The FictionMags Index
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Jope-Slade, Christine (chron.) (continued)
- * Poor Em’ly Fidgett [Bun Browne], (ss) The Passing Show March 30 1935
- * The Pricked Bubble, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) April 1923
- * The Princess and the Cossack, (ss) Romance April 1929
- * Puppy Dreams, (ss) The Story-teller November 1925
- * Puppy Fat, (ss) Eve’s Journal January 1938
- * The Quickest Girl in Hospital, (ss) The Grand Magazine March 1917
- * The Quiet Wife, (ss) The Royal Magazine September 1920
- * Reality, (ss) The Premier Magazine #26, June 1916
- * The Rebel, (ss) The London Magazine September 1913
- * The Resurrection Portrait, (ss) The Royal Magazine February 1923
- * “Rich Man, Poor Man”, (ss) The Red Magazine September 1 1913
- * Rosie Guttenburgh, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) November 1925
- * Seeing It Through, (ss) The Red Magazine September 15 1913
- * Sense of Value, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine March 1934
- * Servant Made, (ss) The Passing Show February 6 1937
- * Shadow Christmas Trees, (ss) The Novel Magazine December 1934
- * She Showed Her, (ss) Liberty June 28 1930
- * She Talked in Her Sleep, (ss) The Novel Magazine July 1935
- * Shore Excursion, (ss) Britannia and Eve August 1933
- * Silver Threads, (ss) Redbook Magazine November 1931
- * The Skeleton at the Feast [Bun Browne], (ss) The Passing Show April 27 1935
- * A Sneeze in Time, (ss) The Royal Magazine February 1926
- * The Spook Gardener, (ss) The Red Magazine March 14 1914
- * Sports Model, (ss) The Passing Show November 30 1935
- * Spring Comes, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal April 1924
- * Stargleam’s Wings, (ss) The Novel Magazine August 1907
- * Star in Hiding, (ss) The Passing Show October 24 1936
- * Stooge Guest, (ss) The Passing Show November 26 1938
- * Straight from Prison, (ss) Britannia and Eve January 1931
- * Strange Honesties, (ss) Britannia and Eve August 1936
- * The Strategist, (vi) Ainslee’s May 1923
- * The Sunbather, (ss) The Novel Magazine June 1933
- * The Sun Shines on Everyone, (ss) Home Magazine and the Ladies Field #244, December 1929
- * The Swashbuckler’s Lady, (ss) The Royal Magazine November 1916
- * The Taming of David Savage, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine August 1937
- * The Tea Man, (ss) The Red Magazine January 1 1915
- * The Temple of Straw, (ss) The Story-teller March 1924
- * That Piece in the Paper, (ss) The Novel Magazine June 1930
- * Then the Chimney Smoked, (ss) The Windsor Magazine February 1933
- * Things Never Go Wrong for Kings, (ss) The Windsor Magazine April 1933
- * The Third-Floor Prince, (ss) The Novel Magazine October 1916
- * The Thirteenth Blonde, (ss) The Story-teller October 1928
- * This Canary Sang, (ss) The Story-teller June 1933
- * This Is Not Living!, (ss) The Novel Magazine May 1932
- * Through a Man’s Monocle, (ss) Maclean’s February 1 1933
- * Tilda’s Party, (ss) The Royal Magazine September 1916
- * Tin-Tin-Twopenny, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine April 1929
- * A Tin Town Tale, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) September 1916
- * The Tip-Toe Lover, (ss) The Royal Magazine December 1922
- * Told on a White Piano, (ss) Britannia and Eve April 1941
- * The Tumble Twins Go Bogey [Twinkle], (ss) The Passing Show February 24 1934
- * Twice Round the Park, (ss) The Story-teller December 1931
- * Twigs Tells the Truth, (ss) The Passing Show January 27 1934
- * Two Simple Souls, (ss) The Royal Magazine March 1917
- * Two Wise Wives, (ss) The Passing Show August 11 1934
- * Undelivered Christmas Mail, (ss) Britannia and Eve December 1935
- * Unflaming Youth, (ss) Britannia and Eve November 1930
- * Valentino Still Lives, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine August 1933 [Ref. Rudolph Valentino]
- * Very Great Lady, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion May 1929
- * Very Partial to Blondes, (ss) The Passing Show May 28 1938
- * Virgins to Venice, (ss) Britannia and Eve October 1933
- * Weather Vain, (ss) The Passing Show March 6 1937
- * Weepy Kate, (ss) The Royal Magazine October 1916
- * What Happened, (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine April 1914
- * What Has Happened to Home?, (ar) Woman’s Journal July 1929
- * “What’s Going on Here?”, (ss) The Passing Show May 16 1936
- * When Spring Came, (ss) The Red Magazine March 1 1913
- * When the Pie Was Opened, (ss) The Passing Show February 10 1934
- * Where Lost Things Live, (ss) The Novel Magazine December 1932
- * A White Christmas, (ss) The Royal Pictorial December 1933
- * White Elephants, Please, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine September 1933
- * Why Do You Hate Me?, (ar) The Royal Magazine February 1921
- * Wild Cherry, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine January 1931
- * The Wild Lad from Wigan, (ss) The Royal Magazine March 1921
- * “Wireless”, (ss) The London Magazine June 1915
- * Wisdom Teeth, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine May 1930
- * Woman Stuff, (ss) The Story-teller May 1923
- * The Woman Who Knew Pavlova [Twinkle], (ss) The Passing Show March 24 1934
- * The Woman Who Knew Whistler, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal October 1925
- * The Woman Who Rented Paradise, (ss) Britannia and Eve January 1930
- * “Women Don’t Think”, (ss) The Red Magazine October 1938
- * Women Talk so Carelessly, (ss) Britannia and Eve November 1932
- * The Year’s Legacy, (ss) The Royal Magazine July 1916
- * Youth Must Be Served—Sometimes, (ss) Britannia and Eve April 1938
_____, [ref.]
[]Jopp, Fred Gilman (fl. 1920s-1930s) (chron.)
