The FictionMags Index
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[]Liversidge, Anthony (chron.)
- * Artificial Intelligence:
* ___ Molecule Machines, (cl) Omni May 1984
* ___ Money Machines, (cl) Omni June 1983
- * The Arts: Poetry, (ar) Omni June 1984
- * Breakthroughs:
* ___ Milking the Microwaves, (cl) Omni October 1983
- * Grammatical Genes, (ar) Omni February 1983
- * Interview: Baruj Benacerraf, (iv) Omni July 1983 [Ref. Baruj Benacerraf]
- * Interview: Derek de Solla Price, (iv) Omni December 1982 [Ref. Derek de Solla Price]
- * Interview: James D. Watson, (iv) Omni May 1984 [Ref. James D. Watson]
- * Interview: Sir Peter Medawar, (iv) Omni January 1984 [Ref. Peter Brian Medawar]
- * Interview: Wassily Leontief, (iv) Omni July 1984 [Ref. Wassily Leontief]
- * Life:
* ___ Grammatical Genes, (cl) Omni February 1983
- * Milking the Microwaves, (ar) Omni October 1983
- * Mr. Chips Goes to Wall Street, (ar) Omni May 1982
- * Molecule Machines, (ar) Omni May 1984
- * Money Machines, (ar) Omni June 1983
[]Livia, Anna; [i.e., Anna Livia Julian Brawn] (1955-2007) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Angel Alice, (nv) The Pied Piper: Lesbian Feminist Fiction ed. Anna Livia & Lilian Mohin, Onlywomen Press, 1989
- * The Boy in the Box, (ss) Strange Plasma #7, 1994
- * Car Spray, (ss) Lesbian Ethics v3 #3, 1989
- * Differently Motivated, (ss) Saccharin Cyanide, Onlywomen Press, 1990
- * 5½ Charlotte Mews, (ss) from Incidents Involving Warmth, 1986
- * The Getting of Wisdom, (vi) Saccharin Cyanide, Onlywomen Press, 1990
- * In the Ruins of the World, (vi) Saccharin Cyanide, Onlywomen Press, 1990
- * Jennifer or The Secret of My Success, (vi) Saccharin Cyanide, Onlywomen Press, 1990
- * Lust, and the Other Half, (ss) Saccharin Cyanide, Onlywomen Press, 1990
- * Many People in Little Houses, (ss) Saccharin Cyanide, Onlywomen Press, 1990
- * Marisol McQuarie II, (ss) Saccharin Cyanide, Onlywomen Press, 1990
- * Minimax, (ex) Eighth Mountain Press, 1992
- * Outrageous Fortune, (ss) Saccharin Cyanide, Onlywomen Press, 1990
- * Pamelump, (ss) 1984
- * Players in the Oberlin, (ss) Saccharin Cyanide, Onlywomen Press, 1990
- * The Promised Land Recedes Into a Grey Horizon, (ss) Saccharin Cyanide, Onlywomen Press, 1990
- * Saccharin Cyanide, (Onlywomen Press, June 1990, oc)
