The FictionMags Index
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James, Henry (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Longstaff’s Marriage, (nv) Scribner’s Monthly August 1878
- * Louisa Pallant, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1888
- * The Madonna of the Future, (co) Macmillan, 1879
- * The Madonna of the Future, (nv) The Atlantic Monthly March 1873
- * The Marriages, (??) The Atlantic Monthly August 1891
- * Matthew Arnold, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine January 1884 [Ref. Matthew Arnold]
- * Maud-Evelyn, (nv) The Atlantic Monthly April 1900
- * The Middle Years, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine May 1893
- * Miss Gunton of Poughkeepsie, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine May 1900
- * Mr. and Mrs. Fields, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine July 1915
- * Mme. de Mauves, (nv) The Galaxy February 1874
- * A Most Extraordinary Case, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly April 1868, uncredited.
- * Mrs. Humphrey Ward, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine February 1892, as by H. J.
- * Mrs. Medwin, (nv) Punch August 28 1901
- * My Friend Bingham, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly March 1867, uncredited.
- * Nathaniel Hawthorne, (ar) [Ref. Nathaniel Hawthorne]
- * A New England Winter, (nv) The Century Magazine Aug, Sep 1884
- * New York Revisited, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine Feb, Mar, May 1906
- * The Next Time, (na) The Yellow Book July 1895
- * Nona Vincent, (nv) The English Illustrated Magazine Feb, Mar 1892
- * The Old Things, (sl) The Atlantic Monthly Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct 1896
- * On the Death of Dumas the Younger, (ar) The New Review #82, March 1896
- * On the Occasion of “Hedda Gabler”, (th) The New Review #25, June 1891
- * Osborne’s Revenge, (nv) The Galaxy July 1868
- * Our Artists in Europe, (ar) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1889
- * Owen Wingrave, (nv) The Graphic November 28 1892
- The Ghostly Tales of Henry James, Rutgers University Press, 1949
- The Ghostly Tales of Henry James (var. 1), Grosset Universal, 1963
- Ellery Queen’s Anthology #58, Summer 1988
- The Open Door and Other Ghost Stories ed. Philip Gooden, Phoenix, 1999
- The Turn of the Screw & Other Horrors, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2016
- The Essential Victorian Ghost Stories ed. M. Grant Kellermeyer, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2023
- * A Passionate Pilgrim, (nv) The Atlantic Monthly Mar, Apr 1871
- * Paste, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1899
- * The Patagonia, (nv) The English Illustrated Magazine Aug, Sep 1888
- * The Path of Duty, (ss) The English Illustrated Magazine December 1884
- * The Pension Beaurepas, (nv) The Atlantic Monthly April 1879
- * The Point of View, (??) The Century Magazine December 1882
- * Poor Richard, (nv) The Atlantic Monthly Jun, Jul, Aug 1867, uncredited.
- * The Portrait of a Lady, (n.) The Atlantic Monthly Nov, Dec 1880, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct,
Nov, Dec 1881
- * The Portrait of a Lady, (ex) Houghton Mifflin, October 29 1881
- * The Princess Casamassima, (sl) The Atlantic Monthly Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1885, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug,
Sep, Oct 1886
- * The Private Life, (nv) The Atlantic Monthly April 1892
- * The Pupil, (nv) Longman’s Magazine Mar, Apr 1891
- * The Question of Our Speech, (ar) Appleton’s Booklovers Magazine August 1905
- * The Real Right Thing, (ss) Collier’s Weekly December 16 1899
- Pause to Wonder ed. Marjorie Fischer & Rolfe Humphries, Julian Messner, 1944
- The Ghostly Tales of Henry James, Rutgers University Press, 1949
- The Ghostly Tales of Henry James (var. 1), Grosset Universal, 1963
- Masters of Shades and Shadows ed. Seon Manley & Gogo Lewis, Doubleday, 1980
- The Mammoth Book of Ghost Stories ed. Richard Dalby, Robinson, 1990
- The Anthology of Ghost Stories ed. Richard Dalby, Tiger Books, 1994
- The Screaming Skull and Other Great American Ghost Stories ed. David Hartwell, Tor, 1995
- Great American Ghost Stories ed. Mike Ashley, Dover Publications, 2008
- The Turn of the Screw & Other Horrors, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2016
- * The Real Thing, (ss) Black & White April 16 1892
- The Argosy (UK) February 1934
- The Short Stories of Henry James, Modern Library, 1945
- Great Psychological Stories ed. Laurette Naomi Pizer, Panther, 1967
- Signet Classic Book of American Short Stories ed. Burton Raffel, Signet Classic, 1990
- Worlds of Fiction ed. Roberta Rubenstein & Charles R. Larson, MacMillan College Division, 1993
- Major American Short Stories ed. A. Walton Litz, Oxford University Press US, 1994
- The Portable American Realism Reader ed. James Nagel & Tom Quirk, Penguin US, 1997
- Short Fiction ed. Charles H. Bohner & Dean Dougherty, Prentice Hall, 1999
- Fiction 100: An Anthology of Short Stories (9th edition) ed. James H. Pickering, Prentice Hall College Div., 2000
- The Longman Anthology of Short Fiction ed. Dana Gioia & R. S. Gwynn, Longman US, 2000
- * Robert Louis Stevenson, (ar) The Century Magazine April 1888
- * Roderick Hudson, (n.) The Atlantic Monthly Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1875
- * The Romance of Certain Old Clothes, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly February 1868, uncredited.
