The FictionMags Index
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[]Pearce, Theodocia (fl. 1910s-1920s) (chron.)
- * The Bowl of Life, (ss) Good Housekeeping April 1923
- * The Everlasting Square, (ss) The Canadian Magazine January 1921
- * Gifts, (pm) Good Housekeeping March 1924
- * “Go Get It”, (ss) The American Woman March 1923
- * Her Little World, (ss) National Brain Power November 1923
- * Little Spice Out of Life, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal August 1920
- * Molly O’, (ss) The Canadian Magazine October 1917
- * Mother Kind, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal June 1922
- * Never Any Good, (ss) Breezy Stories 2nd June 1924
- * A Prayer, (pm) Good Housekeeping September 1924
- * Revenge That Failed, (ss) The Canadian Magazine October 1916
[]Pearl (fl. 1970s) (chron.)
- * Life in Hollywood, (lt) The Alien Critic #10, August 1974
- * Life in Hollywoof, (lt) The Alien Critic #9, May 1974
- * Pearl’s Food for Thought, (ar) Science Fiction Review #15, November 1975
- * [letter], (lt) Richard E. Geis #2, #3 1972, #11 Nov 1974, #12 Feb, #13 May, #15 Nov 1975, #16 Feb 1976, #23 Nov 1977, #33 Nov 1979
[]Pearl, Jack; [i.e., Jacques Bain Pearl] (1923-1992) (about) (chron.)
- * The Epic of Buffalo Bill, (ar) Man October 1958
- * Escape from Corregidor, (ts) Man’s World February 1965
- * Fantastic Odyssey, (ss) Boys’ Life May 1969
- * The Human Torpedo, (ar) Climax June 1961
- * Invasion Gamble That Nearly Won the Korean War, (ar) Climax August 1962
- * Medal of Honor:
* ___ No. 1—The Human Torpedo, (ar) Climax June 1961
- * Mysterious Dave—He Killed 7 Men in One Night, (ar) Impact June 1964
- * The One-Armed Marshal of Red Rock, (ts) Male December 1960
- * Pat Casey and the Midas Touch, (ts) Saga January 1958
- * Saga of “Buckskin Frank” Leslie: Slick-Shooting Dude from Tombstone, (ss) Man’s World February 1964
- * St.-Mihiel, (ts) Saga April 1964
- * Submerge!, (ar) Saga September 1953
- * Washington’s Favorite Cavalryman, (ss) Boys’ Life June 1964
[]Pearl, Jeda (fl. 2020s) (chron.)
- * Courie-in tae th Dark, (pm) Shoreline of Infinity #38, Summer 2024
- * Fibonacci Poem for the James Webb Space Telescope, (pm) Shoreline of Infinity #38, Summer 2024
- * Lure of the Oracle, (pm) Shoreline of Infinity #18, Summer 2020
- * Ode to Mycelium, from A1/42, (pm) Shoreline of Infinity #18, Summer 2020
- * Reform: Gate 42, (pm) Shoreline of Infinity #38, Summer 2024
- * Spectraverse Implants Changed My Life, (pm) Shoreline of Infinity #18, Summer 2020
- * Umbilicus, (pm) Shoreline of Infinity #18, Summer 2020
- * untitled haiku (“Interstellar vulva…”), (pm) Shoreline of Infinity #18, Summer 2020
[]Pearlman, Daniel (1935-2013) (books) (chron.)
