The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 5689
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[]Kenin, Millea (1942-1992) (books) (chron.)
- * Alien Orders, (ss) Threshold of Fantasy #2, Winter 1985/1986
- * Arady Mountain, (ss) Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Fantasy Magazine Summer 1988
- * The Ballad of the Faithful Wife, (pm) When the Black Lotus Blooms ed. Elizabeth A. Saunders, Unnameable Press, 1990
- * Chariots of the Dinosaurs, (ss) Tales as Like as Not Fall 1985
- * Dryad Awakening, (pm) Star*Line March/April 1981
- * Editorial, (ed) Owlflight #4 1983, #5 1986
- * Fate and the Dreamer, (ss) Sword and Sorceress IV ed. Marion Zimmer Bradley, DAW, 1987
- * Fire Song: She Passes in Darkness, (pm) Eldritch Tales #28, Winter 1993
- * The Force of Harmony, (ss) Beyond #3, January 1986
- * Introduction, (in) Aliens & Lovers ed. Millea Kenin, Unique Graphics, 1983
- * The Knight of the Road, (ss) Potboiler February 1982
- * The Lady and the Shoemaker, (pm) Eldritch Tales #22, Winter 1990
- * Lullaby of the Moirae, (pm) Star*Line July/August 1985
- * Mrs. Nussbaum, (pm) Aliens & Lovers ed. Millea Kenin, Unique Graphics, 1983
- * Not by Blood Alone, (pm) Eldritch Tales #15, 1988
- * One Night at the Inn, (ss) Sword and Sorceress V ed. Marion Zimmer Bradley, DAW, 1988
- * A Recipe for Failure, (vi) Sword of Chaos ed. Marion Zimmer Bradley, DAW, 1982
- * Scarlet Eyes, (ss) Sword and Sorceress III ed. Marion Zimmer Bradley, DAW, 1986
- * The Siege of Kintomar, (ss) Spells of Wonder ed. Marion Zimmer Bradley, DAW, 1989
- * Sort of Chaos [Darkover], (ss) Four Moons of Darkover ed. Marion Zimmer Bradley, DAW, 1988
- * The Therapist Dreams of Her Alien Lover, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #7, July 1986
- * Toadhood, (pm) Space & Time #71, Winter 1987
- * Up Against the Wall, (pm) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September 1984
- * What’s Mine Is Yours, (pm) Aliens & Lovers ed. Millea Kenin, Unique Graphics, 1983
- * Where the Heart Is, (ss) Sword of Chaos ed. Marion Zimmer Bradley, DAW, 1982
- * [front cover], (cv) Owlflight #1, 1981
- * [letter], (lt) Science Fiction Review #43, Summer 1982
- * [letter], (lt) Thrust #27, Summer 1987
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[]Kenison, Katrina (fl. 1990s-2010s) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Foreword, (fw) The Best American Short Stories 1992 ed. Robert Stone & Katrina Kenison, Houghton Mifflin, 1992
- * Foreword, (fw) The Best American Short Stories 1993 ed. Louise Erdrich & Katrina Kenison, Houghton Mifflin, 1993
- * Foreword, (fw) The Best American Short Stories 1994 ed. Tobias Wolff & Katrina Kenison, Houghton Mifflin, 1994
- * Foreword, (fw) The Best American Short Stories 2000 ed. E. L. Doctorow, Houghton Mifflin, 2000
- * Foreword, (fw) The Best American Short Stories 2003 ed. Walter Mosley & Katrina Kenison, Houghton Mifflin, 2003
- * Foreword, (fw) The Best American Short Stories 2004 ed. Lorrie Moore & Katrina Kenison, Houghton Mifflin, 2004
- * Foreword, (fw) The Best American Short Stories 2005 ed. Michael Chabon & Katrina Kenison, Houghton Mifflin, 2005
- * Foreword, (fw) The Best American Short Stories 2006 ed. Ann Patchett & Katrina Kenison, Houghton Mifflin, 2006