- Strange and Fantastic Stories ed. Joseph A. Margolies, Whittlesey House, 1946
- Strange and Fantastic Stories (var. 1) ed. Joseph A. Margolies, Armed Forces, 1946
- The Ghostly Tales of Henry James, Rutgers University Press, 1949
- Ghosts and Things ed. Hal Cantor, Berkley, 1962
- The Ghostly Tales of Henry James (var. 1), Grosset Universal, 1963
- The Third Fontana Book of Great Horror Stories ed. Christine Bernard, Fontana, 1968
- Classic Tales of Horror ed. Stephanie Dowrick, Constable, 1976
- Reign of Terror: 3rd Corgi Book of Great Victorian Horror Stories ed. Michel Parry, Corgi, 1977
- 65 Great Tales of Horror ed. Mary Danby, Octopus Books, 1981
- The Penguin Book of Horror Stories ed. J. A. Cuddon, Penguin, 1984
- Ghosts: A Classic Collection, Unicorn Pub. House, 1989
- Haunted America ed. Marvin Kaye, SFBC, 1991
- Victorian Ghost Stories ed. Michael Cox & R. A. Gilbert, Oxford University Press, 1991
- Horror by Lamplight, Chancellor Press, 1993
- The Mammoth Book of Victorian and Edwardian Ghost Stories ed. Richard Dalby, Robinson, 1995
- American Gothic Tales ed. Joyce Carol Oates, Penguin/Plume, 1996
- Great Ghost Stories, Reader's Digest, 1997
- Classic Ghost Stories II ed. Glen & Karen Bledsoe, Lowell House Juvenile, 1998
- The Turn of the Screw & Other Horrors, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2016
- The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 9 ed. Alastair Gunn, Wimbourne Books, 2021
- * The Science of Criticism 1., (ar) The New Review #24, May 1891
- * The Sense of Newport, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine August 1906
- * She and He: Recent Documents, (ar) The Yellow Book January 1897
- * The Short Stories of Henry James, (co) Modern Library, 1945 ; edited by Clifton Fadiman
- * The Siege of London, (na) The Cornhill Magazine Jan, Feb 1883
- * Sir Dominick Ferrand, (na) The Cosmopolitan July 1892 (+1), as "Jersey Villas"
- * Sir Edmund Orme, (nv) Black & White November 25 1891
- Great Tales of Terror & the Supernatural ed. Herbert A. Wise & Phyllis Fraser, Random House, 1944
- The Ghostly Tales of Henry James, Rutgers University Press, 1949
- The Ghostly Tales of Henry James (var. 1), Grosset Universal, 1963
- The Premature Burial, Corgi, 1966
- Ghouls and Ghosts ed. Kurt Singer, W.H. Allen, 1972
- The Other Dimension ed. Sara Rosner, Scholastic Book Services, 1972
- Shriek ed. Kurt Singer, Eclipse Books, 1974
- Ghost Stories ed. Susan Hill, Hamish Hamilton, 1983
- The Penguin Book of Ghost Stories ed. J. A. Cuddon, Penguin, 1984
- Tales of Terror and the Supernatural, Bracken Books, 1994
- Stories of Terror and the Supernatural ed. Herman Graf, Skyhorse Publishing, 2013
- Classic Tales of Horror, Canterbury Classics, 2015
- The Turn of the Screw & Other Horrors, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2016
- Fireside Ghost Stories for Valentine’s Day ed. M. Grant Kellermeyer, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2018
- * The Solution, (sl) The New Review #7 Dec 1889, #8 Jan, #9 Feb 1890
- * Some Personal Recollections of Carlyle, (??) The Atlantic Monthly May 1881
- * The Special Type, (ss) Collier’s Weekly June 16 1900
- * The Story in It, (ss)
- * The Story of a Year, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly March 1865, uncredited.
