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Hughes, Rhys H. (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * King of the Liars, (vi) Rhysop’s Fables, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * The Kink of Human Mildness, (ss) Murder Ballads ed. Mark Beech, Egaeus Press, 2017
- * Kinky Hair, (pm) Bunny Queue and Others, Impspired, 2021
- * The Kissable Climes, (ss) Less Lonely Planet, Humdrumming, 2008
- * Kissing Frogs, (pm) Bunny Queue and Others, Impspired, 2021
- * The Knees, (ss) Better the Devil, Ghostwriter Publications, 2010
- * The Knees of Kionga, (nv) The Million Word Storybook: Female Edition, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2015
- * Knight on a Bear Mountain [Thornton Excelsior], (ss) Nowhere Near Milkwood, Prime Books, 2002
- * A Knob, (pm) Bunny Queue and Others, Impspired, 2021
- * Knobheads and Dipsticks [Fanny Fables], (vi) The Fanny Fables, The Penny Dreadful Company, 2009
- * Knossos in Its Glory [The Albarracín Tales], (ss) Sangria in the Sangraal, Ex Occidente Press, 2011
- * The Kooky Diplodocus, (pm) Bunny Queue and Others, Impspired, 2021
- * Lady, Tiger and Protozoon, (ss) Tellmenow Isitsöornot, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * The Lake of Flavours, (ss) Tellmenow Isitsöornot, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * Lament, (pm) Bunny Queue and Others, Impspired, 2021
- * Lamplight Lulu, (pm) Corybantic Fulgours, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2020
- * Landing, (ss) Tellmenow Isitsöornot, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * The Landscape Player, (vi) The New Universal History of Infamy, Ministry of Whimsy, 2004
- * The Landslide, (vi) Better the Devil, Ghostwriter Publications, 2010
- * A Languid Elagabalus of the Tombs, (nv) Stories from a Lost Anthology, Tartarus Press, 2002
- * Lanolin Brows, (ss) The Smell of Telescopes, Tartarus Press, 2000
- * Last Chance, (ss) The Million Word Storybook: Female Edition, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2015
- * Last Drink Bird Head, (ss) Last Drink Bird Head ed. Ann & Jeff VanderMeer, Ministry of Whimsy, 2009
- * Latitude, Longitude and Plenitude [The Albarracín Tales], (ss) Sangria in the Sangraal, Ex Occidente Press, 2011
- * The Laughing Policeman in the Foreign Legion, (ss) Psychotrope #8, April 2000
- * Learning to Fall, (ss) Nowhere Near Milkwood, Prime Books, 2002
- * Learning to Fly, (vi) Nowhere Near Milkwood, Prime Books, 2002
- * The Ledge Nymphs, (ss) Facets of Faraway (var. 1), Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2020
- * Left on the Shelf, (ss) The Million Word Storybook: Female Edition, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2015
- * Lemon Jelly Hospital, (vi) Rhysop’s Return, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * A Length of Rope, (ss) Black Tears #6, 1994
- * Less Is More, (ss) Stories from a Lost Anthology, Tartarus Press, 2002
- * Less Lonely Planet, (oc) Humdrumming, May 2008
- * Letters from My Windmill, (ss) The Early Bird Catches the Worm but the Wise Worm Stays in Bed, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2018
- * The Leveller of Neptune, (ss) The Just Not So Stories, theExaggeratedPress, 2013
- * Lewdness, (pm) Bunny Queue and Others, Impspired, 2021
- * The Librarian, (vi) Rhysop’s Fables, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * Life and the Plumbline, (ss) The New Universal History of Infamy, Ministry of Whimsy, 2004
- * Life Sentence, (ss) Postscripts #14, Spring 2008
- * The Lighthouse Keeper, (pm) Bunny Queue and Others, Impspired, 2021
- * A Linear Adventure, (vi) Rhysop’s Fables, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * Link Arms with Toads!, (oc) Ch^o^mu Press, May 2011
- * The Lip Service, (ss) The Postmodern Mariner, Screaming Dreams, 2008
- * The Little Bridge Over the River, (ss) The Early Bird Catches the Worm but the Wise Worm Stays in Bed, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2018
- * The Lives and Spacetimes of Thornton Excelsior, (gp) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #38, Autumn 2011
- * Loafing Around, (ss) Better the Devil, Ghostwriter Publications, 2010
- * The Lock of Love [Thornton Excelsior], (ss) The Lunar Tickle, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2014
- * The Locksmith, (ss) Better the Devil: Revised Edition, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2013
