The FictionMags Index
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[]Hunt, Roy (V.) (1915-1986) (about) (chron.)
- * About O. A. K., (ar) OAK Leaves #12, 1979
- * The Astral Body, (ar) The Alchemist Summer 1940
- * Books (with Poul Anderson, James Blish & Ted White, et al.), (rc) New Frontiers August 1960
- * Cartouche—A. Merritt (with Stanley Mullen), (bg) The Gorgon March 1947 [Ref. A. Merritt]
- * Conan of the Reavers, (ar) Amra v2 #3, 1959
- * Druid Stones, (pi) The Gorgon March/April 1948
- * Ivan, (cs) The Gorgon Mar, May 1947
- * The Mysterious Island, (mr) Space Tales #5, 194?
- * Narodny, (pi) The Gorgon v2 #2, 1948
- * Necropolis, (pm) The Alchemist February 1940
- * Old Fantasy Films, (ar) The Alchemist Autumn 1946
- * The Outsider and Others, (br) The Alchemist February 1940 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- * The Satanists, (ar) The Alchemist Summer 1940
- * The Something Hunt, A Sherlockian Portfolio of 10 Prints, (pi) The Armchair Detective January 1968
- * Star Spawn, (il) The Alchemist December 1940
- * The Synthetic Men of Mars, (br) The Alchemist March 1940 [Ref. Edgar Rice Burroughs]
- * Tree Devil, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories November 1936
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Alchemist Dec 1940, Win 1947
- * [front cover], (cv) The Alchemist Feb, Mar 1940, Aut 1946, Win 1947
- * [front cover], (cv) The Science Fiction Fan Feb, Jun 1940, Apr 15 1941
- * [front cover], (cv) The Gorgon Mar, May, Jul, Nov 1947, Jan, Mar/Apr, v2 #2, v2 #3, v2 #4 1948
- * [front cover], (cv) New Frontiers December 1959
- * [front cover], (cv) OAK Leaves #12, 1979
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Starlight Spring 1941
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Uncanny Tales (Canada) Aug, Oct 1941
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Fantasy Advertiser December 1948
- * [illustration(s)], (il) E-GO Collectors Series #3, 1976
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Alchemist March 1940
- * [letter] (with Lewis B. Martin & Olon F. Wiggins), (lt) Astounding Science-Fiction June 1941
- * [letter from Colorado], (lt) Famous Fantastic Mysteries Oct 1941, Aug 1942
- * [letter from Colorado] (with Lewis B. Martin & Olon F. Wiggins), (lt) Famous Fantastic Mysteries August 1941
- * [letter from Denver, CO] (with Charles Ford Hansen & Lewis B. Martin), (lt) Weird Tales March 1941
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
[]Hunt, Ruth (fl. 1920s-1930s) (chron.)
- * The Circulating Clock, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion June 1922
- * Find the Lady, (ss) The Grand Magazine April 1923
- * The Frantic Four, (ss) The Grand Magazine May 1923
- * A Juggle for Life, (ss) Tit-Bits #2837, March 14 1936
- * Lucky Cumsie Jones, (ss)
- * One and Only Herbert Whitefield, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion February 1924
- * A Papa’s Boy, (vi)
- * Simple Old Jim, (vi)
- * The Versatile Parrot Joshua, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion September 1923
- * Via Ditto the Cat, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion September 1922
[]Hunt, Samantha (1971- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Beast, (ss) Tin House Fall 2007
- * A B Plan, (ss) Hobart #5, Summer 2005
- * Go, Team, (ss) The Atlantic March 2020
- * Love Machine, (ss) This Is Not Chick Lit ed. Elizabeth Merrick, Random House, 2006
- * A Love Story, (ss) The New Yorker May 22 2017
- * Museum of the Natural Future, (ss) Seed Magazine #10, Summer 2004
- * The Removers, (ss) Tin House Fall 2015
- * Three Days, (ss) The New Yorker January 16 2006
- * The Yellow, (ss) The New Yorker November 29 2010
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Hobart #5, Summer 2005
[]Hunt, Samuel Syrus (1873-1953); used pseudonym Bernard Moore (chron.)
