The FictionMags Index
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[]Lorrey, Rayson (fl. 1980s-2010s) (chron.)
- * An Arrow of Tempered Silver, (ss) Fantasy Book March 1987
- * The Executioner, (pm) The Leading Edge #19, September 1989
- * Prudence Demands, (ss) The Leading Edge #19, September 1989
- * Racing the Horseman, (ss) Weird Tales Spring/Fall 1989
- * [letter], (lt) Thrust #30, Summer 1988
- * [letter], (lt) Science Fiction Eye #5, July 1989
- * [letter], (lt) Weird Tales Spring 2001
- * [letter from Rochester, MN], (lt) Analog Science Fiction and Fact June 2016
[]Lorriman, W. H. (chron.)
- * The “B.O.P.” Gardener, (cl) The Boy’s Own Paper Nov, Dec 1913, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep,
Oct 1914
[]Lortie, Alain (1955- ); used pseudonym Daniel Sernine (chron.)
- * Agonie en trois exemplaires, (ss) Requiem #11, 1976, as by Daniel Sernine
- * Les Amis de monsieur Soon, (nv) Solaris #50, April 1983, as by Daniel Sernine
- * Les Archives du fantastique, (br) Solaris #33, June 1980
- * Atelier d’écriture 80, (ar) Solaris #34, August 1980, as by Daniel Sernine
- * La Bande Dessinee:
* ___ 3) Le Scénario & Le Decoupage (with Luc Pomerleau), (ar) Solaris #43, January/February 1982, as by Luc Pomerleau & Daniel Sernine
- * Banshee, (ss) Expiration Date ed. Nancy Kilpatrick, Hades Publications, 2015, as by Daniel Sernine
- * Boréal 87 (with Luc Pomerleau), (ar) Solaris #77, January 1988, as by Luc Pomerleau & Daniel Sernine
- * Boréal: Un Reportage (with Joël Champetier), (ar) Solaris #53, Autumn 1983, as by Joël Champetier & Daniel Sernine
- * La Bouteille, (ss) Requiem #5, June 1975, as by Daniel Sernine
- * B.R. Bruss, (br) Solaris #30, December 1979
- * Brève aventure de Gonzague Préjudice, (ss) Requiem #14, February 1977, as by Daniel Sernine
- * Capsules, (ms) Solaris #53, Autumn 1983, as by Daniel Sernine
- * Capsules (with Luc Pomerleau), (ms) Solaris #92, Summer 1990, as by Luc Pomerleau & Daniel Sernine
- * Challenger: vous allez mourir là-haut, (ar) Solaris #66, March 1986, as by Daniel Sernine
- * Le Coffret, (ss) Requiem #10, May 1976, as by Daniel Sernine
- * Colloque du Groupe de recherches interdisciplinaires sur les littératures fantastiques dans l’imaginaire québécois (with Élisabeth Vonarburg), (ar) Solaris #91, July 1990, as by Daniel Sernine & Élisabeth Vonarburg
- * Deuxième Festival international de Cinéma fantastique de Montréal, (ar) Solaris #107, October 1993, as by Daniel Sernine
- * Écrire pour son plaisir, (ar) Solaris #31, February 1980, as by Daniel Sernine
- * Édito 2 (with Joël Champetier, Claude Janelle, Charles Montpetit, Luc Pomerleau & Élisabeth Vonarburg), (ed) Solaris #53, Autumn 1983, as by Joël Champetier, Claude Janelle, Charles Montpetit, Luc Pomerleau, Daniel Sernine & Élisabeth Vonarburg
- * Éditorial, (ed) Solaris #57 Sep 1984, #67 May 1986, as by Daniel Sernine
- * Entrevue avec Stéphane Nicot, (iv) Solaris #57, September 1984 [Ref. Stéphane Nicot], as by Daniel Sernine
- * Entrevue: Élisabeth Vonarburg (with Louise Alain & Joël Champetier), (iv) Solaris #106, August 1993 [Ref. Élisabeth Vonarburg], as by Louise Alain, Joël Champetier & Daniel Sernine
- * Entrevue: Jacques Brossard (with Luc Pomerleau), (iv) Solaris #90, May 1990 [Ref. Jacques Brossard], as by Luc Pomerleau & Daniel Sernine