_____, ed.
- * The Best American Short Stories 1992 (with Robert Stone), (Houghton Mifflin, 1992, an)
- * The Best American Short Stories 1993 (with Louise Erdrich), (Houghton Mifflin, 1993, an)
- * The Best American Short Stories 1994 (with Tobias Wolff), (Houghton Mifflin, 1994, an)
- * The Best American Short Stories 1995 (with Jane Smiley), (Houghton Mifflin, 1995, an)
- * The Best American Short Stories 1996 (with John Edgar Wideman), (Houghton Mifflin, 1996, an)
- * The Best American Short Stories 2001 (with Barbara Kingsolver), (Houghton Mifflin, 2001, an)
- * The Best American Short Stories 2003 (with Walter Mosley), (Houghton Mifflin, 2003, an)
- * The Best American Short Stories 2004 (with Lorrie Moore), (Houghton Mifflin, 2004, an)
- * The Best American Short Stories 2005 (with Michael Chabon), (Houghton Mifflin, 2005, an)
- * The Best American Short Stories 2006 (with Ann Patchett), (Houghton Mifflin, 2006, an)
- * The Best American Short Stories of the Century (with John Updike), (Houghton Mifflin, April 2000, an)
[]Kenline, Elinor (fl. 1920s-1940s) (chron.)
- * Adventure—Not So Hot, (ss) Breezy Stories July 1932
- * Around the Mulberry Bush, (ss) Breezy Stories April 1929
- * A Child of Artistic Parents, (ss) Young’s Realistic Stories Magazine July 1927
- * Give the Cat Another Goldfish, (ss) Breezy Stories October 1927
- * Live and Let Live, (pm) Breezy Stories 2nd July 1925
- * Motives, (pm) Breezy Stories 1st November 1925
- * Nautch Dance, (pm) Breezy Stories 2nd November 1925
- * Page from a Life, (vi) Breezy Stories September 1927
- * Popular Fallacies, (cl) Telling Tales 2nd Aug, 1st Sep, 1st Dec 1924, 1st Jan, 1st Feb 1925
- * Sic Transit, (pm) Breezy Stories 1st December 1925
- * To My Young Love, (pm) Breezy Stories 2nd August 1925
- * Too Proud to Cheat, (vi) Breezy Stories October 1945
- * View-Points, (ms) Telling Tales 2nd October 1924
[]Kenmare, Kenny (fl. 1930s-1950s); house pseudonym used by Will F. Jenkins (1896-1975) (chron.)
- * Aces for Andy, (ss) Exciting Sports Summer 1950
- * Are Coaches People?, (ss) Thrilling Football Winter 1949
- * Atom’s Bomb, (ss) Popular Sports Magazine June 1948
- * The Burden of Proof, (ss) Exciting Sports Summer 1949
- * Carry Your Own Mail, (ss) Exciting Football Fall 1949
- * The First Faith, (ss) Popular Sports Spring 1950
- * Flash Your Skates, Rookie, (ss) Thrilling Sports May 1948
- * The Gentlemanly Way, (ss) Thrilling Sports Summer 1949
- * The Gilded Lilly, (ss) Popular Baseball Spring 1949
- * Glory at a Price, (ss) Popular Football Winter 1947
- * Handsome Is as Handsome Does, (ss) Thrilling Sports Fall 1947
- * Hate, (ss) (by Will F. Jenkins) Thrilling Sports March 1948
- * Ice Is Smooth, (ss) Popular Sports Summer 1949
- * Justice Needs a Spotlight, (nv) Detective and Murder Mysteries March 1939
- * Lucky Stiff, (ss) Exciting Football Fall 1950
- * Lug That Leather, (ss) Exciting Football Fall 1948
- * A Mickey for Mickey, (ss) Exciting Sports Summer 1947
- * Not for Women, (ss) Thrilling Sports Fall 1949
- * One Mile of Color, (ss) Popular Sports Magazine Fall 1946
- * On the Nose, (ss) Knockout Magazine May/June 1937
- * Return of the Turk, (nv) Super Sports March 1939
- * Team Man, (ss) Popular Football Fall 1949
- * There’s Millions in It, (ss) Sky Fighters Fall 1946
- * The Ultimate Goal, (ss) Sports Winners March 1939
- * Viva Beisbol!, (ss) Exciting Baseball Spring 1949
- * The Winning Colors, (ss) Exciting Sports Fall 1949
[]Kenmore, Charles (fl. 1910s) (chron.)
- * Hank Weston, Railroad Detective, (ss) Railroad Man’s Magazine February 1915
- * Hank Weston, Railroad Detective, (ss) Railroad Man’s Magazine May 1915
- * Hank Weston, Railroad Detective, (ss) Railroad Man’s Magazine August 1915
- * Hank Weston, Railroad Detective, (ss) Railroad Man’s Magazine September 1915
- * The Hold-up of Express No. 4, (nv) Railroad Man’s Magazine September 1914
- * The Race of the Light Freight, (ss) Railroad Man’s Magazine December 1915
- * The Road-Master’s Revenge, (nv) Railroad Man’s Magazine April 1915
[]Kennan, George (1845-?) (chron.)
