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Hughes, Rhys H. (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Facets of Faraway, (oc) Gloomy Seahorse Press, January 2012
- * Facets of Faraway (var. 1), (co) Gloomy Seahorse Press, January 2020
- * Fairy Dusk [Little People Inc.], (ss) Better the Devil, Ghostwriter Publications, 2010
- Better the Devil: Revised Edition, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2013
- Flash in the Pantheon (var. 1), Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2014
- The Million Word Storybook: Female Edition, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2015
- The Million Word Storybook: Male Edition, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2015
- Facets of Faraway (var. 1), Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2020
- * Fake Wisdom, (pm) Bunny Queue and Others, Impspired, 2021
- * The Falling Lover, (vi) Better the Devil, Ghostwriter Publications, 2010
- * A Falling Star, (ss) Grotesque #5, 1994
- * Fallow, (ss) All Hallows #10, October 1995
- * False Dawn of Parrots, (ss) Postscripts #7, Summer 2006
- * A Family Resemblance, (vi) Black Tears #8, 1995
- * The Famous Alexander, (vi) Rhysop’s Fables, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * The Fangs of the Underworld, (ss) Crepuscularks and Phantomimes, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2020
- * Fanny, (gp)
- * The Fanny Fables, (co) Penny Dreadful Company, October 2009
- * The Fanny Fables, (oc) The Penny Dreadful Company, October 2009
- * Fanny Is Famished [Fanny Fables], (vi) The Fanny Fables, The Penny Dreadful Company, 2009
- * Fanny of the Apes [Fanny Fables], (vi) The Fanny Fables, The Penny Dreadful Company, 2009
- * Fanny of the Opera [Fanny Fables], (vi) The Fanny Fables, The Penny Dreadful Company, 2009
- * Fat Cat Fable, (ss) More Than a Feline, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2013
- * The Faust Business [Dr. Frazer & Dr. Vaughan], (ss) Romance with Capsicum, Wyrd Press, 1995
- * Feeling Blue, (vi) Rhysop’s Fables, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * Feet of Sciron [Hellboy], (ss) Hellboy: Oddest Jobs ed. Christopher Golden, Dark Horse, 2008
- * Fifty Cups of Lady Grey, (ss) More Than a Feline, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2013
- * Fighting Back, (ss) Dadaoism ed. Quentin S. Crisp & Justin Isis, Chômu Press, 2012
- * The Figure of Speech, (ss) Flash in the Pantheon (var. 1), Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2014
- * Film Festival, (pm) Bunny Queue and Others, Impspired, 2021
- * Final Demand, (ss) Postscripts #14, Spring 2008
- * Finding the Book of Sand, (ss) The New Universal History of Infamy, Ministry of Whimsy, 2004
- * The Fire Jump, (vi) Better the Devil, Ghostwriter Publications, 2010
- * The Flabberlaboob Cube, (pm) Corybantic Fulgours, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2020
- * Flags, (pm) Bunny Queue and Others, Impspired, 2021
- * Flamingo Syndrome, (vi) Rhysop’s Return, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * Flash in the Pantheon, (oc) Gloomy Seahorse Press, October 2011
- * Flash in the Pantheon, (vi) Flash in the Pantheon, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * Flash in the Pantheon (var. 1), (oc) Gloomy Seahorse Press, February 2014
- * Flecks from the Isle of Chrome, (gp) Postscripts #14, Spring 2008
- * The Flesh Stocking, (ss) The Brothel Creeper, Gray Friar Press, 2011
- * Flicking a Fleck of Freckled Flapper [Fanny Fables], (vi) Better the Devil, Ghostwriter Publications, 2010
- * Flintlock Jaw [Robin Darktree], (ss) Worming the Harpy and Other Bitter Pills, Tartarus Press, 1995
- * Floodtide, (vi) Flash in the Pantheon, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * The Floppiness of Mucky Puppet, (ss) The Million Word Storybook: Female Edition, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2015
- * Florian Flowermouth, (pm) Corybantic Fulgours, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2020
- * The Fluffiheadophus, (vi) Flash in the Pantheon, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * The Flying Fish, (vi) Rhysop’s Fables, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * Flying Saucer Harmonies [Castor Jenkins], (ss) The Truth Spinner, Wildside Press, 2012
- * The Folded Page, (ss) Serendipity (online) September 2007
- * The Forever Forest, (ss) The Company He Keeps ed. Peter Crowther & Nick Gevers, PS Publishing, 2010