- * Back Along, (pm) To-Day March 1920, as by Bernard Moore
- * Cap’n John, (pm) T.P.’s Magazine March 1912, as by Bernard Moore
- * Cherry Time, (pm) The Grand Magazine June 1915, as by Bernard Moore
- * A Cornish Seining Song, (pm) T.P.’s Magazine January 1912, as by Bernard Moore
- * The Cut o’ the Jib, (pm) The Royal Magazine July 1917, as by Bernard Moore
- * Dicky, (pm) The Grand Magazine February 1913, as by Bernard Moore
- * Down the Lane, (pm) The Royal Magazine January 1918, as by Bernard Moore
- * Flotsam, (pm) The Royal Magazine November 1915, as by Bernard Moore
- * Flowers, (pm) The Royal Magazine February 1916, as by Bernard Moore
- * For Song Unsung, (pm) The Windsor Magazine October 1920, as by Bernard Moore
- * “How Be’ee, Me Deear?”, (pm) T.P.’s Magazine November 1911, as by Bernard Moore
- * “I Mind Me”, (pm) T.P.’s Magazine June 1912, as by Bernard Moore
- * In the Bay, (pm) Fry’s: The Man’s Magazine December 1911, as by Bernard Moore
- * In the Kittereen, (pm) The Grand Magazine May 1912, as by Bernard Moore
- * The Little White Rose, (pm) The Royal Magazine August 1917, as by Bernard Moore
- * The Looks of Him, (pm) The Royal Magazine February 1918, as by Bernard Moore
- * Louder Than Words, (pm) The Royal Magazine May 1917, as by Bernard Moore
- * Maids, (pm) The Pall Mall Magazine March 1913, as by Bernard Moore
- * A Parting Song, (pm) The Windsor Magazine December 1917, as by Bernard Moore
- * Remembered Roses, (pm) The Windsor Magazine June 1917, as by Bernard Moore
- * Roses and Rue, (pm) T.P.’s Magazine July 1912, as by Bernard Moore
- * Shipshape, (pm) The Royal Magazine October 1915, as by Bernard Moore
- * Smooth Sailin’, (pm) The Royal Magazine December 1917, as by Bernard Moore
- * Sorrow’s Courage, (pm) The Windsor Magazine January 1913, as by Bernard Moore
- * Time, the Packman, (pm) The Windsor Magazine September 1918, as by Bernard Moore
- * Ways an’ Means, (pm) The Royal Magazine July 1915, as by Bernard Moore
- * “Well, There ’Tis”—The Cornish Kismet, (pm) T.P.’s Magazine June 1911, as by Bernard Moore
- * A Whisht Job, (pm) The Royal Magazine May 1915, as by Bernard Moore
[]Hunt, Sharon (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Digging Through Fog, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine November/December 2021
- * The Disappearing Man, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine November/December 2021
- * The Keepers of All Sins, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine November/December 2018
- * Old Dogs, (ss) Mystery Tribune #22/23, Winter 2025
- * An Ordinary Murder, (ss) Mystery Tribune #21, Winter 2024
- * Promises to Keep, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September/October 2018
- * Silent Night, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine January/February 2020
- * A Stranger in the House, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine September/October 2022
- * The Things We Do for Love, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July/August 2017
- * The Water Was Rising, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 2015
[]Hunt, Stan(ley Richard) (1929-2006) (about) (chron.)
- * Driver, (ar) Collier’s October 29 1954
- * Mail Call, (??) Collier’s May 2 1953
- * Man vs. Waiter-Waiter vs. Man, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 22 1947
- * The Pep Talk, (??) Collier’s November 5 1949
- * Sunday Afternoon—Cartoons,, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 11 1947
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Saturday Evening Post May 10 1947
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct) The American Magazine Nov 1948, Aug, Sep 1951, Jul 1955
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct) Collier’s December 29 1951
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct) This Week March 18 1956
[]Hunt, Stephen (1966- ) (chron.)