- * Alien Invasion, (ss) Neo-Opsis Science Fiction Magazine #15, September 2008
- * And Baby Makes Five, (nv) The Final Dream, Permeable Press, 1995
- * Another Brush with the Fuzz, (ss) Semiotext(e) #14, 1989
- * The Best-Known Man in the World, (ss) 1995
- * The Best-Known Man in the World & Other Misfits, (co) Aardwolf Press, July 2001
- * Caught in Vagrante, (nv) Spark: A Creative Anthology, Volume II ed. Brian Lewis, Empire & Great Jones Little Press, 2013
- * The Circus Hand’s Desertion, (ss) The Silver Web #9, Winter/Spring 1993
- * Cogitor, Ergo Sum, (ss) Puck #10, 1994
- * The Colonel’s Jeep, (nv) Extremes 2 ed. Brian A. Hopkins, Lone Wolf Publications, 2001
- * The Death Club, (ss) The MacGuffin Winter 2011
- * Death in the Des(s)ert, (nv) New England Review April 1988, as "Rising Action"
- * The Defenders of the Golden Tower, (ss) Amazing Stories September 1988
- * Double Occupancy, (nv) TQR July 23 2006
- * The Drang of Speaking Forth, (ss) RE:AL Spring 1992
- * Einstein-Jung Connection, (ss) Quarterly West #42, Spring/Summer 1996
- * Facedowns, (ss) Prole August 2010
- * Fall of the House, (ss) Ténèbres #6, 1999; originally in French.
- * The Fetal Position, (nv) After Dark: A Collection of Haunting Tales, Diversion Press, 2011
- * The Final Dream, (co) Permeable Press, July 1995
- * The Final Dream, (na) Synergy: New Science Fiction, Vol. 4 ed. George Zebrowski, Harvest, 1989
- * Flies, (ss) The Final Dream, Permeable Press, 1995
- * From Here to Eternitape, (nv) Simulations ed. Karie Jacobson, Citadel Twilight, 1993
- * A Giant in the House, (ss) Nemonymous #10, 2010, uncredited.
- * A Giant in the House & Other Excesses, (co) Merry Blacksmith Press, October 2011
- * Great White Hope, (nv) Imaginings ed. Keith R. A. DeCandido, Pocket, 2003
- * The Ground Under Man, (ss) Writer’s Block Magazine April 1995
- * Hannibal’s Victory, (nv) XX Eccentric: Stories About the Eccentricities of Women ed. S. Craig Renfroe, Jr., Main Street Rag Publishing Company, 2009
- * The Heart of the Overchild, (ss) RE:AL Winter 1993/1994
- * Introduction, (in) A Giant in the House & Other Excesses, Merry Blacksmith Press, 2011
- * Just Hit Delete, (ss) Cosmic Crime Stories #2, July 2011
- * The Last Rothschild, (ss) Amazing Stories May 1991
- * Lyonel Unbound, (ss) Spectrum May 2010
- * Mariah, My Soul-Mate, (ss) Studies in the Fantastic #2, Winter 2008/Spring 2009
- * Megabride, (ss) Florida Review January 1990
- * Memini, (ex) 2003
- * A Möbius Trip, (ss) Collages & Bricolages Spring 1995
- * The Narrow Gate, (vi) SQ Mag #2, May 2012
- * Over the H.I.L.L., (nv) Challenging Destiny #6, April 1999
- * A Plea for a CLF: Consortium for the Literature of the Fantastic, (ar) Non-Stop Magazine #2, 1995
- * Reductio Ad Abs., (ss)
- * Refrigerator Blindness, (ss) A Giant in the House & Other Excesses, Merry Blacksmith Press, 2011
- * Rising Action, (nv) New England Review April 1988
- * Spellchecked, (ss) Going Postal ed. Gerard Daniel Houarner, Space & Time, 1998
- * Taking from the Top, (na) Synergy: New Science Fiction, Vol. 2 ed. George Zebrowski, Harvest, 1988
- * Thus I Refute Bibble, (ss) Revelation March 2012
- * Two-Time Losers, (ss) The MacGuffin June 2009
- * The Vatican’s Secret Cabinet, (nv) The Best-Known Man in the World & Other Misfits, Aardwolf Press, 2001
- * What Rough Beast, (nv) The Final Dream, Permeable Press, 1995
- * What Women Really Want, (ss) SQ Magazine #2, Fall/Winter 2010
- * With Arms Outstretched, (ss) Nemonymous #1, November 2001, uncredited.
- * Zeno Evil, (ss) The Best-Known Man in the World & Other Misfits, Aardwolf Press, 2001
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