * Germany’s Greatest Actor: The Famous Director of Munich’s Royal Theaters, (ar) The Booklovers Magazine December 1904 [Ref. Ernst Possart]
- * The Great American Game, (ar) The Youth’s Companion March 1 1923
- * The Happy Cow, (ms)
- * Home, Hostess, and Hospitality, (ar) The Delineator March 1931
- * Human Nature in the Bible, (ar) The Ladies’ Home Journal Feb, Sep 1922
- * The Hundred Best Novels, (ms) Scribner’s Magazine
- * The Ideal Wife, (ar) The Delineator April 1930
- * Introductory Note, (pr) The Pocket Book of Mystery Stories ed. Lee Wright, Pocket, 1941
- * The Law and the Gospel, (ar) The Ladies’ Home Journal May 1924
- * A Literary Mystery, (ar) The Delineator January 1932
- * The “Major Sports”:
* ___ I. The Great American Game, (ar) The Youth’s Companion March 1 1923
- * Makers of American Literature:
* ___ The Spirit of Romance—James Fenimore Cooper, (ar) Ladies’ Home Journal January 1923 [Ref. James Fenimore Cooper]
- * Men, Women and Manners, (ar) The Delineator February 1931
- * Mussolini and the New Spirit in Italy, (ar) The Delineator October 1932
- * Notes of an Enthusiast, (es)
- * O. Henry, (ex) from The Advance of the English Novel, Dodd, Mead, 1916
- * Out of Antioch, (ss) The Ladies’ Home Journal September 1924
- * Prayer and Miriacles, (ar) The Ladies’ Home Journal February 1924
- * Realism and Reality in Fiction, (ar) The Century Magazine April 1913
- * The Spirit of Romance—James Fenimore Cooper, (ar) Ladies’ Home Journal January 1923 [Ref. James Fenimore Cooper]
- * There Were Shepherds in the Fields, (ar) Good Housekeeping February 1926
- * What Russian Children Are Reading, (ar) The Booklovers Magazine June 1904
- * The Wisdom of Folly, (ar) Good Housekeeping May 1930
[]Phetteplace, Dominica (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * The Agreement, (ss) Mission Critical ed. Jonathan Strahan, Solaris, 2019
- * The Antidote, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction January/February 2020
- * Atheism and Flight, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction January 2016
- * Candida Eve, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May/June 2020
- * Confession #443 (Comments Open), (vi) Lightspeed #162, November 2023
- * The Cult of Whale Worship, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction October/November 2011
- * Digital Witness, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction May/June 2020
- * Dreamliker, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction November/December 2024
- * The Ghosts of Mars, (na) Asimov’s Science Fiction November/December 2023
- * Gin Is Stronger Than Witchcraft, (ss) Mixed Up ed. Nick Mamatas & Molly Tanzer, Skyhorse Publishing, 2017
- * The Help Hotline, (vi) Lightspeed #169, June 2024
- * Her Appetite, His Heart, (ss) Lightspeed #114, November 2019
- * How I Got Published (12 Tips from a Bestselling Author), (vi) Fireside Magazine #52, February 2018
- * How I Lost the Girl, (ss) Persistent Visions September 2 2016
- * Neanderthal Frankenstein, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction October/November 2013
- * Nice for What, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2019
- * No Vera There, (ss) Clarkesworld #99, December 2014
- * The Officiant, (ss) Clarkesworld #201, June 2023
- * One Thousand Beetles in a Jumpsuit [Robot Country], (nv) Lightspeed #111, August 2019
- * The Oracle, (ss) Infinity Wars ed. Jonathan Strahan, Solaris, 2017
- * The Perils of a Hologram Heart, (ss) Uncanny Magazine #39, March/April 2021
- * Project Empathy [Future San Francisco], (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction March 2016
- * Project Entropy [Future San Francisco], (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction July 2016
- * Project Extropy [Future San Francisco], (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction October/November 2016
- * Project Symmetry [Future San Francisco], (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction June 2016
- * Project Synergy [Future San Francisco], (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction April/May 2016
- * Ready Gas and Pills, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction May/June 2021
- * Seven Ways to Fall in Love with an Astronaut, (vi) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May/June 2017
- * Spells Are Easy if You Have the Right Psychic Energy, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2016
- * Sword & Spore, (nv) April 6 2022
- * Terms of Service, (vi) Nightmare #126, March 2023
- * Therefore What the Multiverse Has Joined Together, Let No One Separate, (vi) Lightspeed #150, November 2022
- * There Is No Beauty Without Resistance, (pm) Fireside Quarterly Fall 2019
- * Through Portal, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction March 2014
- * 24 Reasons You’re Dreaming About Your Ex / 24 Razones Por Las Que Sueñas Con Tú Ex, (vi) Fantasy Magazine #74, December 2021
- * The Universe Within the Universe, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction July/August 2019
- * We’ll Always Have Two Versions of Pteros, (ss) Clarkesworld #173, February 2021
- * What Changes You, What Takes You Away, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction September 2013
- * What We Call Science, They Call Treason, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction January/February 2023
[]Philbin, Mike; [i.e., Michael Paul Peter Philbin] (1966- ); used pseudonyms Hertzan Chimera & Michael Paul Peter (chron.)
