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[]Monteleone, Paul (fl. 1990s) (chron.)
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct) Midnight Shambler #4 Nov 1996, #5, #6 1997, #10 1998
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct) Tales of Lovecraftian Horror #7 1997, #10 1998
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct) Cthulhu Codex #11, Lammas 1997, #14, Lammas 1998, #16, Eastertide 1999
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct) Crypt of Cthulhu #99, Lammas 1998, #103, Hallowmas 1999
[]Monteleone, Thomas F(rancis, Jr.) (1946- ); used pseudonyms Brian T. Lo Medico & Mario Martin, Jr. (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Afterword, (aw) Turn Down the Lights ed. Richard Chizmar, Cemetery Dance, 2013
- * Agony in the Garden, (ss) Amazing Science Fiction Stories March 1973
- * Between Floors, (ss) Subterranean Press, February 1997
- * Blinded by Science, (fw) Rough Beasts and Other Mutations, Five Star US, 2003
- * The Boy Who Could Make Things Move, (ss) Horror Tales ed. Roger Elwood, Rand McNally, 1974, as by Brian T. Lo Medico
- * Breath’s a Ware That Will Not Keep, (ss) Dystopian Visions ed. Roger Elwood, Prentice Hall, 1975
- * Camera Obscura, (ss) Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine July 1977
- * The Ceremonies, (ar) Horror: 100 Best Books ed. Stephen Jones & Kim Newman, Xanadu, 1988 [Ref. T. E. D. Klein]
- * Changing of the Guard (with Robert Wayne McCoy), (ss) Lord of the Fantastic: Stories in Honor of Roger Zelazny ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Avon Eos, 1998
- * Chicago, (ss) Future City ed. Roger Elwood, Trident, 1973
- * A Creature of Accident, (ss) Amazing Science Fiction Stories March 1975
- * The Curandeiro, (nv) Chrysalis ed. Roy Torgeson, Zebra, 1977
- * The Cutty Black Sow, (cs) Grave Tales #3, April 2001; adapted by Glenn Chadbourne
- * The Cutty Black Sow, (ss) The Sun Magazine October 1984
- * The Dancer in the Darkness, (na) New Voices II ed. George R. R. Martin, Jove, 1979
- * Dark Stars and Other Illuminations, (co) Doubleday, April 1981
- * Daylight, (cl) After Hours Summer 1992
- * The Diary of Louise Carey, (ss) He Is Legend ed. Christopher Conlon, Gauntlet Press, 2009
- * Dragonstar [Dragonstar] (with David F. Bischoff), (n.) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact Sep 14, Oct 12, Nov 9, Dec 7 1981
- * The Exchange, (ss) Shadow Show ed. Sam Weller & Mort Castle, Morrow, 2012
- * Far from Eve and Morning [Miria], (ss) Amazing Science Fiction Stories October 1977
- * A Few Last Words, (ar) Gauntlet #2, 1991
- * The Fifth Head of Cerberus by Gene Wolfe (Scribners 1972), (br) Amazing Science Fiction Stories November 1972
- * A Fine and Private Place, (nv) Taverns of the Dead ed. Kealan Patrick Burke, Cemetery Dance, 2005
- * Fire and Ice—On Roger Zelazny’s Short Fiction, (ar) Algol Summer 1976 [Ref. Roger Zelazny]
- * The Fire on the Mountain Burns No More, (ar) Cemetery Dance #58, 2008, as "The Fire on the Mountain Has Gone Out"
- * The Fire on the Mountain Has Gone Out, (ar) Cemetery Dance #58, 2008
- * From the Secretary, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #60 Oct 1976, #61 Jan 1977
- * The Future in Books, (rc) Amazing Stories; Nov 72, Jan, Jun, Aug, Dec 73, Feb, Apr 74, Mar, Jul 75.
- * Get It Out, (ss) Diagnosis: Terminal ed. F. Paul Wilson, Tor/Forge, 1996
- * Good and Faithful Servant, (ss) Amazing Science Fiction Stories March 1976
- * The Greatest Game, (ss) Random Access Messages of the Computer Age ed. Thomas F. Monteleone, Hayden, 1984
- * Group Phenomena, (ss) Stardate November/December 1985
- * The Gullibility Factor, (ar) Omni May 1979
- * Hey, I Gotta You “P.C.”…Right Here!, (ar) Gauntlet #3, 1992
- * Hey Man…You Really Wanna Be Called a “Horror Writer” - or What?, (ar) Footsteps #9, July 1990
- * Hide and Seek, (ss) More Science Fiction Tales ed. Roger Elwood, Rand McNally, 1974, as by Mario Martin, Jr.