- * Entrevue: Jean-Pierre Hubert, (iv) Solaris #59, January 1985 [Ref. Jean-Pierre Hubert], as by Daniel Sernine
- * Entrevue: Norbert Spehner (with Julie Martel), (iv) Solaris #104, March 1993 [Ref. Norbert Spehner], as by Julie Martel & Daniel Sernine
- * Entrevue: Yves Meynard ou la poésie des mots (with Julie Martel), (iv) Solaris #109, April 1994 [Ref. Yves Meynard], as by Julie Martel & Daniel Sernine
- * Exode 4, (nv) Solaris #35 Oct, #36 Dec 1980, as by Daniel Sernine
- * Exode 5, (nv) Requiem #18, December 1977, as by Daniel Sernine
- * Le Festival international du cinéma fantastique de Montréal, (ar) Solaris #104, March 1993, as by Daniel Sernine
- * Fragments d’un univers tourmenté, (ar) Solaris #105, May 1993, as by Daniel Sernine
- * La Fresque aux trois démons, (ss) Requiem #23, October 1978, as by Daniel Sernine
- * Hansval de Troie (with Bernard Jacques), (cs) Solaris #39 Jun, #41 Oct 1981, #44 Mar 1982, as by Bernard Jacques & Daniel Sernine
- * Hansval de Troie (3) (with Bernard Jacques), (cs) Solaris #42, December 1981, as by Bernard Jacques & Daniel Sernine
- * Historique de la SFQ (loger version of the preceeding article «La Science-Fiction Québécoise» ), (ar) Solaris #79, May 1988, as by Daniel Sernine
- * Jalbert, (ss) Requiem #5, June 1975, as by Daniel Sernine
- * Les Littéranautes (with Joël Champetier), (cl) Solaris #147, September 2003, as by Joël Champetier & Daniel Sernine
- * Les Littéranautes (with Jean-Philippe Gervais), (cl) Solaris #103, December 1992, as by Jean-Philippe Gervais & Daniel Sernine
- * Littérature pour jeunes, (cl) Solaris #85, July 1989
- * Littérature pour jeunes (with Philippe Lewis), (cl) Solaris #91, July 1990
- * Littérature pour jeunes (with Philippe Lewis & Francine Pelletier), (cl) Solaris #90, May 1990
- * Littérature pour jeunes (with Julie Martel), (cl) Solaris #109, April 1994
- * Littérature pour jeunes (with Julie Martel & Charles Montpetit), (cl) Solaris #103 Dec 1992, #108 Jan 1994
- * Littérature pour jeunes (with Julie Martel & Francine Pelletier), (cl) Solaris #98 Nov 1991, #104 Mar 1993
- * Littérature pour jeunes (with Élisabeth Vonarburg), (cl) Solaris #95, March 1991
- * Loin des vertes prairies, (nv) Solaris #48, November 1982, as by Daniel Sernine
- * Magazines, Fanzines et autres zines…, (br) Solaris #45, June 1982, as by Daniel Sernine
- * Le Masque, (ss) Solaris #40, September 1981, as by Daniel Sernine
- * Merritt, Hodgson, De Warren, (ar) Solaris #29, October 1979
- * Ministère de la Culture et Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, (ed) Solaris #102, Summer 1992, as by Daniel Sernine
- * Monsieur Olier devient ministre, (nv) Solaris #73, May 1987, as by Daniel Sernine
- * Néons roses et bleus dans un salon désert (Part of “Ailleurs” a previous story, already published), (ss) Solaris #104, March 1993, as by Daniel Sernine
- * Nights in White Linen, (ss) Tesseracts Fourteen ed. John Robert Colombo & Brett Alexander Savory, Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy, 2010, as by Daniel Sernine
- * Nocturne, (nv) Solaris #28, August 1979, as by Daniel Sernine
- * Nuits blanches, (nv) Solaris #81, October 1988, as by Daniel Sernine
- * Only a Lifetime, (ss) Tesseracts3 ed. Candas Jane Dorsey & Gerry Truscott, Porcepic, 1990, as by Daniel Sernine; translated from the French (“Metal qui songe”, Imagine, 1988) by Jane Brierley.