- * Adventures in Eastern Siberia, (??) The Century Magazine November 1889
- * Are the Japanese Honest?, (ar) The Outlook August 31 1912
- * Are the Japanese Moral?, (ar) The Outlook September 14 1912
- * Can We Understand the Japanese?, (ar) The Outlook August 10 1912
- * The Cost of Living, (ar) McClure’s Magazine March 1908
- * Criminal Government and the Private Citizen, (ar) McClure’s Magazine November 1907
- * The Death of General Nogi, (ar) The Outlook October 5 1912
- * Exile by Administrative Process, (??) The Century Magazine September 1888
- * The Fight for Reform in San Francisco, (ar) McClure’s Magazine September 1907
- * Is Japan Persecuting Christians in Korea?, (ar) The Outlook December 14 1912
- * Is the Siberian Exile System to Be at Once Abolished?, (??) The Century Magazine September 1888
- * John Henderson, Artist, (??) The Century Magazine November 1893
- * The Last Appeal of the Russian Liberals, (ar) The Century Magazine November 1887
- * The Latest Siberian Tragedy, (??) The Century Magazine April 1890
- * My Meeting with Political Exiles, (??) The Century Magazine August 1888
- * Plains and Prisons of Western Siberia, (??) The Century Magazine June 1888
- * Poverty and Discontent in Russia, (ar) McClure’s Magazine May 1908
- * Prison Life of the Russian Revolutionists, (ar) The Century Magazine December 1887
- * The Problems of Suicide, (ar) McClure’s Magazine June 1908
- * A Russian Experiment in Self-Government, (??) The Atlantic Monthly October 1897
- * The Russian Penal Code, (ar) The Century Magazine April 1888
- * A Russian Political Prison, (ar) The Century Magazine February 1888
- * Russian Provincial Prisons, (ar) The Century Magazine January 1888
- * Russian State Prisoners, (ar) The Century Magazine March 1888
- * Siberia and the Exile System. Across the Russian Frontier, (??) The Century Magazine May 1888
- * Siberia and the Exile System. A Question of Judgment, (??) The Century Magazine November 1888
- * Siberia and the Exile System. A Ride Through the Trans-Baikal, (??) The Century Magazine May 1889
- * Siberia and the Exile System. A Winter Journey through Siberia, (??) The Century Magazine September 1891
- * Siberia and the Exile System. “Blacked Out”, (??) The Century Magazine May 1890
- * Siberia and the Exile System. Exiles at Irkutsk, (??) The Century Magazine February 1889
- * Siberia and the Exile System. Life on the Great Siberian Road, (??) The Century Magazine December 1888
- * Siberia and the Exile System. My Last Days in Siberia, (??) The Century Magazine October 1891
- * Siberia and the Exile System. Political Exiles and Common Convicts at Tomsk, (??) The Century Magazine November 1888
- * Siberia and the Exile System. Reply to Criticisms, (??) The Century Magazine October 1891
- * Siberia and the Exile System. Russian Police, (??) The Century Magazine April 1889
- * Siberia and the Exile System. State Criminals at the Kara Mines, (??) The Century Magazine August 1889
- * Siberia and the Exile System. The Convict Mines of Kara, (??) The Century Magazine June 1889
- * Siberia and the Exile System. The East Siberian Silver Mines, (??) The Century Magazine October 1889
- * Siberia and the Exile System. The Free Command at the Mines of Kara, (??) The Century Magazine July 1889
- * Siberia and the Exile System. The Grand Lama of the Trans-Baikal, (??) The Century Magazine March 1889
- * Siberia and the Exile System. The History of the Kara Political Prison, (??) The Century Magazine September 1889
- * Siberia and the Exile System. The Life of Administrative Exiles, (??) The Century Magazine January 1889
- * A Siberian Tragedy, (??) The Century Magazine November 1886
- * The Steppes of the Irtish, (??) The Century Magazine July 1888
- * Taking Chances, (ss) The Outlook August 15 1903
- * The Tomsk Forwarding Prison, (??) The Century Magazine October 1888
- * Unwritten Literature of the Caucasian Mountaineers, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Oct, Nov 1878
- * A Visit to Count Tolstoi, (??) The Century Magazine June 1887
- * A Voice for the People of Russia, (??) The Century Magazine July 1893
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