- * Hollywood and Wouldn’t, (cl) College Life Nov 1928, Jan, Feb 1929, Apr, May, Sum, Sep, Oct 1931, Oct, Dec 1932
- * The Movies’ Latest Infant: The “Talkie”, (ar) The Youth’s Companion January 1929
- * The Only Lion Farm in the World, (ar) The St. Nicholas Magazine August 1926
[]Joquel, Arthur Louis, II (1919-1974); used pseudonyms William Graham & Fywert Kinge (chron.)
- * Changes Made by Wells, (ar) Science-Fiction Monthly #15, 1956
- * Cosmic Parallel, (vi) Specula 1941
- * Decadence, (pm) Acolyte Fall 1944, as by Fywert Kinge
- * Lost Atlantis, (ss) 1941, as "One in a Million", by Wm. Graham
- * Vampire’s Kiss, (ss) Specula March 1941, as by William Graham
- * [letter], (lt) A. Merritt’s Fantasy Magazine April 1950
[]Jordan, Anne Devereaux; [i.e., Anne Devereaux Wilson Jordan Crouse] (1943-2013); previously known as Anne W. Burke (books) (chron.)
- * Assistant Editor:
* ___ The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, 75/12 - 76/12., as by Anne W. Deraps; (as Anne W. Burke from Jan ’77, as Anne Jordan from Jan ’80).
* ___ The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, 77/01 - 79/12., as by Anne W. Burke
- * Farewell and Then Forever, (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine February 1983
- * Introduction, (in) The Best Horror Stories from the Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction ed. Edward L. Ferman & Anne Devereaux Jordan, St. Martin's, 1988
- * Introduction, (in) Fires of the Past ed. Anne Devereaux Jordan, St. Martin's, 1991
- * Lines Found with the Remains of the Earthship Astar in the Year 3020 (Old Earth), 1225 (Lunar), (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine mid December 1986
- * The Mer, (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine September 1989
- * The Oxford Book of Modern Fairy Tales, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #71, July 1994 [Ref. Alison Lurie]
- * Response to “The New Generation Gap”, (ms) The New York Review of Science Fiction #14, October 1989
- * Snow White, Blood Red, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #71, July 1994 [Ref. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling]
- * The Spacing of Fred McNerth, (pm) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction December 1984
- * Summer Nights, (pm) Star*Line July/August 1990
- * Troll, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction July 1995
_____, ed.
- * Assistant Editor:
* ___ The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, 80/01 - 84/02.
- * Associate Editor:
* ___ The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, 84/03 - 85/09.
- * Managing Editor:
* ___ The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, 85/10 - 89/06.
- * The Best Horror Stories from the Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction (with Edward L. Ferman), (St. Martin's, July 1988, an)
- * The Best Horror Stories from the Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Vol. I (with Edward L. Ferman), (St. Martin's, April 1989, an)
- * The Best Horror Stories from the Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Volume II (with Edward L. Ferman), (St. Martin's, January 1990, an)
- * Fires of the Past, (St. Martin's, March 1991, oa)
_____, [ref.]
[]Jordan, Bret (fl. 2000s) (chron.)
- * Blood Dryad, (ss) The Devil’s Food ed. L. B. Goddard & Jim Kelley, The Monsters Next Door, 2009
- * Veggie Burger, (ss) Fried! Fast Food, Slow Deaths ed. Joel A. Sutherland & Colleen Morris, Graveside Tales, 2007
- * [front cover], (cv) Cthulhu Australis Vol 2 by David Conyers, Rainfall Books, 2007
- * [front cover], (cv) The Devil’s Food ed. L. B. Goddard & Jim Kelley, The Monsters Next Door, 2009
- * [front cover] (with Stephen Blundell & Steve Lines), (cv) Fried! Fast Food, Slow Deaths ed. Joel A. Sutherland & Colleen Morris, Graveside Tales, 2007
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Black Ink Horror #4, 2008
[]Jordan, Camilla (fl. 1940s) (chron.)
- * All Our Tomorrows, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine May 2 1942
- * Almost Too Late, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine July 1944
- * Appointment in India, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine February 28 1942
- * Arabian Night, (ss) Ideal Love September 1945
- * The Archaeologist’s Daughter, (na) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine May 24 1941
- * Cutthroat Cavlier, (ss) All-Story Love Magazine March 1942
- * The Doors of Tomorrow, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine June 1945
- * The Dragon’s Wife, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine August 15 1942
- * I Take This Woman, (nv) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine May 3 1941
- * The Jewel of Java, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine July 26 1941
- * Madness in Tibet, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine February 7 1942
- * Mr. and Mrs. Noah, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine June 1 1943
- * A Modern Legend, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine January 2 1943
- * Riddle of the Sphinx, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine April 20 1943
- * Sky Lady, (ss) Gay Love Stories February 1946
- * Song of the Huntress, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine December 1944
- * The Talking Horse, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine March 1943
- * Till Time Ends, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine July 4 1942
- * Venus Rising, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine October 24 1942
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