- * Pleine lune sur Atlantic: entretien avec Daniel Roby, (iv) Solaris #149, March 2004 [Ref. Daniel Roby], as by Daniel Sernine
- * Pluies amères, (nv) Solaris #100, Spring 1992, as by Daniel Sernine
- * Les Points sur les zines (with Claude Bolduc & Jean-Luc Triolo), (br) Solaris #106, August 1993, as by Claude Bolduc, Daniel Sernine & Jean-Luc Triolo
- * Le Scénario & Le Decoupage (with Luc Pomerleau), (ar) Solaris #43, January/February 1982, as by Luc Pomerleau & Daniel Sernine
- * Science-Fiction et Fantastique au Quebec (with Claude Janelle), (cl) Solaris #43, January/February 1982, as by Claude Janelle & Daniel Sernine
- * Science-Fiction pour Jeunes, (br) Solaris #43, January/February 1982
- * Science-Fiction pour Jeunes (with Luc Bernier), (br) Solaris #32, April 1980
- * Science-fiction pour jeunes, (cl) Solaris #37 Feb, #38 Apr, #42 Dec 1981, #44 Mar 1982, #49 Jan 1983
- * La Science-fiction pour jeunes, (cl) Requiem #21 May 1978, #27 Jun 1979, #72 Mar 1987
- * La Science-fiction pour jeunes (with Francine Pelletier), (cl) Solaris #73, May 1987
- * La Science-fiction pour jeunes au Québec, (cl) Requiem #16 Jun, #17 Sep 1977, #19 Jan 1978
- * Le Sérieux dans la fantasy, (ar) Solaris #64, November 1985, as by Daniel Sernine
- * SFC et SFQ: Trajectoires convergentes? (with Élisabeth Vonarburg), (ar) Solaris #75, September 1987, as by Daniel Sernine & Élisabeth Vonarburg
- * S.F. pour jeunes, (cl) Solaris #62 Jul 1985, #70 Nov 1986, #71 Jan 1987
- * S.F. pour jeunes (with Luc Bernier), (cl) Solaris #51, June 1983
- * S.F. pour jeunes (with Jean-Philippe Gervais), (cl) Solaris #66, March 1986
- * S.F. pour jeunes (with Claude Janelle), (cl) Solaris #65, January 1986
- * S.F. pour jeunes (with Michel Lord), (cl) Solaris #61, May 1985
- * SF pour jeunes, (cl) Solaris #55 Feb 1984, #69 Sep 1986, #74 Jul, #75 Sep 1987
- * SF pour jeunes (with Luc Bernier & Francine Pelletier), (cl) Solaris #79, May 1988
- * SF pour jeunes (with Jean-Philippe Gervais), (cl) Solaris #68, July 1986
- * La S-F pour jeunes: Travelling sur le futur, (cl) Requiem #26, April 1979
- * SF québécoise et SF canadienne: trajectoires parallèles? Réflexions sur Con-cept 1990, (ar) Solaris #94, December 1990, as by Daniel Sernine
- * Souvenirs de Lumière, (ss) Solaris #138, August 2001, as by Daniel Sernine
- * Stardust Boulevard, (ss) Tesseracts ed. Judith Merril, Porcepic, 1985, as by Daniel Sernine; translated from the French (“Le vieil homme et l’espace”, L’Vieil Homme et l’Espace, Le Preambule, 1981) by Jane Brierley.