- * (132), (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #26, January 1989, as by Michael Paul Peter
- * Abattoir Girl, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #23, March 1988, as by Michael Paul Peter
- * Autopsy! The Musical (with Mark McLaughlin), (ss) Delirium #4, 2001, as by Hertzan Chimera & Mark McLaughlin
- * Battleships, (ss) Earwig Flesh Factory Spring 2000, as by Hertzan Chimera
- * Bee Stung, (ss) Cyber-Pulp’s Halloween Anthology 3.0 ed. Bob Gunner, Cyber-Pulp Press, 2004
- * Caught in the Crossfire (with Christina Sng), (ss) Scared Naked Magazine #1, 2002, as by Hertzan Chimera & Christina Sng
- * The Chaos Engine, (vi) The Urbanite #9, Fall 1997, as by Hertzan Chimera
- * Chimera Arts Incorporated, (ar) Dementia 13 #13, 1994, as by Hertzan Chimera
- * Dream Disease, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #27, May 1989, as by Michael Paul Peter
- * Elbow (with Alex Severin), (ss) Cthulhu Sex v2 #14, 2003, as by Hertzan Chimera & Alex Severin
- * Exterminator (with Greg Wharton), (ss) Redsine (online) #5, April 2001, as by Hertzan Chimera & Greg Wharton
- * Fuck the Fruit, (ss) Psychotrope #1, March 1994, as by Hertzan Chimera
- * The Getaway Girl, (ss) Redsine #1, February 2000, as by Hertzan Chimera
- * Hari-Kari Steel-Radial, (ss) Psychotrope #2, 1994, as by Hertzan Chimera
- * Idiotsville, (ss) Redsine (online) #3, December 2000, as by Hertzan Chimera
- * In our Midst, (ss) Dark Animus #6, February 2004, as by Hertzan Chimera
- * Is There Life on Mars? (with Michael F. Korn), (ss) Redsine #10, October 2002, as by Hertzan Chimera & Michael F. Korn
- * The Jesus Autopsy (with Michael F. Korn), (ss) New Writings in the Fantastic ed. John Grant, Pendragon Press, 2007, as by Hertzan Chimera & Michael F. Korn
- * Lover Man, (ss) Bust Down the Door and Eat All the Chickens #1, 2003, as by Hertzan Chimera
- * The Man Who Shot the World, (vi) Roadworks #11, Winter 2001, as by Hertzan Chimera
- * Meathook Seed (with James Williamson), (cs) 1992, as by James Havoc & Mike Philbin
- * Night Visits (with D. F. Lewis), (ss) Roadworks #5, Summer 1999, as by Hertzan Chimera & D. F. Lewis
- * One Day at a Time (with Michael F. Korn), (ss) Redsine #8, April 2002, as by Hertzan Chimera & Michael F. Korn
- * One Small Step, (ss) Be Mine ed. L. Marie Wood, Cyber-Pulp Press, 2004, as by Hertzan Chimera
- * The Planet Eater, (vi) The Dream Zone #11, January 2002, as by Hertzan Chimera
- * Red Hedz, (ex) , as by Michael Paul Peter
- * She Gives Me the Fear, (ss) The Urbanite #12, Spring 2001, as by Hertzan Chimera
- * Shrapnel Girl, (ss) Red Scream Winter 2005
- * The Sixth Degree (with Michael F. Korn & D. F. Lewis), (ar) Underworlds #1, December 2002
- * Stations of the Cross (A Biblical Night Out), (ss) Bust Down the Door and Eat All the Chickens #1, 2003, as by Hertzan Chimera
- * Third Eye Butterfly (with James Williamson), (cs) The Starry Wisdom ed. D. M. Mitchell, Creation Books, 1995, as by James Havoc & Mike Philbin
- * Three Rednecks and an Android-Shell (with Michael F. Korn), (ss) Redsine #9, July 2002, as by Hertzan Chimera & Michael F. Korn
- * A Titanic Breed (with D. F. Lewis), (ss) Fantasque January 1999, as by Hertzan Chimera & D. F. Lewis
- * Trinity Gardens, (vi) The Urbanite #10, 1998, as by Hertzan Chimera
- * Twelve O’Clock Shadow, (ss) Dark Animus #8, 2005
- * Vincent Lavender, (vi) Dementia 13 #14, 1994, as by Hertzan Chimera
- * Visitors, (vi) The Urbanite #7, 1996, as by Hertzan Chimera
- * Vixen-Naked Ultra-Luncheon, (ss) Cease to Exist, Creation Press, 1991, as by Michael Paul Peter
- * Walker, (vi) The Urbanite #8, Spring 1997, as by Hertzan Chimera
- * [front cover], (cv) Dementia 13 #14, 1994
- * [front cover], (cv) Redsine #1, February 2000
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Dementia 13 #14, 1994
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Dream Zone #7, September 2000
- * [unknown story], (ss) Redsine (online) #2, October 2000, as by Hertzan Chimera
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