- * The Forever Man, (ss) The Million Word Storybook: Female Edition, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2015
- * Foreword, (fw) Less Lonely Planet, Humdrumming, 2008
- * Foreword, (fw) Sangria in the Sangraal, Ex Occidente Press, 2011
- * Foreword, (fw) Rhysop’s Fables, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * Foreword, (fw) Rhysop’s Return, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * Foreword, (fw) More Than a Feline, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2013
- * Foreword, (fw) The Million Word Storybook: Female Edition, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2015
- * Foreword, (fw) The Million Word Storybook: Male Edition, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2015
- * Foreword, (fw) The Early Bird Catches the Worm but the Wise Worm Stays in Bed, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2018
- * Forgetfulness, (pm) Bunny Queue and Others, Impspired, 2021
- * Forked Tongue Tommy, (pm) Corybantic Fulgours, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2020
- * Forkman Spoon, (pm) Corybantic Fulgours, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2020
- * Forms of Transport, (vi) Rhysop’s Return, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * Fossils [Thornton Excelsior], (vi) The Lunar Tickle, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2014
- * The Fountain Pen, (vi) Rhysop’s Fables, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * The 4-D Mind, (vi) Better the Devil, Ghostwriter Publications, 2010
- * Fox in Socks, (vi) Rhysop’s Return, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * Free Range Eggs, (pm) Bunny Queue and Others, Impspired, 2021
- * The Free Spirit, (vi) Flash in the Pantheon, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * A Free Verse, (pm) Bunny Queue and Others, Impspired, 2021
- * The French Lieutenant’s Gurning, (ss) Occult Detective Quarterly #4, Spring 2018
- * Friends, (ss) Tellmenow Isitsöornot, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * Frost Monsters, (pm) Bunny Queue and Others, Impspired, 2021
- * The Fruity Alcoholic Beverage, (vi) Rhysop’s Return, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * Funny Bones, (ss) Flash in the Pantheon (var. 1), Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2014
- * The Furious Walnuts, (ss) Nowhere Near Milkwood, Prime Books, 2002
- * The Furry Godmother [Fanny Fables], (vi) The Fanny Fables, The Penny Dreadful Company, 2009
- * The Fury Machine, (ss) Xenos #17, February 1993
- * The Gala of Implausible Songs, (ss) Postscripts #17, Winter 2008
- * Galaxy Whispers, (ss) The Million Word Storybook: Male Edition, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2015
- * The Game Show, (vi) Rhysop’s Return, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * The Garden Hoppers, (ss) The Million Word Storybook: Female Edition, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2015
- * The Gargoyles of Black Wood, (ss) Orpheus on the Underground and Other Stories, Tartarus Press, 2015
- * Gaspar Jangle’s Séance, (ss) Tallest Stories, Eibonvale Press, 2013
- * The Gates of Corn and Toffee [Thornton Excelsior], (ss) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #40, Spring 2012
- * Gathering the Genial Genies, (ss) Morpheus Tales #25, January 2015
- * Gauntlet of Gorgons, (ss) Fantastic Metropolis October 29 2001
- * The Generous Breasts, (vi) Rhysop’s Fables, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * Geronimo, (ss) Flash in the Pantheon (var. 1), Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2014
- * Get a Room, (ss) Flash in the Pantheon (var. 1), Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2014
- * Get Your Insults Right!, (vi) Rhysop’s Fables, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * The Ghastly Club Foot [Clumsy Carnacki], (ss) The Ghost Loser, Gibbon Moon Books, 2022
- * Ghost Holiday [The Tall Story], (ss) Nowhere Near Milkwood, Prime Books, 2002
- * Ghost in the Machine, (vi) Rhysop’s Fables, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * The Ghost Loser, (oc) Gibbon Moon Books, February 2022
- * The Ghostwritten Autobiography of a Disembodied Spirit, (ss) Orpheus on the Underground and Other Stories, Tartarus Press, 2015
- * The Giant Walking Skeleton, (vi) Rhysop’s Fables, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * The Gibbon in the Garret, (ss) The Brothel Creeper, Gray Friar Press, 2011