- * The Broadsword Interview: Weis and Hickman: Dragon on for a bit longer, (iv) Broadsword #3, Summer 1996 [Ref. Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman]
- * The Court of the Air, (ex) 2007
- * The Hollow Duellists, (ss) ProtoStellar #1, 1991
- * Mary C., (ss) Expanse #3, 1994
- * The Ruffler & The Highwayman, (ss) Broadsword #2, Winter 1995/1996
- * The Strange Intervention of Sir WWW, (ss) ProtoStellar #2, 1991
- * [letter], (lt) Interzone #84 Jun 1994, #120 Jun 1997
_____, [ref.]
[]Hunt, Thornton L(eigh) (1810-1873) (about) (chron.)
- * The Convict Out in the World, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine August 1861, uncredited.
- * The English Convict System, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine June 1861, uncredited.
- * The Irish Convict System: Why It Has Succeeded, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine April 1861, uncredited.
- * A Man of Letters of the Last Generation, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine January 1860, uncredited.
- * Surname and Arms, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine July 1862, uncredited.
[]Hunt, Todd Austin (fl. 2000s-2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * The Benefits of Public Transportation, (ss) Fantastical Visions IV ed. W. H. Horner, Fantasist Enterprises, 2009
- * Dirge in Alaska with an Organic Violin, (vi) Bards and Sages Quarterly July 2011
- * He Said Something, (ss) Morpheus Tales #1, 2008
- * In a Community of Women, (vi) Bards and Sages Quarterly January 2010
- * The Little Girl Who Cried in the Back Room, (ss) Space and Time #119, Summer/Fall 2013
- * Thinking of Diane, (ss) Lullaby Hearse #5, 2004
[]Hunt, (Isobel) Violet (1862-1942) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * The Barometer, (ss) Tales of the Uneasy, Heinemann, 1911
- Tales of Mystery ed. Ernest Rhys & C. A. Dawson-Scott, Hutchinson, 1927
- 26 Mystery Stories Old and New by Twenty and Six Authors ed. Ernest Rhys & C. A. Dawson-Scott, Appleton, 1927
- Medley Macabre ed. Bryan A. Netherwood, Hammond, Hammond and Company, 1966
- Tales of the Uneasy (var. 1), Ash-Tree Press, 2004
- Great Horror Stories: 101 Chilling Tales ed. Stefan Dziemianowicz, Fall River Press, 2016
- * The Benefit of the Doubt, (pl) The English Illustrated Magazine November 1894
- * Blue Bonnet, (nv) Tales of the Uneasy, Heinemann, 1911
- * The Cigarette Case of the Commander, (na) More Tales of the Uneasy, Heinemann, 1925
- * The Coach, (ss) The English Review March 1909
- Tales of the Uneasy, Heinemann, 1911
- Rod Serling’s Devils and Demons ed. Rod Serling, Bantam, 1967
- Open at Your Own Risk ed. Joan Kahn, Houghton Mifflin, 1975
- Ghostly Gentlewomen ed. Seon Manley & Gogo Lewis, Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1977
- Tales of the Uneasy (var. 1), Ash-Tree Press, 2004
- The Century’s Best Horror Fiction, Volume One: 1901-1950 ed. John Pelan, CD Publications, 2012
- * The Corsican Sisters, (na) More Tales of the Uneasy, Heinemann, 1925
- Great Short Stories of Detection, Mystery, and Horror Vol. 1 ed. Dorothy L. Sayers, Gollancz, 1928
- The Omnibus of Crime ed. Dorothy L. Sayers, Payson & Clarke, 1929
- Great Short Stories of Detection, Mystery, and Horror: Part II, Mystery and Horror ed. Dorothy L. Sayers, Gollancz, 1939
- Human and Inhuman Stories ed. Dorothy L. Sayers, McFadden, 1963
- More Tales of the Uneasy, Ash-Tree Press, 2005
- * A Counsel of Imperfection, (ss) Chapman’s Magazine May 1896
- * The Daughter of the House, (ss) Chapman’s Magazine March 1896