- * History Is what We Say It Is, (ar) Cemetery Dance #74/75, 2016
- * The Hole in Jennifer’s Room, (ss) More Science Fiction Tales ed. Roger Elwood, Rand McNally, 1974, as by Brian T. Lo Medico
- * Horn of Plenty, (ss) Shivers III ed. Richard Chizmar, Cemetery Dance, 2004
- * The House of Dust (with Elizabeth E. Monteleone), (ss) Shivers II ed. Richard Chizmar, Cemetery Dance, 2003
- * How Sweet It Was, (ss) Masques V ed. J. N. Williamson & Gary A. Braunbeck, Gauntlet Press, 2006
- * Identity Crisis, (ss) Terrors ed. Charles L. Grant, Playboy, 1982
- * Images in Anthracite, (nv) Legends of the Mountain State ed. Michael Knost, Woodland Press, 2007
- * The Imperfect Lover, (ss) Chrysalis 3 ed. Roy Torgeson, Zebra, 1978
- * Interview with Harlan Ellison (with Joe W. Haldeman, Joe L. Hensley, Clifford D. Simak & Norman Spinrad), (iv) Algol Spring 1978 [Ref. Harlan Ellison]
- * An Interview with Whitley Strieber, (iv) Cemetery Dance #65, 2011 [Ref. Whitley Strieber]
- * In the Fast Lane, (ss) Grue #8, 1988
- * Introduction, (in) The Arts and Beyond ed. Thomas F. Monteleone, Doubleday, 1977
- * Introduction, (in) Random Access Messages of the Computer Age ed. Thomas F. Monteleone, Hayden, 1984
- * Introduction, (in) Borderlands ed. Thomas F. Monteleone, Avon, 1990
- * Introduction, (in) Borderlands 2 ed. Thomas F. Monteleone, Borderlands Press, 1991
- * Introduction, (in) Borderlands 3 ed. Thomas F. Monteleone, Borderlands Press, 1993
- * Introduction (with Olivia F. Monteleone), (in) Borderlands 6 ed. Olivia F. & Thomas F. Monteleone, Samhain Publishing, 2016
- * It’s in the Bag, (ss) Cemetery Dance #36, 2001
- * “Izat Knows the Way to Flushing” (with Grant Carrington), (ar) Nickelodeon #2, 1976
- * Just in the Niche of Time, (nv) Chrysalis, Volume 2 ed. Roy Torgeson, Zebra, 1978
- * Last Word:
* ___ The Gullibility Factor, (ar) Omni May 1979
- * The Longest Day, (ms) Midnight Graffiti #6, Winter 1990/1991
- * Love Is the Prey, (ss) After the Darkness ed. Stanley Wiater, Maclay & Associates, 1993
- * Love Letters, (ss) Cold Blood ed. Richard T. Chizmar, Ziesing, 1991
- * Lux et Veritas, (ss) Lighthouse Hauntings ed. Charles G. Waugh & Martin H. Greenberg, Down East Books, 2002
- * MAFIA: The Mothers and Fathers Italian Association, (cl) The Horror Show Summer 1989
- * The Mechanical Boy, (ss) Chrysalis 10 ed. Roy Torgeson, Doubleday, 1983
- * A Mind Is a Terrible Thing, (ss) The Conspiracy Files ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Scott H. Urban, DAW, 1998
- * Mister Magister, (ss) Rod Serling’s Other Worlds ed. Rod Serling, Bantam, 1978
- * Mister Magister, (pl) Dark Stars and Other Illuminations, Doubleday, 1981
- * The Mothers and Fathers Italian Association, (cl) Cemetery Dance; Fll 91 - Fll 96.