- * The Gibbon in the Garrett, (ss) At the Molehills of Madness, Pendragon Press, 2006
- * Giddy Up, (ss) Thirty Tributes to Calvino, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2015
- * A Girl Like a Doric Column, (vi) Cold Print #2, 1998
- * Glad Not to Have, (pm) Bunny Queue and Others, Impspired, 2021
- * A Glass of Wine, (vi) Rhysop’s Return, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * The Glossolalia of Hideo Frigg, (ss) Tellmenow Isitsöornot, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * The Glove, (vi) Rhysop’s Fables, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * The Goat That Gloated, (ss) Mirrors in the Deluge by Rhys Hughes, Elsewhen Press, 2015
- * Goblin Sunrise [Little People Inc.], (vi) Silver Wolf #2, 1994
- Nowhere Near Milkwood, Prime Books, 2002
- Less Lonely Planet, Humdrumming, 2008
- Flash in the Pantheon, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- Facets of Faraway, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- Tallest Stories, Eibonvale Press, 2013
- Flash in the Pantheon (var. 1), Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2014
- Facets of Faraway (var. 1), Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2020
- * God in a Basement Flat, (ss) The Third Alternative #15, 1998
- * Goetic Looking Glass, (pm) Rhysop’s Return, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * The Golden Fleas, (ss) Tallest Stories, Eibonvale Press, 2013
- * Gone with the Wind in the Willows, (vi) Sierra Heaven #2, Summer 1996
- * The Good News Grimoire, (nv) Worming the Harpy and Other Bitter Pills, Tartarus Press, 1995
- * Good Old-Fashioned Things, (pm) Bunny Queue and Others, Impspired, 2021
- * The Googol Seasons, (vi) Better the Devil, Ghostwriter Publications, 2010
- * Goose Writing Advice, (vi) Rhysop’s Fables, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * The Go Players, (ss) Reports from the Deep End ed. Maxim Jakubowski & Rick McGrath, Titan, 2023
- * Gorgon but Not Forgotten, (ss) Flash in the Pantheon (var. 1), Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2014
- * A Gorgon Reversed, (ss) Shoreline of Infinity #32, Autumn 2022
- * Go West, Young Ripper, (vi) Nasty Piece of Work #1, December 1996
- * Grammar Police, (ss) Flash in the Pantheon (var. 1), Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2014
- * Grandmother Time, (pm) Premonitions #2, Summer 1993
- * The Grave Demeanour [Thornton Excelsior], (vi) Flash in the Pantheon, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * The Great Bicycle Migration, (ss) The Just Not So Stories, theExaggeratedPress, 2013
- * The Great Me, (ss) Orpheus on the Underground and Other Stories, Tartarus Press, 2015
- * Green Soup, (vi) Rhysop’s Fables, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * Grinding the Goblin, (ss) Worming the Harpy and Other Bitter Pills, Tartarus Press, 1995
- * Grumblebelly, (ss) Scattered, Covered, Smothered ed. Jason Erik Lundberg, Two Cranes Press, 2004
- * The Gunfight, (ss) Madonna Park, The Penny Dreadful Company, 2009
- Better the Devil, Ghostwriter Publications, 2010
- Tellmenow Isitsöornot, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- Better the Devil: Revised Edition, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2013
- The Just Not So Stories, theExaggeratedPress, 2013
- The Million Word Storybook: Female Edition, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2015
- The Million Word Storybook: Male Edition, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2015
- * Gut Road, (ss) The World Idiot and Other Absurdlings, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * Hagmouth Town, (ss) Fables of Rhysop, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * The Handyman, (pm) Corybantic Fulgours, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2020
- * Hangfire Bubbler [Castor Jenkins], (ss) The Truth Spinner, Wildside Press, 2012
- * Hannibal, (pm) Bunny Queue and Others, Impspired, 2021
- * Happiness Leasehold, (ss) Bone Idle in the Charnel House, Hippocampus Press, 2014
- * The Hashish Pipe, (vi) Rhysop’s Fables, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * Hathead Hopkins, (pm) Corybantic Fulgours, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2020
- * Hatstands on Zanzibar [Thornton Excelsior], (vi) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #38, Autumn 2011
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