The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 5405
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[]Jacques, Serge (fl. 1950s-1970s) (chron.)
- * Angela Tomboy, (pi) Mayfair v4 #2, 1969
- * Ballet Material, (pi) Knight April 1969
- * Beached Blonde, (pi) Pix v1 #7, 1965
- * Bernadette and the Artist, (pi) Mayfair v3 #4, 1968
- * Broadside’s Bye-Bye Girls, (pi) Broadside November/December 1967
- * Christina, (pi) Mayfair v3 #6, 1968
- * Christine Alan: Paree’s Hottest New Cover Girl, (pi) Dapper September 1966
- * Coral Grows…, (pi) Mayfair v4 #5, 1969
- * Cristina, (pi) Knight February 1974
- * Elaine Ecstatic, (pi) Mayfair v3 #5, 1968
- * First in the Air, On Land, In the Water, (pi) Knight September 1968
- * France’s Annick Rodin, (pi) Nugget June 1960
- * Francette Takes Off, (pi) Cad March 1969
- * The French Blonde, (pi) Adam Yearbook 1970
- * French Country Girl, (pi) Cad June 1966
- * French Fishing Girl, (pi) Adam May 1967
- * The Girl from St. Garie, (pi) Knight May 1966
- * Les Girls du Bistro Cheval Fou, (pi) Knave May 1959
- * Giselle, the Gorgeous Geordie, (pi) Mayfair v2 #10, 1967
- * La Grande Fleur, Guillaumette, (pi) Adam January 1971
- * Joelle St. Germain, (pi) Knight December 1973
- * Katia Kastel, (pi) Knight December 1972
- * Laurette, (pi) Knight August 1973
- * Lorenza, (pi) Knight May 1969
- * Love Goddess, (pi) Knight May 1965
- * Melanie, (pi) Mayfair v3 #7, 1968
- * Michelle, (pi) Adam November 1970
- * Monique, (pi) Mayfair v3 #2, 1968
- * Nancy in the Clouds, (pi) Mayfair v3 #3, 1968
- * Natasha, (pi) Cad November 1969
- * Natasha, (pi) Adam March 1974
- * Nicoletta, (pi) Knight October 1974
- * The Nude Fashion Plate, (pi) Adam June 1969
- * Old-Fashioned Nude, (pi) Knight July 1966
- * Parisienne (with Joel Sussman), (pi) Cad September 1970
- * A Russian in Paris, (pi) Adam March 1970
- * Serge Jacques’ Sizzling Seven, (pi) Dapper December 1966
- * Snow Job, (pi) Pix July 1966
- * Snow Maiden, (pi) Knight July 1969
- * Super Swinger, (pi) Pix December 1970
- * Sweet Sue, (pi) Mayfair v3 #9, 1968
- * Two Sisters and a Friend, (pi) Adam September 1971
- * Villy of the Dance, (pi) Adam Yearbook 1971
- * Volupty, (pi) Genesis June 1974
- * A Winter’s Dream, (pi) Adam August 1969
- * [cover photo of Christine Alan], (pi) Dapper September 1966
- * [front cover], (cv) Cad November 1969
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Swank November 1966
- * [photography] (with Iris Bancroft, Russell Gay, Paul Johnson, Dan Kriz, Orman Longstreet, Bob Mantell, Rick Marcus & Harrison Marks), (pt) Film & Figure Spring 1968
- * [photography] (with Iris Bancroft, Phil Johnson, Dan Kriz, Dave Miller & Gary Sohler), (pt) Classic Line and Form Spring 1968
- * [photo of Lorenza], (pi) Adam August 1969
_____, [ref.]
[]Jacques, Will (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Aliens, (il) Midnight Echo #2, June 2009
- * Little Messenger Girl, (il) Midnight Echo #2, June 2009
- * The Moon of Wind, (il) Midnight Echo #3, September 2009
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Refuge Collection, Heaven to Some… ed. Steve Dillon, Oz Horror Con, 2016
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Refuge Collection, Hell to Others ed. Steve Dillon, Oz Horror Con, 2017
[]Jae, Vanessa (fl. 2020s) (chron.)
- * Arachnophobia, (pm) Aphotic Realm Spring 2023
- * The fear of cyborgs to believe in flesh, (pm) Strange Horizons June 27 2022
- * Let the Water In, (pm) Haven Speculative #6, September/October 2022
- * Manifesto of Pulled Bells, (pm) Solarpunk Magazine #2, March/April 2022
- * Sweet William, (pm) Star*Line Spring 2022
- * the type of monster you keep on a leash, (pm) Radon Journal #1, May 2022
- * What Use Are Wings to a Creature of the Sea, (pm) Apparition Literary Magazine #19, Omen, July 2022
[]Jaeger, Charles F. (fl. 1910s-1920s) (chron.)
- * [illustration(s)], (il) People’s Favorite Magazine Sep, Nov 1919, Jan, Apr 1921
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The New Success Nov, Dec 1920, Jan, Feb, Mar, Jul, Aug, Sep 1921
- * [illustration(s)], (il) People’s Popular Monthly February 1929
[]Jaegly, Peggy (fl. 2000s) (chron.)
- * Have a Harpy Christmas, (ss) Carols and Crimes, Gifts and Grifters ed. Tony Burton, Wolfmont Publishing, 2007
- * Troubled Waters, (ss) Chesapeake Crimes 3 ed. Donna Andrews & Marcia Talley, Wildside Press, 2008
- * Wash Away My Sin, (ss) Who Died in Here? ed. Pat Dennis, Penury Press, 2004
[]Jafek, Bev (fl. 1980s-1990s) (books) (chron.)
- * Apocalypse, (ss) The Missouri Review Winter 1984
- * Carmen’s Answer, (nv) Yellow Silk
- * Holograms, Unlimited, (nv) Mississippi Review Summer/Fall 1982
- * The Man Who Took a Bite Out of His Wife, (co) Overlook Press, July 1993
- * The Man Who Took a Bite Out of His Wife, (nv)
- * Schrödinger’s Cat, (ss) Columbia Journal
- * The Statistician, (ss) Black Warrior Review Spring/Fall 1991
- * There’s a Phantom in My Word-Processor, (nv) CutBank
- * The Unsatisfactory Rape, (ss) Bachy
- * You’ve Come a Long Way, Mickey Mouse, (ss) Columbia Magazine of Poetry and Prose 1984
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