- * The Lollipop God Is Dead, (ss) Here & Now #4, Autumn 2004
- Plutonian Parodies, The Penny Dreadful Company, 2009
- Better the Devil, Ghostwriter Publications, 2010
- Better the Devil: Revised Edition, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2013
- The Million Word Storybook: Female Edition, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2015
- The Million Word Storybook: Male Edition, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2015
- Cthulhu Wants You, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2021
- * Loneliness, (ss) Link Arms with Toads!, Chômu Press, 2011
- * The Lonely Cricketer, (pm) Bunny Queue and Others, Impspired, 2021
- * The Longest Name [Thornton Excelsior], (ss) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #40, Spring 2012
- * The Long Ward, (ss) Arms Against a Sea (and Other Troubles), Raphus Press, 2019
- * Looking Up, (vi) Rhysop’s Fables, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * Loop, (vi) Psychotrope #4, June 1996
- * Lord of Socks, (pm) In Praise of Ridicule, D-Press, 2003
- * Los Meerkats de Mayo, (il) Ironic Fantastic #3 ed. Paulo Brito, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2014
- * The Lost Fable, (vi) Rhysop’s Fables, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * A Lot of Bottle, (vi) Rhysop’s Fables, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * A Lot on His Platypus, (vi) Rhysop’s Return, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * Love at First Sight, (pm) Bunny Queue and Others, Impspired, 2021
- * Love Keys, (ss) Flash in the Pantheon (var. 1), Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2014
- * The Lover and the Grave, (ss) All Hallows #17, February 1998
- * Lovespoons in Peril [The Mermaid Variations], (ss) Mermaid Variations, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012; first published in Portuguese (“Colheres de amor em perigo”, A Sereia de Curitiba by Rhys Hughes, Livros de Areia, 2007).
- * The Lucky Black Cat, (vi) Rhysop’s Fables, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * Lucy [Dr. Frazer & Dr. Vaughan], (ss) Black Tears #7, 1995
- * Lump in the Throat, (vi) Rhysop’s Fables, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * Lunarhampton, (ss) The Third Alternative #12, 1997
- * Lunar Love Cats, (pm) More Than a Feline, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2013
- * The Lunar Tickle, (co) Gloomy Seahorse Press, May 2014
- * The Lunar Tritons [The Mermaid Variations], (ss) Mermaid Variations, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012; first published in Portuguese (“Os tritões lunares”, A Sereia de Curitiba by Rhys Hughes, Livros de Areia, 2007).
- * Lunette, (vi) Black Tears #9, 1995
- * The Lute and the Lamp [Don Entrerrosca], (ss) Stories from a Lost Anthology, Tartarus Press, 2002
- * The Lynchpin, (ss) Arms Against a Sea (and Other Troubles), Raphus Press, 2019
- * Lyndon: God, (ss) The Just Not So Stories, theExaggeratedPress, 2013
- * The Macroscopic Teapot, (ss) Stories from a Lost Anthology, Tartarus Press, 2002
- * The Maddest King: Henry Christophe [Infamy], (ss) The New Universal History of Infamy, Ministry of Whimsy, 2004
- * Mad March Stylist [Thornton Excelsior], (vi) Flash in the Pantheon, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * Madonna Park, (co) The Penny Dreadful Company, October 2009
- * Madonna Park, (vi) The Zone #4, Summer 1996
- At the Molehills of Madness, Pendragon Press, 2006
- Madonna Park, The Penny Dreadful Company, 2009
- Better the Devil, Ghostwriter Publications, 2010
- Better the Devil: Revised Edition, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2013
- The Million Word Storybook: Female Edition, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2015
- The Million Word Storybook: Male Edition, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2015
- * The Magical Eye, (vi) Rhysop’s Return, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * The Magic Gone [The Albarracín Tales], (ss) Sangria in the Sangraal, Ex Occidente Press, 2011
- * The Magic Kitten, (ss) More Than a Feline, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2013
- * The Magic Lamp, (ss) Tellmenow Isitsöornot, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * Magic Realism, (ar) Ironic Fantastic #3 ed. Paulo Brito, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2014