- * Saccharin Cyanide, (ss) Saccharin Cyanide, Onlywomen Press, 1990
- * Spaceship to the Good Planet, (ss) Sinister Wisdom #37, 1989
_____, [ref.]
[]Livings, Martin (J.) (1970- ) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * The Ar-Dub, (ss) Living with the Dead, Dark Prints Press, 2012
- * The Art of Suffering, (ss) Living with the Dead, Dark Prints Press, 2012
- * Ascension, (ss) Grants Pass ed. Jennifer Brozek & Amanda Pillar, Morrigan Books, 2009
- * Birthday Suit, (ss) Living with the Dead, Dark Prints Press, 2012
- * Black Peter, (ss) Midnight Echo #9, May 2013
- * Blessed Are the Dead That the Rain Falls Upon [New Ceres], (nv) New Ceres Nights ed. Alisa Krasnostein & Tehani Wessely, Twelfth Planet Press, 2009
- * The Bone Fairy, (ss) Midnight Echo #15, November 2020
- * Catharsis, (ss) Living with the Dead, Dark Prints Press, 2012
- * Cause and Effect, (ss) Next ed. Robert Porteous & Simon Petrie, CSFG Publishing, 2013
- * The Circle Line, (ss) Between the Tracks ed. Steve Dillon, Oz Horror Con, 2017
- * Crawlin’, (ss) Macabre: A Journey Through Australia’s Darkest Fears ed. Angela Challis & Marty Young, Brimstone Press, 2010
- * The Death of a Cruciverbalist [Refuge], (nv) First Tales from Refuge ed. Steve Dillon, Oz Horror Con, 2015
- * Downtown, (nv) Eclecticism E-zine #13, July 2010
- * El Caballo Muerte, (ss) Fat Zombie ed. Paul Mannering, Permuted Press, 2015
- * Ghost Card, (ss) Eidolon Spring 1992
- * Home, (ss) Scenes from the Second Storey: Australian Edition ed. Amanda Pillar & Pete Kempshall, Morrigan Books, 2010
- * Hooked, (ss) Borderlands #5, March 2005
- * Hunters, (ss) Living with the Dead, Dark Prints Press, 2012
- * I’m Dreaming, (ss) Festive Fear ed. Stephen Clark, Tasmaniac Publications, 2009
- * In His Name, (ss) Coins of Chaos ed. Jennifer Brozek, Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy, 2013
- * In Nomine Patris, (ss) Shadowed Realms #5, 2005
- * Interview—Lee and Lyn Battersby, (iv) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #19, June/July 2005 [Ref. Lee & Lyn Battersby]
- * Into the Valley, (ss) Living with the Dead, Dark Prints Press, 2012
- * The Last Dolphin, (ss) Fables and Reflections #4, April 2003
- * The Last Gig of Jimmy Rucker (with Talie Helene), (ss) More Scary Kisses ed. Liz Grzyb, Ticonderoga Publications, 2011
- * Living with the Dead, (Dark Prints Press, October 2012, co)
- * Living with the Dead, (ss) Eidolon Summer 1995
- * Lollo, (ss) Close Encounters of the Urban Kind ed. Jennifer Brozek, Apex Publications, 2010
- * Mine, (ss) The Outcast ed. Nicole R. Murphy, CSFG Publishing, 2006
- * La Mort d’un Roturer, (ss) This Is How You Die ed. Ryan North, Matthew Bennardo & David Malki, Grand Central Publishing, 2013
- * Piggies, (vi) Midnight Echo #1, October 2008
- * Playtime, (ss) Shadow Box ed. Shane Jiraiya Cummings & Angela Challis, Brimstone Press, 2005
- * The Proverbial, (ss) Fables and Reflections #4, April 2003
- * The Quiet Room, (ss) Midnight Echo #16, December 2021
- * The Rider, (ss) Dead Red Heart ed. Russell B. Farr, Ticonderoga Publications, 2011
- * Running, (nv) Daikaiju! Giant Monster Tales ed. Robin Pen & Robert Hood, Agog! Press, 2005
- * Shifter, (ss) Aurealis #9, 1992
- * Silence, (ss) Midnight Echo #3, September 2009
- * Skinsongs, (ss) 2012 ed. Ben Payne & Alisa Krasnostein, Twelfth Planet Press, 2008
- * Smiley, (ss) In Bad Dreams 2: Where Death Stalks ed. Sharyn Lilley, Eneit Press, 2009
- * Sparks, (ss) AntipodeanSF #250, May/June/July 2019
- * Stillegeist, (ss) Midnight Echo #10, November 2013
- * Tangled, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #11, February/March 2004
- * There Was Darkness, (ss) Fantastic Wonder Stories ed. Russell B. Farr, Ticonderoga Publications, 2007
- * The Tide (with Alan Baxter, Felicity Dowker, Patty Jansen, Devin Jeyathurai, Chuck McKenzie, Andrew J. McKiernan, Lezli Robyn, Daniel I. Russell, Carol Ryles & Kaaron Warren), (ss) Dead Red Heart ed. Russell B. Farr, Ticonderoga Publications, 2011
- * Tradition, (ss) Hell’s Bells ed. AHWA Committee, Australian Horror Writers Association, 2016
- * Trick or…, (vi) Eclecticism E-zine #17, October/November 2011
- * Unwanted, (ss) Surviving the End ed. Craig Bezant, Dark Prints Press, 2012
- * The Valley, (ss) Scary Kisses ed. Liz Grzyb, Ticonderoga Publications, 2010
- * Wood Whispers, (ss) Fables and Reflections #6, April 2004
- * You Ain’t Heard Nothing Yet, (ss) Living with the Dead, Dark Prints Press, 2012
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