- * The Mothers and Fathers Italian Association, (cl) Knights #19, December 1977
- * The Mothers and Fathers Italian Association, (cl) The Horror Show Spring 1990
- * The Mothers and Fathers Italian Association, (cl) Cemetery Dance #10 Fll 1991, #11 Wtr, #12 Spr, #13 Sum, #14 Fll 1992, #15 Wtr, #16 Spr, #17/18 Fll 1993, #19 Wtr, #21 Sum 1994,
#22 Wtr 1995, #23 Spr, #24 Sum, #25 Fll 1996
#26 Spr, #27 Fll 1997, #28 1998, #34, #36 2001, #38, #39, #40, #41 2002, #42, #43,
#44, #45, #47 2003
#48, #49, #50 2004, #51, #52, #53 2005, #54, #55, #56 2006, #57 2007, #59 2008
#60, #61, #62 2009, #63, #64 2010, #65 2011, #67, #68 2012, #69, #70 2013,
#72 2015
#73 2016, #76 2017, #77 2019
- * The Mothers and Fathers Italian Association: And Your Point Is? or Why a Carnival Is Always Better Than a Circus, (cl) Cemetery Dance #66, 2012
- * The Mothers and Fathers Italian Association—Women in Science Fiction, or; Do We (CAN We) Still Like Boobs-a-Lot?, (cl) Knights #17/18, July 1977
- * The Mothers and Fathers Italian Association:
* ___ The Fire on the Mountain Has Gone Out, (cl) Cemetery Dance #58, 2008
* ___ History Is what We Say It Is, (cl) Cemetery Dance #74/75, 2016
- * The Night Is Freezing Fast, (ss) Masques II ed. J. N. Williamson, Maclay, 1987
- * Nobody’s Perfect, (ss) Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine #1, Fall 1988
- * No Pain, No Gain [Greystone Bay], (ss) The SeaHarp Hotel ed. Charles L. Grant, Tor, 1990
- * Off to See the Wizard, (ss) Science Fiction Age November 1993
- * The Other Model, (ss) Brothers in Arms ed. Barry Hoffman & Richard Christian Matheson, Gauntlet Press, 2019
- * Oyster Bay, NY, (nv) Freak Show ed. F. Paul Wilson, Pocket, 1992
- * Peter Straub: An Appreciation (with Elizabeth E. Monteleone), (ar) Architecture of Fantasy and Horror ed. Richard Gilliam, World Fantasy Convention, 2005 [Ref. Peter Straub]
- * Please Stand By, (ss) The Earth Strikes Back ed. Richard Chizmar, Ziesing, 1994
- * The Pleasure of Her Company, (ss) Dark Voices 2 ed. David Sutton & Stephen Jones, Pan, 1990
- * Precious Bodily Fluids, (ss) Monster Tales ed. Roger Elwood, Rand McNally, 1973, as by Mario Martin, Jr.
- * Present Perfect, (vi) Fantastic Stories September 1974
- * The Prisoner’s Tale, (ss) Taps and Sighs ed. Peter Crowther, Subterranean Press, 2000
- * Prodigal Sun, (ss) Under the Fang ed. Robert R. McCammon, Pocket, 1991
- * Real Gun Control Is Hitting What You Aim At, (ss) Blood Splattered & Politically Incorrect, Cemetery Dance Publications, 2010
- * Rehearsals, (nv) The Sun Magazine October 1987
- * The Ring of Truth, (nv) Post Mortem ed. Paul F. Olson & David B. Silva, St. Martin's, 1989
- * The Roadside Scalpel, (ss) Predators ed. Ed Gorman & Martin H. Greenberg, Roc, 1993
- * Rough Beasts and Other Mutations, (co) Five Star US, October 2003
- * A Séance in Summer, (ss) Horror Tales ed. Roger Elwood, Rand McNally, 1974, as by Mario Martin, Jr.
- Curses ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Signet, 1989, as by Mario Martin, Jr.
- Eastern Ghosts ed. Frank D. McSherry, Jr., Charles G. Waugh & Martin H. Greenberg, Rutledge Hill Press, 1990, as by Mario Martin, Jr.
- * SF—A Brief Overview, (ar) Cerberus Fall 1977
- * Sideshow [Van Helsing], (ss) The Many Faces of Van Helsing ed. Jeanne Cavelos, Ace, 2004
- * Sonata for Three Electrodes, (ss) Chrysalis 7 ed. Roy Torgeson, Zebra, 1980
- * Spare the Child, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1982
- * A Spell for Jonathan, (ss) Horror Tales ed. Roger Elwood, Rand McNally, 1974
- * The Star-Filled Sea Is Smooth Tonight, (ss) Chrysalis 6 ed. Roy Torgeson, Zebra, 1980; first published in German (“Sternenmeer”) in Comet #2, 1977.
