The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 7460
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[]Morrison, Caroline Wood (fl. 1900s-1910s) (chron.)
- * An Apology for Silence, (pm) The Scrap Book June 1911
- * At the Doorway, (vi) Young’s Magazine August 1913
- * The Clanging Hours (with Grace MacGowan Cooke), (ss) McClure’s Magazine March 1908
- * Contaminating of Augustus (with Edmund Vance Cooke), (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine August 1909
- * Don Harvey and the Shadow (with Grace MacGowan Cooke), (ss) Harper’s Monthly Magazine February 1910
- * Emmeline Goes Sight-Seeing, (ss) The All-Story Magazine January 1911
- * False Aurora (with Alice MacGowan), (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine March 1913
- * Four-O’Clocks (with Grace MacGowan Cooke), (ss) The Delineator (UK) February 1914
- * Her Ring and His Dog, (vi) Munsey’s Magazine September 1907
- * Joyful Mother of Children (with Edmund Vance Cooke), (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine January 1910
- * Love o’ Man (with Emma Bell Miles), (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine March 1914
- * Mother, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine December 1910
- * Prolonged Halloween, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine October 1910
- * Queen Mary of Memory Lane, (na) Lippincott’s Magazine December 1906
- * Rhododendron Peavey in Bohemia (with Grace MacGowan Cooke), (na) Young’s Magazine September 1911
- * Sidney’s Wife, (vi) Munsey’s Magazine January 1906
- * Through Hoops of Fire (with Edmund Vance Cooke), (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine April 1910
- * To My Mother, (pm) The All-Story Magazine April 1911
- * Too Docile (with Grace MacGowan Cooke), (ss) The Bohemian Magazine July 1908
- * Wild Spikenard (with Emma Bell Miles), (ss) The Cavalier August 1911
[]Morrison, David (fl. 1910s-1940s) (chron.)
- * All Is Not Gold, (ss) The Parisienne Monthly Magazine August 1916
- * The Bargain, (ss) Saucy Stories August 1916
- * The Blackmailer, (ss) Saucy Stories December 1916
- * The Dear Little Thing, (pm) Breezy Stories November 1916
- * Double Boomerang, (ss) Gangland Stories June/July 1930
- * The Letter, (ss) The Parisienne Monthly Magazine October 1916
- * A Matter of Dress, (pm) All-Story Weekly November 6 1915
- * A Mechanical Proposal, (ss) Railroad Man’s Magazine November 2 1918
- * No Christmas Pudding, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine December 15 1920
- * One Detail Too Many, (ss) Breezy Stories September 1918
- * Patsy Gordon—Westerner, (sl) Sweetheart Stories #58 Nov 1, #59 Nov 8, #60 Nov 15 1927
- * The Poacher, (ss) Saucy Stories May 1918
- * The Ruse, (ss) The Parisienne Monthly Magazine May 1919
- * Shattered!, (vi) Saucy Stories August 1917
- * Slight Detail, (ss) Crack Detective Stories January 1947
- * The Sly Old Fox, (ss) Breezy Stories July 1917
- * A Small Blister, (ss) The Black Mask April 1920
- * Somebody Swindles Someone, (ss) Saucy Stories July 1918
- * They’re Off, (vi) Saucy Stories January 1919
- * Thornton Smiled Significantly, (ss) The Black Mask December 1921
- * An Unfair Advantage, (ss) Saucy Stories July 1920
- * Who Found It?, (ss) Saucy Stories September 1918
- * Who Wins?, (ss) Saucy Stories August 1916
[]Morrison, E. W. (fl. 1900s-1930s) (chron.)
- * Adam’s Ache, (ss) The Novel Magazine September 1924
- * The Bell That Never Rang, (ss) The Novel Magazine February 1924
- * Chink Charlie, (ss) The Novel Magazine June 1924
- * The Crocodile, (pm) The Royal Magazine October 1907
- * An Echo of the World, (pm) The Idler August 1905
- * Fancies, (pm) The Novel Magazine June 1924
- * The Flaring of the Flax, (ss) The Sovereign Magazine December 1923
- * The Greedy Bath Plug, (ss) The Novel Magazine November 1925
- * Ho-Ben, the Hooded, (ss) The Sovereign Magazine August 1923
- * The Honeymoon Hunt, (ss) The Novel Magazine February 1926
- * The Little Girl Next Door, (ss) The Novel Magazine August 1925
- * The Magic Hour, (ss) The Novel Magazine May 1925
- * The Marriage Circle, (ss) The Novel Magazine March 1932
- * The Night Before Christmas, (ss) The Novel Magazine December 1925
- * The Shattering of Idols, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine August 1906
- * A Shot in the Night, (ss) The Novel Magazine April 1930
- * The Silver Shadow, (ss) The Novel Magazine March 1927
- * A Trick of Love, (ss) Romance October 1924
- * The Unseen Actor, (ss) The Novel Magazine June 1925
- * The Vision, (ss) The Novel Magazine January 1925
- * A Wireless Uncle, (ss) The Novel Magazine May 1924
[]Morrison, Grant (1960- ) (chron.)
- * The Braille Encyclopaedia, (ss) Hotter Blood ed. Jeff Gelb & Michael Garrett, Pocket, 1991
- * I’m a Policeman, (ss) Disco 2000 ed. Sarah Champion, Sceptre, 1998
- * Luvkraft vs Kutulu, (ss) Starry Wisdom, Vol. 2: Songs of the Black Würm Gism ed. D. M. Mitchell, Creation Oneiros, 2009
- * My Supergods from the Age of the Superhero, (ar) The Guardian July 23 2011
- * The Room Where Love Lives, (ss) Hottest Blood ed. Jeff Gelb & Michael Garrett, Pocket, 1993
_____, [ref.]
- * Animal Man by Lilian Edwards, (rv) Interzone #31, September/October 1989
- * Batman—Arkham Asylum (A Serious House on Serious Earth) by Nathan Waring, (ar) Phantasmagoria Magazine #8, Christmas 2018
- * Dark Secrets by Stephen McGinty, (iv) Fear #15, March 1990
- * Grant Morrison by Gary M. Gibson, (iv) Exuberance #5, Summer 1992
- * Grant Morrison’s Arkham Asylum and the Literary Tradition of the Haunted House by Brian J. Showers, (ar) Wormwood #21, 2013
- * The Mystery Play (with Jon J. Muth) by James Lovegrove, (br) Interzone #87, September 1994
- * The Super Psyche by Gavin Edwards, (iv) Playboy May 2012
- * Zenith (with Steve Yeowell) by Lilian Edwards, (br) Interzone #28, March/April 1989
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