- * The Death of the Shameful Knight, (pm) Longman’s Magazine July 1883
- * The Encore, (ss) The English Illustrated Magazine April 1895
- * His Widows, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine August 1899
- * The Human Interest, (sl) Crampton’s Magazine Nov, Dec 1898, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1899
- * An Impossible Situation, (ss) Chapman’s Magazine May 1898
- * An Invitation, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly April 1880
- * “The Light That Never Was”, (ss) Phil May’s Annual #5, Winter 1895
- * A Little Aversion, (ss) The Lady’s Realm March 1898
- * Love Lies Bleeding, (??) The Century Magazine September 1882
- * Lovers in London, (??) The Century Magazine February 1893
- * Love’s Last Leave, (na) More Tales of the Uneasy, Heinemann, 1925
- * The Memoir, (ss) Tales of the Uneasy, Heinemann, 1911
- * A Minx, (ss) Chapman’s Magazine September 1896
- * More Tales of the Uneasy, (co) William Heinemann, 1925
- Ash-Tree Press, June 2005
- * My Lady, (pm) The Belgravia Annual Summer 1880
- * My Pet Aversions, (ms) John o’ London’s Weekly October 7 1922
- * The Night of No Weather, (na) More Tales of the Uneasy, Heinemann, 1925
- * The Operation, (nv) Tales of the Uneasy, Heinemann, 1911
- * The Prayer, (nv) Chapman’s Magazine December 1895, as "The Story of a Ghost"
- Tales of the Uneasy, Heinemann, 1911
- Second Omnibus of Crime ed. Dorothy L. Sayers, Coward-McCann, 1932
- The Virago Book of Victorian Ghost Stories ed. Richard Dalby, Virago, 1988
- Foundations of Fear ed. David G. Hartwell, Tor, 1992
- Worlds of Fear ed. David G. Hartwell, Tor, 1994
- Tales of the Uneasy (var. 1), Ash-Tree Press, 2004
- The Best Crime Stories Ever Told ed. Dorothy L. Sayers, Skyhorse Publishing, 2012
- The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 23 ed. Alastair Gunn, Wimbourne Books, 2023
- * Preface, (pr) More Tales of the Uneasy, Heinemann, 1925
- * The Pros and the Cons, (ss) Chapman’s Magazine October 1896
- * The Story of a Ghost, (nv) Chapman’s Magazine December 1895
- Tales of the Uneasy, Heinemann, 1911, as "The Prayer"
- Second Omnibus of Crime ed. Dorothy L. Sayers, Coward-McCann, 1932, as "The Prayer"
- Ghostly by Gaslight ed. Sam Moskowitz & Alden H. Norton, Pyramid, 1971
- The Virago Book of Victorian Ghost Stories ed. Richard Dalby, Virago, 1988, as "The Prayer"
- Foundations of Fear ed. David G. Hartwell, Tor, 1992, as "The Prayer"
- Worlds of Fear ed. David G. Hartwell, Tor, 1994, as "The Prayer"
- Tales of the Uneasy (var. 1), Ash-Tree Press, 2004, as "The Prayer"
- The Best Crime Stories Ever Told ed. Dorothy L. Sayers, Skyhorse Publishing, 2012, as "The Prayer"
- The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 23 ed. Alastair Gunn, Wimbourne Books, 2023, as "The Prayer"
- * Tales of the Uneasy, (co) William Heinemann, 1911
- * Tales of the Uneasy (var. 1), (co) Ash-Tree Press, February 2004 ; edited by John C. Pelan
- * The Telegram, (nv) Tales of the Uneasy, Heinemann, 1911
- * The Tenth Wave, (pl) The English Illustrated Magazine September 1894
- * The Tiger-Skin, (na) Tales of the Uneasy, Heinemann, 1911
- * The Tiger-Skin, (na) Heinemann, 1924
- * Unkist, Unkind!, (sl) Chapman’s Magazine Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct 1897
- * Waking Dreams, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine September 1896
- * “Which Is the Happiest Period in a Woman’s Life?”, (sy) The Lady’s Realm August 1901
- * The Witness, (ss) The Fortnightly Review 1910
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