- * The Stuff of Life to Knit You [World of Darkness] (with Robert Wayne McCoy), (ss) Splendour Falls ed. Erin E. Kelly, White Wolf, 1995
- * Such Stuff as Dreams Are Made of (with Grant Carrington), (ss) The Horror Show Spring 1988
- * Taking the Night Train, (ss) Night Voyages #7, Spring 1981
- Dark Stars and Other Illuminations, Doubleday, 1981
- Masters of Darkness II ed. Dennis Etchison, Tor, 1988
- The Complete Masters of Darkness ed. Dennis Etchison, Underwood-Miller, 1991
- Dark Crimes ed. Ed Gorman, Carroll & Graf, 1991
- Rough Beasts and Other Mutations, Five Star US, 2003
- * Talkin’ Them Marble Orchard Blues, (bg) Dancing with the Dark ed. Stephen Jones, Vista, 1997
- * The Thing from Ennis Rock, (ss) More Science Fiction Tales ed. Roger Elwood, Rand McNally, 1974
- * Time Doesn’t Fly… It Red-Shifts (with Elizabeth E. Monteleone), (in) Borderlands 5 ed. Elizabeth E. & Thomas F. Monteleone, Borderlands Press, 2003
- * Time Enough to Sleep, (ss) Fear Itself ed. Jeff Gelb, Warner, 1995
- * The Tree of Codes by Jonathan Safran Foer, (mr) Cemetery Dance #66, 2012
- * Triptych di Amore, (nv) Love in Vein ed. Poppy Z. Brite & Martin H. Greenberg, HarperPrism, 1994
- * Under Your Skin, (ss) Imagination Fully Dilated ed. Alan M. Clark & Elizabeth Engstrom, Cemetery Dance, 1998
- * The Vrkolak, (ss) Monster Tales ed. Roger Elwood, Rand McNally, 1973, as by Brian T. Lo Medico
- * The Wager, (ss) Touch Wood ed. Peter Crowther, Little, Brown UK, 1993
- * The Way of the Cross, (ss) Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine #8, Summer 1990
- * Wendigo’s Child, (ss) Monster Tales ed. Roger Elwood, Rand McNally, 1973
- * When Dark Descends (with Charles L. Grant), (nv) Chrysalis 4 ed. Roy Torgeson, Zebra, 1979
- * When I Was, (ss) Chiral Mad 2 ed. Michael Bailey, Written Backwards, 2013
- * Where All the Songs Are Sad, (nv) Shadows ed. Charles L. Grant, Doubleday, 1978
- * The White Man, (nv) Dead End: City Limits ed. Paul F. Olson & David B. Silva, St. Martin's, 1991
- * The Wind from the Sun by Arthur C. Clarke (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1972), (br) Amazing Science Fiction Stories November 1972
- * Yesterday’s Child, (ss) Grue #5, 1987
- * [front cover], (cv) A Little Green Book of Monster Stories by Joe R. Lansdale, Borderlands Press, 2003
- * [letter], (lt) Thrust #9 Fll 1977, #11 Fll 1978
_____, ed.
- * The Arts and Beyond, (an) Doubleday, September 1977
- * Borderlands, (oa) Avon, November 1990
- * Borderlands 2, (oa) Borderlands Press, October 1991
- * Borderlands 3, (oa) Borderlands Press, September 1993
- * Borderlands 4 (with Elizabeth E. Monteleone), (oa) Borderlands Press, November 1994
- * Borderlands 6 (with Olivia F. Monteleone), (oa) Samhain Publishing, May 2016
- * Borderlands 7 (with Olivia F. Monteleone), (oa) Borderlands Press, October 2020
- * From the Borderlands: Stories of Terror and Madness (with Elizabeth E. Monteleone), (oa) Borderlands Press, 2003, as Borderlands 5
- * Random Access Messages of the Computer Age, (an) Hayden, December 1984
_____, [ref.]
- * The Blood of the Lamb by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #61, July 1992
- * Borderlands by Andrew Andrews, (br) Quantum #39, Summer 1991
- * Day of the Dragonstar (with David F. Bischoff) by Gene DeWeese, (br) Science Fiction Review #49, November 1983
- * Guardian by Gene DeWeese, (br) Science Fiction Review #42, Spring 1982
- * Interview: Thomas F. Monteleone by Cathy Drinkwater Better, (iv) Dead of Night #11, Winter 1995
- * The Monteleone Connection by Michael Bracken, (iv) Night Voyages #7, Spring 1981
- * Notes Toward a Definition of Tom Monteleone by John DeChancie, (bg) Rough Beasts and Other Mutations, Five Star US, 2003
- * Ozymandias by Gene DeWeese, (br) Science Fiction Review #42, Spring 1982
- * The Secret Sea by Michael G. Moynihan, (br) Thrust #13, Fall 1979
- * The Secret Sea by Algis Budrys, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1979
- * Silhouettes: Profile of Thomas F. Monteleone, (bg) Deathrealm #26, Winter 1995/1996, uncredited.
- * Thomas F. Monteleone by Jay Kay Klein, (bg) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact October 12 1981
- * Thomas F. Monteleone, (iv) Cemetery Dance #4, Spring 1990, uncredited.
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