- * Star Trek: un film éblouissant!, (ar) Solaris #31, February 1980
- * Star Wars, (ar) Requiem #18, December 1977
- * Théâtre: Les choix de Maître Samsagace, (ar) Solaris #66, March 1986, as by Daniel Sernine
- * La Tour du silence, (ss) Requiem #7, November 1975, as by Daniel Sernine
- * Tribune libre: la Voie du Milieu, (lc) Solaris #94, December 1990, as by Daniel Sernine
- * Umfrey’s Head, (nv) Tesseracts8 ed. John Clute & Candas Jane Dorsey, Tesseract, 1999, as by Daniel Sernine; translated from the French (“La tête de Walt Umfrey”, 1984) by Jane Brierley.
- * Les Zines et les autres (with Roger Bozzetto & Luc Pomerleau), (br) Solaris #90, May 1990, as by Roger Bozzetto, Luc Pomerleau & Daniel Sernine
- * Les Zines et les autres (with Luc Pomerleau), (br) Solaris #79, May 1988, as by Luc Pomerleau & Daniel Sernine
- * Les Zines et les autres (with Luc Pomerleau & Élisabeth Vonarburg), (br) Solaris #72, March 1987, as by Luc Pomerleau, Daniel Sernine & Élisabeth Vonarburg
- * Les Zines et les autres (with Luc Pomerleau & Élisabeth Vonarburg), (cl) Solaris #74, July 1987, as by Luc Pomerleau, Daniel Sernine & Élisabeth Vonarburg
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Requiem #25 Feb, #28 Aug 1979
_____, [ref.]
[]Lory, Milt (fl. 1930s) (chron.)
- * Aces Back to Back, (ss) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #37, September 1930
- * His “Jawbone” Wound Stripe, (ss) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #34, June 1930
- * No-Good Charley, (ss) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #32, April 1930
- * Private Grogan’s Private War, (nv) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #31, March 1930
- * Sky Grudge, (ss) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #29, January 1930
- * The Sky-Scraping Fool, (ss) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #30, February 1930
- * Two Battling Doughs, (nv) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #36, August 1930
[]Lory, Robert (Edward) (1936- ) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Appointment at Ten O’Clock, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1964
- * Archimedes’ Lever, (ss) If February 1968, as "The Courteous of Ghoor"
- * Because of Purple Elephants, (ss) A Harvest of Hoodwinks, Ace, 1970
- * Coming Out Party, (vi) Worlds of Tomorrow July 1965
- * The Courteous of Ghoor, (ss) If February 1968
- * Debut, (ss) A Harvest of Hoodwinks, Ace, 1970
- * The Fall of All-Father, (ss) A Harvest of Hoodwinks, Ace, 1970
- * Feodar’s Box, (ss) If July 1966
- * Foreword, (fw) A Harvest of Hoodwinks, Ace, 1970
- * Futility Is Zuck, (ss) A Harvest of Hoodwinks, Ace, 1970
- * A Harvest of Hoodwinks, (co) Ace Double, July 1970
- * However, (nv) Worlds of Fantasy v1 #1, 1968
- * Kite: Yellow and Green, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1973
- * The Locator, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction February 1968
- * Mar-ti-an, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1964
- * Masters of the Lamp [Shamryke Odell], (n.) Ace Double, July 1970
- * Only a God, (ss) A Harvest of Hoodwinks, Ace, 1970
- * The Recent Semifinals, (ss) Lone Star Universe ed. Geo. W. Proctor & Steven Utley, Heidelberg, 1976
- * Rolling Robert, (ss) A Harvest of Hoodwinks, Ace, 1970
- * Rundown, (ss) If May 1963
- * Sex Plan for Success, (ss) Midnight v6 #3, 1967
- * Snowbird and the Seven Warfs, (ss) A Harvest of Hoodwinks, Ace, 1970
- * The Star Party, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction September 1964
- * The Veiled World [Shamryke Odell], (n.) Ace Double, October 1972
_____, [ref.]
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