- * Théodolinde, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science May 1878
- * The Third Person, (nv) The Soft Side by Henry James, Methuen, 1900
- * Tip’s Heroism, (ss) The American Boy August 1903
- * Tommaso Salvini, (??) The Atlantic Monthly March 1883
- * The Tone of Time, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine November 1900
- * A Tragedy of Error, (ss) Continental Monthly February 1864
- * The Tragic Muse, (sl) The Atlantic Monthly Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1889
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May 1890
- * Travelling Companions, (nv) The Atlantic Monthly Nov, Dec 1870
- * The Tree of Knowledge, (ss) The Soft Side by Henry James, Methuen, 1900
- * The Turn of the Screw [Turn of the Screw], (na) Collier’s Weekly January 27 1898
- The Mystery Book ed. H. Douglas Thomson, Odhams Press, 1934
- A Second Century of Creepy Stories ed. Hugh Walpole, Hutchinson, 1937
- The Pocket Reader ed. Philip Van Doren Stern, Pocket Books, 1941
- The Midnight Reader ed. Philip Van Doren Stern, Holt, 1942
- The Ghostly Tales of Henry James, Rutgers University Press, 1949
- The Ghostly Tales of Henry James (var. 1), Grosset Universal, 1963
- A Treasury of Great Ghost Stories ed. Ira Peck, Popular Library, 1965
- A Treasury of Gothic and Supernatural, Avenel Books, 1981
- The Arbor House Celebrity Book of Horror Stories ed. Charles G. Waugh & Martin H. Greenberg, Arbor House, 1982
- The Mammoth Book of Classic Chillers ed. Tim Haydock, Robinson, 1986
- Nursery Crimes ed. Stefan R. Dziemianowicz, Robert Weinberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1993
- Stories ed. Eric S. Rabkin, Longman US, 1994
- American Gothic: An Anthology, 1787-1916 ed. Charles Crow, Wiley-Blackwell, 1999
- H.P. Lovecraft’s Book of the Supernatural ed. Stephen Jones, Pegasus Books, 2006
- Classic Tales of Horror, Canterbury Classics, 2015
- The Turn of the Screw & Other Horrors, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2016
- * The Turn of the Screw [Turn of the Screw], (ex) Collier’s Weekly January 27 1898 (+11)
- * The Turn of the Screw & Other Horrors, (co) Oldstyle Tales Press, May 2016 ; edited by M. Grant Kellermeyer
- * Two Countries, (nv) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1888
- * The Two Faces, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine June 1901
- * Venice, (??) The Century Magazine November 1882
- * Washington Square, (n.) The Cornhill Magazine Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1880
- * Watch and Ward, (na) The Atlantic Monthly Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1871
- * The Way It Came, (nv) Chapman’s Magazine May 1896
- The Chap-Book May 1 1896
- Best Ghost Stories ed. Anne Ridler, Faber and Faber, 1945, as "The Friends of the Friends"
- The Ghostly Tales of Henry James, Rutgers University Press, 1949, as "The Friends of the Friends"
- The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1953, as "The Friends of the Friends"
- The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (UK) January 1954, as "The Friends of the Friends"
- The Ghostly Tales of Henry James (var. 1), Grosset Universal, 1963, as "The Friends of the Friends"
- Short Stories Magazine February 1981, as "The Friends of the Friends"
- Black Water ed. Alberto Manguel, Picador, 1983, as "The Friends of the Friends"
- Night Cry Fall 1985, as "The Friends of the Friends"
- The Oxford Book of English Ghost Stories ed. Michael Cox & R. A. Gilbert, Oxford University Press, 1986, as "The Friends of the Friends"
- Nightshade ed. Robert Phillips, Carroll & Graf, 1999, as "The Friends of the Friends"
- Fantastic Metropolis December 2004, as "The Friends of the Friends"
- The Turn of the Screw & Other Horrors, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2016
- Fireside Ghost Stories for Valentine’s Day ed. M. Grant Kellermeyer, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2018
- The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 24 ed. Alastair Gunn, Wimbourne Books, 2024, as "The Friends of the Friends"
- * What Maisie Knew, (sl) The New Review #93 Feb, #94 Mar, #95 Apr, #96 May, #97 Jun, #98 Jul, #99 Aug, #100 Sep 1897
- * The Wheel of Time, (sl) The Cosmopolitan Dec 1892, Jan 1893
- * Winchelsea, Rye, and “Denis Duval”, (ar) Scribner’s Magazine January 1901 [Ref. William Makepeace Thackeray]
- * Wolcott Balestier, (ar) The Cosmopolitan May 1892
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