- * Mah Jong Breath, (ss) Nasty Piece of Work #14, January 2000
- * Making a Feline, (ss) Tellmenow Isitsöornot, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * Making a Request, (vi) Flash in the Pantheon, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * The Manticore, (vi) The Dream Zone #4, October 1999
- * The Man Toucan [The Albarracín Tales], (ss) Sangria in the Sangraal, Ex Occidente Press, 2011
- * The Man Who Gargled with Gargoyle Juice [Little People Inc.], (vi) Less Lonely Planet, Humdrumming, 2008
- Flash in the Pantheon, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- Facets of Faraway, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- Tallest Stories, Eibonvale Press, 2013
- Flash in the Pantheon (var. 1), Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2014
- The Million Word Storybook: Female Edition, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2015
- The Million Word Storybook: Male Edition, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2015
- Facets of Faraway (var. 1), Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2020
- * The Man Who Mistook His Wife’s Hat for the Mad Hatter’s Wife, (ss) Worming the Harpy and Other Bitter Pills, Tartarus Press, 1995
- * The Man Who Threw His Voice, (ss) Xenos #26, August 1994
- * Many a Slipper, (vi) Rhysop’s Return, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * The Mark of Cain, the Jeremy of Abel, (ss) The Just Not So Stories, theExaggeratedPress, 2013
- * The Marsh Callow, (ss) Stories from a Lost Anthology, Tartarus Press, 2002
- * The Martian Coracles, (vi) Rhysop’s Fables, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * The Martian Monocles, (ss) Wamack: A Journal of the Arts July 21 2009
- * A Massive Hand, (pm) Bunny Queue and Others, Impspired, 2021
- * The Masterpiece, (ss) Tellmenow Isitsöornot, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * Mastitus Groan, (ss) Psychotrope #7, April 1999
- * The Matchmaker, (ss) Tellmenow Isitsöornot, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * Mate in Pi, (ss) The Just Not So Stories, theExaggeratedPress, 2013
- * Maximum Efficiency, (ss) Arms Against a Sea (and Other Troubles), Raphus Press, 2019
- * The Maze [Thornton Excelsior], (vi) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #38, Autumn 2011
- * The Melancholy Robot, (pm) Corybantic Fulgours, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2020
- * The Melody Tree [Hogwash & Bum Note], (ss) Facets of Faraway, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * The Melon Seller, (vi) Ironic Fantastic #3 ed. Paulo Brito, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2014
- * The Meltwater Republic, (ss) The Million Word Storybook: Female Edition, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2015
- * Me Marzipan, You Janus, (vi) Rhysop’s Return, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * The Memory Fumes [Sampietro Mischief], (ss) The Million Word Storybook: Female Edition, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2015
- * The Memory Palace, (ss) Thirty Tributes to Calvino, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2015
- * Menace in Venice, (ss) The Book of Extraordinary Impossible Crimes and Puzzling Deaths ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Mango Publishing Group, 2020
- * The Mermaid of Curitiba [The Mermaid Variations], (ss) Postscripts #6, Spring 2006
- * The Mermaid Variations [The Mermaid Variations], (oc) Gloomy Seahorse Press, February 2012
- * A Message of Support, (pm) Bunny Queue and Others, Impspired, 2021
- * Message to Rosa, (ss) The Million Word Storybook: Female Edition, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2015
- * Message to Rosita, (ss) The Just Not So Stories, theExaggeratedPress, 2013
- * The Messiah of the Mannequins, (ss) This Hermetic Legislature ed. D. T. Ghetu, Ex Occidente Press, 2012
- * Metafiction, (ss) Flash in the Pantheon (var. 1), Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2014
- * The Metaphorical Marriage, (vi) Utter Entropy ed. Alex Bardy, Alex Bardy, 1997
- * Metropolis, (vi) Rhysop’s Fables, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * The Mice Will Play, (ss) Less Lonely Planet, Humdrumming, 2008
- * The Midair Meeting, (vi) Rhysop’s Fables, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
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